This is an awesome compilation. I will try to get a few needle knuckleheads I know to step out if their (fantasy) comfort zones and take a look. Thank you.

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Good luck...😪

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Three days after my son had the Hepatitis shot he arose from the couch and crashed into a glass coffee table. He said, "sorry mom". I ran to him and said, "baby, I can't fix this, we need to go to the hospital" as his face was deeply cut by the glass. The anesthetic shot into his face didn't take and he felt every stitch sewing up his face. As he got off the gurney the paper cover was soaked to the plastic covering of the gurney as he sweat profusely during the ordeal.

I don't know why they tested him, but they did and he registered HIGH on his blood sugar. I asked what does that mean. They said HIGH is over 800. He got an insulin injection that very day. I took 10 years or better off my sons life by allowing that shot to be given to a 12 year old boy. And now they give it to babies. I have never forgiven myself. It haunts me like a nightmare every day of my life. If one vaccine is bad, they are ALL bad. No discussion needed.

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How traumatizing for you both. I’m so sorry you both went through that. There are so many of us with vaccine horror stories.

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Thank you for your comment. I recently watch Vaxxed111. Not only did they use a kill shot, but if you were lucky to survive it and went to hospital as a result of the kill shot, they finished you off in the hospital. Half the movie Vaxxed 111, was reports of what they did to innocent sick people and deliberately brought about their death. Alone, so no one could see. The horror of that murder cannot be overstated. I suggest everyone watch Vaxxed111.

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I have 100 reasons, but this is a great start.

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A very succinct list. Thank you.

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Common sensical list. One might also call it the "Insanity of the Pro-vaccination movement". I would add another reason to this list: most diseases for which vaccinations have been devised are preventable and/or treatable using natural safe treatments. For example, measles can be prevented by Vitamin A and treated by homeopathic morbillinum. Influenza can be prevented by Vitamin D and homeopathic influenzinum. There are many other examples of illnesses that can safely be prevented or treated naturally. Hep B is probably unnecessary for those who are not IV abusers or at risk for blood transfusions. None of the vaccines have perfect efficacy, and some, including measles, polio, and influenza can cause the disease they are trying to prevent. For influenza, the efficacy, according to the Cochrane collaborative study is around 1%!!! Vaccination would be a no-brainer if vaccines were actually safe and effective. However, they are only in fact as valuable as the bridge that guy just sold you.

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I am now an “Anti-vaxxer” - never took the covid jabs, nor subjected my kids to it - I believe because of God-given intuition.

As the covid fear swept the country in early 2020, my husband and I just “felt” something fishy was going on- especially when the jabs were rushed to market. We balked at mask-wearing and social distancing and senseless testing (but we were also not reckless - we washed our hands, stocked up on IVM, hydroxycholorquine, immune supporting supplements, and of course stayed home/ away from others when sick).

We, nor my kids, will never get another shot, including flu. But before our “conversion”, my children did receive the childhood vaccines 😭 - my son through age 5, my daughter through age 2, on an “alternate” (more spread out) schedule. Not sure if spreading things out protected them at all, but something told me giving so many shots at once and so close together in such tiny bodies was not a good idea. The nurses in the pediatrician office gave me grief and clearly looked down on me for asking to do it that way. But now, I am beyond regretful and grieving that I subjected my children to them at all. My now 11-year old son (older child) has been diagnosed with ADHD and a math learning disability (dyscalculia) and has very high anxiety. I suspect it is due to the childhood vaccines. It haunts me that I probably (unknowingly) harmed my children, and I am furious that pediatricians push these on babies. Long story to get to my question- Is there a way to detox kids of the aluminum and any other toxins in those vaccines and reverse any damage they caused (heal their brains)? If anyone can point to resources, I’d appreciate the help.

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If you follow the links provided under number 1 for aluminum (Chris Exley is the most well known) mineral water containing silicate (Fiji water, for example, is the one I use, though there is a YouTube video to produce it yourself at much lower cost) is proposed as a means to reduce bodily stores of aluminum over time.

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Vaccines, like magic bullets have never cured or prevented any disease. On the contrary, vaccines and magic bullets have a proven track record of being harmful or fatal if swallowed or injected.


