These healing methods have been known about long term .. but they require a lot of attention/care so they dont fit with the work and lives people have to lead.. they also dont protect us from hostile forces. It didnt even save the tibetans. I think we need peace, stability and order before we can go back to perfecting natural healing :/ That is our whole problem :(
Wise words. It doesn’t clear demonic entities or satanic attack…
I was inwardly guided that if more could see the words of Hope, Trust, and Faith as ‘frequencies', and ask from their hearts for these frequencies to surround and protect them each day, and to heal them from all harm, then, they would clear all attack, all harm, to start the journey of repair. They are THE healing frequencies. That is all that is needed. It then demands maintenance and that is where many fall down…they struggle to fit spiritual care in with daily life. We are all being advised to keep up our protection each day. I posted here with a message about Black Pyramid Hat Scenario. Our world is becoming more toxic. Best to use a method that protects from the emissions currently returning to those who refused to protect the children.
Thank you for this post. It raised a lot of concerns from my perspective. I trained as a Holistic Teacher many moons ago and explored consciousness and metaphysics. I trained in lots of energetic modalities. I stopped all of them because, as I became attuned to determining the purity of frequencies, I started to detect distortions in the Energy Healing systems I had trained in, and in other systems, and I realised that something was deeply flawed with all of the teachings. There is too much to condense here. I did author several books about frequencies, how to recognise distortions, how to clear them, and how to safely expand consciousness, but that is not my motive for commenting. I will try to touch on the main issues that caused me concern. In 2012, all Energy Healers and practitioners were asked to stop using methods which brought in anything from 'outside of self'. We were asked to stop, connect to heart and to move on. Most didn’t follow the heart guidance. Many talk about the energy field and Biofield, but no one talks about the greater levels of consciousness beyond this, and the reason why is because, it is not covered in the teaching modalities. The teachers, themselves, lack this knowledge and the teachers are simply repeating what they were taught, and so, this vital Knowledge is continually omitted from the teaching systems, and yet, this is a critical piece of the puzzle. Without the understanding of how the Cosmic Shield interplays with the Biofield and everything in between, there is a wealth of assistance and knowledge that is missing to help others heal. The reluctance to learn about this puzzle piece has caused unimaginable harm. All systems of healing are contaminated with satanic frequencies. We are not in a Universe that is loving. We are in a False Light Matrix which is riddled with distortions. It is made up of multiple universes. The Earth’s energetic grids — at the Galactic level and Planetary level — shielded humanity and all life from many levels of universes, and many of these other levels carried very dark, demonic entities. These grids were destroyed/rebuilt and destroyed between 2018 and 2022/2023. This left Humanity and all life with no protection from all the demonic realms and humanity is now surrounded by a 'Cosmic Soup' of hostile energies. With the death of her higher grids, the Earth’s spirit departed this place. Barely anyone noticed.
A call was put out by those who saw the trouble we were in. A platform of learning was given to humanity so that those of us who wish to continue our soul evolution could finish off our journey of learning here. We are no longer on the original platform of learning of the old Earth. Her spirit is gone and those still hearing her are hearing an echo…their hearts will confirm this, if they wish to ask. Grounding became dangerous as the grid systems collapsed…an attack was ensuing at all chakra levels and beyond — we were once again reminded to ground into heart, not into a False Light Matrix.
Now, we have a new platform of learning, heart is the only way forward. And grounding? Grounding…is positively dangerous. People will lose vast amounts of life force energy this way. I place the question…can you see what is below your feet, energetically? Ask your hearts to show you. Ask your heart to show you the problems around grounding…don’t just take another’s word…ask heart. Another point: we were asked to only use our hearts to help ‘facilitate' healing.
We are not the healer. The only true healer is the inner teacher — the healer within.
According to the Laws of Creation/ Cosmic Laws, no other soul has the authority to heal another. The client is the healer…it is their inner teacher that does the healing…no one else has the authority to heal another or interfere with another's soul evolution or lessons. By 2012, the entire Healing Community was also asked to stop taking payment for services. It distorts the entire healing process. The biggest failing of the Healing Community is that they have not moved rapidly on, not in alignment with the rapid planetary changes and events now in full swing. About Crystals: we were also asked not to use anything outside of self, and we were asked not to use crystals because they belonged to the Earth and she needed her energy to help herself. It is akin to taking coral from the sea. My learning progressed when I connected to my heart and asked inwardly for help — to help me understand how to make healing a safe experience, what was being asked of me? I wished to understand why I was picking up on distortions and hostile frequencies during client sessions and how to make it a safe experience, if that was possible. My learning developed from the point when I let go of all teachings from others and asked within for teachings. My heart firstly taught me about our Cosmic Fields …layers of consciousness far, far away from the Biofield level, at the Galactic Level.
