Emergency C sections are still necessary though. Breast feeding can allow the baby's immune system to catch up on what it lost. All doctors should do the transplant of bacteria onto the newborn immediately after a c section. We need more integration of these organic procedures in a surgical environment.
"The other side of the story." Our society is allowing, even encouraging people to reproduce that have mental/physical defects that will show up stronger in future generations. We must go to "A survival of the fittest" somehow. Should lesbian or gay couples be allowed to adopt? Should a single mother be allowed to raise a boy or a single dad be allowed to raise a girl? Families must be encouraged, not discouraged as in our society today.
Now Take Back The Education System. Teach TRUE HISTORY & Common Sense
I’m glad that I chose to breastfeed all of my babies because they will be stronger for it.
Emergency C sections are still necessary though. Breast feeding can allow the baby's immune system to catch up on what it lost. All doctors should do the transplant of bacteria onto the newborn immediately after a c section. We need more integration of these organic procedures in a surgical environment.
Another question: how vaccinations during pregnancy may affect maternal microbiome, this impact on baby?
Unbekoming, do you really have a book out?
You always mention a book. And by all these topics, it would be massive.
Would consider buying so I can try to unlearn what I know.
"The other side of the story." Our society is allowing, even encouraging people to reproduce that have mental/physical defects that will show up stronger in future generations. We must go to "A survival of the fittest" somehow. Should lesbian or gay couples be allowed to adopt? Should a single mother be allowed to raise a boy or a single dad be allowed to raise a girl? Families must be encouraged, not discouraged as in our society today.