The question is: How an innocent, sweet, beautiful newborn baby turns into a creature which objectifies human beings to the extent that harming or killing them is not an issue?

All these scientists who enjoy torturing animals and whose personal goals are narrowed down to creating more efficient killing weapons used to be toddlers. Pure open books. What happened? How come they turned so easily into being a non-human creatures?

You can analyze it historically, mentally, psychologically, from whatever angle you want. It’s all irrelevant. The only thing that counts is that these things exercise life-or-death authority over 8 billion people. Non-humans enjoy enormous power and control over true human beings.

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I think they are born that way.

I don't believe in the blank slate theory anymore.

They definitely start showing during teen and 20s....

There are lots of clues professionals say....personally, I watch them act towards animals.

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This would mean that non-human beings have hijacked the reproductive cycle of humans. Possible, but... The best way to conquer the entire population would be to insert non-human fetuses into all communities, across all nations. It does not happen (or is not reported). Instead, non-human young beings tend to be grown only within particular families or small, restricted-access communities.

Plus, there is a widespread worldwide training to dehumanize humans through the police, military, university, science, government and politics processes. Which means that the number of dehumanized beings is too low for “them” and they have to groom humans into these “services” - a very apt name.

Many of dehumanized creatures in power come from poor or isolated families, and become anti-human only after they receive the relevant “education” - as proven in multiple psychological experiments.

Although, it may be true that non-caring parents contribute to the easier conversion of these children into anti-social beings. By “non-caring”, I mean those parents who (for example) allow minors to use smartphones or leave their pre-school children unattended or under the care of “babysitters” (who have no emotional bond with the family or with the child). As a result, the child is not given the master pattern for decent, sensitive, loving life, and is easily absorbed by practices which isolate him/her from their families. One step more, and the children are proud that they “serve” the groups which reward obedience with money, orders or honors, which are energy-less substitutes for mutual loving relationships.

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It is total proof that Satan buys the souls of weak minded men in exchange for power and money. During that exchange demons enter these once humans to become Satan’s worst demons of evil. It is occurring today right this minute. Think of Falun Gong in China. It is beyond horrific what is being done to these kind people. My heart hurts for them., The American government has played patsy with China for money. Hollywood and the NBA have sold their souls along with our American leaders, and many business CEO’s. They are dead, soulless evil people. . .Without God in one’s heart, a person is very susceptible to Satan getting their soul which leads to eternity in Hell. Please fall on your knees and READ. 2Chronicles 7:14. DO WHAT IT SAYS TODAY. We may be the next Guinea pigs very soon. It has already begun…. God is the only answer.

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I don't know how or why or anything at all anymore....but I am sure it has to do with man and God....and evil...who was it that said the line between good and evil runs through the heart of men?

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It is called TURNING AWAY FROM GOD, OUR CREATOR, AND ALLOWING SATAN IN OUR COUNTRY. We have taken prayer out of the schools and put drag queens in. Only 30% of Americans go to church. God gave us this beautiful country and we ignored his laws and his love. We became greedy narcissist on the whole worshiping ourselves. If America would READ 2CHRONICLES 7:14 and do what it says TODAY. , God may come back to us. It has happened in the Bible. However, this may be the beginning of the Tribulation in Revelation.. GET ON YOUR KNEES TODAY. TIME is running out 🙏

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A good book to read next is AW Finnegan's "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare"

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Thanks Mary. I've contacted him for an interview, but haven't heard back yet. Maybe if you poke him from your end to let him know there is interest in the subject, his book and an interview. 😊

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I will see what i can do

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Psychopath CIA Director Allen Dulles was instrumental in Operation Paperclip that helped arrange Nazi "scientist" to get to US. I had mistakenly assumed that Josef Mengele was hanged at the Nuremberg trials - nope, he ended up in South America. Crazy world... Do Not Comply.

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😢😢😢😢😂. It hurts deeply. Too evil for me to truly comprehend … I’m ready to move to Heaven right now.

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Thank you for this...must get book.