I was shown how this area is the FIRST place to get attacked by satanic frequencies. That is where we leach life force. That is where cancer starts. The Biofield is the LAST layer nearest to our body to falter from the attack. It is the final layer to get harmed. Therefore, if the Healing Community are still fixated on the Biofield — when the attack and harm is happening in an area that they are unaware of, or yet to visit, or have never asked to be shown, healing cannot be fully completed for the client by the client’s inner teacher, and the facilitator is rendered useless — how can they ensure the entire space is clear before they start a healing session if they can’t even perceive their own Cosmic Shield, let alone the client's?
Dear Sandra, Thank you for your enquiry. As you can see I keep my surname private on my Substack and do not seek exposure. However, you are most welcome to visit my Substack which contains much of what I have been asked to share in book format. The SS messages come with transcripts and inner heart teachings to help any willing listener to tap into their own inner teacher. The problems are presented to try to help gain assistance for those who are suffering and provide energetic solutions to the presented problems, because the attack on humanity has become so serious, many are losing vast amounts of life force codes and this is evident in the rising death rates and cancer death rates. My goal is to wake others up before it is too late — my intention is to help disrupt the mind control, negative ego programs and distortions of truth contained within healing frequencies which are holding many healers in a state of blind ignorance. They have not moved on, and it has left many exposed, including the children. I combined five books, written between 2014 -2017, into one title which is historical is too late in the day. However, the last book is a compilation of the majority of posts, shared freely from when I first started SS. Information is freely shared to help others start to go deeper and expand their consciousness safely, to retrieve advanced teachings to help humanity. Things are so bad right now, Sandra, they are so serious, many do not realise we are at a point of no return. This includes many in the healing community. I recommend that everyone focuses on getting their heart protection up and running, because those who delay are going to rapidly lose life force and get trapped in a digital hell from which they will not escape. That is also my main deep concern —getting others to see the danger they are facing. I enclose some recent messages because this post sparked a lot of concerns within me, and so, I followed my heart guidance. I subsequently retrieved more guidance and deeper insights to share with those who seek knowledge and who care about how their practices are affecting others, especially at soul level and beyond. I hope it will assist you. Many cannot yet see what is happening beyond the Biofield level. Beyond is where the deeper issues lie.
This message link provides a ‘classroom model’ for you to investigate truth within your own heart. It is to help others understand more deeply, through self enquiry.
(Explains about the rise in aggression, toxic reactions from others, anger, judgment etc., and why we need to ensure we are protected from satanic attack as the Frequency War intensifies)
(Explain what these practices do to our layers of consciousness, beyond where the healing community can currently see)
We have to be ready to let go of preconceived ideas and really want the truth above all, and we will always be shown how to help heal any harm we may have inadvertently caused. The biggest group who came to help have failed their mission and humanity is now exposed. Unless more healers listen to their hearts and seek the deeper teachings, humanity do not stand a chance. They carry the gifts to help. I find it heart breaking to watch this. Since 2010, nothing has changed...
Finally, this most recent heart connection offers healing, repair, and an opportunity to create our preferred reality in order to secure humanity and all life its brightest future. I welcome your support to peacefully protect the children.
Dear Claire, deep gratitude for your caring and soulful response. I will start to explore and work to understand more of the knowledge you are sharing. Blessing and Wellbeing, Sandra
Dear Sandra, You are most welcome. I am here to help. There are a lot of teachings to work one’s way through on my SS. The main thing I wish to impress upon you is to use the newly upgraded:
The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities: LET GO OF ALL HARM , REPLACE IT WITH LOVE, PEACE, UNITY
(This will fully clear your energy fields and ladder of consciousness from the daily, minute by minute attack on our life force. I find it soothing, healing and expansive. You can always pause it after Purest Light healing to talk to your Infinite Self and seek deeper understanding to your questions.)
(Explains the difference between Earth energy and heart energy. About the Laws of Creation/Cosmic Law and why we need to make requests to get the help coming in. It simplifies the layers of consciousness which surround you, and why heart connection is the most powerful route to protecting your life force.
It has been very popular with Targeted Individuals who have found it most helpful, and those wishing to use simple advanced techniques to protect themselves from technology, attacks, 5G, drone warfare, AI)
(Perfect for quick use during the day, or with busy work/family commitments. I share the story of how my husband survived cancer, stage four with only two months to live and how we approached things. How the more help we call for, the more help comes...
