Rancouey. Funny. I agree. No number would have justified any of the forced policies. If a business wants to shut their doors, that's fine. If a person wants to stay in their home, that's fine.
I keep shaking my head when I think of all the horror of the last 3 years.
Somewhere in New Zealand, the police shot the animals at the rescue center so that the volunteers wouldn't leave their homes. The sheer inhumanity of all of it. The cowardice. It's just so evil.
The idea that has really haunts me over the last three years, that I still find hard to properly articulate is that a person (and thus society) can be turned evil by simply inserting 1 bad/false idea into their mind. Let alone more than 1.
Yes, speaks volumes for the mental state of so many. What's even worse is that after three years of this utter propaganda driven nonsense not that many are seeing through it still. It is very hard to under estimate the power of msm indoctrination as well, I've ever only sent info/data from the official sources (being told to get off "conspiracy" sources) like pieces from US Congress, FDA and Phizer's own, various medical journals etc., bit and pieces to get my people think and see massive lies and inconsistencies. Still, how could I know better than the ABC and dr. Swan. LOL
Great article. I kept scratching my head during the plandemic because there was over a 99.9% or was it 99.8% chance of survival if you got Covid and had no comorbidities? So, I couldn’t understand why everyone kept dismissing this one, very important fact? We didn’t need masks, to stand six feet apart, shut businesses down, close schools. The list goes on. I’m also a person of faith and I decided if it was my time to go , then so be it and I didn’t have very much control over that (except taking Vit D to boost my immunity and I had extra ivermectin too later on I got it. Like year two of the lies). They ruined our lives and lied to us about everything. Little rat fuck motherfuckers. Haha. That felt much better. I hope I didn’t offend anyone.
Even those with comorbidities survived, mostly Vent patients died. If your wrist are tied down, and you can't communicate you can Strangle to death. Remember NO relatives were allowed in to watch over them. They were also sedated and given pain meds. We use to have Candy Stripers who sat with patients at one time of course those were volunteer teens. A relative works as well. This is still going on with Quad Bypass patients. But Untreated pneumonia was the bigger cause. For want of Amoxicillin. That was Not in Faucet's regime.
Steroids, Cortisone, or prednisone are the issue with Diabetics and Glaucoma Patients, neither are supposed to take them. BS and Eye Pressures will shoot out of danger range. BS can be noticed and brought down with insulin, BUT hospitals KNOW nothing about testing Eye Pressure. One 5 mg of Prednisone will send Eye Pressure into the high Glaucoma ranges.
The majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
Liberty is not something we bargain with, it is something we claim. Why did people let their liberty be taken and so easily? This is a question those who handed it over need to answer.
The common citizen has been conditioned to find it unimaginable to believe, their beloved leaders would ever do anything to hurt them - intentionally or otherwise - much less kill them.
Achieve that level of brainwashing and the people themselves, will gladly and loyally implement the cognitive dissonance and self deception needed for the operation/agenda/movement to continue on to total capture.
We - collectively - do this to ourselves and teach our kids to do the same to themselves, generation after generation. The one and only good thing to come out of the scamdemic, is it pulled the curtain back on hundreds of societal attacks, being conducted by the regime and their embedded establishment activists.
But even with that, the majority of people (or the sheeple) refuse to believe they are anything more than chattel, to the ruling classes.
Isn’t that just the diabolical genius of the whole plan... that the majority of people simply would not believe that their trusted leaders would ever do such a dark thing to them.
I myself struggled with this exact idea for some time... I just did not want to believe it. That was my error. I kept the idea open, that I may in face be wrong, and with enough time spent on exploring the idea it started to look more and more likely.
Then the idea broke through, and I cannot see it any other way. Once you look at everything that happened, and is still happening, from that angle. It all makes so much sense.
I think what we need to ask ourselves is "what am I doing to change things". If you can answer that please do. We need to hear that people are doing things. Not to brag but to make it known that there are things we can do and people are doing them and then others can do them too. Are you working with others to create another form of exchange (ie: money)? Another system of consensus instead of politics? Anything else?
An illness where the average age of those who died is exactly the same as average life expectancy is not an an illness it's a lie. Every other statistic is there to prop up a fantasy.
I remember telling people about the Ioannidis paper as soon as it was published on the WHO bulletin page in October 2020!
But sadly, like probably all readers here, I was treated like a liar! After more than 3 years of such treatment it has an affect on the mental health of people of conscience and courage.
I heard one doctor say something like: we don't have a pandemic of a "virus" but a pandemic of cowardice!
The global neo Nazis of the world impersonating MSM staff, government officials, police, legal and medical professionals, philanthropists, etc need to be taken out by us the people ASAP. Then virtually all the problems they created would disappear 🙏
The answer is NO. The IFR published by the CDC in planning scenario 5 at the start of the plandemic wasn't much worse than Ioannidis’s great work and that's all it took for me to reject everything they did, especially the shots.
