“Unvaccinated” is a linguistic spell cast on the whole population.
You cannot be un-vaccinated.
By labeling children “unvaccinated” you imprint the idea of a completed action (-ed, done, the past) in them and in all readers. “Un-“ plus the 2020-2024 exposure of the virology hoax presumes a fight (an action) - which is impossible just because “vaccinated” is already done.
As a composed term, “unvaccinated” is a masterpiece spell which embeds an unresolved paradox in the mind, thus creating a constant inner battle against an event which cannot be changed. A split in the personality, if you will, where one part of you knows that you have not taken this toxin, and the other part of you recognizes “-ed” as a confirmation that you have. And (in many cases) the adult you doesn’t know, it was all so long ago… Accepting this term in your lexicon, you are opening up to future (subconscious, hypnotic, spell) suggestions about this subject - you have made yourself a future client (patient) of the medical cult by simply using one wrong word.
The whole concept of vaccination is to inject into you an agent which you will never flush out. Moreover, this agent is expected to permanently alter your body, as explained through the hypothetical “memory cells”. They explain the mechanism that if you are exposed to a small dose of a pathogen, the body will remember it and will create impenetrable defenses against this pathogen.
Think for a moment. “They” say there are millions of viruses outside and inside us. We are being constantly exposed to them and bombarded by them. The body must have had created trillions of trillions of these memory cells to remember “who is who” and to react immediately.
Wait, what about variant? “They” say that viruses mutate extremely rapidly by their own nature. So these trillions of viruses give rise to galaxy-size trillions of variants, and the body is supposed to memorize all this? Where? How? “They” never explain this small aspect of the virology fantasy.
You can be non-vaccinated - but this term assumes that your vaccination is just around the corner. Doomed, but waiting.
You can be free of vaccine, but it again presupposes the imminent “lockdown” of your freedom.
Maybe you can be off-vaccine, just like living off-grid. You don’t need it, you don’t want it, you don’t take it. It’s not being “free” of something - you are simply existing in a different space, no overlaps.
You are so right - we must use our own narratives not theirs. Vaccination is interventionist and not natural, so a natural term would be better, like maybe "intact" or "native immune system".
The language is full of pitfalls where spells are cast, that's because what we speak is so important - it creates worlds. And the ghouls running the world know it.
The 2020 story is a complex one. First, there is no “them” or “us”. We are all in this together - according to the Creating Force, known in the West mostly as God. It is all One story for One space in which One existence lives.
Once you start dividing, fights will “naturally” follow. Then, no end, the division will only increase and mutate.
There are only two ways of living: connecting or separating, merging into one or isolating and alienating. Those who want to rule over others and decide for others follow the separation rule. And they succeed. If you go after their pattern and start making them “them”, you will slowly turn into a dividing agent, exactly the same as they are. As you act in “good faith” (is there any “bad faith”?) and for higher good (any “higher evil”?), you will feel justified. And for a long time you may live in the perceived harmony and peace of mind until at some point, 20 years later, you start splitting your own life (most often visible in marriage and family breakups and fights) - because you have learnt their pattern and you know that it is always successful when used against weaker ones.
I am familiar with this way of thinking and I feel it is erroneous. We are not "one" and that idea of "oneness" has been implanted into our minds by religion, by this "one" god, by "a" creator. It is false. We ere not created by one. Nothing is done by one. Parents who create children are two not one. Nobody is an island. It is "them". The language again holds us down because it doesn't cover anywhere near the concepts we are immersed in. We have to be aware of the inadequacy of language for starters. The language has been usurped of course, just like everything and it leads us to speak what we don't want rather than what we do want. There is a oneness in that we are all conscious, that everything is alive and oscillating but we are all different aspects with our own uniqueness. To think we are all one denies our uniqueness and there is nothing the controllers would like more than to make everything uniform. I attribute this way of thinking to being exposed only to patriarchal perspectives, where women are not heard and even pooh poohed or tolerated at best. Women too are trained by patriarchy so most see things through the patriarchal lens. Women have lost their perspectives as have men as have all of us, but we need to find it and we do that through balance, through hearing all sides and all perspectives. That is the way we get to truth. That is why the controllers censor, that is why anyone censors, because they want THEIR opinion upheld at the expense of other's opinion. They do not see in therms of peer-to-peer but in terms of hierarchy or the pecking order where they can boss others and they succumb to others bossing them. We don't have to be separate to hold various views. Having arguments is healthy and we shouldn't try to prevent them. What we should do is learn how to argue eloquently and persuasively. That is the kind of world I want to live in, not one where we are stifled because we fear getting into an argument lest someone dub us as trying to be separatist. The fact is you are different to me, why should I stifle my thoughts in favor of yours, for example.