This only takes a short minute or two once you get used to using it and focusing on your heart once intentionally set up, your Infinite Self is primed to surround and protect you with all the beautiful energies of LOVE, including the Laws of Creation which act as ‘security' alongside your Infinite Self.
It keeps the dark stuff away more readily when used as guided.
I am a small voice with much to share. I have been trying to create simple heart connection methods which avoid the complex steps and teachings for newcomers and to fit in with normal daily life. I have received much help from my Infinite Self and LOVE. The answers are all inside of you. Your Infinite Self is your teacher and protector. Talk to it like a dear friend and question all the things you may want to learn about. You will be helped. When you start to help yourself in this way, the attack on your life force can intensify…do not be afraid, just accept you are becoming a threat to the dark plans and all you have to remember is to follow your heart and protect yourself AM upon awakening, PM before sleep and during the day to clear away the energy you pick up from others. If more kept their energy clear, it would be much easier for us all, however, we live in a world where spiritual hygiene is underused and, frequently, ineffective.
This protection does work. It does require our diligent commitment to helping ourselves. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask me on my SS. I do not wish to hi-jack Unbekoming's post here.
I am grateful for your enquiry: It means one more loving human working with their beautiful heart to help protect the children. Thank you!
Thank you. Eileen was among those I first picked up on (when going beyond the standard biology indoctrination of my tertiary education). There were a couple of things that I struggled with - one in particular was the 'fake it until you make it' advice about making money from this 'gift'. And, yes, when I attempt to open up to the universe, there are forces (that are not positive) who seek to be 'present'.
Making a profit from a precious gift by getting others to cross one’s palms with silver is deeply upsetting to me…we have a huge emergency on the planet…it is akin to asking for payment to show others a safe exit from a collapsing building. I explored the Healing Community for many years. Sincere integrity seemed to be rare amongst those who wear the badge of “healer”. I am sure you have your own way of opening up to the Universe, but if you do need any suggestions, please ask me on my Substack. I share how to address the issue of unwelcome “visitors” during a rapid planetary shift, especially, during the descension that is currently ensuing. The situation of demonic attack is getting worse on the planet. We are all advised to protect self and ask for direction on how to protect all innocent life. We can ask for the innocent, but we can’t interfere with the choices of those who refused to listen to heart. All chaos, all suffering, and harm that has not been addressed, (or that we have not asked our heart and Love for help to repair) has to go back to the error maker, and those in this community who profit from others, who would not listen to Love’s requests to stop all new age practices and move on, will also be hit by their own karmic choices. It is a very sad reflection…to think that many relinquished their codes of remembrance so that a small group could came in with more gifts. They were reliant on the healers to give them back their codes by creating a safe “fire wall” to help the others gently raise their own frequency whilst protected by the healers/gifted. The healing community have squandered those gifts, and wasted their attention on fake ‘new age’ practices, in the main, while those who came in with no gifts have been left defenceless having volunteered to give up their own gifts of remembrance. They gave them up in complete trust that the healers would help them to remember. The healers failed their mission. The current chaos worldwide has been facilitated by this group of healers and the entire holistic industry. It is why it is so hard to wake humanity up. What breaks my heart is that the healers were in a privileged position. Those who do not remember are the bravest of the brave. It was meant to be a ‘baton relay race’. The children are being targeted because today’s children carry the codes of remembrance that the healing community vanquished and wasted. The healers failed their mission to gently raise consciousness. The children are now suffering extreme levels of torture, rape, and satanic ritual abuse to terrorise them for adrenachrome and to steal their life force and these advanced codes of remembrance. The stolen codes are distorted further and weaponised against humanity and all life. No one will listen. And now, it is too late. A point of no return has been reached for those who could have easily called to their hearts for help to protect all life. Meanwhile, the children are suffering…No one in this community wants to hear these uncomfortable truths. As soon as I determined distortions, I stopped everything and started again. I used to teach teachers who were noticing the change of frequencies and I helped them to learn to discern the more subtle fake frequency distortions masquerading as positive energies. They saw on FB the dark beings behind the social media banner. They saw how the chakras were all blocked with fake imagery, distortions over the third eye, octopus spikes in the crown chakra, ropes of ivy type vines trapping their lower chakras…Meanwhile grounding is being pushed, even by the alternative Doctors and recently, I saw Dr Ardis, and also, Truth For Health pushing it…I despair at where this is all heading because I understand the risks and I cannot get my information out more widely…I am definitely shadow