For some reason, medical research won’t look into its own key hazards: the rising incidence of health destruction on many levels, from the alarming autism rates, to the iatrogenicide, or to the nicely reported alarming increase in neurodevelopmental disorders (see the study published a month ago:
These hazards are present 24/7 in plain sight and affect practically everybody, from patients to their families and neighbors. Except for denial and avoidance, the healthcare system appears to do nothing about these aspects…
Add the silent approval of the destruction of the nutrition value of food and refusal to regulate health- and life-threatening food adulteration. Potable water contamination, including fluoride - the impact known for one hundred years. GMOs. Many more real hazards are there, neglected, understudied, covered up, omitted.
These are all aspects of human life which are accessible for literally every medical practitioner, regardless of their fields of specialization. Which means that any doctor or nurse could dramatically improve health of inhabitants of local communities with just a few simple recommendations - but there is nobody to tell them to do this. And they are not interested in doing it themselves. Let’s first start with this hazard, because it affects the whole nation.
This is nonsense against the objective hazards
For some reason, medical research won’t look into its own key hazards: the rising incidence of health destruction on many levels, from the alarming autism rates, to the iatrogenicide, or to the nicely reported alarming increase in neurodevelopmental disorders (see the study published a month ago:
These hazards are present 24/7 in plain sight and affect practically everybody, from patients to their families and neighbors. Except for denial and avoidance, the healthcare system appears to do nothing about these aspects…
Add the silent approval of the destruction of the nutrition value of food and refusal to regulate health- and life-threatening food adulteration. Potable water contamination, including fluoride - the impact known for one hundred years. GMOs. Many more real hazards are there, neglected, understudied, covered up, omitted.
These are all aspects of human life which are accessible for literally every medical practitioner, regardless of their fields of specialization. Which means that any doctor or nurse could dramatically improve health of inhabitants of local communities with just a few simple recommendations - but there is nobody to tell them to do this. And they are not interested in doing it themselves. Let’s first start with this hazard, because it affects the whole nation.