Thanks for this, and I agree with Toby Rogers-- to quote your quote of his:
"If we survive the current crisis, it will be because of this new coalition of disaffected Democrats together with evangelical Christians and “small l” libertarians who reject postmodernism, authoritarianism, and fascism and fight with everything we’ve got for freedom, rationality, and common sense."
How to fight? Each person has their own talents, inclinations, skills, constraints, and opportunities-- the important thing is to figure out what those are, and get to it.
My manner of fighting: I make transcripts of censored and shadow-banned video and audio (archive spanning 2021-March 31, 2023), plus, under my legal name, I lobby my elected officials for medical freedom, and that includes free speech, both for citizens and for doctors. There is more that I can do within the legislative process, and in the coming years I intend to do just that.
Agree. The battle is a grass roots one, against a Leviathan. We might ultimately be defeated, Kingsforth certainly believes that to be the case (and he might be right), but I prefer to go down swinging.
The unshotted will never be defeated. They may kill us but they will never defeat us. The DIPS (demons in power) know this and hate the unshotted with the heat of a million suns. The power to simply say "no" is all we need to continue to do.
The Rebel Patient just posted a good article on fighting back against the WHO pandemic treaty, and other things. She consistently posts good information that's worth reading.
Thank you, Justin daws, for your kind comment. About the real people: for me the transcribing is, of course, about fighting censorship and establishing an historical record, however it is also for me a spiritual exercise. As I transcribe I find I feel a great deal of appreciation and compassion for each individual human being. For some it takes me a little longer than for others. Sort of like reading Tolstoy, but better.
PS Here's one of the more outstanding personalities, which I finished transcribing last night:
Heather Berman delivers powerful speech at medical freedom rally in NYC 8/25/21
— I had a dream as a little girl to be a professional dancer and musical theater performer, and I put on shows in my neighborhood. I didn't need a producer to tell me that I can do a show. I speak for all the dancers, the singers, the crew, the actors. I'm also a professional actor. I've been been a member of Actors Equity, SAG-AFTRA* and AGVA** as a Rockette. And now because I had the guts to get on the streets with my friends from New York Freedom Rally–
— they're all contacting me, upset, crying, don't know what to do. As I am here, somebody even from the holistic community contacted me, what should I do?
Listen here, four years ago, not knowing about vaccines, we all grew up thinking we had to have them in order to live, I got a stupid cut on my finger, an what did they give me at the urgent care? A tetanus vaccine. It has rendered me with MS. I am half numb from the waist down.
This is not right what they are doing to my community. And my community is not just union members, it's non union members, it's dance moms and dads, it's little girls taking ballet class being forced to wear a mask! We will not comply!
[cheers, applause]
We will not comply!
CROWD: We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply!
HEATHER BERMAN: And I also want to speak about the coercion from these unions, sending multiple emails saying, get your shot, get your shot. Imagine the terrorism it felt like to me, somebody who has been injured from a vaccine.
This isn't a vaccine, this is some kind of a biopharma injection. Nobody even knows what it's going to do to all of these beautiful, healthy dancers.
EATHER BERMAN: Crew has been made to wear two masks out in the heat outside while they're working. They also have to wear signs on their body, whether they've been vaccinated or not.
CROWD: Booooo!
HEATHER BERMAN: I say to you, Broadway performers who are out there, [inaudible] square and setting up shop and and you are marketing this, when you don't know everybody's health. I chose holistic health. It's my right.
HEATHER BERMAN: I choose not to use biopharma products.
[cheers, applause]
It's my right! I'm standing here right now because I used homeopathy, acupuncture—
HEATHER BERMAN: I used chiropractic. I used holistic health. This is where our world is going. It's going to help everyone. Holistic health heals. Biopharma is a bandaid.
HEATHER BERMAN: And even if you would like to use a synthetic drug for your health, you have the right to do it.
HEATHER BERMAN: And you can the right to use a mask if you would like, and you have the right to use a test called a PCR that was never invented to diagnose illness. Kary Mullis, quote unquote.***
Enough is enough with all of this. We can read. We don't need to be scientists to understand the science.
And one more thing. What I did for love. Broadway performers! What I did for love, A Chorus Line, I danced, I sang, I acted, I produced, I choreographed, and I don't want to do it with a biopharma injection.