banned, and know that vital information is missing from the teachings within the Healing Community, for those who genuinely do wish to help humanity. I was guided that Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups have caused more harm than the pandemic of 2020 and the death that followed that. The bigger picture is that murder is taking place - not only by the medical community, it is also taking place by the Healing/Holistic groups who are too immersed in mind control and outdated methods, and who are unconcerned that their methods are possibly harming, metaphysically, to the point of committing murder - by meddling with other’s energy - and assisting in emptying out other’s life force and handing it over to the demonic realms. Our own heart has all the answers, and the healers, in the main, are not heart centred enough to go deeper, Their hearts know how to keep all safe. The laws of Creation can be asked, through heart, for advice. A sincere heart just needs to ASK. They will be directed. I am at a loss as to how to open this group up to change. The greater cosmos is preparing for the end of this cycle of evolution and a new cycle is about to start. All harm must be repaired before any life form can return. To reach the point of NO RETURN is gravely serious. It is an end to a soul’s evolution. It means that their conscious ladder will be withdrawn from this place and the physical self will be left without any help. That means that when all errors are returned to those who refused to help the children, they will not be able to call for help because that ladder contained the help. I don’t think many understand the gravity of the situation. It is grave for those who meddled. My focus is on protecting the children. I had hoped to wake up the healers/rescue party but I have been unable to do so, in spite of following all heart guidance. It is a terrible state of affairs. Keep your heart connection strong and call on LOVE and the laws of creation to send back all harm, including unwelcome visitors. This link may be helpful to you if you need help clearing away unwelcome/negative energy and to help protect the children…
Since the early twentieth century there has been an effort by the adepts of Eastern religions to infiltrate religious doctrine-dharma into the West.This has been done in recognition of the fact that science and education are respected in the West. The strategy became one of disguising Eastern religious dogma by use of scientific jargon, and pseudocredentials, i.e. magnetism, polarity, grounding, positive-negative etc. An example of this was the migration of Paramahansa Yogananda, a disciple of Babaji, and Sri Yukteswar to America in 1920. His goal was stated by Babaji: "India can teach the universal methods by which the West will be able to base its religious beliefs on the unshakable foundations of yogic science." (Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda 1946, p. 333). This project by him and others, is nothing less than a crusade to convert the Christian West to Hinduism, a project that has been very successful. The pseudoscientific jargon you spout are part of this crusade. See also: (The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Self-realization Fellowship, 1974).
This is one of the things I do in my practice. I scan the biofield with specific wellness devices. I also have spiritual scans that can detect demonic activity as well as ascertain what “dis-ease” can be healed through repentance, personal or inherited.
Sound Therapy has been around since the Beginning. Sound organizes matter. Sound creates form and structure. Sound can heal physically and emotionally and can neutralize harmful energies (like EMFs) to some degree.
Eileen McKusick took time and effort to research and prove her observations before writing her books. Her work is backed up by much science. has done research on the biofield. SQUID (Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device) measures and maps subtle energy fields including the acupuncture meridians.
Memories and events are stored in the biofield as well as in fascia, in the tissues, and many places in the body. Imagine if someone punched you in the gut. That memory is stored in the gut and elsewhere. It is the same with being pregnant or having a baby. The memory is stored in the pelvis. Time usually clears physical aspects. Something else is needed to clear the emotional aspects.
True energy healers perceive these fields and can correct imbalances. They can adjust matter including muscles, bones, and nerves. The aura and the chakras are electromagnetic/light energy systems. Fixing the energy field often fixes the core issues of illness or distress. Adjusting the energy can release and heal emotional trauma.
Eileen’s work is valid and is an excellent modality to help people with physical, emotional, or ancestral issues. Sound therapy can neutralize emotional and physical trauma much more effectively than going to an MD or psychotherapist without creating more trauma/drama and expense (depending, of course, on the individual situation.)
When I feel lousy, the fastest way to dissipate the negativity is through Sound.
Tuning forks are wonderful instruments. YouTube has many videos on various Sound healing modalities including tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, Gongs, the didgeridoo, and the monochord. Many musical instruments are used for sound therapy.
Just like everything else, sound can also cause harm when the frequencies are destructive. Sound can heal blood – or cause the blood to disintegrate. This has been shown in experiments. The same is true for brainwaves. Music such as Mozart and Bach can improve brain waves. Harsh music can cause brain wave disruption and disorganization.
To learn about and understand sound therapy, follow the work of John Stuart Reid.
