Of course vaccines wreck immunity, that's what they are intended to do.

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I am so grateful to all the brave doctors, journalist, parents, nurses etc. etc. exposing the dangers. I first became aware after watching the nine part documentary by Ty Bollinger and his wife. Wow! My eyes were open. I work in special education and now I look at these kids so differently. Also, we have a huge control group. The Amish do not vaccinate, do not expose their children to pharmaceuticals, screens etc. They also do not wear shoes until they are 12. They are grounded and work and play outside. They do not have any of the health problems that are plaguing the rest of American children. I wish more people would mention the Amish. They are the only true control group we have.

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In 2020, I resisted falling for the fear mongering propaganda thanks to 10+ years studying immunity, specifically antioxidants (NrF2 activators) that offset oxidative stress and disease (see https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4680839/). As more detail emerged, those professionals were pillioried and de-platformed for simply asking the question - 'What will these new "vaccines" do to our immune system?'

And what a journey it has been! Since then I have read many books on the topic, the best so far is the recently published 'Down the Covid 19 Rabbit Hole' by Drs Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw that outline the risks and dangers of the coordinated attack by governments and health bureaucrats around the globe employing lies, fear, shame, censorship and mass advertising to brainwash the masses into believing that what looks and acts like a bioweapon was "safe and effective." Those who were conned by the "brainwashed" so called "experts" that natural immunity could not be relied upon, have paid a heavy price and only time will tell how many have or will die or live with long-term disabilities and health challenges.

Thankfully there is help for the vaccine injured at sites like https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/ and https://www.cccalliance.ca/ that provide protocols for helping to get back to health.

Big thank you! to all healthcare professionals who have helped steer those interested in the truth to stay healthy!

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Thank-you for the book recommendation. I plan to read it. I have read several others & am always grateful when I am able to add to that base of knowledge.

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That's exactly what I had as a child, hundreds of allergies, Asthma, and learning reading disabilities. I remember the day I got the vacinnes in grade one...I was learning very well...over night I couldn't learn or remember anything no mater how hard I studied. It was a nightmare! It was unbelievably hard on me. To this day it's difficult and made life much harder. It's almost like a brain fog and adhd all rolled into one. I always wondered what I would be able to accomplish if my short term memory could input into my long term memories properly. These fuckers and their experiments on children need to stop! Keep slogging on!

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New study on dangers of vaccines.

Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid


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Excellent analogies with orchestral harmony of natural immune system function fab post.

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Yes, the analogies are always good. But this was a particularly fine-tuned one! It expressed in a very clear way what I already knew in my head.

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Whitty Says Vaccine Trials Should Have Included Pregnant Women


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Great article. thanks!

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This is a good one with two holistic doctors. Dr. Brogan went to MIT, Cornell, and NYU.

It starts at 6 minute mark…


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Well they are still pushing this Death and Adversely affecting Jab. When are our Politicians and Church Hierarchy going to grow a Conscience and a Set of Balls and For Fill their Commitment to their Voters and Parishioners/Flocks.

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Terrane theory is better than Germ theory, but germ theory is partly right too, so terrane theory is partly wrong. Dr. Mercola interviewed a doctor long ago who said that immunization does work if you do it right. The initial study involved making a scratch on a person's arm and putting pus in it. The immune system is concentrated on the external and internal skin, or integument. So the scratch allows the immune system in the skin to combat what's in the pus. Injections bypass the immune system, which is why they wreak havoc. But surface scratches do tend to confer immunity, at least according to that doctor. I asked AI about deaths during the Civil War. It said not so many died of smallpox, because many of the soldiers were immunized. I asked if it was by injections. It said, no, it was by scratching the skin. I have substacks on Covid and Vaxes and stuff at https://funday.createaforum.com/improve/sub/msg538/#msg538.

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Thanks! This one would be interesting to have in audio format as well.

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Don’t really get the sugar - polio connection. I’d have thought that sugar consumption per cap was increasing from Victorian times to mid-20th century, just as polio rates were declining. Could of course be wrong on this.

I find the polio - DDT/other pesticide connection far more compelling, especially given that polio diagnosis was always based on symptoms, many of which can be associated with any number of toxins.

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Thank you.

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This is a wonderful review of Dr. Jack & Mary Sockwell's book. Thank you.

Marc Girardot, from The Bolus Theory Series, wrote this substack called:

A War on Humanity: How Neuronal Damage Shapes Our Society--a moving testimony of what vaccines are doing to us all!


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