Watching a Jimmy Dore episode (my first ever) on March 29th, 2020 (ie. during Week 3 of “2 weeks to flatten the curve”) is what suddenly woke me up to the massive deceptions. He wasn’t even hip to what was happening re the Scamdemic then. It almost might not make sense how witnessing a conversation he had with a third party suddenly woke him up to a big charade which woke me up to an ever bigger charade. (Don’t mean to be cryptic, it’s just so huge how so many things suddenly “clicked” for me. I’m gearing up to properly write about that pivotal moment in my own Substack soon).
All that to say: Jimmy Dore is a treasure amongst truth tellers because he breaks it down, and tells it like it is. Recently he has been knocking it out of the park.
Thanks for another great post. I feel like I’m revisiting all my own questioning thoughts of March-April 2020 through you. ✨🙏🏽✨
It's great that people are finally starting to use their brains but think how we feel who knew covid was a farce from the very first day. with everyone running to wear the masks then running to get the vaccine and dare we said covid is a farce. I still did even though it wasn't screaming from the rafters. But we were put into a pressure cooker, couldn't say anything against the narrative. I won't forget that either. I wish Jimmy would now start admitting that not only were the IFR ridiculously low but that covid isn't even real, it's never been identified or isolated. Isn't it funny how the farce still continues even if by a thread. He needs to now say that covid was never real.
Death Penalty or bounty hunters on collapse of The State. GoFundMe Bounties, across borders. A MASSIVE Reality Show: Hunting the Perps of Convid. Oh, and execute Blinky Bill, on screen.
John Ionannidis, who was one of the first significant academics dissenters. “Rancouey” is a hybrid name the author made up to mean Denis Rancourt & J.J. Couey.
Rancouey. Funny. I agree. No number would have justified any of the forced policies. If a business wants to shut their doors, that's fine. If a person wants to stay in their home, that's fine.
I keep shaking my head when I think of all the horror of the last 3 years.
Somewhere in New Zealand, the police shot the animals at the rescue center so that the volunteers wouldn't leave their homes. The sheer inhumanity of all of it. The cowardice. It's just so evil.
The idea that has really haunts me over the last three years, that I still find hard to properly articulate is that a person (and thus society) can be turned evil by simply inserting 1 bad/false idea into their mind. Let alone more than 1.
Yes, speaks volumes for the mental state of so many. What's even worse is that after three years of this utter propaganda driven nonsense not that many are seeing through it still. It is very hard to under estimate the power of msm indoctrination as well, I've ever only sent info/data from the official sources (being told to get off "conspiracy" sources) like pieces from US Congress, FDA and Phizer's own, various medical journals etc., bit and pieces to get my people think and see massive lies and inconsistencies. Still, how could I know better than the ABC and dr. Swan. LOL
What’s most disturbing is how easily led people can be. Far too trusting. Not asking the right questions.
Yes, haunts is the right word. Not much hope for humanity, sadly.
Great article. I kept scratching my head during the plandemic because there was over a 99.9% or was it 99.8% chance of survival if you got Covid and had no comorbidities? So, I couldn’t understand why everyone kept dismissing this one, very important fact? We didn’t need masks, to stand six feet apart, shut businesses down, close schools. The list goes on. I’m also a person of faith and I decided if it was my time to go , then so be it and I didn’t have very much control over that (except taking Vit D to boost my immunity and I had extra ivermectin too later on I got it. Like year two of the lies). They ruined our lives and lied to us about everything. Little rat fuck motherfuckers. Haha. That felt much better. I hope I didn’t offend anyone.
Even those with comorbidities survived, mostly Vent patients died. If your wrist are tied down, and you can't communicate you can Strangle to death. Remember NO relatives were allowed in to watch over them. They were also sedated and given pain meds. We use to have Candy Stripers who sat with patients at one time of course those were volunteer teens. A relative works as well. This is still going on with Quad Bypass patients. But Untreated pneumonia was the bigger cause. For want of Amoxicillin. That was Not in Faucet's regime.
Steroids, Cortisone, or prednisone are the issue with Diabetics and Glaucoma Patients, neither are supposed to take them. BS and Eye Pressures will shoot out of danger range. BS can be noticed and brought down with insulin, BUT hospitals KNOW nothing about testing Eye Pressure. One 5 mg of Prednisone will send Eye Pressure into the high Glaucoma ranges.
The majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
Exactly Butterfly, that was the first thing for me too, people suddenly behave like nobody ever died of anything before and stopped thinking.
Best wishes to you :-))
In the case of rape, how much penetration is considered acceptable before a line is crossed?
There is absolutely NO number that would warrant the actions that were taken against us and our personal liberties.
None. Our bodies and our lives were violated and there is nothing that makes that acceptable.
Indeed...personal sovereignty cannot rely on a number.
Liberty is not something we bargain with, it is something we claim. Why did people let their liberty be taken and so easily? This is a question those who handed it over need to answer.
It's quite simple.
The common citizen has been conditioned to find it unimaginable to believe, their beloved leaders would ever do anything to hurt them - intentionally or otherwise - much less kill them.
