I love Dr. Wallach! I have been following him ever since I met him in 2019! He still occasionally does talk shows, but is still recruiting and equipping people for the health revolution! He is a man with a mission at 84 and believes we should all live to 120! God speed Dr. Wallach!

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God bless you for putting in the information that Doc Wallace has been freely giving for so long. Thank you for sharing this amazingly informative doctor with everyone.

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Amen... bad attitude for NIH Grant though!!

"Wallach sees epigenetics - the study of how environmental factors influence gene expression - as far more significant than genetic predisposition in determining health outcomes. He argues that nutritional deficiencies alter gene expression in ways that manifest as disease, rather than inherited genetic defects being the primary cause of illness."

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What does Wallach think of vaccines? Did he vaccinate animals? No mention. Genetics? Curious as to why he changed his Ukrainian name.

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It's always interesting how most progress in medical knowledge comes from outside of allopathic medicine. I'm a huge fan of Dr. Wallach!

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Dr. Wallach, the doctors of what was called FLCCC, and Dr. Mercola have all a fundamental flaw—they profit from the sale of what they recommend. No physician or practitioner ethically can do that, though it is done.

Once that boundary is crossed, trust cannot be complete.

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The problem is, the supplement industry with its high profit margins is mostly a scam. Save your money and buy real FOOD and high quality salt, etc.

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Can I contact Dr. Wallach?

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