[cheers, applause]
And it's my right! And guess what, big producers and money-handlers, we will do it without you.
[cheers, applause]
We don't need your money to produce. We don't need your money to do a show. We don't need your money to do our art. We can do it without you. And we will step out of the unions and do our own thing.
SAG-AFTRA came into being in the 1930s when the actors weren't treated right. Now they're not being treated right either. Isn't that funny. Actors, stand up and stop hiding behind everybody. I'm not a star, I don't need to be a star to stand up. If you're looking for stars to tell you what you do or politicians, you're going to be waiting until everybody's dead.
HEATHER BERMAN: Enough is enough. I say, No medical mandates!
CROWD: No medical mandates!
HEATHER BERMAN: No medical mandates!
CROWD: No medical mandates! No medical mandates! No medical mandates!
From her webpage: "Heather Berman is a Actress, Former Rockette, Print Model and Inspirational Speaker. She holds a BFA in Dance & Performing Arts from Point Park University in Pittsburgh PA, her home town. She came out of the womb wanting to be in show biz. Her mom recalls, at age five she exclaimed, "I want to be a trapeze artist and travel with the circus!" It is through living her soul purpose that she learned selfless love, gratitude and discernment. But most of all she learned how to 'Let go & let God'".
* SAG-AFTRA is the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. See
Isn't Heather Berman great?!! And to think, I only came upon her freedom rally speech and some other things, including an interview, very recently. That's how heavy the censorship and shadow-banning has been.
"How much of what has been going one within the Empire is because of old men?" I am not sure that average young men or women are any better. It's all immature psychopaths. Age might come with dementia and desperation, maybe that makes it worse.
Actually we are missing true elders. Experienced wise, loving, sane old women and men.
There are a few perspectives I have not thought of here. Thank you. Especially the fact that disease is put INTO you with every vaccination. I had just not thought of that in simple verbiage. I did remember that it’s impossible to completely sterilize the pathogen used, such as the polio shots. I believe I read that in Dissolving Illusions book.
This message here makes me want to print thousands of copies with which to litter the public space. Guerilla-style dissemination of truth, I believe, is our most effective weapon.
Always appreciate your thoughtful insights and reflections. In fact, when my in box is too full, I make sure to read your articles after filing all the others away. :-)
A few additional thoughts . . . .
To the unholy alliance between capital, postmodernism, and left authoritarianism I would add digital technology. This, as I see it, is the one new variable that provides the psychopaths with far more leverage and control than they've ever had before.
Admittedly, killing may be easier than control, as demonstrated by the recent "safe and effective" propaganda campaigns ~ but the seduction of "power over" is irresistible for the "powers that shouldn't be" ~ and I suspect the expansion into nuclear war may not actually be the next formidable disaster.
Instead, my instincts say a cyber attack of massive proportions (one that destablizes great portions of the Internet and our digital infrastructure) may be the next global catastrophe. In fact, Klaus has warned as much:
The resulting chaos and famine could kill far more people far more easily and cheaply, and with far less environmental damage than nuclear war, while still providing a "justification" for global martial law.
Time alone will tell. Perhaps I'm wrong ~ or perhaps we'll get "lucky" and end up with both . . . .
Look at us both, speculating about their next manufactured disaster 😊
What we are not disputing, is that there will be another one...many people understand their modus operandi now. Manufacture a crisis, provide the "solution, in so doing tighten control...repeat.
Yeah, it's disappointing that it's come to this (i.e., speculating about the next manufactured disaster). In fact, I was thinking about this as I posted my previous comment.
However, I guess that's the nature of the red pill experience. As much as we might (occasionally) wish for things to be other (more sane) than they are. we can never look away again.
As Ed Dowd recently said: "In my lifetime it has never been more dangerous to be uninformed about reality than now."
I believed in vaccines until the covid gene therapies came out and I figured out the lie just in time to never get one. I won’t even get a tetanus booster now.
"I believe that thought precedes feelings that precede action. Think, feel, act. If you can change a thought, the rest will follow. . . . "
May I add something to that perspective? Human beings are highly complex entities. What we consider to be ourselves, what we experience in our day-to-day awareness or consciousness is only "the tip of the iceberg" of what we actually are. We posess, as beings functioning in this three-dimensional time-space universe, a very limited ability to focus on or be aware of what is actually going in around us and inside of us at any given moment. MOST of what we are is operating "below the surface" from our limited perspective constrained in this physical experience. Our "subconscious self" is huge! We hold many, many memories and BELIEFS on that subconscious level, and it is beliefs held and expressed by parts of our subconscious (including our "worldview") that influence our thoughts.