These healing methods have been known about long term .. but they require a lot of attention/care so they dont fit with the work and lives people have to lead.. they also dont protect us from hostile forces. It didnt even save the tibetans. I think we need peace, stability and order before we can go back to perfecting natural healing :/ That is our whole problem :(
Wise words. It doesn’t clear demonic entities or satanic attack…
I was inwardly guided that if more could see the words of Hope, Trust, and Faith as ‘frequencies', and ask from their hearts for these frequencies to surround and protect them each day, and to heal them from all harm, then, they would clear all attack, all harm, to start the journey of repair. They are THE healing frequencies. That is all that is needed. It then demands maintenance and that is where many fall down…they struggle to fit spiritual care in with daily life. We are all being advised to keep up our protection each day. I posted here with a message about Black Pyramid Hat Scenario. Our world is becoming more toxic. Best to use a method that protects from the emissions currently returning to those who refused to protect the children.
Thank you for this post. It raised a lot of concerns from my perspective. I trained as a Holistic Teacher many moons ago and explored consciousness and metaphysics. I trained in lots of energetic modalities. I stopped all of them because, as I became attuned to determining the purity of frequencies, I started to detect distortions in the Energy Healing systems I had trained in, and in other systems, and I realised that something was deeply flawed with all of the teachings. There is too much to condense here. I did author several books about frequencies, how to recognise distortions, how to clear them, and how to safely expand consciousness, but that is not my motive for commenting. I will try to touch on the main issues that caused me concern. In 2012, all Energy Healers and practitioners were asked to stop using methods which brought in anything from 'outside of self'. We were asked to stop, connect to heart and to move on. Most didn’t follow the heart guidance. Many talk about the energy field and Biofield, but no one talks about the greater levels of consciousness beyond this, and the reason why is because, it is not covered in the teaching modalities. The teachers, themselves, lack this knowledge and the teachers are simply repeating what they were taught, and so, this vital Knowledge is continually omitted from the teaching systems, and yet, this is a critical piece of the puzzle. Without the understanding of how the Cosmic Shield interplays with the Biofield and everything in between, there is a wealth of assistance and knowledge that is missing to help others heal. The reluctance to learn about this puzzle piece has caused unimaginable harm. All systems of healing are contaminated with satanic frequencies. We are not in a Universe that is loving. We are in a False Light Matrix which is riddled with distortions. It is made up of multiple universes. The Earth’s energetic grids — at the Galactic level and Planetary level — shielded humanity and all life from many levels of universes, and many of these other levels carried very dark, demonic entities. These grids were destroyed/rebuilt and destroyed between 2018 and 2022/2023. This left Humanity and all life with no protection from all the demonic realms and humanity is now surrounded by a 'Cosmic Soup' of hostile energies. With the death of her higher grids, the Earth’s spirit departed this place. Barely anyone noticed.
A call was put out by those who saw the trouble we were in. A platform of learning was given to humanity so that those of us who wish to continue our soul evolution could finish off our journey of learning here. We are no longer on the original platform of learning of the old Earth. Her spirit is gone and those still hearing her are hearing an echo…their hearts will confirm this, if they wish to ask. Grounding became dangerous as the grid systems collapsed…an attack was ensuing at all chakra levels and beyond — we were once again reminded to ground into heart, not into a False Light Matrix.
Now, we have a new platform of learning, heart is the only way forward. And grounding? Grounding…is positively dangerous. People will lose vast amounts of life force energy this way. I place the question…can you see what is below your feet, energetically? Ask your hearts to show you. Ask your heart to show you the problems around grounding…don’t just take another’s word…ask heart. Another point: we were asked to only use our hearts to help ‘facilitate' healing.
We are not the healer. The only true healer is the inner teacher — the healer within.
According to the Laws of Creation/ Cosmic Laws, no other soul has the authority to heal another. The client is the healer…it is their inner teacher that does the healing…no one else has the authority to heal another or interfere with another's soul evolution or lessons. By 2012, the entire Healing Community was also asked to stop taking payment for services. It distorts the entire healing process. The biggest failing of the Healing Community is that they have not moved rapidly on, not in alignment with the rapid planetary changes and events now in full swing. About Crystals: we were also asked not to use anything outside of self, and we were asked not to use crystals because they belonged to the Earth and she needed her energy to help herself. It is akin to taking coral from the sea. My learning progressed when I connected to my heart and asked inwardly for help — to help me understand how to make healing a safe experience, what was being asked of me? I wished to understand why I was picking up on distortions and hostile frequencies during client sessions and how to make it a safe experience, if that was possible. My learning developed from the point when I let go of all teachings from others and asked within for teachings. My heart firstly taught me about our Cosmic Fields …layers of consciousness far, far away from the Biofield level, at the Galactic Level.
