I like to think I was one of your early subscribers, and I've really enjoyed seeing you develop into such an incredible writer. This is real journalism – those so called "journalists" in the MSM should read this stack and hang their heads in shame. Although I've been "awake" WRT vaccines far longer than you, you've opened my eyes on many other topics, and I'm so grateful.

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Ditto! Subscribe, this substack is worth it.

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Thank you Teresa!

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Not sure how I heard about you but I can say yours is one of the very few I have time to read almost every day. Keep up the good work!!

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Thanks Luc!

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I find your writings to be some of the best of the many, many people that I follow. I particular appreciate the written interviews you've started to do recently.

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Thanks Louka. I also enjoy doing the interviews.

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Not sure how I found you but I’ve been following you since almost your first stack. I get over 100 emails a day but ALWAYS read yours and share with my health freedom group.

#1. Three books I’d like to see discussed :

#1.180degrees by Ferguson O’Connor Greenwood

#2. The Contagion Myth by Cowan and Morell

#3. How To Dimantle An Empire by Teriza Coraggio

#2. I’ve enjoyed ALL your interviews. Hard to pick one.

#3. I’d love to see you tackle the moon landing hoax

#4. Done

#5. I enjoy the long in-depth format.

#6/7. It’s just been a joy to find such amazing thoughtful journalism. Thank you so very much. Really looking forward to seeing where you go next!

By the way, I’m a two bit dog groomer from upstate NY. I’m a dog groomer so that I can be an artist and I’m lucky if I make $15,000 a year. I can’t afford to pay, but if you added the “buy a coffee” option I could do that once in a while.


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Thank you Astrid!

I'll definitely do 180 Degrees and The Contagion Myth.

Will look up Coraggio's book.

Did you see this about the moon landing?


Don't worry about paying...just enjoy the ride and share when you can.

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Wow, can’t believe I missed that one. Awesome. Thank you!

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I often skim read because the articles are so long ( and I subscribe to a zillion substacks). I would prefer to listen, but I do hate the AI voice of the substack app as I find it very hard to pay attention to with its’ terrible intonation, so I don’t!

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I would love to see a deep-dive into the spiritual awakening aspect to all of this. As mentioned previously, one of my concerns is that the health-conscious crowd has become so focused on the many lies that many seem to exclusively seek solutions in the material world. With that, we only create a whole new system of idolatry. (I've lost track of how many "health trends" later turned out to be a good idea, but short-sighted.)

My new favorite read is Emanuel Swedenborg's work. (Found via a fractal path from the 180 Degrees book.) His book Secrets of Heaven demonstrates how the bible is literally a template for existence. A meta physics guide if you will. In a large series of books, he "translated" the Genesis story -- it's essentially a parable outlining our spiritual development...

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Good point, thanks.

I will look up Swedenborg.

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Book summary suggestions: They Thought They Were Free, Official Stories

Topic suggestions: 9/11, more on the faked moon landing, viral theory problems (my current question is how does a virus, that is concurrently in thousands of seperate people, mutate all at the same time to a new "strain", and after the new strain is found, why can't we find the old strain? Also, techniques for viral "isolation" seem like junk science at best.)

I enjoyed all of the interviews.

I like the detailed in-depth articles.

As a retired physician having practiced in the allopathic system for 30 years, your work has helped me understand that the allopathic system is deeply flawed and corrupt. When I was in it, I drank all the kool-aid. Now, I would never recommend that anyone get any vaccination, I would not recommend conventional cancer treatment, and I try to avoid doctors as much as possible. Also, I understand the value of good nutrition and supplementation and the fact that effective therapies that are not profitable are suppressed. After watching America's Moon, I know the lunar landing was faked. I have known for a while that cholesterol does not cause heart disease, and your summary of The Great Cholesterol Con confirmed my opinion.

Hope this helps! Thanks for all of your hard work in exposing the seemingly endless parade of lies.

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Thank you Stuart.

I like the book summary suggestions.

