Liberty is not something we bargain with, it is something we claim. Why did people let their liberty be taken and so easily? This is a question those who handed it over need to answer.
Liberty is not something we bargain with, it is something we claim. Why did people let their liberty be taken and so easily? This is a question those who handed it over need to answer.
The common citizen has been conditioned to find it unimaginable to believe, their beloved leaders would ever do anything to hurt them - intentionally or otherwise - much less kill them.
Achieve that level of brainwashing and the people themselves, will gladly and loyally implement the cognitive dissonance and self deception needed for the operation/agenda/movement to continue on to total capture.
We - collectively - do this to ourselves and teach our kids to do the same to themselves, generation after generation. The one and only good thing to come out of the scamdemic, is it pulled the curtain back on hundreds of societal attacks, being conducted by the regime and their embedded establishment activists.
But even with that, the majority of people (or the sheeple) refuse to believe they are anything more than chattel, to the ruling classes.
IsnтАЩt that just the diabolical genius of the whole plan... that the majority of people simply would not believe that their trusted leaders would ever do such a dark thing to them.
I myself struggled with this exact idea for some time... I just did not want to believe it. That was my error. I kept the idea open, that I may in face be wrong, and with enough time spent on exploring the idea it started to look more and more likely.
Then the idea broke through, and I cannot see it any other way. Once you look at everything that happened, and is still happening, from that angle. It all makes so much sense.
I think what we need to ask ourselves is "what am I doing to change things". If you can answer that please do. We need to hear that people are doing things. Not to brag but to make it known that there are things we can do and people are doing them and then others can do them too. Are you working with others to create another form of exchange (ie: money)? Another system of consensus instead of politics? Anything else?
Liberty is not something we bargain with, it is something we claim. Why did people let their liberty be taken and so easily? This is a question those who handed it over need to answer.
It's quite simple.
The common citizen has been conditioned to find it unimaginable to believe, their beloved leaders would ever do anything to hurt them - intentionally or otherwise - much less kill them.
Achieve that level of brainwashing and the people themselves, will gladly and loyally implement the cognitive dissonance and self deception needed for the operation/agenda/movement to continue on to total capture.
We - collectively - do this to ourselves and teach our kids to do the same to themselves, generation after generation. The one and only good thing to come out of the scamdemic, is it pulled the curtain back on hundreds of societal attacks, being conducted by the regime and their embedded establishment activists.
But even with that, the majority of people (or the sheeple) refuse to believe they are anything more than chattel, to the ruling classes.
IsnтАЩt that just the diabolical genius of the whole plan... that the majority of people simply would not believe that their trusted leaders would ever do such a dark thing to them.
I myself struggled with this exact idea for some time... I just did not want to believe it. That was my error. I kept the idea open, that I may in face be wrong, and with enough time spent on exploring the idea it started to look more and more likely.
Then the idea broke through, and I cannot see it any other way. Once you look at everything that happened, and is still happening, from that angle. It all makes so much sense.
I think what we need to ask ourselves is "what am I doing to change things". If you can answer that please do. We need to hear that people are doing things. Not to brag but to make it known that there are things we can do and people are doing them and then others can do them too. Are you working with others to create another form of exchange (ie: money)? Another system of consensus instead of politics? Anything else?