This book can be a fun read for its old fashioned religious style. It's important to understand that this book was written 100 years ago!! Yet there are current books by Casey Means and Joe Mercola that essentially provide the same message.

Point #19 helps explain what has happened to us all over the past five years:

"Fear represents one of the most potent destroyers of nerve energy, creating immediate physiological stress and disrupting normal body functions. Chronic fear states gradually deplete nerve energy reserves, leading to impaired elimination and toxin accumulation.

"The impact of fear extends beyond immediate physiological effects to create long-term health deterioration through sustained nerve energy depletion. Fear of disease often proves more damaging than the condition itself."

I love that it is Point #19 that highlights the most damage aspect of the COVID-19 debacle: the intentional instigation and amplification of fear to push people's bodies into crisis!

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Yes, that passage stood out to me too - very relevant not just to the C19 scam but to the endless threats and actual wars and destruction.

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Yet and still, what was there to fear was my question. Covid had cold symptoms with a 99.7 % recoverability if you did absolutely nothing as per Anthony Fauci. Didn't folks hear that? I did. I just couldn't understand what the fuss was all about.

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You forget all the gaslighting that took place to make people think he didn't actually say that.

Early on, it was shown that people in lower income brackets were most at risk from COVID. Then they said that they were going to create a vaccine. Amazing, I thought, they are going to create a a shot that can cure poverty! Right!

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This makes a lot of sense to me. Much more than the virology fantasy of BS.

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In response to another article, I tried DMSO for joint pain. Unfortunately, I had a bad allergic reaction including an extremely severe headache. I since learned one in ten people have to stop DMSO due to this neurological symptom.

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Good to know. Thanks for the advice.

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If you have chronic disease or want to learn more about detoxing correctly I recommend Anthony Williams the medical medium, books, vids, podcasts and website. Everthing is free unless you want to buy the books, but check your local library first. Flu is not natural it is a virus released by the virus makers. So are many others. Keep your body without virus feeders like eggs and dairy and you will see the difference in your health. Also recommended is being gluten free and avoiding many harmful ingredients, toxic fragrances and other poisons that people put on their bodies and in their homes. Lowering the toxins coming into your life is a great start, and eliminating most processed foods. Look up the heavy metal detox smoothie and drink celery juice all helps, as well as lemon water each morning (one lemon squeezed into 2 cups water).

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