So a more complete rendition might look like this:
Beliefs held by subconscious parts > inspire those parts to guide or direct our actions/behaviors > parts exert influence by generating "feelings", both physiological and emotional > feelings are the means of communication between the subconscious and our conscious self > feelings "drive behaviors" and push us into responding to the desires of the subconscious (that originate in its beliefs).
As a side note: the "Word" referred to in the Bible (as in John 1:1) has nothing to do with written or spoken language, or pen and paper recording letters. The Word is ENERGY, the primordial Consciousness from which everything else is derived. The physicists call it The Quantum Field. Religious people call it God or the Name of God ". . . and the Word was God". Which is why it cannot be uttered. It IS God itself!
Like trying to explain sight to someone born with no eyes.
This brilliant and insightful treatise on “where we are” gets us further to the truth. But it doesn’t quite get at the root. Yet.
“We have been here before.” Indeed. It’s the same predicament humanity has been in since the literal Garden. Satan rebelled against God, wanted to BE God, so a challenge was crafted by which Satan could demonstrate his worthiness to be god of his own kingdom. We are the creatures in the terrarium, as it were, who by our own volition must choose fealty to Satan or to God as we are pushed and pulled by the Lie and the Truth swirling in the messaging around us. Neither entity can force the individual, but must woo or persuade, convince or coerce, until the individual chooses of his own will.
The manipulation, lies, and force always as the tools of tyrants is the manifestation of Satan’s corruption. He is the Father of Lies, after all. He tempted Adam and Eve with the bait that they, too, could “be as God.” His temptation has not changed. Ever wonder why the wealthiest and most influential of the world’s elite all share the same god complex? Satan promises what he cannot deliver, but it appeals to so many people that they find it too irresistible. The wealthiest, most powerful people have their wealth and power as their reward for advancing Satan’s agenda.
But God has promised a just end to the perverse merry-go-round of human sin and satanic influence. A final book end to the war between good and evil, where evil is shut away forever and all is restored to God’s original intended, perfect design.
Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God came in the flesh so that we could have life, and life abundantly. The test for us today is the same test that Adam failed: will we make ourselves the arbiters of Truth? Or will we trust what God has said, realizing that we are finite in our intellect and understanding, but He is infinite. It’s God explaining sight to us who are born without eyes.
I can't remember the last time I felt completely free of anxiety, fear or terror for myself, my children, my family, my community, my fellow human beings. It's all crazy-making - which is the whole point.
That fear is what they WANT you to feel! It shuts down higher reasoning skills and makes us vulnerable to their nonsensical programming. And it also impairs the immune system and makes us more likely to get sick, or die!
It helps to hold a broader perspective . . . this life is temporary, no matter how it plays out, and ultimately you, and everyone else, are going to be just fine. This is all a learning experience. It is making you stronger and wiser. It is also entertaining. We get bored easily without a little surprise and adventure. Life IS the adventure!
The best story plot is "the Hero's Journey" where the good guy faces difficult challenges and overcomes them. WE are those "heros". We have villains to vanquish. We WILL do it!
The journey itself is the goal. We can remember that we are just "actors on the stage of life" and enjoy the "play", or take it too seriously and freak out. Enjoying the challenges is much more rewarding. In the "big picture" everything is actually okay and, ultimately, you are Loved and you are Safe. This three-dimensional time-space reality is an illusion. Nothing can really hurt you, and it will all come out "in the wash" at the end!
Thank you. These are very wise words and very helpful.
I'm a survivor of sexual abuse, cancer, and many other traumas and hardships and have developed a lot of coping strategies. However, sometimes it just gets to be too much. I have lost 3 loved ones during these past 3 years. I'm estranged from my children and granddaughter.
I have made friends with my anxiety and for the most part I function well in life. But we all need reminders. 💗🙏
These are certainly not easy times. I can relate to your family estrangement issue, as I'm sure can a lot of the other readers! I am only in contact still with just one relative, my nephew — a "fellow outcast" who doesn't go along with the mass-programmed nonsense. COVID of course isn't the only cause for division, but it certainly didn't help.
