Wonderful information. Didn't know about Roosevelt, but couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. My doctor also succumbed to poison. After clearing out a dam from a creek on his property he was chemically poisoned by glyphosate. Took 10 minutes for his whole body to start screaming. He went to the ER immediately and was told he had a chemical burn.
A week later when I saw him in office he looked like he had gone 12 rounds with Rocky but never said a word. Open sores everywhere, just ghastly.
Did a neighbor upstream use round-up to kill weeds and the residue swam down to his property? Was it deliberately set to kill off another homeopath? All I know for sure, is that there is no way this kind man who pushed organic like a steam roller would have used glyphosate on his property. He was over 80 and looked about 50. I will go to my grave never knowing how this could have happened. He resurrected me from near death. I miss him terribly.
How many "dots" need to be connected for reality to emerge? The abuse being inflicted upon us, by "the rulers" this time around, may seem rather remarkable, sophisticated, but it is not. Rulers become Slaves become Rulers. Blah, Blah, Blah. Now do you understand what really drives Transhumanism? The beauty they see in the art and science of transfection has fueled their dedication and support for generations build, what are basically new pyramids made, mRNA. Yes, I know, It's fucking so dumb. But, "It is what it is" right now. Thank You Material Reductionism. It's been a really good run! Now Fuck Off! And don't bother turning off the lights or closing the door behind you...Our Sun will do this for all of us.
My response to fear changed rather dramatically when I started exposing myself to the theory of cyclic global catastrophic. What really keeps me fired up is still being able to ask questions and seek answers. There is something very strange about living now. Let's keep going.
"If meat is banned, because all animal products are full of viruses, then you have a ready-made reason to remove all guns from the public." I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Is your point in the quote above that they will suggest guns are only for hunting? Thanks!
I don't believe that viruses are a myth but everything else makes sense. And the terrain is very important. Just that if someone is bitten or scratched by a rabid animal they do develop rabies if they don't get the shots well before symptoms appear.
Please. look into Dr JJ Couey.... hope you can connect with him this new year and do a feature on his work.... this is his message.... "Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!"..... and he calls out all the meddlers..... all of them....
Curious that the Jewish population, according to their own published jewish statistics, showed an increase in the jewish population AFTER the war ended.
Excellent work.. what an incredible resource this post is with all the links.
The "Devil Bill" Rockefeller model for Medicine.
Wonderful information. Didn't know about Roosevelt, but couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. My doctor also succumbed to poison. After clearing out a dam from a creek on his property he was chemically poisoned by glyphosate. Took 10 minutes for his whole body to start screaming. He went to the ER immediately and was told he had a chemical burn.
A week later when I saw him in office he looked like he had gone 12 rounds with Rocky but never said a word. Open sores everywhere, just ghastly.
Did a neighbor upstream use round-up to kill weeds and the residue swam down to his property? Was it deliberately set to kill off another homeopath? All I know for sure, is that there is no way this kind man who pushed organic like a steam roller would have used glyphosate on his property. He was over 80 and looked about 50. I will go to my grave never knowing how this could have happened. He resurrected me from near death. I miss him terribly.
How many "dots" need to be connected for reality to emerge? The abuse being inflicted upon us, by "the rulers" this time around, may seem rather remarkable, sophisticated, but it is not. Rulers become Slaves become Rulers. Blah, Blah, Blah. Now do you understand what really drives Transhumanism? The beauty they see in the art and science of transfection has fueled their dedication and support for generations build, what are basically new pyramids made, mRNA. Yes, I know, It's fucking so dumb. But, "It is what it is" right now. Thank You Material Reductionism. It's been a really good run! Now Fuck Off! And don't bother turning off the lights or closing the door behind you...Our Sun will do this for all of us.
My response to fear changed rather dramatically when I started exposing myself to the theory of cyclic global catastrophic. What really keeps me fired up is still being able to ask questions and seek answers. There is something very strange about living now. Let's keep going.
"If meat is banned, because all animal products are full of viruses, then you have a ready-made reason to remove all guns from the public." I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Is your point in the quote above that they will suggest guns are only for hunting? Thanks!
I have stumbled on this exact same quote. There’s a big jump in the logic of the reasoning that requires additional steps.
That’s what I was feeling, although you’ve expressed it much more clearly.
I'm thinking that guns are only for THEM.
Thanks for sharing this
I don't believe that viruses are a myth but everything else makes sense. And the terrain is very important. Just that if someone is bitten or scratched by a rabid animal they do develop rabies if they don't get the shots well before symptoms appear.
I noticed a sudden increase in mask wearers at the supermarket today here in the UK. The psyop is so deeply embedded in religious-level belief.
Love this article. If only more people could see and understand this vital information...
Please. look into Dr JJ Couey.... hope you can connect with him this new year and do a feature on his work.... this is his message.... "Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!"..... and he calls out all the meddlers..... all of them....
Thanks again : )
Got it. It looks like the same people who were behind the 1940s eugenics in Europe at the Wannsee Conference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyz-drMwzDA] are still running the show these days [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174]. See what I mean?
Curious that the Jewish population, according to their own published jewish statistics, showed an increase in the jewish population AFTER the war ended.