Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

I think Hill & Owen are 2 different Andrews working on similar projects at Liverpool.

Weird that the drug-induced hospital death is called the "Liverpool Care Pathway" here in the UK!

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Great, thanks.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

I didn't believe this 3 years ago, but I do believe it now for about 75% of people:

"In the inability of our own immunity to deal with this threat."

If the vaxx has truly altered people's immune systems, the next release could cause quite the global problem. Even living with normal viruses could cause a problem, real uncharted territory now.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Incredible, thank you. The truth behind this scam is so complicated, but I believe we are getting there. Many of us are increasingly on the same lines, and I think we are getting close to what happened. As an (ancient) historian by training, I remember telling my lecturer early on that my opinion of "experiencing the past" was basically impossible as historians, but a forensic investigation into the primary, secondary and tertiary evidence could get us close to what actually happened (I thought it would be useful to define my version of "historiography" to my colleagues).

This may be the first case in history where the crime is so "scientific" in nature, that we can pretty much explain EXACTLY what these bastards did. It's almost unbelievable to me. Their own published papers are basically confession statements.

I'm seriously wondering if the infectious clones hypothesis, that Baric and his ilk clearly worked on with MERS - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24043791/ - is the reason you can't order purified SARS-CoV-2 from a virologist company. It's all just sampled BS from tissue. If the real releases were from infectious clone cDNA, then yeah, sampling an entirely synthetic construct in RNA form is going to be kinda difficult. The "Covid doesn't exist" people may actually have a point.

I had kind of worked this out in my own layman-like stupid way over the last few months by really examining the quasi-species swarm theory and the fact that only 10-15% of the population could only be infected by any "variant" (I have come to the conclusion that "herd immunity" is a lot of bollocks - ask me why if you want). I also updated these meanderings on an Igor Chudov thread where I explained that I thought the "sub-variants" were just over-amplified PCR-induced "noise" due to replication incompetence creating "snowflakes" in people, but in enough quantity for it to be statistically meaningful to these so called "virologists". Not bad for someone who has no clue what they are talking about. 😂

The work you, Crawford, Couey, Morey, Ark, etc has been doing is immense. I highly recommend doing a round-table to discuss all your findings (harvard2thebighouse was talking about a lot of this stuff before anyone, but I don't know to what extent he was ill-informed by three letter agencies). Even Ron Unz might be a useful add, as his take is broadly unique (the US attacked China with a bioweapon and the US was aware but China was somehow oblivious, then the Iranian leaders started being killed by it), although I highly doubt he has any knowledge of what we are now talking about (but Unz is a theoretical physicist so he's hardly stupid, just saying).

This would be incredibly productive for our "truth movement", rather than concentrate on what is rapidly becoming "medical freedom movement" and "Substack" drama. 2023 is going to be a dark place for this community if we aren't careful, and if that happens, all the good work all of us have done (writers and commentators) is going to be completely wasted. Mark my words, this always happens in fringe movements that are dangerous to the powers that be. Sleeper cells and bad actors are everywhere. Your options are: become a paranoid freak or get productive. You have been warned. I've seen all this before and it's all so tiresome.

What I would like to see is a timeline of what happened and when. I believe, in terms of "Covid" infections, we can start from Ark's Samoa measles outbreak and move from there. If we can construct a pretty much perfect timeline (to our knowledge) this would probably crack this case open. This would be the perfect tool to share with alt-media and if we could somehow explain it to normies, the jig would be up.

Maybe I'm naive. If you don't have hope then why live, so why not give it a shot. Otherwise there's a digital panoptigon enslavement plantation in your future.

My questions at this stage:

- How are they seeding the infectious clones globally (anecdotally I'm guessing "chemtrails" and am willing to put money on that's why they bothered to track deer Covid cases in the US in the first place)

- Is it the case that they basically got to the point where they can engineer a coronavirus "backbone" to deliver whatever "payload" they want (e.g. measles, spike protein, RSV) via the infectious clone technology? All they appear to be doing effectively, is slicing viruses into segments, then rejoining them with DNA instead of RNA, to make them more replication competent.

