Megan Smith refers to the Rife machine. I thought R R Rife's machine was destroyed in 1935 when the industry crushed that mans creation. I have not watched her videos, but will this day, as it's early and my coffee comes first. IMO, the elephant in the room is and always has been, the vaccines. No vaccines, no disease. I knew immediately that baby formulas were an extension of vaccines. I knew immediately that mammograms were deadly and never had one. I knew immediately that Pap smears were an invitation to all kinds of BS mind manipulation so my last one was 1989. And I knew immediately that covid was a hoax. A laughable pathetic hoax.

That said, I do tip my hat to these geniuses, and I mean genius satanists who can cover every single angle to insert and promote seemingly undetectable, unfathomable pain and injury to an unsuspecting citizenry and walk away unscathed.

Which brings me to Drs. Andrew Moulden and Andreas Noack. These two men were taken out like only the Pharma industry knows how. Makes mafia look like choir boys. Dr Moulden compared children's faces, pre and post injection, to adult faces of stroke patients and his findings blew my head off. The facial damage between these two age groups were identical. He knew exactly at what point in the brain these children were damaged and it's all there for parents to see. But we don't see, do we?

Dr Noack, a world renowned chemist, found that the graphene oxide in the covid vaccines was actually graphene dioxide. He showed under microscope atom sized razor blades in the blood vessels. Whoa!! That gives validation to all those conspiracy theorist doctors talking about myocarditis, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. He was the nail in the coffin. Arrested and gone two days after his last video. IMO, both men were directly over the target.

Then the pasty resistance, as the French will say, was Dr Kary Mullis. The only man capable of taking out Fauci dies of pneumonia in the sunny month of August, two months before Event 201. It is apparent to me that old folks (like me) who previously had very few vaccines, ergo a strong immune system, have cut their lives short by taking flu shots every year. Sick children, patients for life, are scarred forever due to vaccines and the icing on the cake is the poisonous junk food and chemical industries working hand in glove with Pharma to kill/damage us all. With that gone there would be no cancer.

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" I knew immediately that mammograms were deadly and never had one. I knew immediately that Pap smears were an invitation to all kinds of BS mind manipulation so my last one was 1989."

Bingo. Cancer "preventative" tests are only to get you on the torture treadmill of the cancer industrial complex. It's a terrible way to live.

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Good summary! I had forgotten about Dr Moulding and I’ll research Dr Noack.

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Great documentary, I watched in over several days a couple weeks ago and took copious notes!

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Thank you. As a 5 time cancer survivor. Let me share my preliminary thoughts. Anyone who has undergone cancer treatment (successfully or not) or who knows someone who suffering from cancer should make the commitment to view the embedded documentary. Bookmark this! I encourage all to print a copy of this article. The transcript of the interview, which I read, is worth saving as a hard print. It’s convinced me to view the documentary, when I manage to carve out some time. The only part of the article I had problems with were the Gerson Institute and coffee enemas. I knew a young radical vegan with late stage cancer who took subscribed to the Gerson therapy and took the coffee enema yet died 3 months later. She also had a problematic personality which, I suspect, contributed to her being diagnosed so late. So the Gerson institute and the coffee enema is the part I’m not ready to embrace. But I’ll make a point to follow Rochelle Eisenbergers advice anyway.

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I know a couple people with prostate cancer and are undergoing radiation, but I'm hesitant to send this to them because maybe it's too much? What do you think?

Personally, I love coffee enemas (not doing them - lol) and find their benefits worthwhile. I don't agree with the vegan methods of the Gerson therapy, especially for someone who is already vegan. As a former vegetarian and vegan, I can tell you the diet isn't good in the long run. I was not a junk food vegan and took supplements, but I wasn't eating enough good fats and developed all sorts of pain, headaches, stomach aches, and had hormone issues. It took me quite a while to admit I was wrong.

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I was treated for cancer in 2020. It was stage 1, no lymph node involvement and my conventional treatment, 6 weeks of chemoradiation, was considered curative and successful. At the time I also saw a naturopath with oncological training who helped me make some changes and also recommended supplements. My scans and physical examinations continue to be clean (i.e. no evidence of cancer) but last fall there was a slight blip in my CEA (a blood marker for cancer). Doc says this can happen and he has seen it before and it may mean nothing. But I wanted to be proactive in case there were some cancer cells lurking about that my body wasn't dealing with. So I went to a functional medicine practitioner in my area to pursue mistletoe therapy (a type of immune therapy) which I've been doing for 9 weeks now (no side effects other than some reaction at the subcutaneous injection site). She also prescribed diet and lifestyle changes which I will summarize briefly.

