Jul 7Liked by Unbekoming

WOW!!, great article, dead on, brought all this back to me. My introduction to geopolitics started with Hollywood, they just can't help themselves. The Desert Fox, played by James Mason, Lawrence of Arabia, played by Peter O'Toole and my intro to Russian history, The Brothers Karamazov, played by Yul Brenner etal. Dove right into all that history, along with my brother, a history genius, and we played with scenarios. He said Great Britain started WW1 hands down (over oil) and Churchill was at the helm of WW11 after they pushed Chamberlain aside who was amenable to Hitler. After all, the fake-out Windsors were and still are Saxe-Cobergs, Germans.

My brother got his ass beat in 5th grade Catholic school (that's when we started WW11 history) for correcting a nun who claimed Hitler started the war. Me, being 11 months younger, decided to offer no objections when I got into that grade. BUT, hum, Catholic school, Pius X11, WW11 , a connection maybe? My brother and I huddled again.

Enter William Carr, Howard Zinn, Henry Ford, Ezra Pound and Ayn Rand, sorry, just loved her for those who didn't. I recommend Greg Felton's The Host and the Parasite and Dean Henderson's Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf. Those two floored me. Over 100 years of bold faced lies and manipulations and still folks argue about race theory, climate change, diversity, immigration and who's better, Biden or Trump. Dag, they haven't got a clue. With deeply held gratitude to my intrepid brother who bore the brunt of telling the truth and opening up my eyes to the fearless men who still expose the truth, I am humbled.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Unbekoming

It could be said that it was WW1 that launched the fraudulent pandemic industry through the manufacturing of the phony Spanish Flu mythology.

You can read about that here- video Presentation coming soon:

"Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth"


A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there was no pandemic- period.

A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.

If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.

What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.

The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.

That the "Covid pandemic" was able to produce the cadavers this time (unlike the Swine Flu hoax of 2009) by killing the poor, mentally disabled and fragile elderly via policy and mass medical slaughter should make it even more imperative to investigate how and why all of that was done rather than persisting with the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic.

That this is not front and center of the many discussions amongst 'Covid skeptics' is quite troubling.

Asserting a priori that there was a pandemic serves as cover for these ugly crimes.

There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- there was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the hideous crimes committed.

The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/propofol etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. A total assault to the lungs, kidneys and psyche.

All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system.

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country and outside of WW2 the biggest racketeering operation in the history of the world- to date.

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Jul 8Liked by Unbekoming

Absolutely, positively, dead on. I followed this like a hawk, hung on every word, many of which were never repeated because they spilled the beans, so more lies atop existing ones were needed. I have found that HUGE lies are more easily believed than small ones. Two planes knocked over the TWC. Say what? Who could believe that? Two hours later photo ID's of the perps. Say what? Forest fires, false flag mass shootings, food recalls every 2 weeks. Say what? Maui !!, holy shit, who believes 2000 children were killed deliberately by the government? No one. But I do. I followed 2014 Maidan done by Obama, Biden and Victoria Nuland daily. Saw exactly what they did there in living color. It was a horror show. All done to overthrow Putin. Hands down, the greatest leader of a country in the world today, imo. Ukrainian flags waving all over America. More lies, it never stops.

Massive, I mean unheard of slaughter of our food system, animals, birds. 100 burnt to the ground food manufacturing plants gone in one year, after that I stopped counting. Climate change is the Siamese twin of Covid. If one didn't do it, the next will slide in like a relay race. Bird flu is already a done deal, get ready, the vax is already on the shelves. But first they'll push the leftover Covid vax out that they have on hand before breaking the seal on Bird flu vax. Which reminds me of another tidbit, but I'll leave it here.

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Agree with everything except 'Putin. Hands down, the greatest leader of a country in the world today.' Putin was the student of Kissinger, is the follower of Chabad and the enabler of the crooked Russian oligarchs.

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I understand your feelings. Thing is, Russian history is my thing. Going way way back. There is no semblance of Russia today with what was in the 90"s before Putin came to power. I understand he is supplying the Yemeni's with their firing power that made the USS Eisenhower high tale it out of the Red Sea and since Putin surely knows who the Bolsheviks really were, I think a follower of Chabad is just history now. The meeting Putin had with the oligarchs laid the law down.

Given the US stance against Russia, the illegal sanctions, bombing NordStream, overthrowing Ukraine to be hostile towards Russia, eliminating all things Russian, their economy is now booming, lack of covid vaccine deaths (unlike the US 1.7 million killed), refusal to accept our sick Woke ideology, I could go on forever, suffice to say, Russia appears to defend it's territory and peoples while Putin shows complete restraint and respect, along with China & Iran, in economic dealings with 4/5's of the worlds countries where he is absolutely admired. First thing Modi did after reelection was visit Putin. I thought the US owned India.