I'm currently reading:
"An overview of: Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer:
I'm fully aware of the cancer industrial complex and chose to heal my cancer through holistic therapies. My younger sister, same diagnosis, wasn't so lucky. She was coerced by her employer to do chemotherapy (they wouldn't give her disability income otherwise) and she died less than a year later. It's been 7 years and I grieve her still 7 years later.
Sounds 'way too familiar these days — the system coercing people to do the wrong thing: similarly, people choose the bioweapon shots in order to keep their jobs, then get disabled or killed by them so lose the job anyway! Insanity!
Those evil perpetrators are going to keep it up UNTIL enough people push back and "tell them where they can go"!
My sister was the same way, but believe too much in doctors and medicine. She died at 53 from chemotherapy. A few years later I had a dream (pre-covid) where she showed up and told me to tell me brother not to listen to doctors. Then covid hit and my brother took the bioweapon shots despite my warning to him. Such is life.
I have a friend who felt like she had an elephant on her chest after her first shot. It was worse when it was hot or she exerted herself. Fortunately, her doctor advised her not to get any more shots, and as far as I know, she hasn't had any problems since that summer.
Tolstoy wrote about in the epilogue to "War And Peace" He talks about how the people at the top never actually, directly kill anyone! Somehow they manage to construct huge armies of men and direct them to kill each other.
That's so interesting that you reference his epilogue. I read it as a teenager, and it was the most important work that I read in those years, it helped me understand the world a bit better.
It is all mind-bogglingly horrendous. Hard to take in, frankly. (& btw, thanks for this amazing essay! I had not heard about the Dr. Hodge revelations from so very, very long ago now.) There was a time when I didn't really believe in evil. I sure believe in it now.
Thanks for this, and I agree with Toby Rogers-- to quote your quote of his:
"If we survive the current crisis, it will be because of this new coalition of disaffected Democrats together with evangelical Christians and “small l” libertarians who reject postmodernism, authoritarianism, and fascism and fight with everything we’ve got for freedom, rationality, and common sense."
How to fight? Each person has their own talents, inclinations, skills, constraints, and opportunities-- the important thing is to figure out what those are, and get to it.
My manner of fighting: I make transcripts of censored and shadow-banned video and audio (archive spanning 2021-March 31, 2023), plus, under my legal name, I lobby my elected officials for medical freedom, and that includes free speech, both for citizens and for doctors. There is more that I can do within the legislative process, and in the coming years I intend to do just that.
Agree. The battle is a grass roots one, against a Leviathan. We might ultimately be defeated, Kingsforth certainly believes that to be the case (and he might be right), but I prefer to go down swinging.
Better to die on your feet that live on your knees.
The unshotted will never be defeated. They may kill us but they will never defeat us. The DIPS (demons in power) know this and hate the unshotted with the heat of a million suns. The power to simply say "no" is all we need to continue to do.
The Rebel Patient just posted a good article on fighting back against the WHO pandemic treaty, and other things. She consistently posts good information that's worth reading.
Have you considered publishing your archive on Rumble?
Thank you, Justin daws, for your kind comment. About the real people: for me the transcribing is, of course, about fighting censorship and establishing an historical record, however it is also for me a spiritual exercise. As I transcribe I find I feel a great deal of appreciation and compassion for each individual human being. For some it takes me a little longer than for others. Sort of like reading Tolstoy, but better.
PS Here's one of the more outstanding personalities, which I finished transcribing last night:
Heather Berman delivers powerful speech at medical freedom rally in NYC 8/25/21
911 jedi, Posted August 26, 2021
HEATHER BERMAN: I'm Heather Berman. I—
— I had a dream as a little girl to be a professional dancer and musical theater performer, and I put on shows in my neighborhood. I didn't need a producer to tell me that I can do a show. I speak for all the dancers, the singers, the crew, the actors. I'm also a professional actor. I've been been a member of Actors Equity, SAG-AFTRA* and AGVA** as a Rockette. And now because I had the guts to get on the streets with my friends from New York Freedom Rally–
— they're all contacting me, upset, crying, don't know what to do. As I am here, somebody even from the holistic community contacted me, what should I do?
Listen here, four years ago, not knowing about vaccines, we all grew up thinking we had to have them in order to live, I got a stupid cut on my finger, an what did they give me at the urgent care? A tetanus vaccine. It has rendered me with MS. I am half numb from the waist down.
