It isn’t woke Marxism that is killing the culture. The culture (a development of Christian faith and practice) is nearly dead from a lack of faith, and other virtues. The Marxists fill the void where people, having lost the desire for truth, and the ability to recognize it, accept any old lies the propagandists throw their way.

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Agree, that widely held Christian beliefs, rituals and traditions protected society from this collectivizing spirit.

But as that faded, post-modernism (deconstruction in particular) was used as the wrecking ball to collapse an already weak structure and that paved the way for Neo-Marxism to take hold. They are different streams of thought, but they got braided together with a lot of money poured into them.

My personal view is that capitalism per se is not the problem, but when it is allowed to grow into monopolism (which it seems to quite easily do by breaking down all mechanisms of its regulation) it then can seek out ideological modalities that support its centralised command and control requirements (and that's neo-Marxism that captures the means of cultural production vs old school "analog" Marxism that sought to capture the means of economic production).

So, where my mental model of this whole shitshow has landed is that we have Empire (the ultimate aggregation of monopolistic capital) that has chosen Neo-Marxism as its ruling ideology and has poured money into all means of Post-Modern wrecking balls to clear the way.

So, if the shape of this is true, or true enough, we owe it to ourselves and our children to learn and come to terms with Rome's new religion.

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I agree if the culture you refer to is magical thinking for the benefit of commodification and tokenization to save the capitalist system by transforming it. Not sure who or what you are referring to when you say "The Marxists." Marx and Engels were absolutely correct about capitalism...

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"Thought terminating cliché" — superb analysis.

(We just mustn't let it's use become a thought terminating cliché…)

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Agree and touche 🤣

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YES! YES! YES! To all this!!!!!

Relatedly (1/2), look at the language the WA government used in its "evaluation of handling the covid pandemic."The incredible word salad in all its tossed glory, designed to confuse and gaslight the lobotomised: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/genocide-denial-now-occurring-in

(2/2) A Substacker recently responded to a fancy someone opining that 'anything written more than 400 years ago was irrelevant to modern times.' (para.) I reminded xir of the Bible and the Magna Carta...are we doomed to word salads and woke speak? https://substack.com/profile/105077440-excessdeathsau/note/c-15950276

Edit: I just saw the "social justice encyclopedia."

We're not going to make it are we?

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Well, you're my only window into this manure. I have had no contact with academia for decades and I've viewed what is happening as if it was on another planet. My kids, unfortunately, reflect some of this in their verbiage and truncated thought processes. Remarkably, despite the depth of my studies and all my experience, they regard me with condescension. What can we say?

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"Manure" indeed it is.

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MAGA-man Lindsay and all the other paleoconservatives are dismayed that their beloved Reagan 1980s capitalism, during which Lindsay, their parents et al. worshipped Pinochet and Mobutu and Stroessner etc, has morphed into Schwab's and Harari's Communitarianism because of advances in the means of production ie AI and nanotech= 4th Industrial Revolution. The Woking Class however wouldn't know Marxist analysis if it ran into it in the dark on the way to a child brothel. Such analysis is here, https://real-left.com/

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An unvaccinated buddhist fan of indigenous rights, black liberation, decolonisation, the dismantling of patriarchy, capitalism, heteronormativity and all systems of violence and oppression here. Believer in the liberation of all beings, WITHOUT exception. Utterly dismayed over the last 2 years to find my fellow unvaxxed groups on nearly all channels deeply committed to using "woke" as an insult, and threatened by any kind of fluidity. We are all interconnected and entangled at a subatomic level, and none can be free until all are free. As Micheal Franti said "everybody wants to tell their neighbour how to live, but nobody wants to listen to how they feel." As a lifetime left-winger, who stepped completely and whole-heartedly outside my echo chamber for the last 2-3 years in order to view it from the outside, I'm so glad that I took this time. I see some pretty entrenched patterns of thinking in both. Any path that it not committed to the basic freedom of all beings doesn't work for me. Wondering how many of the people avidly agreeing with this are those who have been systematically traumatised by racism/homophbia/sexism etc? Remember how during the pandemic and pre/post "anti-vaxxer" was a blanket term used widely to invalidate any thought process that questioned the vaccine response? All I see is that now using "woke" as an insult is doing exactly the same re. social justice issues. And when that happened before it's because the stars quo was threatened. Have y'all checked your privilege?!

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Your text reeks of Wokeness: eight proofs follow: "indigenous rights" in Australia are central to the UN/WEF Blaktivist agenda via The Voice, see analysis by Aboriginal lawyer Josephine Cashman https://stephenreason.substack.com/p/the-real-agenda-behind-the-voice.

Second, if "blacks" are supposed to be US blacks, well by the holy George Floyd, victim of his own fentanyl overdose as per the coroners' report which I have read, blacks are 13% of the US population but commit over 50% of all murders, mostly of each other, source : US Dept. Of Justice data.

Third, "Decolonisation"is code for a new comprador class in former colonies since 1960 to pillage their own peoples while on the take from newly Woke foreign transnationals.

Fourth, "threatened" is more Woke BS, why not have done with it and write "fragile".

