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WOW Now Time To Evolve Within Ourselves! The Quantum Field Consciousness Letting Go Of The Game of Duality!!! Love of Self Not Money Or Power!!! Frequency Vibration Feelings Thoughts!! Not Easy But Maybe The Next Frontier!!!

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i ACIM. not easy, but getting there. somewhat hampered by the patriarchal language/exclusion of the feminine . i have to translate for myself, for instance ...


I am the holy Child of God Itself!

Then let the Child of God awaken from her sleep, and opening her holy eyes, return again to bless the world she made.

In error it began, but it will end in the reflection of his holiness.

And she will sleep no more and dream of death.

Then join with me today.

Your glory is the light that saves the world.

Do not withhold salvation longer.

Look about the world, and see the suffering there.

Is not your heart willing to bring your weary sisters rest?

They must await your own release.

They stay in chains till you are free.

They cannot see the mercy of the world until you find it in yourself. They suffer pain until you have denied its hold on you.

They die till you accept your own eternal life. You are the holy Child of God Itself.

Remember this, and all the world is free.

Remember this, and earth and Heaven are one. (https://acim.org/acim/en/s/599#10:1-11:8 | W-191.10:1–11:8)

(https://acim.org/acim/en/s/599 | W-191)

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Nov 5Edited

Good day Unbekoming,

I appreciate your investigation of the origins of this power. You may wish to read several books by Professor Michael Hudson. One of his books I read is "Forgive them their Debts" which traces the financial (in particular), religious and God kings and queens of ancient Mesopotamia 10,000 years ago. There is every indication that it goes back further than that.

Why is Israel so obsessed with destroying Iran. The Persians are not Semitic Peoples or trace their origins back to Abraham. They are much much older than that. Iran/Persia and China are perhaps the two oldest continuously self identified peoples on the planet.

The shadow of origins goes back a very long ways. Much further back than the Alexander/Greeks

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Finally something that encompasses all the crazy theories and conspiracies I've been slogging through since Covid. I've read about cults, ancient gods, free masonry, all the "clubs" like Rome, Bohemian Grove and secret societies. I've seen information about bankers and bankers wars, Satanic Ritual Abuse, child trafficking, drugs, ancient mafia rings and of course the Trans-human, "Eat Ze Bugs" WEF. I've even looked at fallen angels and Nephilim to try and figure out what in Heaven is going on here. What Rose brings to the table shares so many of the elements I've looked at. He begins to paint a picture for me that's clear on how it all could have happened.

I had been absolutely brainwashed into American patriotism, democracy building and protection of a certain State no matter the cost. Unbekoming is such an apt name, it's what has been happening to me in the last few years for sure, I've been Unbekoming who I am. I began having an identity crisis because everything I thought I knew has been stripped away. I was not passive in my beliefs, I always read, listened and watched and was diligent. I was wholly indoctrinated. There's nothing like being nearly 62 years old and having such a huge part of me ripped away.

The 2nd part of this, "LIES are Unbekoming", I want the truth, just like all of you. And I don't care if everything is stripped bare to get there! Me knowing the truth doesn't fix anything though, it's such evil, permeated everywhere that only One has the power to deal with it.

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I am also chasing down those roads and I think what we may find is very disturbing. I don't know if we can handle the truth. I think this all goes back to the biblical “in the beginning.” Same narratives. Different century. Same overlords.

I do believe the evil will implode and things will be very different in extraordinary ways. The woowoo people say we will remember who we truly are and live accordingly.

You know, Different earth. Peace and prosperity. Lamb and Lion.

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What unites “them” is money—wealth. What keeps us slaves to them is money worship. Eventually, as the preoccupation with material matters is replaced by a more spiritual orientation, the chains of this slavery will fall away.

“The truth shall set you free”.

There is a vast reality beyond the material that beckons and whose threshold is available to individuals now.

“Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door of salvation will be opened.”

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I got the answer ….

They are letting in illegals with no belief in God to water down the intelligence of man. To wash out the existence of God.

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“Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.” Rousseau

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The nature of humanity is to create controlling factions because so few can find their own way. Human nature becomes psychotic when people become so full of fear that they need to try and exert complete control over everyone else. There is absolutely no reason for these presumed power and control structures to exist. They are like Captain Dunsel in that they serve no useful purpose.

In the end, we are all dead and gone from planet earth (we mostly assume) thus it makes no sense to exert misery and slavery upon humanity.

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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Forgive Us Our Enshittification

Jesus died for our debt, not our sins


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The three letter agencies are the undertakers. The censored press, the bought legislators and the criminal corporations are the symptoms. Usury is the disease.

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actually ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3hQC3Dm3K0 his teachings were derailed for reasons.

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This is a great article thank you, lots of extra information that I hadn't heard...

Frances Leader has done some great work on this too... I'm sure there's subtle differences, but much the same history given in a good breakdown of Venetians and their influence throughout Europe.



Thanks once again for this article, I've saved it for reference.

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