"The FDA has become an arm of industry and no longer puts public safety first." Too true, I have had all I can take on the subject. I finally lost it at the grocery store, looking at a label that said "the FDA says there is no difference between cows treated with Rbst or Rgbh and cows not treated with Rgbh." I just started muttering to myself like a mad woman. I was telling passerby's how crazy the FDA was and they were looking at me like "okay....."

I can't take it anymore. So, I looked up the website you mentioned for One Kilo Club. You can't get to it anymore. You get a 404 this site can't be reached. WOW, big shocker.

Were you there recently? I wanted to look at that poem.

I did direct quotes to find it and couldn't find it. The only other hits were your stack and a site called the Hystersisters which is a forum for women to talk about what they are going through. They called one of their forums the One Kilo Club so that google would point to that page.

I am curious to know if you get any crap from anyone for writing about this. Thanks for this. I had no idea. I mean I have an IDEA. I know WHO we are dealing with. We need to do things I will not mention here, but I am sending you telepathy on how we should deal with THEM.

This is sickening. I have known so many women who have gone through this too. How terrifying, trusting the medical establishment. Don't do it. Need an arm put back together, fine. If you have ongoing problems though, the medical industry is the last place to land.

Run for the hills.

The other hit for the one Kilo club was the Dr. Pelosi medical center. It says in the intro that they started the one kilo club and it lists the onkiloclub.org website but you can't look at it. I wonder why. And I wonder when. Was it available when you quoted that poem? I found a picture of the lion with a list of names next to it, as well. And that's all you can find anymore.

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Thank you for writing about this. I've literally never heard this perspective before. I was coerced into getting an ablation years ago for extremely heavy bleeding. I didn't want to do it. I wasn't the type to do anything like that but I was told that it was totally safe and harmless. Luckily I didn't suffer ill consequences. In the place I am now (with more knowledge and also trusting myself way more), I would never make that kind of decision again. It is so wrong that 'they' continually push these procedures without sharing the potential risks properly. I feel lucky that I dodged the hysterectomy bullet. I was massively pressured into doing that as well, by my doctors, my family and some of my friends.

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Before my full Hysrectomy, a Lap surgery was done to remove Adhesions, they didn't remove the Cyst or Fibroids, What did they do to remove the Adhesions? The Lap surgery was mandatory at the time. PAIN was back in weeks, as was the excessive bleeding at the time of menses, I was already at the near end of my fertility and had my Tubes tied with my 4th child, my 2nd C-Section, done the old way. I didn't want to end up like my mom, with late-in-life miscarriages after miscarriages. The last one she hit she was 5 months, and the baby died. The Catholic hospitals in the area would not allow terminating what would have been a life-threatening Sepsis issue. 5 pints of blood were needed, when I found her bleeding out in the bathroom as a teen—landlines back then, no 911 either. I didn't know what to do, thank God my adult neighbor did.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

I gave up being a GP 20yrs ago to have my three children. I tell people that I learnt two things from being a doctor- first, never be a patient, and second, never take anything new ( like a covid injection for instance)! Everything you’ve detailed in these posts confirms that.

The many symptoms experienced by women after these procedures are exactly the same as menopausal symptoms, only more sudden and severe. Have you looked into HRT in general? In the U.K. it is now fairly standard to be offered body identical oestrogen and progesterone ( if you can find an educated GP who doesn’t think HRT is dangerous because they haven’t understood all the faults with the WHI study) but there is a postcode lottery for getting the third and vital hormone, testosterone. Watch Dr Louise Newson’s YouTube videos on testosterone to see how lack of it can be so debilitating.

It seems that if something is good for you- replacing natural hormones, vitamin D, etc. then the system does not want to let you have it. If something is bad for you -covid injections, statins etc then the system will try and penalise you for not having it.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

Tortures redefined.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

If a kind looking person in a lab coat and glasses wants to viciously attack my vital organs, who am I to protest? I’m far to dumb to assess risk and process information. I’ll just go ahead and do as I am told.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

I’ve had 15 gynecological surgeries in my life ..

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The medical cartel is looking more and more like the Tower of London where novel sadistic practices are performed as a matter of normality. How sick is the whole idea of taking body parts out. It's like the medical "profession" knows nothing of the body, it just seems to lust over torture techniques, the more bizarre the better. It's like they don't even give a thought to a person occupying that body, they're merely an object to be tinkered with like a radio or Tonker Truck.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

These articles on this topic are so useful. I am saving them all.

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Mar 26Liked by Unbekoming

So what options do women have? My daughter has had issues with horrible monthly pain, irregular menstrual cycles, and she is now 32 and hoping she will be able to get pregnant. She is going to go in as the Dr thinks she has endometriosis…what options are there that won’t end up with a hysterectomy in the end?

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This sounds like me... except I never had a hysterectomy. I wonder if hormone changes trigger clinical depression, or it activates EBV somehow, just a thought.

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Mar 29Liked by Unbekoming

Modern medicine compares with ancient torture chambers.

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Endometrial hyperplasia is a precancerous condition, but about 40% of the time, when they do the actual surgery to remove the uterus for this condition, cancer is present. It’s much better in my opinion, especially in a post menopausal woman who is done with childbearing, to do hysterectomy than to “ablate” and potentially cause worse problems or miss a cancer that then progresses to a life-threatening condition.

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Here is a medpage article I had saved on the topic:

Endometrial ablation. Risks. Overprescribed. Hysterectomies often follow and are dangerous too. Some when not appropriate. Perforations, sepsis, labor pains, death.


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