This is not right what they are doing to my community. And my community is not just union members, it's non union members, it's dance moms and dads, it's little girls taking ballet class being forced to wear a mask! We will not comply!
[cheers, applause]
We will not comply!
CROWD: We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply! We will not comply!
HEATHER BERMAN: And I also want to speak about the coercion from these unions, sending multiple emails saying, get your shot, get your shot. Imagine the terrorism it felt like to me, somebody who has been injured from a vaccine.
This isn't a vaccine, this is some kind of a biopharma injection. Nobody even knows what it's going to do to all of these beautiful, healthy dancers.
EATHER BERMAN: Crew has been made to wear two masks out in the heat outside while they're working. They also have to wear signs on their body, whether they've been vaccinated or not.
CROWD: Booooo!
HEATHER BERMAN: I say to you, Broadway performers who are out there, [inaudible] square and setting up shop and and you are marketing this, when you don't know everybody's health. I chose holistic health. It's my right.
HEATHER BERMAN: I choose not to use biopharma products.
[cheers, applause]
It's my right! I'm standing here right now because I used homeopathy, acupuncture—
HEATHER BERMAN: I used chiropractic. I used holistic health. This is where our world is going. It's going to help everyone. Holistic health heals. Biopharma is a bandaid.
HEATHER BERMAN: And even if you would like to use a synthetic drug for your health, you have the right to do it.
HEATHER BERMAN: And you can the right to use a mask if you would like, and you have the right to use a test called a PCR that was never invented to diagnose illness. Kary Mullis, quote unquote.***
Enough is enough with all of this. We can read. We don't need to be scientists to understand the science.
And one more thing. What I did for love. Broadway performers! What I did for love, A Chorus Line, I danced, I sang, I acted, I produced, I choreographed, and I don't want to do it with a biopharma injection.
[cheers, applause]
And it's my right! And guess what, big producers and money-handlers, we will do it without you.
[cheers, applause]
We don't need your money to produce. We don't need your money to do a show. We don't need your money to do our art. We can do it without you. And we will step out of the unions and do our own thing.
SAG-AFTRA came into being in the 1930s when the actors weren't treated right. Now they're not being treated right either. Isn't that funny. Actors, stand up and stop hiding behind everybody. I'm not a star, I don't need to be a star to stand up. If you're looking for stars to tell you what you do or politicians, you're going to be waiting until everybody's dead.
HEATHER BERMAN: Enough is enough. I say, No medical mandates!
CROWD: No medical mandates!
HEATHER BERMAN: No medical mandates!
CROWD: No medical mandates! No medical mandates! No medical mandates!
# # #
Heather Berman's webpage is
From her webpage: "Heather Berman is a Actress, Former Rockette, Print Model and Inspirational Speaker. She holds a BFA in Dance & Performing Arts from Point Park University in Pittsburgh PA, her home town. She came out of the womb wanting to be in show biz. Her mom recalls, at age five she exclaimed, "I want to be a trapeze artist and travel with the circus!" It is through living her soul purpose that she learned selfless love, gratitude and discernment. But most of all she learned how to 'Let go & let God'".
* SAG-AFTRA is the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. See
** AGVA is the American Guild of Variety Artists. see
*** Kary Mullis was the inventor of the PCR test.
Thank you for the link to Berman!
Isn't Heather Berman great?!! And to think, I only came upon her freedom rally speech and some other things, including an interview, very recently. That's how heavy the censorship and shadow-banning has been.
PS I second your recommendation of the essay about stupidity.
"How much of what has been going one within the Empire is because of old men?" I am not sure that average young men or women are any better. It's all immature psychopaths. Age might come with dementia and desperation, maybe that makes it worse.
Actually we are missing true elders. Experienced wise, loving, sane old women and men.
There are many elders around - nobody listens to them.
There are a few perspectives I have not thought of here. Thank you. Especially the fact that disease is put INTO you with every vaccination. I had just not thought of that in simple verbiage. I did remember that it’s impossible to completely sterilize the pathogen used, such as the polio shots. I believe I read that in Dissolving Illusions book.
This message here makes me want to print thousands of copies with which to litter the public space. Guerilla-style dissemination of truth, I believe, is our most effective weapon.
After prayer, that is.
Many thanks for your valuable articulation!