I was shown how this area is the FIRST place to get attacked by satanic frequencies. That is where we leach life force. That is where cancer starts. The Biofield is the LAST layer nearest to our body to falter from the attack. It is the final layer to get harmed. Therefore, if the Healing Community are still fixated on the Biofield — when the attack and harm is happening in an area that they are unaware of, or yet to visit, or have never asked to be shown, healing cannot be fully completed for the client by the client’s inner teacher, and the facilitator is rendered useless — how can they ensure the entire space is clear before they start a healing session if they can’t even perceive their own Cosmic Shield, let alone the client's?
Hi Claire, thank you for this explanation and knowledge. Can you please share some of the books you have authored in order to learn more.
Dear Sandra, Thank you for your enquiry. As you can see I keep my surname private on my Substack and do not seek exposure. However, you are most welcome to visit my Substack which contains much of what I have been asked to share in book format. The SS messages come with transcripts and inner heart teachings to help any willing listener to tap into their own inner teacher. The problems are presented to try to help gain assistance for those who are suffering and provide energetic solutions to the presented problems, because the attack on humanity has become so serious, many are losing vast amounts of life force codes and this is evident in the rising death rates and cancer death rates. My goal is to wake others up before it is too late — my intention is to help disrupt the mind control, negative ego programs and distortions of truth contained within healing frequencies which are holding many healers in a state of blind ignorance. They have not moved on, and it has left many exposed, including the children. I combined five books, written between 2014 -2017, into one title which is historical is too late in the day. However, the last book is a compilation of the majority of posts, shared freely from when I first started SS. Information is freely shared to help others start to go deeper and expand their consciousness safely, to retrieve advanced teachings to help humanity. Things are so bad right now, Sandra, they are so serious, many do not realise we are at a point of no return. This includes many in the healing community. I recommend that everyone focuses on getting their heart protection up and running, because those who delay are going to rapidly lose life force and get trapped in a digital hell from which they will not escape. That is also my main deep concern —getting others to see the danger they are facing. I enclose some recent messages because this post sparked a lot of concerns within me, and so, I followed my heart guidance. I subsequently retrieved more guidance and deeper insights to share with those who seek knowledge and who care about how their practices are affecting others, especially at soul level and beyond. I hope it will assist you. Many cannot yet see what is happening beyond the Biofield level. Beyond is where the deeper issues lie.
This message link provides a ‘classroom model’ for you to investigate truth within your own heart. It is to help others understand more deeply, through self enquiry.
(Explains about the rise in aggression, toxic reactions from others, anger, judgment etc., and why we need to ensure we are protected from satanic attack as the Frequency War intensifies)
(Offers classroom example about effects on consciousness from tuning forks, Reiki etc)
(Explains what we are facing and how cancer starts…)
(Explain what these practices do to our layers of consciousness, beyond where the healing community can currently see)
We have to be ready to let go of preconceived ideas and really want the truth above all, and we will always be shown how to help heal any harm we may have inadvertently caused. The biggest group who came to help have failed their mission and humanity is now exposed. Unless more healers listen to their hearts and seek the deeper teachings, humanity do not stand a chance. They carry the gifts to help. I find it heart breaking to watch this. Since 2010, nothing has changed...
Finally, this most recent heart connection offers healing, repair, and an opportunity to create our preferred reality in order to secure humanity and all life its brightest future. I welcome your support to peacefully protect the children.
Kindest Regards Claire
Dear Claire, deep gratitude for your caring and soulful response. I will start to explore and work to understand more of the knowledge you are sharing. Blessing and Wellbeing, Sandra
Dear Sandra, You are most welcome. I am here to help. There are a lot of teachings to work one’s way through on my SS. The main thing I wish to impress upon you is to use the newly upgraded:
The Outer Waves of Infinite Possibilities: LET GO OF ALL HARM , REPLACE IT WITH LOVE, PEACE, UNITY
(This will fully clear your energy fields and ladder of consciousness from the daily, minute by minute attack on our life force. I find it soothing, healing and expansive. You can always pause it after Purest Light healing to talk to your Infinite Self and seek deeper understanding to your questions.)
(Explains the difference between Earth energy and heart energy. About the Laws of Creation/Cosmic Law and why we need to make requests to get the help coming in. It simplifies the layers of consciousness which surround you, and why heart connection is the most powerful route to protecting your life force.
It has been very popular with Targeted Individuals who have found it most helpful, and those wishing to use simple advanced techniques to protect themselves from technology, attacks, 5G, drone warfare, AI)
I also share a simplified;
"Make The Request, LOVE Does The Rest.”
