Potentially even a cult. Past Religion into the truly absurd.

Fauci Kool-Aid will take orders of magnitude more lives than Jim Jones ever dreamed of.

This also explains the resistance to facts. Automatic armour, through absurdity and ritual. And conditioning.

No matter how clear-cut, the cultists are almost without exception impervious to facts.

Makes one wonder, is there a better belief system that can combat and supplant the cult of jabs? Not just facts but an ecosystem of truth and sense?


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Yes, I think cult is a fair description. I wrote this back in June 2021 regarding covid, but it also applies to childhood vaccination.


Brainwashing and Cults

You probably don’t know that I lived in and with a Cult for several years (long story). I know how that framework works.

Put simply, a Cult is a “closed system”, it is most effective and most durable when it controls the flow of information to its members. The less information that comes in from the outside the less likely it is to have internal friction and/or member loss.

The control of information is a means to creating an environment where the information on the INSIDE is different to the information on the OUTSIDE. Think North Korea and The Truman Show.

This Inside/Outside dynamic is the Distortion. If you are on the Inside for long periods of time, you are gradually “de-centred”, you lose your balance and you lose touch with what is True…you lose touch with REALITY. That is what brainwashing is.

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An S and M cult? Has to hurt to make you feel safe.

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nothing to do with fauci. it's been going on for decades.

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Fauci has been going on for decades but it started before him.

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with jenner, really.

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Indeed so. I am from the UK and ashamed that his work should have been promoted although in the past since his death he was exposed in this country as a fraud.

I have been to Berkeley, Gloucestershire where he came from. People living in Berkeley are Berks I suppose, and he was one of the biggest Berks ever!!

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It is older than Jenner.

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Yes, so I understand but I think he is seen, at least in the UK, as the father of the vaccines that we have now.

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I have become a big fan of Liam Scheff as well. I learned a few new things from "Official Stories", but mostly the book just confirmed what I had already figured out on my own. The difference between Liam and me is that he was a journalist/writer and I am an engineer. So though he is no longer among us, I thank him from the bottom of my heart for writing the book that I would have written if I had the skills and thanks to you as well for mentioning it in a comment somewhere in substack-land.

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Glad he struck a cord with you. He has with me. It has been a life changing encounter for me, to come across his work.

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Hey @BobH, you might enjoy this substack which is working to preserve Liam’s work: https://americanheretic.substack.com/

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Revelation 18:23, ESV: and the light of a lamp will shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more, for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery / witchcraft.

The Greek word translated as ‘witchcraft’ is ‘pharmakeia’ (whence we derive the word ‘pharmacy’).

‘Pharmakeia’ describes sorcery, magic, and magic arts; it includes the use of drugs of any kind for magical effect (Garland 2004b:75).

(‘pharmakeia’). Revelation 18:23 foresees a global misuse of drugs to bewitch and mislead all nations. God will judge these occult practices. To some extent the great merchants of the earth will enrich themselves even further as they profitably partake in this global deception.

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Thanks Mel, I'm not as close minded as I used to be to these sorts of Biblical references and connections.

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Okay, I love you.

This is so true...I am a french major...Voltaire. the best of all possible worlds.


TRUTH. Thank you so much for saying this. I am so sick of looking at more and more damaged

children/human beings every Effing year for 20 years.

I am so done with it. Scientism, and now techologyk are our saviors.

Bless you

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Thank you Duchess :)

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Every day...Monday through Friday....I see them...they are in my classes....they are the vaccine injured..now called austistic...you can friggin see it...and more and more kids are becoming this every year.

How can we ever wake the populace up to this....when over half of the lemmings went over the cliff with the jab?

Somedays, I just despair...and now we are back on the "inclusive" kick..making them go to classes part of the day, where they scream for 50 minutes straight and stop the other kids from learning....it does NOTHING for them...all children...., especially these poor kids, deserve so much better than this...

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I was able to find a used copy of Liam’s book and I am devouring it. He’s a funny guy writing about not so funny stuff. I searched for it due to your Substack. Thank you. It’s sad that he’s no longer alive, what a bright mind and truth warrior.

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You are welcome, glad you have connected with his work.

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Vaccination for Covid looks like an initiation ritual, whereafter slavish obedience to the group demonstrates unwavering fealty.

Fay Voshell wrote along similar lines in, "The Forcible Conversion to COVIDism", American Thinker, Sep. 2021.


"Now it appears that even the United States military must submit to the ritual of forced vaccination, which could be seen as COVIDism's imitation of Christian baptism."

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"I baptise you in the name of the Pharma, Johnson & Johnson, and the surgical spirit."