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I agree with the author about never taking vaccines, but why would the author write such a brilliant article and then include "Viruses don't exist" as #10? Germ theory and viruses are widely accepted by 99% of the population, and for them this would tend to invalidate the entire article. Moreover, what does the existence or non-existence of viruses have to do with taking vaccines? Nothing.

There is no way I can send this article to my woke, vaccinated friends with a denial of virus as the "most important" point (which it isn't, not even close). This article would have been sensational if it had been titled "9 reasons I will never take another vaccine." I'm saving this post anyway because it contains the very best explanation I have ever read about why vaccines are dangerous (minus the unnecessary virus claim).

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Ken, we've all been told that viruses exist and they cause disease. But is it true? I believed in viruses until a year ago, after five years of researching and reading. You seem very opened minded, that if you took the time to read the history of illness, starting with terrain vs germ theory, and read/watch Dr. Sam Bailey https://drsambailey.com/, Dr. Mike Yeadon on substack and telegram, Dr. Tom Cowan and more here:


-Virus Mania by Torsten Englebrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, Dr. Sam Bailey

-The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon-Morello

-Breaking the Spell by Dr. Tom Cowan

-What Really Makes You Ill? By Dawn Lester and David Parker

-The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg - I highly recommend!!

-Goodbye Germ Theory by Dr William P Trebing

-Bechamp vs. Pasteur by Ethel D Hume

-Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk


-The End of Germ Theory by Spacebusters

-Science, Pseudoscience, and the Germ Theory of Disease

-Monkeypox Mania: Debunking the Monkeybusiness of Virology

-Addressing the Claims of Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough

-HF4H: Virology’s Unproven Assumptions by Alec Zeck, Jordan Grant MD, Jacob Diaz, John Blaid, & Mike Donio

-The Final Refutation of Virology by Kate Sugak

-What Do You Mean “Viruses Don’t Exist”? by Alec Zeck

-Dr. Kaufman responds to Jeremy Hammond: Is Virus Isolation Real?

-HF4H: What Really Makes You Ill? Part 1 w/ Dawn Lester & David Parker

-HF4H: What Really Makes You Ill? Part 2 w/ Dawn Lester & David Parker

-HF4H: Diving Deep on Terrain Theory with Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman

-Stefan Lanka control experiment phase 1

-Stefan Lanka control experiment phase 2

-Dr. Andrew Kaufman on The Way Forward: Germs, Disease, and the Science

-Why the “Virus” Pandemic is a Farce featuring Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman

-HF4H: Dr. Tom Cowan, author of the Contagion Myth

-HF4H: Dr. Robert O Young

-Dr. Kaufman refutes Coronavirus Existence

-Spacebusters: Virology Fraud in 19 Minutes

-Amandha Vollmer breaks down virus Myth

-Spacebusters: Coronavirus Debunked





-Over 190 FOI requests show there IS NO VIRUS


-Dr. Sam Bailey's Youtube Channel

-Alfa Vedic's "Germ Theory is Bunk”

-Dawn Lester & David Parker's blog, What Really Makes You Ill?

-ViroLIEgy: A resource covering all the lies of virology

-Undercover Virologist on Instagram

-Amandha Vollmer's telegram

-Humanely by Daniel Roytas

-Mike Donio's substack

-Jon Rappoport’s No More Fake News

-Jerm Warfare

-Alec Zeck's Substack


-The Virus Misconception Part 1 by Stefan Lanka

-The Virus Misconception Part 2 by Stefan Lanka

-The Virus Misconception Part 3 by Stefan Lanka

-The reason behind me knowing there is no existence of viruses by John Blaid

-There is No Proof of SARS-CoV-2 by Alec Zeck

-Rational Debate can be Respectful if we Stick to the Facts by Mike Donio

The concept of a virus has not been stable and has evolved since its introduction in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

This evolution has been not a linear accumulation of facts but rather an ongoing reformulation of the virus concept on the basis of scientific focus at a given time, e.g., growth, metabolism, chemical composition, genetics, or physical structure.

The concept of a virus has particularly been determined by technological advances ratherthan scientific understanding.

The answer to the question “What is a virus?” is one that depends on the particular scientific discourse at a given time.