Always appreciate your thoughtful insights and reflections. In fact, when my in box is too full, I make sure to read your articles after filing all the others away. :-)
A few additional thoughts . . . .
To the unholy alliance between capital, postmodernism, and left authoritarianism I would add digital technology. This, as I see it, is the one new variable that provides the psychopaths with far more leverage and control than they've ever had before.
Admittedly, killing may be easier than control, as demonstrated by the recent "safe and effective" propaganda campaigns ~ but the seduction of "power over" is irresistible for the "powers that shouldn't be" ~ and I suspect the expansion into nuclear war may not actually be the next formidable disaster.
Instead, my instincts say a cyber attack of massive proportions (one that destablizes great portions of the Internet and our digital infrastructure) may be the next global catastrophe. In fact, Klaus has warned as much:
The resulting chaos and famine could kill far more people far more easily and cheaply, and with far less environmental damage than nuclear war, while still providing a "justification" for global martial law.
Time alone will tell. Perhaps I'm wrong ~ or perhaps we'll get "lucky" and end up with both . . . .
Look at us both, speculating about their next manufactured disaster 😊
What we are not disputing, is that there will be another one...many people understand their modus operandi now. Manufacture a crisis, provide the "solution, in so doing tighten control...repeat.
Yeah, it's disappointing that it's come to this (i.e., speculating about the next manufactured disaster). In fact, I was thinking about this as I posted my previous comment.
However, I guess that's the nature of the red pill experience. As much as we might (occasionally) wish for things to be other (more sane) than they are. we can never look away again.
As Ed Dowd recently said: "In my lifetime it has never been more dangerous to be uninformed about reality than now."
I believed in vaccines until the covid gene therapies came out and I figured out the lie just in time to never get one. I won’t even get a tetanus booster now.
"I believe that thought precedes feelings that precede action. Think, feel, act. If you can change a thought, the rest will follow. . . . "
May I add something to that perspective? Human beings are highly complex entities. What we consider to be ourselves, what we experience in our day-to-day awareness or consciousness is only "the tip of the iceberg" of what we actually are. We posess, as beings functioning in this three-dimensional time-space universe, a very limited ability to focus on or be aware of what is actually going in around us and inside of us at any given moment. MOST of what we are is operating "below the surface" from our limited perspective constrained in this physical experience. Our "subconscious self" is huge! We hold many, many memories and BELIEFS on that subconscious level, and it is beliefs held and expressed by parts of our subconscious (including our "worldview") that influence our thoughts.
So a more complete rendition might look like this:
Beliefs held by subconscious parts > inspire those parts to guide or direct our actions/behaviors > parts exert influence by generating "feelings", both physiological and emotional > feelings are the means of communication between the subconscious and our conscious self > feelings "drive behaviors" and push us into responding to the desires of the subconscious (that originate in its beliefs).
As a side note: the "Word" referred to in the Bible (as in John 1:1) has nothing to do with written or spoken language, or pen and paper recording letters. The Word is ENERGY, the primordial Consciousness from which everything else is derived. The physicists call it The Quantum Field. Religious people call it God or the Name of God ". . . and the Word was God". Which is why it cannot be uttered. It IS God itself!
You can’t just blame the old men anymore. Anyone see Sen Feinstein 😡. They all need to retire ..
“No amount of data can change their minds.”
Like trying to explain sight to someone born with no eyes.
This brilliant and insightful treatise on “where we are” gets us further to the truth. But it doesn’t quite get at the root. Yet.
“We have been here before.” Indeed. It’s the same predicament humanity has been in since the literal Garden. Satan rebelled against God, wanted to BE God, so a challenge was crafted by which Satan could demonstrate his worthiness to be god of his own kingdom. We are the creatures in the terrarium, as it were, who by our own volition must choose fealty to Satan or to God as we are pushed and pulled by the Lie and the Truth swirling in the messaging around us. Neither entity can force the individual, but must woo or persuade, convince or coerce, until the individual chooses of his own will.
The manipulation, lies, and force always as the tools of tyrants is the manifestation of Satan’s corruption. He is the Father of Lies, after all. He tempted Adam and Eve with the bait that they, too, could “be as God.” His temptation has not changed. Ever wonder why the wealthiest and most influential of the world’s elite all share the same god complex? Satan promises what he cannot deliver, but it appeals to so many people that they find it too irresistible. The wealthiest, most powerful people have their wealth and power as their reward for advancing Satan’s agenda.