You are right and I am right. We just look from different perspectives and we see different images.
Like a bike - with two wheels. There are two wheels, obviously. But both wheels are of the same design, structure, concept. They may differ in size, but a wheel is a wheel. You see two wheels as different entities, front and back. I say both wheels are the same in principle. Your perspective is right when you consider individual features. My perspective is right when I say you cannot use a square wheel.
All human-like beings breathe the same air, move in the same way, mate in the same way, and biologically are guilt on the same principles. Details differ, a woman is not a man, and this is your perspective. In fact, a woman of 5 years is very different to a woman of 60 years. And a man in a black suit is very different to a man working manually in a steel plant. But the basic physiological requirements for all of us to exist are the same.
Oneness of the existence does not come from religion. Actually, the religion divides everything into many “cohorts”. Oneness is the essential principle of Life. At a very abstract level, we are one with bacteria, simply because the smallest building blocks known to us (elements) are the same.
You can see Life as divided, and there will always be a separation between your “I” and “That”. You won’t give a dime to a beggar because of this separation. Until one day you will find yourself in his/her position and you start asking “Them” for a dime…
Or you can see Life as Unity, only differentiated to meet local and temporal needs of the environment. Then you can grow as an individual entity and understand the group as a collective “oneness” entity. Your group collects stamps, other groups prefer collecting Lambos or romantic experiments. You don’t need to destroy other groups to live fully within your capacity.
My point is that at a certain mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level we are one. We just express this oneness in different ways. You don’t need to accept “them”, or “they” don’t need to respect you. In an optimum environment, we are all alike, anyway. Or…
No stranger, no danger.
Call others strangers, aliens, beggars, elites, whatever, and you create a pattern of “I” versus “them”. You have divided. You have destroyed the oneness of this Life. In fact, you have created a split personality in yourself. You may not notice it, because we all have been brought up with this split personality. Maybe for this reason you are given 10, 20, 30 or 70 years of life to understand and overcome this split - so that, when your time comes, you can become one with this existence in peace, without fighting.
I'm glad to be having this conversation but it doesn't have to be so complicated. Some things are separate and some things are common and it always depends on the concept. What I speak on this for is that we only ever get one perspective, that of "oneness" but really it's only a part of the entirety and there doesn't need to be oneness in everything. Except maybe one thing which is "life" or consciousness, though many are alive but not consciously aware of it. I think we have this unilateral thinking because we only ever get the male perspective in all our education and everything we know about. When there are other layers that we turn a blind eye to. Much is invisible to the eye but we "know" that there is more to "life" than meets the eye. I believe the idea of universal "oneness" narrows our vision and is indeed designed to do just that, and is part of the spell of the language that was injected deliberately. Not to say the reference to oneness is totally invalid, rather, it is not as valid as we make out and actually keeps us from discerning nuances, which the controllers love to instill as it makes their life easier (which is to control)
Since “unvaccinated” is technically and scientifically impossible, there are no “unvaccinated” people. Which is synonymous to “those who were not vaccinated do not exist”. This attitude will subconsciously dehumanize a selected group of people. In consequence, those who have most vested interests, healthcare personnel, may feel justified to not provide health care or provide insufficient or wrong health care to the “unvaccinated” - which has even been officially publicly announced and emphasized throughout the pandemicgate.