Diet: 100 g of protein, <50 g of carbohydrates, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy, no seed oils, focus on organic foods, wild fish, grass fed or pastured meats etc. Start the day with water with a quarter of a lemon and a tbs of apple cider vinegar. The idea of this diet is to lower blood sugar (mine was running a little high although not technically above reference standards for pre-diabetes) and to make my body the least hospitable to cancer as I can. My meals consist of quality proteins (meat, poultry or fish, occasionally an egg), mushrooms, some nuts, and lots of vegetables. The oils I use are olive, coconut or avocado. Occasionally I will use some sesame oil to flavor a stir fry. It was hard at first but now my body is used to it.

Lifestyle: sauna 4x week and exercise (I had already been doing both at the gym I belong to). Sunlight in the am. Stress mgt. techniques (yoga, mediation, etc,).

Supplements: I had already been taking a lot of vitamins and minerals plus curcumin and quercetin. She added omega-3 to the list.

She did extensive labs that we will be monitoring over time. Various markers of inflammation etc. Some of mine were not optimal and if anyone is interested I can update how these changes affect the markers and what they are in the future. But I already know that my fasting glucose and CEA have come down so there is some measurable progress.

Overall her approach is similar to that laid out in the book: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins. I highly recommend this book to anyone with cancer or who just wants to make their body less hospitable to a reoccurrence. But its also good knowledge for anyone about healthy living.

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curcumin is toxic. So are "a lot of vitamins". Check out The Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, on his website and you tube livestreams. He gives research backed guidance on avoiding toxins and correcting deficiencies of a small number of minerals needed to run detox pathways.

Best wishes on your continued recovery.

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“What would I do if” begs the question, why don’t we make those changes now?

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This is just the last part of this sad story. Joey Martin Feek gave birth to her Down's daughter Indiana Boone Feek late in her reproductive life, via a midwife in a water bath naturally. About 6 months later she felt ill and went to her GYN, who ran tests—sent her to the best Oncologist in Tennessee. Surgery, Chemo, she rang the bell. Round 2, repeat of round 1. Round 3, 'we can't do anything else'. Said the Doctor.

She had a simple old-fashioned funeral and is buried on the Feek Homestead. In a plain wooden coffin. Hymns were sung. Bradley Walker sang the final song Leave It There. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7Ve1KC2Xu8. He has his own story to tell.

She grew weaker and weaker, the family moved in with her parents, who were her caregivers. Joey was a devout Christian. She just could not go on. Shortly after Indy turned 2 she died. Joey+Rory - When I’m Gone: http://youtu.be/xcpjSMmWUDw

Joey and Rory Feek: This Grammy-nominated duo’s love story will break your heart this V-Day https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2016/02/13/joey-and-rory-feek-this-grammy-nominated-duos-love-story-will-break-your-heart-this-v-day/

Rory Feek shares thoughts at memorial service for Joey Martin Feek


She even worked on their music album. Amazing Grace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZXxIyjTY1s

This broke my heart. https://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2016/news/160229/rory-feek-01-800.jpg

'She is in Heaven': Terminally-ill singer Joey Feek, 40, dies in her husband's arms six months after terminal cervical cancer diagnosis


I followed the blog daily.

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It was a lot longer, with 2 surgeries, and 2 full rounds of chemo, Indy was about 6 months old, She was 2 months past her 2nd BD when Joey lost the ability to fight the effects of the chemo. Might be 6 months after being told there was no more hope.

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There are so many similarities to the Alzheimer issue. Dale Bredesen has a protocol that has actually reversed the course of alzheimer, which no treatment has otherwise been studied to have this success. The protocol includes many things which would also be the kinds of nutritional and lifestyle elements which treat or prevent cancer.

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As a 5 time cancer survivor. Let me share my preliminary thoughts. Anyone who has undergone cancer treatment (successfully or not) or who knows someone who suffering from cancer should make the commitment to view the embedded documentary. Bookmark this! I encourage all to print a copy of this article. The transcript of the interview, which I read, is worth saving as a hard print. It’s convinced me to view the documentary, when I manage to carve out some time. The only part of the article I had problems with were the Gerson Institute and coffee enemas. I knew a young radical vegan with late stage cancer who took subscribed to the Gerson therapy and took the coffee enema yet died 3 months later. She also had a problematic personality which, I suspect, contributed to her being diagnosed so late. So the Gerson institute and the coffee enema is the part I’m not ready to embrace. But I’ll make a point to follow Rochelle Eisenbergers advice anyway.

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100% agree. It's the same with a lot of western allopathic medicine, especially heart disease and "one-horse immunology".

I'm maintaining a repository:

Therapeutics and repurposed drugs for the treatment of cancer

Selected research papers reviewed


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It is concerning that she twice refers to the "pandemic" as if it were real.

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Thanks !

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