- If the Sinovac "vaccine" is purified, inactivated virus, how does that work in this model? Is it just BS, is it the real deal, is it just RNA mush? This has always been my chief argument against the "Covid doesn't exist"/"viruses don't exist crowd".

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Indeed, that's amazing for someone with no clue 🤣

There's a lot there, I'd like to understand the MERS malfeasance, haven't spent time on that. If you would like to email me and educate me, I'll write a snapshot on it to add to all the other Hall of Fame malfeasances, unbekoming@outlook.com

And yes, I've been meaning to catch up on what happened in Samoa.

The spraying from the sky idea has crossed my mind. I think back to this time last year in Sydney, we went from virtually nobody having symptomatic covid to virtually everybody having it. I, my wife and son all got it at the same time, about 3 days of mild symptoms (I had a lingering cough for about 6 weeks). So, to understand that through this infectious clone hypothesis, it must have been released. Spraying seems an obvious way.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

This is a better link.


"Severe acute respiratory syndrome with high mortality rates (∼50%) is associated with a novel group 2c betacoronavirus designated Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). We synthesized a panel of contiguous cDNAs that spanned the entire genome. Following contig assembly into genome-length cDNA, transfected full-length transcripts recovered several recombinant viruses (rMERS-CoV) that contained the expected marker mutations inserted into the component clones. Because the wild-type MERS-CoV contains a tissue culture-adapted T1015N mutation in the S glycoprotein, rMERS-CoV replicated ∼0.5 log less efficiently than wild-type virus."

If that isn't a smoking gun, I don't know what is.

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Great, thank you!

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Don't thank me, thank Ark, the guy's (?) a genius.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

"Indeed, that's amazing for someone with no clue 🤣"

- Being able to read is an amazing skill, it seems. I feel like a God amongst Men these days. 😂

The article I linked above says it all. They give you the A-Z of how to DNA clone a MERS infection so that it's replication competent and infectious in a lab setting. It's seriously no-holes-barred stuff.


What's more terrifying than the content is that I am actually starting to be able to read all of this shit and understand what they are talking about!

"And yes, I've been meaning to catch up on what happened in Samoa."

- Ark has you covered for that.


"The spraying from the sky idea has crossed my mind. I think back to this time last year in Sydney, we went from virtually nobody having symptomatic covid to virtually everybody having it. I, my wife and son all got it at the same time, about 3 days of mild symptoms (I had a lingering cough for about 6 weeks). So, to understand that through this infectious clone hypothesis, it must have been released. Spraying seems an obvious way."

- Yes. I have read many (admittedly anecdotal) articles about people attending concerts or other mass-gatherings in "Red" states where everything was open. An obvious military aircraft flew over at low altitude spraying "something", then a few days later everyone has Covid.

Seeing these aircraft is rare, but I have seen them myself over the years, even recently. Just remember, if "chemtrails" are BS, then it is is physically impossible for a contrail to be formed at a lower altitude than another contrail. They only form under certain conditions and only at the same altitude (or higher - maybe - but always over 30,000 feet, which the planes I have seen were no where near).

I have no idea how people can't see them. I've been obsessed with watching the sky since I was a small child and when I saw my first chemtrail in 2007, I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I had never seen anything like it before. How other people don't see them is beyond me.

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baboon, one anecdotal line about Sinovac. My octogenarian mother lives in a region where Sinovac was adopted over a period of time, and she had three shots. Although her mobility is impaired, she has a reasonably active life and takes part of many social functions monthly. She had my DoD/Wuhan-flu positive (well...) brother isolating in her house (it's a large house), plus plenty of people with whom she had been in close contact "tested positive" for the DoD/Wuhan-flu.

My mother has had two mild "flus" over the past three years. "Tested" only during the first one (-). Whether or not this is a result of Sinovac, I cannot say. Or there is no SARS-CoV-2.

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Thank you DD. I don't care if stuff is "anecdotal", if it comes from people acting in good faith then it's very useful.

My greatest concern about any coronavirus "vaccine" was that it would cause ADE, like all the animal models before had shown. It was a failed mission.

The Sinovac was, at least as I understood it, most likely to cause ADE. I have no idea why Asians are being so badly hammered by Omicron, which in my experience was basically a joke.