It’s like “unvaccinated” being equal to unvalidated, or illegal, or invalidated, or one whose existence is no longer valid.
What one makes out of all this depends on the pre-programming of the mind of the particular person. In extreme case, like the famous Arnold’s rejection of the humanity of the unvaccinated, you won’t have a chance to explain, argue, request or even pray for mercy.
adulterated: “weakened or lessened in purity by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element” (Webster)
“In purity” being the key word. In industry standards, adulteration is done by adding substances of almost identical physical characteristics (to make detection impossible) - like adding another hand or ear?
adulterate: “to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element… especially: to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients”
“To prepare for sale”… Who would like to buy human beings with reduced physical characteristics? Have any alien races put ads recently?
With respect, no. Mega doses and IVs should probably be reserved for situations where severe interventions are being thrown about for severely ill people by conventional medics. Non pharmaceutically damaged children have immune systems.
One of my children has not only never had a vaccine, he’s never even had a prescribed or OTC pharmaceutical of any kind. Not once. Not much as a cough drop. Like the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t exist.
term baby, excellent birth weight, mum ate and moved right during gestation, 100% drug free delivery, term breastfed, blw on whole nutrient dense foods, never in a daycare setting.
11yo and strong as an ox, not a single condition or label, any and all sickness (4 or 5 times in his whole life) over in 24-36 hours with fluids, undisturbed fevers and bed rest.
You just need to leave them alone, shun pharmaceuticals and toxic people, live as nature intended, feed and love them right. That’s literally it.
This is great information! I will be forwarding it to as many new parents as possible. I gained quite a bit of knowledge raising our daughter who’s is now 19 and completely unvaccinated but I wish I had had this guide. She would get sick, sore throats high fevers, one ear ache but what she doesn’t have is anxiety, seizure disorder, asthma, allergies of any kind, not even acne. She did get the mumps! Our wonderful alternative doctor gave us treatments that we bought from Natural Grocers and she was fully recovered within a week. Her boyfriend who now has been red pilled was jealous of her lifetime immunity.
Excellent article. Thanks! You have a typo in the third sentence.
Vax injured in '68, antibiotic injured as an adult with many other medical horror stories. Just released first Substack explaining "coincidist", my new term for folks who blame medical harm on coincidence. Could be a pharma shill, could be your mom...
No measles for me but chicken pox, yes. I moved from Canada to US and they caught me up all at once into my right bicep. The big round BCG patch injection thingy for tuberculosis was the one that got me, oozing pus then turning to a rash that spread over my body and which still bothers me 55 years later. I had seizures, intracranial pressure and I vomited bile for three days. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that I was autistic before anyone knew what autism was, reading at a doctoral level in 4th grade but acting like a 4 year old.
Well, that's a long story. I'm the poster-boy for iatrogenic harm. I had a HORRIFIC adverse reaction to Cipro and Levaquin back in 2007 and have been permanently disabled ever since. I deal with head to toe pain and suffering every day and would rather wake up dead tomorrow. Here's an investigative journalism segment I was featured in a while back, when TV stations still reported on harm by BIG PHARMA. Can you imagine a segment like this on the injections?
I have found this activism to be incredibly rewarding. My life is more meaningful than ever before, I'm just approaching my expiration date and ready to go. I am actually doing more healing than falling apart ever since I got "floxed", although that can't be the pattern indefinitely. I am excited to be able to focus mentally at a level I haven't in years. I may actually make a difference here. Would be kewl if this word takes off...
So this is such an important topic, I'm glad you posted. I know of many examples where parents don't vaccinate and simply don't know the basics about illness and treatment. That is almost as irresponsible as blindly vaccinating.
One of the least known things is wound treatment. This is pretty important for avoiding tetanus and I have read several stories of "unvaccinated" kids getting tetanus -- who are paraded by the media -- where the parents simply didn't treat the wound.
There are also other modalities for treatment. We used Chinese Pediatric Message with a small set of Chinese herbs (working with a practitioner) extremely successfully for both our kids. Never needed any antipyretic drugs.