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Good one, thanks!

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The sacraments of the vaccine religion must never be imposed on others outside their faith.

Last year I argued this as a basis for religious exemption from mandatory vaccines.


I think such a religious exemption argument is supported by the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

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Great point, thanks Colleen!

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Thanks much for this intro (at least for me) to Scheff. Scheff pinpointed some years ago what I've been thinking and writing about only since lockdown. "The vaccine religion" is real, and vaccination is its baptism. I think we need a new spiritual movement basically based on not meddling with nature.

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Getting women to lay on their backs to have babies always seems a pretty huge deception as well, with the curse on breastfeeding to back it up......psyop after psyop.

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Thanks for posting Liam's short video. I hadn't seen it before. In fact I'm only just discovering his videos on YouTube and FB. What an insight he had in to the global fraud that is medicine.

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Yes, I think he is best described as a scientific investigative journalist. I've never come across anyone else like him.

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I agree. I would love more people to acknowledge his contribution to the 'awakening' that is now taking place. He really deserves the recognition. I would love James Delingpole, who is a major podcaster for alternative narratives in the UK, to do an interview with someone who knows Liam's work well, Celia Farber for example. Maybe even yourself? Do you know James's work? If not try to listen to him on Google Podcasts but other platforms as well.

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I'm aware of James but haven't listened to his podcast. I agree, it would be wonderful for someone with an audience to honour him. Celia most definitely is the best person to represent him. Imagine if Celia was invited on Rogan to talk about Liam!!!!

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I'll write to him (James) and see if he'll follow it up. Rogan would be great!

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Yes please...I would love to see that interview....have ordered Liam's book, and can't wait to dig in....from what I have seen from his videos, he was a beautiful soul. I have also subscribed to both Celia's Substack and yours....so many wonderful humans on this platform...so much to read, and to learn.

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Hey James, I’m with you 100% on elevating Liam’s work to modern readers.

Here is a start of a Substack to resurrect his website: https://americanheretic.substack.com/

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Thanks for the link. Great news.

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And good luck with the new Substack

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I'm enjoying Official Stories a lot. Its cutting into me trying to get through Atlas Shrugged. Was it suicide that cut it short for him? That's tough to take as the guy was smart and funny. I like to think a sense of humor can go a long way to protecting people from despair but I guess I should know better from the likes of Robin Williams. There probably is way more to suicide than I realize. Just left with disbelief of it.

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Yes, it was suicide. It was a dental procedure gone wrong, and the pain became intolerable.

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Are we really sure it was suicide? So many “suicides” of truth warriors.

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This is a gem of a clip of Liam. His point is very well taken -- no substitute for the ritual, no replacement "club" for the believers to join. Good luck using facts to persuade in this case.

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Excellent video clip and I have just ordered the book. Thanks for your work & for pointing me in this direction. I read everything I could get my hands on 20 years ago ( paper based, I no internet then) before deciding whether or not to vaccinate my firstborn.

I didn’t, nor did I vaccinate my second child. A decision I have never regretted.

I looked into the HPV vaccine “offered” to teenage girls here in UK, and she was one of 2 girls in a year of 200 that didn’t have it. Fast forward to Covid and the reading stated again- this time the difference between the truth and the official narrative drummed into us daily was starker than ever.

So I will be pulling on all these other threads offered up here.

As an artist and a long term meditation practitioner I am VERY interested in what Liam says here about there being no alternative ritual for dissenters. This is so key.

It has long been apparent to me in terms of society as a whole, where we have been offered materialism and science as our places of sanctuary, when they most often create harm not healing.

Our youth particularly have no support systems of any healing depth offered to them in this spiritually bankrupt society and as they look to the future it is all surface.

So as questioners we are all in fact part of creating that new narrative, one that can genuinely provide the love and care that all are seeking. For me the path of Buddhist insight practice is the original “against the stream” way of working.

There are some incredible healers, teachers, subversives an free thinkers out there. Together we can help each person create their own toolkit of genuine resources which helps them navigate all of these storms - it will look different to each

Your work has been invaluable- thank you.

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Science and vaccination are not just cults. They are big business driven by politics who are funded by those businesses. A cult perhaps amongst the lay people who blindly trust the "authorities" but the authorities know the truth.

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Thanks for posting Liam's short video. I hadn't seen it before. In fact I'm only just discovering his videos on YouTube and FB. What an insight he had in to the global fraud that is medicine.

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Thanks for sharing the Liam Scheff info. I read his book a few years back but forgot what a genius he was in communicating his thoughts. The video is so spot on regarding the "ritual" of vaccination.

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