(Perfect for quick use during the day, or with busy work/family commitments. I share the story of how my husband survived cancer, stage four with only two months to live and how we approached things. How the more help we call for, the more help comes...
This only takes a short minute or two once you get used to using it and focusing on your heart once intentionally set up, your Infinite Self is primed to surround and protect you with all the beautiful energies of LOVE, including the Laws of Creation which act as ‘security' alongside your Infinite Self.
It keeps the dark stuff away more readily when used as guided.
I am a small voice with much to share. I have been trying to create simple heart connection methods which avoid the complex steps and teachings for newcomers and to fit in with normal daily life. I have received much help from my Infinite Self and LOVE. The answers are all inside of you. Your Infinite Self is your teacher and protector. Talk to it like a dear friend and question all the things you may want to learn about. You will be helped. When you start to help yourself in this way, the attack on your life force can intensify…do not be afraid, just accept you are becoming a threat to the dark plans and all you have to remember is to follow your heart and protect yourself AM upon awakening, PM before sleep and during the day to clear away the energy you pick up from others. If more kept their energy clear, it would be much easier for us all, however, we live in a world where spiritual hygiene is underused and, frequently, ineffective.
This protection does work. It does require our diligent commitment to helping ourselves. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask me on my SS. I do not wish to hi-jack Unbekoming's post here.
I am grateful for your enquiry: It means one more loving human working with their beautiful heart to help protect the children. Thank you!
Thank you. Eileen was among those I first picked up on (when going beyond the standard biology indoctrination of my tertiary education). There were a couple of things that I struggled with - one in particular was the 'fake it until you make it' advice about making money from this 'gift'. And, yes, when I attempt to open up to the universe, there are forces (that are not positive) who seek to be 'present'.
Making a profit from a precious gift by getting others to cross one’s palms with silver is deeply upsetting to me…we have a huge emergency on the planet…it is akin to asking for payment to show others a safe exit from a collapsing building. I explored the Healing Community for many years. Sincere integrity seemed to be rare amongst those who wear the badge of “healer”. I am sure you have your own way of opening up to the Universe, but if you do need any suggestions, please ask me on my Substack. I share how to address the issue of unwelcome “visitors” during a rapid planetary shift, especially, during the descension that is currently ensuing. The situation of demonic attack is getting worse on the planet. We are all advised to protect self and ask for direction on how to protect all innocent life. We can ask for the innocent, but we can’t interfere with the choices of those who refused to listen to heart. All chaos, all suffering, and harm that has not been addressed, (or that we have not asked our heart and Love for help to repair) has to go back to the error maker, and those in this community who profit from others, who would not listen to Love’s requests to stop all new age practices and move on, will also be hit by their own karmic choices. It is a very sad reflection…to think that many relinquished their codes of remembrance so that a small group could came in with more gifts. They were reliant on the healers to give them back their codes by creating a safe “fire wall” to help the others gently raise their own frequency whilst protected by the healers/gifted. The healing community have squandered those gifts, and wasted their attention on fake ‘new age’ practices, in the main, while those who came in with no gifts have been left defenceless having volunteered to give up their own gifts of remembrance. They gave them up in complete trust that the healers would help them to remember. The healers failed their mission. The current chaos worldwide has been facilitated by this group of healers and the entire holistic industry. It is why it is so hard to wake humanity up. What breaks my heart is that the healers were in a privileged position. Those who do not remember are the bravest of the brave. It was meant to be a ‘baton relay race’. The children are being targeted because today’s children carry the codes of remembrance that the healing community vanquished and wasted. The healers failed their mission to gently raise consciousness. The children are now suffering extreme levels of torture, rape, and satanic ritual abuse to terrorise them for adrenachrome and to steal their life force and these advanced codes of remembrance. The stolen codes are distorted further and weaponised against humanity and all life. No one will listen. And now, it is too late. A point of no return has been reached for those who could have easily called to their hearts for help to protect all life. Meanwhile, the children are suffering…No one in this community wants to hear these uncomfortable truths. As soon as I determined distortions, I stopped everything and started again. I used to teach teachers who were noticing the change of frequencies and I helped them to learn to discern the more subtle fake frequency distortions masquerading as positive energies. They saw on FB the dark beings behind the social media banner. They saw how the chakras were all blocked with fake imagery, distortions over the third eye, octopus spikes in the crown chakra, ropes of ivy type vines trapping their lower chakras…Meanwhile grounding is being pushed, even by the alternative Doctors and recently, I saw Dr Ardis, and also, Truth For Health pushing