The other thing parents need to realize, is sometimes it's really going to suck when your kids are sick and in pain. Ear aches will cause a lot of loss of sleep, and fever will be hard to watch. I believe this is one of the reasons most parents reach for the bottle of tylenol. It's unnerving, it's hard to watch, and it's sleep depriving.
But the kids end up far healthier as a result.
I also think that "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" is one of the other must-have references for any parent raising kids unvaccinated.
So really what they do in the hospitals is contrary to what they should be doing. We know that, though don't we? That's why we must avoid being in a hospital.
As in many cases yes, but as I noted, I see a lot of parents that are ignorant about wound management and don't even consider that it is something important. Many of them will run straight to the hospital which in the case of wounds is OK because the hospital will often clean the wound (or make you do it yourself) but they will also administer the Tetanus shot at the same time -- which of course does nothing for that wound.
Your comment is sound except where did you see children coming down with tetanus? Are you talking about the US? There were 28 cases in the US in 2022 and in 2019 and 2020 - none. So I don't know where you are getting your data. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1122819/tetanus-cases-us-by-year/
I didn't intend to imply the numbers were large. What I am saying is these cases get reported to the press and they are paraded about as stupid anti-vax parents not knowing how to care for their children.
If the tetanus was as a result of poor wound management, they were ignorant parents, but sadly they are being portrayed as standard bearers for those that don't vaccinate.
Thank you for highlighting this resource. Been looking for a guide to homeopathic treatments for common childhood illnesses. Thank you for taking the time to dig deep into important topics like this.
Yes so many things about childbirth are wrong, besides jabbing the newborn with vaccines. Mother delivering on her back is utterly sadistic as this doesn't take advantage of gravity which pressures the pelvis to soften, something that only happens during childbirth, allowing the head of the baby to glide through much easier. Everything about modern childbirth, in hospital is sadistic and gets the baby started into trauma. Circumcision is another gruesome practice that we really need to make obsolete.
Vit C IV is nonsense. Just like dirty vaccines, VitC IV is also guaranteed to be contaminated with aeroallergens AT THE LEAST. It will cause asthma. INJECTIONS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. PERIOD.
VitC IV may be the "lesser evil" to treat acute illness like sepsis (another vaccine injury), as Paul Marik does. Never use VitC IV for other purposes.
I think you're onto something. In no or very rare case should injections into the blood stream be applied. It's just so sadistic. Constantly taking vitamin C throughout the day will keep the body reserves high enough.
I think elections are so old hat. We don't need anyone to "represent" us, that is a vestige of an idea that is now 3 centuries old, prior to the advent of the car, electricity, algorithms, robots and weather modification weapons, etc. It's totally irrelevant and that is why we see so many perturbations. It just doesn't work anymore, the entire business plan is absurd.
The chief difficulty with attempting to derive causation from correlation is reliable comparative data.
The data that's on my mind at the moment is the incidence of autoimmune diseases before the advent of mass inoculation.
Zinc and vitamin C can trigger allergic reactions in some people. It's not consistent, but it happens. I've experienced such reactions myself. Why would someone who'd successfully limited the seriousness of common cold and flu symptoms with zinc and C for years, suddenly have allergic reactions severe enough to require steroidal treatment to avoid anaphylaxis?
It's a rhetorical question, asked with full awareness of the fact that the medical and research community plays with the human immune system in a fashion that often seems similar to a toddler playing with a loaded firearm. There are far too many unknowns for the breezy, dismissive assurances being made, assurances that appeal to emotion but are nearly always devoid of verifiable fact.
Another question I've pondered for years has been the motivation for embracing the usually-unnecessary "quick fix" of pharmaceuticals that are inevitably accompanied by damaging side effects. One answer to that multivariate issue is "time." Gotta get back to work , or school or whatever savage competition one must engage in to obtain enough of what are always finite resources, to survive. The irony is that very little of that competition is actually existential, by which I mean that it isn't the same as crops rotting in a field leading to starvation.