Agree with the topic suggestions. I definitely will be doing more to figure out how much of virology is true versus a house of cards.

Appreciate for your comment about your story and journey. We are all undergoing a form of metamorphosis, and I suspect it is especially painful for those coming out of the allopathic system.

And yes, indeed, it does seem to be an endless parade of lies...it can be quite exhausting.

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"Unbecoming" is a cornucopia of good information. One of my best sources.

Thank you

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Thanks Paul.

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I've learned a lot from your detailed, high-quality articles! Much appreciated for all of your hard work!

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Thank you.

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Hey, can someone give me a good 9/11 documentary to watch that tells the truth about what happened? Want to show my kids what actually went down surrounding those events. Thanks in advance.

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Hi Jerms

This was the first and still arguably the best doco to help walk away from the Official Story

Loose Change


Scheff's chapter on the subject is excellent

180 Degrees chapter on the subject is even better

Paul is right (below) about Judy Wood, but I think she only makes sense to an advanced audience. I think the point she is making is too much, too soon to a virgin audience.

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Thanks so much! And ive read Scheffs book on your recommendation, and i have 180 degrees lined up to read next. Love your stack thanks man

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Look at Judy Wood. A whole website of supporting information.

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Thank you Paul, i’ll check her out.

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Jerms; Perhaps better than just giving your kids links to watch; I suggest that you make sure they have the best education you can manage (Even if you need to do some educating at home)? Pay them to learn things.

The horrible part about 9/11 is that people 'again' accepted the Narrative, rather than thinking rationally for themselves. I don't have much on "Ask the questions", but the intro is a good start?

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Yeah im trying. I have them all reading “True Conspiracies” by Connor Boyack.

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LOL,,,How about books with puzzles and brainteasers??

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Being wary of the government is more important right now!

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Concise bite sized. Maybe the longer version attached pdf?! Like reading Jessica's Substack...it's definitely not something the average reader can totally understand. I also am not a fan of graphs and charts. Just tell me. We are thrown so many 15 scroll articles and 10 1+ hour videos that are all equally important to me. However, between life, work, and hopefully sleep occasionally WHO HAS TIME?! I always have an entire email full of unread I just have to end up deleting eventually because of time. Some substackers put out several articles a day. I wonder when they sleep?! 🤯😳

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You're doing a paid subscription drive without putting the upgrade button in the post, nor the subscribe button.

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Good point. Maybe it is user error, but I couldn't find an upgrade button in the menu of buttons.

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Me neither. I've seen it on other peoples' stacks. There is an upgrade to paid icon at the top of the web version of your page, but it doesn't appear on the app. I guess this is a question for Substack support?

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1. Who Is The Government : The Great Deception by Ewan Campbell

The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls

Official Stories by Liam Scheff

2. Joe Plummer

Terry Wolfe and Daniel Natal

Fresh perspectives and new information for me.

3. Virus/Terrain Paradigms Theories

5. A mix of both in-depth articles, and concise, bite-sized content, you are so prolific I have trouble finding time keeping up with all your in depth articles the occasional shorter article to introduce a topic would be good.

7. Loot and Debt Money for me I have a good understanding of most of the medical information, but the money and debt information I find more difficult to comprehend so explanations are appreciated.

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Thanks Andrew

1. I've done Official Stories and will check out the other two

2. Indeed, I really enjoyed those three interviews also.

3. Agree. I'm working on a deep dive interview on that exact topic.

Thanks for all the other feedback.

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I do not have the money to be a paid subscriber as I am on a pension and alone too. One pension will no longer stretch as two once did. I follow a few people here and all are unpaid/free subscribes.

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Thanks Barb, don't worry about it at all. Enjoy the content and journey and just share when appropriate.

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I remember you from 'rubber bullets.'

Thanks for your work.

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Thank you. Yes I remember that one too!

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I wish I could help out by paying. Sorry

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Thanks Candy and no apology needed. Please enjoy the content and just share when appropriate.

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