I have a feeling like with fauci book, I am gonna have to skip the gruesome details...or i will never be happy again.

But broad outline is so appreciated.

I am convinced that psycopathy is more and more prevalent and our greatest problem as "the other kind" of human beings is recognizing it and defending ourselves against it.

I wish someone would do a real study....how many cluster B types are out there....I don't believe the old 2 percent shibboleth anymore.

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ditto here! I knew 'bout japanese "speriments" via live vivasection but not any deets--nor that the us brought 'em home with the papeclip nazis--OMG. I too think some sections--given whut's here already--would be too disturbin' to "unsee"--but knowin' this inhumanity not only EXISTS but in such numbers--the entire medi-CULL profession!--ALL them Nazi DOKturds--had no idear not a SINGLE one objected... I'm havin' a moment of cognitive dissonance myself-- It's one thing (an awful thing) ta drop a bomb from a distance but ta do these experiments on LIVING humans--ta see their faces, the anguish, hear their voices, to "de-humanize" them--my god, I just cannot... ta be sure--it makes me sick ta my stomick--MANY thanks, Unbekoming--for this truthful albeit brutal eye-opener...

An' ta what ya said, Duchess, yes, I too wanna real study--how many of these amoral folks are there REALLY? (given the number of covidians that not only complied but vilified us "refuseniks" I DO wonder!)

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I cry. I just can’t believe a human can be so so evil. They were not human. This is the true evidence of how Satan hijacks one’s soul. Satan is real…. I don’t believe I will ever be the same again. I am old now, and so grateful my WW2 parents did not know the depth of this evil. Now I’m just waiting for the terrorists Biden has let in to come and cut me up like they did in Israel. These groups are also demons. They are taught evil and hate from birth. We need a Nuremberg trial today. They are working on it in Costa Rica.

Please pray so maybe God will come back to us. I know He is sick of our shallow, materialistic, self centered brains. 😢

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prayin' there with ya--it does seem folks that do this cain't be "human" no? but imho they are mortal--I don't wonder tho' they are humans with no souls at all... it's verrrrry unsettlin'--how could it be? Yup, I heard about that trial in Costa Rica--I think Dr Ana & Dr Rima are both involved... but I think it's beyond only legislatin' our way outta this--

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Klaus and Yuval call that ‘other’ type of human ‘feral’. I plan to be one of the feral type.

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'Horrific' is too mild a term. This explains why there was never any investigation into medical institutions in Germany after the 'Doctor Trials in Nuremberg', and why the book by Alice Ricciardi von Platen about the 'The Killing of the Mentally Ill in Germany' was received with "deafening silence" ~ those psychopaths who endorsed and carried out those 'mercy killings' were shipped to America and invited to continue their satanic work.

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Good point!

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Steve Pieczenik's '90s novel Blood Heat opens with an Ishii type being arrested in either Mongolia or Japan. There's a detailed description of the horrors seen by the Americans arresting the Ishii stand-in. The description could have come from your post above. Blood Heat ends with the Ishii guy supervising the poisoning of the Washington, DC water supply with his Dreaded Cooties. The Pieczenik stand-in in the novel stops the operation by bombing something, but only after millions have died from the pandemic.

Pieczenik's next novel, State of Emergency, was about the break-up of the United States. Essentially a bunch of red states secede after a long-running dispute with a Biden type in the White House. The recent war between Texas and Biden over the southern border reminded me of State of Emergency.

Pieczenik is a psychiatrist who worked on regime change for Kissinger and then later the DoD. I've always thought these two "novels" were his rough plan for regime change in the U.S.

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Fascinating, thanks Arnold.

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I have always had a visceral distrust of the medical establishment - and big pharma - and uber-wealthy elite colleges - and banks - and churches. After reading this, now I know why. The extent and depth of it was much deeper than I expected. I don't want to read the book. This article is enough for my stomach.

With Covid I immediately smelt a rat without knowing this background. I haven't so much a popped an aspirin on over 40 years. As I approach 70 I wonder how long I'll be able to keep this going. Given the unknown shit they are spraying above my house at regular intervals, I think the best approach is to focus on doing some creative pursuits that energise you, and connecting with Nature - which is what I do.