it…I despair at where this is all heading because I understand the risks and I cannot get my information out more widely…I am definitely shadow banned, and know that vital information is missing from the teachings within the Healing Community, for those who genuinely do wish to help humanity. I was guided that Yoga, Reiki, and Pilates groups have caused more harm than the pandemic of 2020 and the death that followed that. The bigger picture is that murder is taking place - not only by the medical community, it is also taking place by the Healing/Holistic groups who are too immersed in mind control and outdated methods, and who are unconcerned that their methods are possibly harming, metaphysically, to the point of committing murder - by meddling with other’s energy - and assisting in emptying out other’s life force and handing it over to the demonic realms. Our own heart has all the answers, and the healers, in the main, are not heart centred enough to go deeper, Their hearts know how to keep all safe. The laws of Creation can be asked, through heart, for advice. A sincere heart just needs to ASK. They will be directed. I am at a loss as to how to open this group up to change. The greater cosmos is preparing for the end of this cycle of evolution and a new cycle is about to start. All harm must be repaired before any life form can return. To reach the point of NO RETURN is gravely serious. It is an end to a soul’s evolution. It means that their conscious ladder will be withdrawn from this place and the physical self will be left without any help. That means that when all errors are returned to those who refused to help the children, they will not be able to call for help because that ladder contained the help. I don’t think many understand the gravity of the situation. It is grave for those who meddled. My focus is on protecting the children. I had hoped to wake up the healers/rescue party but I have been unable to do so, in spite of following all heart guidance. It is a terrible state of affairs. Keep your heart connection strong and call on LOVE and the laws of creation to send back all harm, including unwelcome visitors. This link may be helpful to you if you need help clearing away unwelcome/negative energy and to help protect the children…
Since the early twentieth century there has been an effort by the adepts of Eastern religions to infiltrate religious doctrine-dharma into the West.This has been done in recognition of the fact that science and education are respected in the West. The strategy became one of disguising Eastern religious dogma by use of scientific jargon, and pseudocredentials, i.e. magnetism, polarity, grounding, positive-negative etc. An example of this was the migration of Paramahansa Yogananda, a disciple of Babaji, and Sri Yukteswar to America in 1920. His goal was stated by Babaji: "India can teach the universal methods by which the West will be able to base its religious beliefs on the unshakable foundations of yogic science." (Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda 1946, p. 333). This project by him and others, is nothing less than a crusade to convert the Christian West to Hinduism, a project that has been very successful. The pseudoscientific jargon you spout are part of this crusade. See also: (The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Self-realization Fellowship, 1974).
This is one of the things I do in my practice. I scan the biofield with specific wellness devices. I also have spiritual scans that can detect demonic activity as well as ascertain what “dis-ease” can be healed through repentance, personal or inherited.
Sound Therapy has been around since the Beginning. Sound organizes matter. Sound creates form and structure. Sound can heal physically and emotionally and can neutralize harmful energies (like EMFs) to some degree.
Eileen McKusick took time and effort to research and prove her observations before writing her books. Her work is backed up by much science. has done research on the biofield. SQUID (Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device) measures and maps subtle energy fields including the acupuncture meridians.
Memories and events are stored in the biofield as well as in fascia, in the tissues, and many places in the body. Imagine if someone punched you in the gut. That memory is stored in the gut and elsewhere. It is the same with being pregnant or having a baby. The memory is stored in the pelvis. Time usually clears physical aspects. Something else is needed to clear the emotional aspects.
True energy healers perceive these fields and can correct imbalances. They can adjust matter including muscles, bones, and nerves. The aura and the chakras are electromagnetic/light energy systems. Fixing the energy field often fixes the core issues of illness or distress. Adjusting the energy can release and heal emotional trauma.
Eileen’s work is valid and is an excellent modality to help people with physical, emotional, or ancestral issues. Sound therapy can neutralize emotional and physical trauma much more effectively than going to an MD or psychotherapist without creating more trauma/drama and expense (depending, of course, on the individual situation.)
When I feel lousy, the fastest way to dissipate the negativity is through Sound.
Tuning forks are wonderful instruments. YouTube has many videos on various Sound healing modalities including tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, Gongs, the didgeridoo, and the monochord. Many musical instruments are used for sound therapy.
Just like everything else, sound can also cause harm when the frequencies are destructive. Sound can heal blood – or cause the blood to disintegrate. This has been shown in experiments. The same is true for brainwaves. Music such as Mozart and Bach can improve brain waves. Harsh music can cause brain wave disruption and disorganization.
To learn about and understand sound therapy, follow the work of John Stuart Reid.