Supply chain economics are interlinked, practically speaking, particularly when viewed from the perspective of industrial-level complexity. When a tractor requires a repair part to function, the significance of this becomes apparent. Technological complexity has reduced individualized caloric expenditure requirements by transferring them to extractive energy sources, but there has been a trade-off required that is usually overlooked. The Marxists think that they understand the nature of that trade-off, but their assertions are unconvincing.
Digression aside, it would seem that hubris reigns uber alles, leading one to speculate that the legend of Icarus wasn't a cautionary tale, so much as a prophetic certainty.
“Unvaccinated” is a linguistic spell cast on the whole population.
You cannot be un-vaccinated.
By labeling children “unvaccinated” you imprint the idea of a completed action (-ed, done, the past) in them and in all readers. “Un-“ plus the 2020-2024 exposure of the virology hoax presumes a fight (an action) - which is impossible just because “vaccinated” is already done.
As a composed term, “unvaccinated” is a masterpiece spell which embeds an unresolved paradox in the mind, thus creating a constant inner battle against an event which cannot be changed. A split in the personality, if you will, where one part of you knows that you have not taken this toxin, and the other part of you recognizes “-ed” as a confirmation that you have. And (in many cases) the adult you doesn’t know, it was all so long ago… Accepting this term in your lexicon, you are opening up to future (subconscious, hypnotic, spell) suggestions about this subject - you have made yourself a future client (patient) of the medical cult by simply using one wrong word.
The whole concept of vaccination is to inject into you an agent which you will never flush out. Moreover, this agent is expected to permanently alter your body, as explained through the hypothetical “memory cells”. They explain the mechanism that if you are exposed to a small dose of a pathogen, the body will remember it and will create impenetrable defenses against this pathogen.
Think for a moment. “They” say there are millions of viruses outside and inside us. We are being constantly exposed to them and bombarded by them. The body must have had created trillions of trillions of these memory cells to remember “who is who” and to react immediately.
Wait, what about variant? “They” say that viruses mutate extremely rapidly by their own nature. So these trillions of viruses give rise to galaxy-size trillions of variants, and the body is supposed to memorize all this? Where? How? “They” never explain this small aspect of the virology fantasy.
You can be non-vaccinated - but this term assumes that your vaccination is just around the corner. Doomed, but waiting.
You can be free of vaccine, but it again presupposes the imminent “lockdown” of your freedom.
Maybe you can be off-vaccine, just like living off-grid. You don’t need it, you don’t want it, you don’t take it. It’s not being “free” of something - you are simply existing in a different space, no overlaps.
You are so right - we must use our own narratives not theirs. Vaccination is interventionist and not natural, so a natural term would be better, like maybe "intact" or "native immune system".
The language is full of pitfalls where spells are cast, that's because what we speak is so important - it creates worlds. And the ghouls running the world know it.
The 2020 story is a complex one. First, there is no “them” or “us”. We are all in this together - according to the Creating Force, known in the West mostly as God. It is all One story for One space in which One existence lives.
Once you start dividing, fights will “naturally” follow. Then, no end, the division will only increase and mutate.
There are only two ways of living: connecting or separating, merging into one or isolating and alienating. Those who want to rule over others and decide for others follow the separation rule. And they succeed. If you go after their pattern and start making them “them”, you will slowly turn into a dividing agent, exactly the same as they are. As you act in “good faith” (is there any “bad faith”?) and for higher good (any “higher evil”?), you will feel justified. And for a long time you may live in the perceived harmony and peace of mind until at some point, 20 years later, you start splitting your own life (most often visible in marriage and family breakups and fights) - because you have learnt their pattern and you know that it is always successful when used against weaker ones.