The discourse with respect to the physical object “virus” is based on the particular concerns and problems of interest at a given time more than on any one set of intrinsic characteristics known about viruses.

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Absolutely, I agree with you. I read the original claims by the Bailey's when they came out. My point is not whether viruses exist or don't exist. My point is that the question is irrelevant to taking vaccines. People who believe in Germ Theory (the vast majority of the population) will see #10 and think, 'of course viruses exist' and dismiss the valid points 1-9. It's a trick "debunkers," skeptics, and IC operatives use to discredit valid information.

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Ken, oh, now I understand. I didn't look at it that way, how people will dismiss pts 1-9, if they don't believe pt. 10.

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The whole medical pradigm is wrong and fraudulent. Believing in viruses or infectious disease allows the trillion dollar scam to continue...

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That is true, your point is taken. But IMHO that is a debate for a separate article(s). Here the author is trying to get people not to take vaccines. Using a very new and controversial argument against something as accepted as viruses does not, in my opinion, help the argument against vaccines. But that is something I need to take up with the author.

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I hear you. Are you familiar with the story of scurvy, beriberi, pellegra, and Minimata? They were thought to be viral/contagious/infectious and that erroneous belief kept the problem going for years longer than need be...

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After further thought I realize that my objections should be taken up with the author. All of your points are valid, and anything that discourages people from taking vaccines is valuable.

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Thanks for that authoritative list!

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I agree. On one hand, biologists play dumb: they see something under a microscope and call it a virus without proving that it causes a disease. On the other hand, there must be many things we do not know about that causes diseases.

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What percentage of people need to believe something for it to be true?

Every single controled contagion experiment has failed, sick people don't make well people sick.

Your woke friends need to hear the truth, viruses don't exist.

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Thank-you, all great reasons.

Also, how about I don't like being pushed around, watching people I love suffer, and then being asked to take one for my neighbors who report me if I don't put my garage door down...

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If you believe the #10 point, then that is all that matters. 1-9 would be pointless. It has taken me a long time to get to #10 comprehension through my own research and critical thinking process. I still have some questions but it's making more sense to me that the antigen in any vaccine is a genetic strain that is meaningless. I had to be very open minded to reach this stage in my understanding. I have found that many, even on “our side of the fence” refuse to even consider the possibility that the antigens in vaccines are not pathogenic viral strains.

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One more Truth Bomb about the toxic soup known as vaccinations given hodge podge to infants and their murderous makers protected by the 1986 vaccine act : Big pHarma and of course their drug pushers : physicians.

"God damn the pusher man!" Steppenwolf 1969

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I have thousands of reasons to know that viruses exist...

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Let's take the common flu viruses. If they existed in nature, they would be very unpredictable, much like the weather can be. Yet, every late summer and early fall, the vaccine makers come out with specific flu shots targeted towards a certain virus. There is no way then could be correct all the time. They have no explanation why viruses come and go. It's all a great big deception.

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Seasonality of Flu is mostly due to folks not getting enough sunlight, or vitamin D. And fresh air-- being indoors makes you more likely to catch a virus-- duh! Flu season is dark season. Hint: You can buy lights. All cultures in dark places have a spa tradition-- it's a lifesaver. Trendy Photobiomodulation light therapy is a cheaper way to get the traditional hot sauna where you can see glowing embers... the definition of near infrared light.

Also seasonality of flu has to do with homes in China where they raise pigs, chickens, goats, and other animals together, in proximity to people.

Dude, I can see viruses in the microscope and watch them infect every creature great and small. The famous I######### drug is a natural antiviral and antiparasitic that soil bacteria use to protect against their two predators, phages (viruses) and insects (parasites). I can download the source code for many viruses and watch the code change over time. Life on Earth included viruses very quickly. They have many critical functions. For example "asexual" bacteria would not be able to evolve quickly because they can't recombine, can't take two novel ideas and see if they work better together. But viruses fill the role of sex for bacteria-- they take the DNA and mix it up and transfer it between bacteria even across species. So Bacteria evolve much faster than otherwise. Which of course is why bacteria don't evolve perfect defenses against viruses-- they have a good side.

