Excellent! So glad to see this history (herstory) get the airing it deserves.

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Great article. I can't even count the number of "truths" we have been taught, believe as Gospel spoken by the prophets, that were all coverups. Downright lies. My son always tells me, "Yeah Mom, back in your day" and I laugh. I ask him to tell me one human emotion or distortion of today that didn't occur back in my day. What is "NEW" about today?

This article shows me that nothing has changed since the beginning of time. The same tactics used today were used in the 14th century. To me that boils down to the destruction of good for the promotion of greed and control.

The evidence is so blatant, apparent, obvious, in-your-face but if you haven't been woken up a thousand times like I have been, you will never see it. This was again, a serious wake-up call to me. And I thank Unbekomming and guest speakers for their knowledge and awakening.

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In bible

times, even Job said, “There is nothing new under


sun.” And there quite


will never be— except

maybe the

feelings of the poor transgendered children whose parents allowed doctors to experiment on them.

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You mean transgender like the transgender AI "woman" with a beard in the AI "art work" that accompanies this article?

Left side image at the bottom right. The one next to the "bearded lady" looks like her head is on backwards. The one mixing a potion in the foreground has six fingers on its right hand.

Jesus has wide lady hips and lady legs. You mean like transgender AI Jesus in the background?

I'm so sick of people embracing AI while purporting to be humanists.

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This is so well done and so important!!! 🙏

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“Women healers typically employed a mind-body-spirit approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.” That is what was taught in Diploma Nursing Programs of the 60s &70s. We were taught the mind and body cannot be separated, no matter what medicine

said. To that end we were taught that ‘as nurses we were the last line of defense ‘ against Bad Medicine for our patients, and it was our duty to stand up and question any medical orders that didn’t feel right or were dangerous. Sadly, that was not the mindset taught in all nursing schools, and none today that I know of. Likely because of my training I am often labeled ‘doctor hater’, which I’m not. My response is always ‘doctors are not gods, they have simply had the means to pay for and read different books than you or I. You could be a doctor too, it’s not magic.’

Much of the knowledge of our grandmothers was handed down from many women healers, but is labeled ‘old wives tales’ and ‘dangerous’ today…all handed down from the Medical Mafia.

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses is a small book and interesting for anyone interested in real the history of health-scare today. Nothing has changed in many ways. Any time the human body heals itself thru natural,means its call a Placebo Effect…because the mind has been excluded from medicine for many.

Another small and interesting read simply for a historical perspectives and how so much of society stays the same, is Diary of a Midwife. It’s the diary written by a midwife in the years prior to the American Revolution, exactly as she wrote it. It’s interesting to see how human nature rarely changes, and troubling issues of that time are similar to,those we face today, IMO.

Thanks for another interesting write up on a book I’ve had for years.

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Gentile da Foligno, the first European physician to perform a dissection of a human cadaver, and Paracelsus, the father of modern allopathic medicine, both urged their colleagues to listen to women skilled in the arts of healing, and both also urged women to understand the workings of their own bodies. Unfortunately, they were definitely in the minority regarding these matters.

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Great interview on an important topic! 💗🙏

As if this herstory wasn't upsetting enough... it is especially infuriating (to me) when male politicians claim they are 'victims of a witchhunt' (when being held to account for some shit they've actually done).

This is the history of patriarchy in a nutshell:

Male bullies first go on a rampage to destroy indigenous female powers of healing for personal gain of power. Then they appropriate the very word that describes the cruel and unjustified murder of women healers, effectively acknowledging that the victims were innocent. Now it's become a useful term for the descendants of those bullies to present themselves as 'innocently accused'.

The fact that they are neither female, nor skilled in the art of healing, nor in any danger of suffering a gruesome death by being literally burnt at the stake..., is quietly brushed under the carpet.

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The McMartin trials in Los Angeles were a recent continuation of this trend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial

Hard to blame this on the globalists but what do i know?

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First, thank you so much for sharing these essays. These ideas are like really useful enzymes for the philosophic mind. I feel like I could spend the rest of my days exploring just the nature of "structural integrity" alone and it seems overwhelming.

Re: "Our current world is built around structures that have integrity, that channel the populations energy. Built? Integrity? For what purpose? Also a big issue I'm struggling with is how to think through the cyclic nature of life at all levels. And also the big issue with the 2nd Law (thermodynamics), and time. How does life keep dodging an infinite number of entropy bullets. Perhaps the ruling elite swarm have resolved the conflict between science and power through a successful breeding program. They are the CNS (brain and central nervous system) and everyone/thing else in this world is NOT CNS. Perhaps all suffering stems from an essential fear of the idea death, the loss of structural integrity.

Anyway, thanks again. Bottom line is that we are overdue of a worldwide peasant revolt.

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an excellent book

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I have respect of medical professionals that have dedicated their lives and went into debt to educate themselves in a profession that is dedicated to helping people. That said...when I was kid...it didn't go unnoticed that whatever my Mom said I had...after a song and dance and showing my tonsils and taking my blood pressure and asking me to describe my pain, the Doctor would agree with my mom and give her whatever prescription she was asking for. What I take from that varies from day-to-day.. Sometimes I wonder if really once you want a prescription they can give you...why would they say no. But the other thing is even to this day...the network of moms and aunts and grandmas spread word of what is going round and that opinion is there in the ether when people are getting sick.

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Sidebar: Y’all

may really

enjoy OUTLANDERS, on Netflix. It’s fiction based on history. It’s excellent.

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The artwork for this post is very odd; it's gotta be AI generated. Seriously, look closely: on the left side there's a figure in a dress with cleavage, but the shoulders and arm's angle appear to indicate that it should actually be the back, not the front. The strangest of all is that the face could very well be that of a young man with a beard, but absolutely no doubt of same with the face behind!

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