But God has promised a just end to the perverse merry-go-round of human sin and satanic influence. A final book end to the war between good and evil, where evil is shut away forever and all is restored to God’s original intended, perfect design.
Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God came in the flesh so that we could have life, and life abundantly. The test for us today is the same test that Adam failed: will we make ourselves the arbiters of Truth? Or will we trust what God has said, realizing that we are finite in our intellect and understanding, but He is infinite. It’s God explaining sight to us who are born without eyes.
I can't remember the last time I felt completely free of anxiety, fear or terror for myself, my children, my family, my community, my fellow human beings. It's all crazy-making - which is the whole point.
That fear is what they WANT you to feel! It shuts down higher reasoning skills and makes us vulnerable to their nonsensical programming. And it also impairs the immune system and makes us more likely to get sick, or die!
It helps to hold a broader perspective . . . this life is temporary, no matter how it plays out, and ultimately you, and everyone else, are going to be just fine. This is all a learning experience. It is making you stronger and wiser. It is also entertaining. We get bored easily without a little surprise and adventure. Life IS the adventure!
The best story plot is "the Hero's Journey" where the good guy faces difficult challenges and overcomes them. WE are those "heros". We have villains to vanquish. We WILL do it!
The journey itself is the goal. We can remember that we are just "actors on the stage of life" and enjoy the "play", or take it too seriously and freak out. Enjoying the challenges is much more rewarding. In the "big picture" everything is actually okay and, ultimately, you are Loved and you are Safe. This three-dimensional time-space reality is an illusion. Nothing can really hurt you, and it will all come out "in the wash" at the end!
Thank you. These are very wise words and very helpful.
I'm a survivor of sexual abuse, cancer, and many other traumas and hardships and have developed a lot of coping strategies. However, sometimes it just gets to be too much. I have lost 3 loved ones during these past 3 years. I'm estranged from my children and granddaughter.
I have made friends with my anxiety and for the most part I function well in life. But we all need reminders. 💗🙏
These are certainly not easy times. I can relate to your family estrangement issue, as I'm sure can a lot of the other readers! I am only in contact still with just one relative, my nephew — a "fellow outcast" who doesn't go along with the mass-programmed nonsense. COVID of course isn't the only cause for division, but it certainly didn't help.
I'm currently reading:
"An overview of: Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer:
Have you seen this yet? Quite fascinating!
I'm fully aware of the cancer industrial complex and chose to heal my cancer through holistic therapies. My younger sister, same diagnosis, wasn't so lucky. She was coerced by her employer to do chemotherapy (they wouldn't give her disability income otherwise) and she died less than a year later. It's been 7 years and I grieve her still 7 years later.
I'm so sorry for your loss! Utterly unnecessary!
Sounds 'way too familiar these days — the system coercing people to do the wrong thing: similarly, people choose the bioweapon shots in order to keep their jobs, then get disabled or killed by them so lose the job anyway! Insanity!
Those evil perpetrators are going to keep it up UNTIL enough people push back and "tell them where they can go"!
My sister was the same way, but believe too much in doctors and medicine. She died at 53 from chemotherapy. A few years later I had a dream (pre-covid) where she showed up and told me to tell me brother not to listen to doctors. Then covid hit and my brother took the bioweapon shots despite my warning to him. Such is life.
Great article, thank you.
I return to a point you have made yourself: There is no such thing as a pandemic!
I have a friend who felt like she had an elephant on her chest after her first shot. It was worse when it was hot or she exerted herself. Fortunately, her doctor advised her not to get any more shots, and as far as I know, she hasn't had any problems since that summer.
Re:the last paragraph
Tolstoy wrote about in the epilogue to "War And Peace" He talks about how the people at the top never actually, directly kill anyone! Somehow they manage to construct huge armies of men and direct them to kill each other.
That's so interesting that you reference his epilogue. I read it as a teenager, and it was the most important work that I read in those years, it helped me understand the world a bit better.
It is all mind-bogglingly horrendous. Hard to take in, frankly. (& btw, thanks for this amazing essay! I had not heard about the Dr. Hodge revelations from so very, very long ago now.) There was a time when I didn't really believe in evil. I sure believe in it now.
Phenomenal - thank you!