Fifth, "Fluidity" of sex just happens, (read Mary Harringon at Reactionary Feminist), tp profit your med-pharm. complex because trannies need lifelong surgeries and hormone therapies. Anyone claiming to be a leftist should see this, it is Marx 101,

Sixth, you are thus not a "lifetime leftwinger" at all, you are a naive post-1990s hyperliberal identitarian, with a de facto if unconscious loyalty to synthetic biology. . Btw, funny how as those who experienced genuine (war, etc. ) trauma 1939-45 have died off, every broken fingernail these days gets labelled "trauma".

Seventh, contrary to your allegation, there is no equivalence between anti-vaxxer and Woke as terms of invalidation, because NO WOKIE was ever stripped of his (and her, think of all the nurses and aged care workers) means of livelihood, driven to suicide or clinical depression, divorce, DV etc. But thousands of unjabbed have indeed been thus treated, without your Leftard (not Leftist) Councils of Civil Liberties, Aust. Human Rights Commission etc, saying boo to the severe discrimination. And this non-equivalence is due to apparent "useful antifa idiots" such as yourself acting as footsoldiers for newly-Woke transnationals eager to destroy sex roles, your so-called "fluidity" and national borders in the quest to atomise entire jabbed populations into ongoing profit centres.

Eighth and finally,"check my privilege", complete with the usual thralldom of you people to the USA in the shape of the 3rd person plural "'y'all" from south of the Mason-Dixon Line, What privilege??!! the hundreds of thousands of white US workers who fell victim to the Sackler family's Oxycontin (in Aust: Endone) with Sacklers endowing a wing in their name of the med. school in Tel Aviv? , so take your Critical Race Theory and lay it at the feet of another presumed hero, Barack O'Bomber, who had a vital role in the runup to the current Plandemic.

By Marx, Engels, Lasalle and Kautsky! with "leftists" like you who needs Communitarian (not communist!) flunkies to run ideological cover in the superstructure (Ueberbau) for the structure? But have you ever even read a line of Marx, the pedophile Foucault seems more your style.

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Woah- Vicious! Quite the personal attack!! A bit painful but of course totally anticipated.

You are also one of all beings that I wish complete liberation for. You don’t have to like people to want them to be free.

There is an assumption that all the above “woke” ideas are a result of a top down linguistically programmed construct, which utterly misses that there are truths that arise spontaneously within each of us from embodied wisdom and spiritual. practice/inner work. Truths that bypass thinking and intellect, and are felt and experienced within the body mind structure. But this after all an deeply intellectual thread/stack.

In actual fact the imaginal realm is more likely to inform a compassionate interconnected view of all life on this planet.

I don’t see how people can maintain a view of “freedom” and libertory thinking without including all beings in that thinking. No matter how they are presenting!

In the end it seem to me ( an artist, not writer, not intellectual obvs,) that there is a great comfort taken here from division, and an utter inability acknowledge on any level that there is in fact whole groups of people who have been systemically oppressed.

And of course I know that whatever I write here in these comments is going to prove me guilty of the crime of “wokeness.”

But I’m not here as a troll. And I’m not looking for agreement.

I have lived 5 decades following my intuition/gut/heart/spirit & that is one reason why my 17 and 20 y/o kids are totally free of all vaccines. That set me outside back then. Mostly I don’t fit into any group .

In this group my feelings that there is something fundamentally wrong with this pushback against true freedom for all beings ( justice) sets me outside. I understand you have all the words. I don’t. I have appreciated so much from this account, and many others. But following my heart and gut and imagination is where I experience embodied truth, and I genuinely don’t feel as those those harshly critiquing “woke” have spent much time trying to get into or understanding the lives experiences of marginalised peoples. And of course that doesn’t mean that you haven’t suffered / that men haven’t suffered, that white people haven’t suffered, that straight people haven’t suffered. The world is on fire! Everyone suffers. But again, what vision is there of freedom that doesn’t encompass all beings? It is a LACK of imagination that “others” people, that promotes division and disconnection. Possibly an atrophy of imagination disguised as free thought.

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The highest form of warfare is information war. We are in it NOW. The present information influence operation is preparing the battle field for eventual civil strife and kinetic warfare in this former sovereign Republic. The simultaneous migrant invasion is bringing to these United States a cadre of killers who will exercise their orders to do what they did back home. The terrain is presently verbal. Soon to be violent. Arm-up. Train.

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Does the human mind have a Maximum capacity that once reached becomes uselessly absolved by paradox? is their some utility in limiting and compartmentalizing for physical action whilst contained in this material form. Does unfettered expansion of language become the ouroboros of theoretical musings?

In one word alone, intellectual, academics and the average Joe can find multiple meanings and uses so it is is a wonder that anyone understands anything at all.

A lot of words have hidden meaning, implanted in plain sight by what I can only call power hungry priests. From the priests of Anon -Ra in the Pharaohs Time to the anonymous masonic child rapists that have infiltrated every community from the Visible Powerful to the hidden members of our community, wives and husband's of ' Ordinary People). The law society is all masons. (Look closely at the symbols and the nautical terminology) The Medical/science profession ( they make up new word for The nonexistent and the unicommunicable every day).

I am sure that someone, if they spent the time, could write a book on JUST ONE of the words in this comment or most words in the dictionary that prove just how corrupted the English language was before it was used for this final assult on humanities sanity, but by that time, this war will be over.

I hope some of us can write The Histoy Book of the Nafarious Capturing of Language one day- when some of us survive to continue the species. I have hope, now more than ever!

Thanks Rebekah for the interesting read and links!

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