All lies from the beginning all the time

“Try Vaccination — It never will hurt you, For Vaccination has this one great virtue: Should it injure or kill you whenever you receive it, We all stand prepared to refuse to believe it. “—From a circular signed "The Doctors", 1876

Imagine being a Christian, and on the one hand you trust a perfect God to have built our bodies to negotiate any microscopic harm in the world he plugged us in to, but on the other, trust imperfect people in governments to inject you with “cures” to things you’ve already been endowed with protection against.

The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

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“The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.” I concur. Everywhere I go, the signs of mass poisoning are evident. I have noticed personality changes post injection in those still living. It is creepy. I no longer have access to labs or equipment or technicians to find out exactly what is going on….but something is gravely amiss.

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That's the way they want it. No independent scientist is allowed in these labs to even just observe. In this way they can create the fake analysis/narrative up front without further or contrary analysis getting in the way. Then when the correct analysis emerges, we call them conspiracy theorists. Works every time.

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I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist. However, I determined the overhead rate for federally sponsored research and was in labs all over the USA. I’ve watched all the weird stuff I used to see rolled out on the public, though.

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Thank you for that excellent download. We can all see that the deception that is mass vaccination and often compulsary vaccination, has been a fraud from the very beginning. So when someone says, "But what about smallpox?" you can say, but have you read Wallace's book of 1889--if not, I'm happy to forward you a copy! We could also say that about other books, by, for example Dr. Humphries (Dissolving Illusions) or that by Dr. Wakefield (Callous Disregard)...oh, there are tens of excellent books that have been written over the years exposing what is, in fact, a huge act of betrayal and deception against humanity: Mass Vaccination. If only people would stop believing what they're told to believe and think for themselves, we'd all be way better off AND far healthier.

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Ahh, from your lips to dumbed-downed peoples ears. I'm surrounded with the most educated (propagandized) people poisoning to death, their children and dogs. Can't help myself. I let it out not caring what they think of me. "You are poisoning the very children and dogs you claim to love". As I turn around so their responses can bounce off my back.

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May I ask you a question? A friend and I are delving into the whole vaccination mess.

Now I am wondering: If the milkmaids were protected from smallpox via their workaday exposure to cowpox, how was the old fashioned vax (just smearing some cowpox exudate on skin pricks) different? Our immune systems are made stronger when we are exposed to small amounts of infectious agents... no?

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To back up Beca, you are looking in the wrong direction. The vaccine industry has convinced you that they are protective, efficient and safe. Your child will no longer get sick. You will be protected. So why are they putting known poisons in vaccines? The vaccine is just a vehicle to feed you a poison that will kill you. You can dissect it all you want with your friend but the truth is that simple. You are being poisoned. The amount of vaccines increases the poison dosage. 18 years of vaccines, roughly 80-90 hits of poison, and you think a body will walk away from that unscathed? No possible way, imo.

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Actually, the vaccine industry has convinced me that they are a pack of greedy scum. Now I am trying to figure out whether the older vaxes made sense -- the world without smallpox seems a better world -- or whether it's been a boondoggle from the get go.

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Case in point: Polio, the start of all the cons. This was a chemical disease, not viral, not contagious, easily proven. Children were sprayed everywhere, pools, school lunch spaces, gyms with DDT, which BTW was replaced with a "safer" chemical called Glyphosate, which used to be called Agent Orange that nearly killed my husband in Vietnam. My guess is that smallpox had the same start. Then cow pox, mad cow & monkey pox. I don't even pay attention to anything with pox in it.

If you're interested, watch an old movie called Notorious, with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. A love story. Make it girls night. Ingrid is slowly, surreptitiously poisoned in the movie. Juxtapose her declining health with conditions known today to see what being poisoned looks like. A great Hitchcock film.

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Consider if the “milk maid” story is as fabricated as the vaccine effectiveness . Or, possibly the milk maids lived a more healthy life , out doors in the fresh air, maybe with a bond with the animals that benefited them, or possibly they drank more of the unpasteurised milk (unbeknownst to the masters) - essentially there are so many possibilities but you can also assume that 9/10 of the official “narrative” are BS.

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Proved useless and dangerous? Unfortunately, like war and pestilence, vaccinating can also be career enhancing and enormously profitable.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


The entire charade is no more than Electron Microscopy For Dummies:

Spoiler Alert:

You’ve seen one Bacteria Microphage you’ve seen them all.


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What you are doing by providing these book summaries is akin to A Midwestern Doctor's archival role in preserving The Forgotten Side of Medicine. You both are helping to keep important history from being forgotten, and making it accessible to a growing audience.

From the perspective of the average vaccine true believer, Turtles All the Way Down is a massive leap from their reality. But if you start with Wallace in 1889 and Hume in 1923, it is far clearer that vaccines have always been built upon a shaky foundation, which helps to shift their view of reality. From there, few reasonable people could remain close-minded to what is presented in Turtles. Despite all the catchy sound bites being repeated ad nauseam for our entire lives.

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Your appetite for reading is voracious … I salute you. The only thing worse than the lies is the feeling of the yawning abyss under me now that I know that practically everything I was taught to believe about the history of medicine and health is likely complete bollocks.

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Rarely, does an analogy fit so comprehensively, as a hand into a latex glove, as the example you present here.

Thanks for the diligence in providing this article & the link to the book. Our experience in Melbourne Australia was stark and confronting but after reading this it is comforting to know that the scammers are still trying their same old tricks, even their attempts at a tech overlay fell completely flat.

A classic flim -flam fail!

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Dr JJ Couey has a lot of the same theories...pls, check him out and support his work... he is trying to save our children and grandchildren and has lost a lot while trying to get the message out.... He teaches, "Your consciousness is prime real estate, Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!".....



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