With the leaders we have in the West (except Orban) he certainly has my vote. Both Russia and China have defended themselves from oppression. They have never been the instigators.

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So was Fauci's HIV. I have live links, but know some things are missing, and I've no way to find them. And not as good at writing as you are.

All the crap we are told as women by our doctors is complete BS scare tactics.

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Well said!!

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Well said.

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My man! On the same page man! Totally agree, if you wanna understand the world, you gotta start with Britain. You have to go Al the way back to John Dee in the 1500s whose idea spawned “The British Empire”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-man-behind-the-british-empire

I like you touch on the central banks as well! I just did a quit podcast on them like a week before — but if one digs just a bit deeper, we see how Germany was becoming an industry leader over the Bank of Britain and WW2 and the Holocaust as “needed”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-holocaust-examined

As always man, great work on these topics!

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Thank you. Just read and commented on your second linked article.

I do hope to live long enough to see that fabrication undone and seen for what it was/is. The amount of suffering that that lie has brought to the world, especially to those in Palestine?? Incalculable.

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Schillerinstitute.com Helga Zepp- LaRouche has been shouting for decades "British" monopoly-controls tied to America's policy makers .......

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"Now, it should have decreased due to the casualties of the war, but what I couldn’t find was a drop in the number of 6 million lives. "

So, you are saying millions of Soviets didn't die either; nor did millions of displaced ethnic Germans at the end of the war; nor did a couple of million German civilians starve in the aftermath of the war; nor did over a million German POWs starve in Eisenhower's camps?

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Re: #41

I suspected that "Peak Oil" was driving at least part of this bus. Much like Germ Theory drives hysterical medical responses.

Question: Did "peak oil" actually happen? I'm hearing more and more about "Abiogenic Oil" ... that petroleum is more like a renewable. (??)

And if Abiogenic Oil Theory is true, doesn't that pretty much upend many of the energy control ideas?

I'm so curious, as I got caught up in the Peak Oil hysteria around 2004-5. I knew (wealthy) people who were selling their giant resort-style homes and buying farms/farmland in the NW - they were so concerned about imminent world collapse. That was 20 years ago, so.......

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You will enjoy this, if you haven't seen it already.


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I think I found your substack a few months after that was published.

This will be my fun read for tomorrow. MUCH APPRECIATED!

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Jul 7Liked by Unbekoming

GMC = Global Medical Con more than Crisis.

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Thank you so much for this!

It's been years and years since I read "A Century of War." It blew my mind. For me, it was a true page-turner as Engdahl blows all the official bullshit out of the water. My mind boggles at the amount of time, effort, and research that went into this work. Without reading it, one has little or 𝒏𝒐 idea of actual history and the truth behind it.

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This is going to involve multiple reads and note-taking. An added bonus to Alex Sachon's Secret History of the 20th Century.


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Jul 8Liked by Unbekoming

Just like the lefties used to chant at their anti-Iraq War demonstrations: No Blood For Oil.

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You can put in all of it, add looney teachers, adderal, illicit drugs, gangs, no parenting, violent cartoons meant for adults, movies, violence at home, school, and in the streets.

ASSASSINATE FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP cried Bette Midler Suggests Biden Arrest Republicans, Allow FBI to Use Deadly Force to Regain Democrat House Majority. Singer-actress Bette Midler, star of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2, suggested that President Joe Biden arrest Republican members of Congress and allow the FBI to use deadly force in order regain Democrat House majority. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/07/05/bette-midler-suggests-biden-arrest-republicans-allow-fbi-to-use-deadly-force-to-regain-democrat-house-majority/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR05N9OhpREpSuNb1NZBSc_7nnP--uR7Fkk_sDCRhjMbhNLXFirylVBuzdk_aem_1zU_KvYj_KmX2uiKlI19tw

Kathy Griffen wanted to DECAPITATE HIM when he won in 2016. Which shocked Conservatives.

Both old witches have a hard time getting roles due to age, and boycotting. That list grows to all WOKE/CRT, and Gates crap in our food.

And yes Bird Flu is a big CON. 4 PEOPLE DON'T MAKE A PANDEMIC.

I live in a small town and saw 2 women in full habibs Friday with 2 kids.

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So, the Trilateral Commission was responsible for the changes that led directly to the 2001 attacks on the US.

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The last year has seen my view of the world change dramatically. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been sacrificed on the altar of oil. A resource that is renewing itself and more abundant than any other resource outside of water.

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Beautifully written - Exposing the British - thank you. I'll be reading this a 2nd time.

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'The British' is a bit vague. The City of London... is that really representative of 'The British' for example?

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