I don't think there is no "Covid", but we are definitely being lied to about everything. I seriously think the "lab leak theory" was just planted as a secondary "plausible deniability" exercise at this point, the evidence for a lab leak is none-existent because we know Covid was doing the rounds at least as early as September 2019 in Europe (I am sure I had it in December 2019).

This is why "how the hell are they seeding it" and probably "how long has this been going on for" (see Spanish flu, and maybe even ALL flus) are such important questions.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Where do es my map go?

1. Maybe lab leak, but something was circulating around the world in 2019...it was called non a non b influenza. Maybe followed up by clone swarms.

2. Yes previous immunity

3. People only died a bit more in March/April 2020 and Jan2021..but well within limits of P&I as we saw in 2018/ DOD/DARPA/BARDA contracted with JV, including Fosun (ccp company.) to manufacture "vaccines" under Moderna and Pfizer labels. Everyone else (NIH/FDA/CDC) had marketing roles only. No quality control. no informed consent.US govt decided to use PCR and captured media to create the false novel virus pandemic. so they could finally deploy the demonstration of MNRA platform for future fights againt bioweapons/get rid of nationalists/people not on board.

5. Millions died from no access to safe drugs, which govts prevented access to.

6. When jabs deployed were they were real bioweapon. Purposely by CCP manufacture? Or with DOD knowledge ie on purpose. In any case more people die from vaccine than covid.in 21 and 22...4 sigma millenial other than covid excess deaths 2021-2022

6. All Western Democracies did basically the same thing at the same time. There is a fine Italian hand behind all of it.

7. clots, strokes heart attacks cancer, amyloidoses and now trashed immune systems were direct result of this "Demonstration/bioweapon called a vaccine".

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Fascinating read and entirely plausible. They could not make this too lethal because it would kill them as well. HCR and IVR was also their escape hatch. Delivery via chemtrail spraying? I'll buy that as well.

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#7 pleeeaaaase point me to the EXACT page where it says in the AURA 2019 report that they are withholding antibiotics for bacterial infections............... bcoz if this is true AROUND THE WORLD..... it is a much bigger story than the midazolam scandal !!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. who tf is jj couee? why am i only hearing of him now?????????

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Yes everyone was told to go home alone n do nothing maybe some Tylenol and come back when you can’t breathe bc of the secondary bacterial pneumonia that again we won’t treat. When have you ever gone to a doctor and they didn’t write you a prescription? I said that all along people died because they didn’t get treated. I had a friend last week who was still following this protocol. Her 75 yo husband tested positive for Covid for second time and he was doing nothing “because there is no treatment” no pulse ox, no vitamin D, no vitamin c, zinc, no nebulizer nothing but Tylenol. He was sick a week when I talked to her. Has he gone to see his doctor? No nothing can be done. You know you can get bacterial infections and pneumonia after viral infections bc your immune system is weakened. So off he goes to doctor and he has pneumonia! Didn’t we use to know this?!!!

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deletedDec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming
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Yes, the Diamond Princess data was my most important anchor during the cyclone of lies. Not sure what I would have done without it.


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deletedDec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming
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Me neither. This from a comment on Toby Roger's latest stack:

I taught at a university for 30 years, not Ivy League, and it's my observation that sometimes high intelligence and critical thinking go hand in hand, but more often not. As many have observed, succeeding in academic life often has more to do with how well you take dictation and memorize. And the ability to separate from the herd is definitely not linked to intelligence--it is linked to temperament along with your early environment. You have to be born not caring very much about fitting in, and then if your experience leads you to not trust people, you are cut out to be a dissident. Evolution rewards both dissidents and sheep--sometimes you have to follow the leader for the species to survive, and other times the opposite, so both survive in the population. The Ivy League and medical school both reward sheep, not dissidents, now not even dissident professors. The eventual result is the gradual dulling and dumbing of the graduates. 99% of medical school graduates of the last two decades are no more than zombies.

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deletedDec 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming
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🤣 I don't know whether I am a contrarian or not (I'm a "leave me alonean" for sure!). But the 5 Rs are going into my list of things to say when I'm being bothered!

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