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They don’t

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Viruses don't exist, but because there is virology they need to sustain their occupation. The believed story is there are trillions and trillions of bacteria and so-called viruses in the body, if they were the cause of disease we would all be dead. When cells in the body die, as they often do, part of the process of cleanup is done by bacteria. In addition, when the cells die there is genetic material and that is mistaken for cause and effect of disease. That answer is wrong, again.

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If you can't compare numbers you aren't capable of critical thought.

If virology was corrupt...how much money is that really? Small potatoes.

About 1% of what the high fructose corn syrup and prepared food industry takes in, while creating the diabetes care market and the heart disease market.

I visited Japan recently. I'm a normal American. But I was the fattest of 150 guys in the room. Japan has 5.4% obesity, USA has 45%. Japan has fantastic food, and plenty of it, and plenty of junk food. It's not genetics. It's a culture that encourages people to be healthy. (Explicitly shaming people for being fat.) And they have national heath-care- so every tax payer has to pay for every fat slob putting their life at risk. That means everyone cares about everyone who is doing unhealthy things.

Guess what- if you don't want to die of COVID or a lot of other viruses, don't be obese!

And you don't need big pharma to slim down. You need a diet that strictly avoids the toxic stuff in American prepared foods. Mostly sugar in EVERYTHING.

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1 successful scientific controlled contagion experiment would do...but viruses don't exist so they all fail.

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There have been nice flu contagion experiments in the UK.

Being aware that an industry is corrupt is no reason to conclude that one of the most obvious and abundant life forms on Earth doesn't exist!

By the way, the Earth isn't flat.

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One of them is money. Billions of dollars that grease the financial system.

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If the essential facts of the contents of the vaccines were widely known the framework for the discussion would be forever altered. This is precisely why they keep this essential reality from being discussed.

If you are going to get a vaccine be sure you ask your doctor a few questions:

Hey doc can you tell me a bit about the vaccine substrate and how it’s grown?

What about the antigen itself? What are all the excipients, stabilizers, adjuvants, etc. in this product?

Does your pediatrician/doctor not bring these questions up? Does your doctor/pediatrician go over the ingredients that are involved in these mass inoculation programs? Of course they don't.

Here is a list, not comprehensive, of many of the ingredients found in this health product:

formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, yeast protein, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, formaldehyde, glutaraldhyde, yeast protein, aluminum phosphate, bovine serum albumin, glutaraldehyde, MRC-5 cellular protein, polymyxin B sulfate, 2-phenoxyethanol, Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, amino acids, dextrose, hemin chloride, mineral salts, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, potassium aluminum sulfate, sodium borate, soy peptone, yeast protein, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, non-viral protein, DNA, bovine albumin, sodium borate, monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium, taurodeoxycholate, ovalbumin, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, betapropiolactone, hydrocortisone, thimerosal, sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, polysorbate 20, baculovirus, Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins, baculovirus and cellular DNA, Triton X-100, Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, phosphate buffered saline, MDCK cell DNA, cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide, β-propiolactone, ovalbumin, dextran, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium potassium, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, amino acids, L-glutamine, calcium chloride, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, and phenol red, sorbitol, Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) and more....

Not to mention the various metal contaminants identified in many vaccines including platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, chromium, zirconium, hafnium, strontium, tungsten, antimony, bismuth and cerium.

How many people would allow these synthetic substances to be injected into their children's body if they knew what was in those poisoned needles?

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I also regret giving my son getting first MMR. He was allergic to that poison. I know he only received one dose of vaccines at a time back in 80 ‘s . The next 2 sons did get some vaccines but not all and we homeschooled so shot records were not required in our state. But the other two ended up joining military and received a whole bunch of poisons when they joined and during plan damn ic . They both have physically suffered from all the boosters and one has added chronic illnesses, thanks Biden for damaging our sons and the whole military of USA . Pray for Gods mercy!

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Great summation. I see it as being there is no reason to ever consider any vaccine or mRNA poison as being part of a healthy life. The same goes for ALL drugs. If you have a life-death emergency, then drugs may pull you through because you need instant treatment; otherwise in the long run drugs will destroy your better health as they are all poisons to some degree.

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