Achieve that level of brainwashing and the people themselves, will gladly and loyally implement the cognitive dissonance and self deception needed for the operation/agenda/movement to continue on to total capture.
We - collectively - do this to ourselves and teach our kids to do the same to themselves, generation after generation. The one and only good thing to come out of the scamdemic, is it pulled the curtain back on hundreds of societal attacks, being conducted by the regime and their embedded establishment activists.
But even with that, the majority of people (or the sheeple) refuse to believe they are anything more than chattel, to the ruling classes.
Isn’t that just the diabolical genius of the whole plan... that the majority of people simply would not believe that their trusted leaders would ever do such a dark thing to them.
I myself struggled with this exact idea for some time... I just did not want to believe it. That was my error. I kept the idea open, that I may in face be wrong, and with enough time spent on exploring the idea it started to look more and more likely.
Then the idea broke through, and I cannot see it any other way. Once you look at everything that happened, and is still happening, from that angle. It all makes so much sense.
I think what we need to ask ourselves is "what am I doing to change things". If you can answer that please do. We need to hear that people are doing things. Not to brag but to make it known that there are things we can do and people are doing them and then others can do them too. Are you working with others to create another form of exchange (ie: money)? Another system of consensus instead of politics? Anything else?
An illness where the average age of those who died is exactly the same as average life expectancy is not an an illness it's a lie. Every other statistic is there to prop up a fantasy.
Exactly. The whole thing was a very sophisticated magic trick.
I remember telling people about the Ioannidis paper as soon as it was published on the WHO bulletin page in October 2020!
But sadly, like probably all readers here, I was treated like a liar! After more than 3 years of such treatment it has an affect on the mental health of people of conscience and courage.
I heard one doctor say something like: we don't have a pandemic of a "virus" but a pandemic of cowardice!
The global neo Nazis of the world impersonating MSM staff, government officials, police, legal and medical professionals, philanthropists, etc need to be taken out by us the people ASAP. Then virtually all the problems they created would disappear 🙏
I totally relate to everything you say here!
And still the elephant in the room grows bigger and bigger but thoroughly ignored!
The roll out of 5G matches Covid19 geographically and chronologically worldwide and it continues.....
0.1%--isn't that also the number Dr. Fauci put in his article in the NEJM in March of 2020, while talking out the other side of his mouth on T.V.? Pushing right along, what exactly was causing these new flu-like symptoms? It certainly wasn't a virus which nobody yet has isolated, much less proven to harm anyone: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/
It is indeed.
Thank you.
Great summary and the point about being an authoritarian is right on.
Amazing how easy it is for so-called smart people with big critiques of societal stupidities to be what they criticize.
The answer is NO. The IFR published by the CDC in planning scenario 5 at the start of the plandemic wasn't much worse than Ioannidis’s great work and that's all it took for me to reject everything they did, especially the shots.
Watching a Jimmy Dore episode (my first ever) on March 29th, 2020 (ie. during Week 3 of “2 weeks to flatten the curve”) is what suddenly woke me up to the massive deceptions. He wasn’t even hip to what was happening re the Scamdemic then. It almost might not make sense how witnessing a conversation he had with a third party suddenly woke him up to a big charade which woke me up to an ever bigger charade. (Don’t mean to be cryptic, it’s just so huge how so many things suddenly “clicked” for me. I’m gearing up to properly write about that pivotal moment in my own Substack soon).
All that to say: Jimmy Dore is a treasure amongst truth tellers because he breaks it down, and tells it like it is. Recently he has been knocking it out of the park.
Thanks for another great post. I feel like I’m revisiting all my own questioning thoughts of March-April 2020 through you. ✨🙏🏽✨
Thank you. Looking forward to reading about that moment for you.
BTW, I really liked your Venn diagram.
Thank you! Clearly you, and many of your readers, would find yourselves in the intersection.
Hmmmm... Simples... Really... Thanks!
Another blistering analysis, this time by Dr.David Martin to the EU Parliament Covid Conference
It's great that people are finally starting to use their brains but think how we feel who knew covid was a farce from the very first day. with everyone running to wear the masks then running to get the vaccine and dare we said covid is a farce. I still did even though it wasn't screaming from the rafters. But we were put into a pressure cooker, couldn't say anything against the narrative. I won't forget that either. I wish Jimmy would now start admitting that not only were the IFR ridiculously low but that covid isn't even real, it's never been identified or isolated. Isn't it funny how the farce still continues even if by a thread. He needs to now say that covid was never real.
Most Infected in COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Were Vaccinated, Agency Confirms
Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness
video stories Most Infected in COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Were Vaccinated, Agency Confirms
Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness
Death Penalty or bounty hunters on collapse of The State. GoFundMe Bounties, across borders. A MASSIVE Reality Show: Hunting the Perps of Convid. Oh, and execute Blinky Bill, on screen.
John Ionannidis, who was one of the first significant academics dissenters. “Rancouey” is a hybrid name the author made up to mean Denis Rancourt & J.J. Couey.