Regarding how 'monster humans' are developed on planet Earth, I would say it's a combination of nature and nurture/grooming. The article suggests to me, as a general principle, you only need a few thousand psychopaths in top postions to bring hell on earth. "Unhinged" is the correct word to describe such people, as is "evil".

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Indeed Josh, you only need a few thousand in the right places. That's it, and that's what we have.

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Re: how we got here

My own 2-cents worth (probably worth less than that) from growing up in a family littered with Dark Triad/Cluster B types:

I did not formally study psychology, but at 60+, have read and learned plenty. One thing that has often bothered me is the standardized advice to empaths and neurotics -- to "get away" from the narcissist/psychopath, etc. ... IMHO, THAT is how we got HERE.

The "get away for your own safety" strategy is definitely important in the early stages of abuse recovery. One needs to process the harm from living with the unhinged.

But as some point, we have to teach those who are ready/willing/able to stand up to the unhinged. Otherwise the unhinged just move on to parasitically feed on others, and grow stronger in their tactics.

It's hard for most people to understand the depths of such evil. The unhinged don't care if they lose children, spouses, partners, or anyone else. They really don't care (as distinguished from exhibiting superficial suffering behaviors designed to attract attention and new targets.) They just move on to the next victim(s).

The unhinged don't start out as scientists. doctors, etc. They grow up like everyone else, typically in a family scenario. Early sick behaviors are often recognizable. The more they get away with, the bolder they become.

And a very touchy p.s.:

The churches need to STOP letting these people "hide out" in their congregations. There is an extreme reticence in most religious groups to call out evil for what it is and DO something to protect others. Had an uncle who was a known pedophile ... he was a deacon at his church. So.....

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Agreed…the unhinged tend to go where there are those they can prey/pray upon. I come from the same sort of family so I get it. I am hoping I was swapped at birth…..

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This is of course terrifying to contemplate, but recall probably the most influential pop culture movie of the past 25 years imho - The Matrix - outright fed the following propaganda piece to millions of us, and I can’t but help believe this sentiment is behind so much of what’s gone wrong in the world since 2000 … our elites truly believe, and have always believed, that they are uniquely placed to remedy a problem, and that problem is us.

Agent Smith: “I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.”

That’s the mindset we’ve lived through, only now we have millions of young people and deluded drones and virtue-signalling conformists of all stripes believing this anti-human garbage.

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Thanks Greg.

That reminds me of the title of Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope. What Quigley meant by that title is that WE are the tragedy (or the Virus as per Agent Smith) and THEY are the Hope.

Indeed, that is the mindset.

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That’s odd, I was literally listening to a conversation with Jay Dyer on The Duran the other day and they were discussing Quigley’s book. It’s one Id love to get my hands on and actually read one day.

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An appetizer and intro to the book is Plummer's Tragedy and Hope 101.

Joe did a wonderful interview with me.



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Brilliant … cheers for that, I’ll add that to my reading list this next week

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Wow!! I didn’t know that the Japanese were so deeply involved in this global agenda from before World war 2 to now. This explains why Shinzo Aabe was assassinated. I was waiting on this book , but my curiosity should make me buy it sooner

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I'm so grateful for your thoughtful work! 🙌

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Thank you Toby, right back at ya! 🙏

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Just WOW! I'm not sure I have the stomach to read this book.

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will you be doing a synopsis of Kennedys new book?

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I wasn't planning on it. Let's see what I think and feel by the time I finish the book. What he says about Wuhan will be critical to my decision.

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Thanks for the review! It’s in my library, as of tonight. Next book to ‘read’ (audible). I highly recommend Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning and The

Indoctrinated Brain. Both are mind opening about the circumstances we are in.

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I’m loving this article today !! Just started - Heads up on this sentence early on: perhaps a typo .. 😁

The US scientific establishment important the crème de la crème of the German and Japanese psychopaths.

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Fixed, thank you!

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Wow - thank you.

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