Read more about this issue here: https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/we-all-need-this-vaccine
I am familiar with this way of thinking and I feel it is erroneous. We are not "one" and that idea of "oneness" has been implanted into our minds by religion, by this "one" god, by "a" creator. It is false. We ere not created by one. Nothing is done by one. Parents who create children are two not one. Nobody is an island. It is "them". The language again holds us down because it doesn't cover anywhere near the concepts we are immersed in. We have to be aware of the inadequacy of language for starters. The language has been usurped of course, just like everything and it leads us to speak what we don't want rather than what we do want. There is a oneness in that we are all conscious, that everything is alive and oscillating but we are all different aspects with our own uniqueness. To think we are all one denies our uniqueness and there is nothing the controllers would like more than to make everything uniform. I attribute this way of thinking to being exposed only to patriarchal perspectives, where women are not heard and even pooh poohed or tolerated at best. Women too are trained by patriarchy so most see things through the patriarchal lens. Women have lost their perspectives as have men as have all of us, but we need to find it and we do that through balance, through hearing all sides and all perspectives. That is the way we get to truth. That is why the controllers censor, that is why anyone censors, because they want THEIR opinion upheld at the expense of other's opinion. They do not see in therms of peer-to-peer but in terms of hierarchy or the pecking order where they can boss others and they succumb to others bossing them. We don't have to be separate to hold various views. Having arguments is healthy and we shouldn't try to prevent them. What we should do is learn how to argue eloquently and persuasively. That is the kind of world I want to live in, not one where we are stifled because we fear getting into an argument lest someone dub us as trying to be separatist. The fact is you are different to me, why should I stifle my thoughts in favor of yours, for example.
You are right and I am right. We just look from different perspectives and we see different images.
Like a bike - with two wheels. There are two wheels, obviously. But both wheels are of the same design, structure, concept. They may differ in size, but a wheel is a wheel. You see two wheels as different entities, front and back. I say both wheels are the same in principle. Your perspective is right when you consider individual features. My perspective is right when I say you cannot use a square wheel.
All human-like beings breathe the same air, move in the same way, mate in the same way, and biologically are guilt on the same principles. Details differ, a woman is not a man, and this is your perspective. In fact, a woman of 5 years is very different to a woman of 60 years. And a man in a black suit is very different to a man working manually in a steel plant. But the basic physiological requirements for all of us to exist are the same.
Oneness of the existence does not come from religion. Actually, the religion divides everything into many “cohorts”. Oneness is the essential principle of Life. At a very abstract level, we are one with bacteria, simply because the smallest building blocks known to us (elements) are the same.
You can see Life as divided, and there will always be a separation between your “I” and “That”. You won’t give a dime to a beggar because of this separation. Until one day you will find yourself in his/her position and you start asking “Them” for a dime…
Or you can see Life as Unity, only differentiated to meet local and temporal needs of the environment. Then you can grow as an individual entity and understand the group as a collective “oneness” entity. Your group collects stamps, other groups prefer collecting Lambos or romantic experiments. You don’t need to destroy other groups to live fully within your capacity.
My point is that at a certain mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level we are one. We just express this oneness in different ways. You don’t need to accept “them”, or “they” don’t need to respect you. In an optimum environment, we are all alike, anyway. Or…
No stranger, no danger.
Call others strangers, aliens, beggars, elites, whatever, and you create a pattern of “I” versus “them”. You have divided. You have destroyed the oneness of this Life. In fact, you have created a split personality in yourself. You may not notice it, because we all have been brought up with this split personality. Maybe for this reason you are given 10, 20, 30 or 70 years of life to understand and overcome this split - so that, when your time comes, you can become one with this existence in peace, without fighting.
I'm glad to be having this conversation but it doesn't have to be so complicated. Some things are separate and some things are common and it always depends on the concept. What I speak on this for is that we only ever get one perspective, that of "oneness" but really it's only a part of the entirety and there doesn't need to be oneness in everything. Except maybe one thing which is "life" or consciousness, though many are alive but not consciously aware of it. I think we have this unilateral thinking because we only ever get the male perspective in all our education and everything we know about. When there are other layers that we turn a blind eye to. Much is invisible to the eye but we "know" that there is more to "life" than meets the eye. I believe the idea of universal "oneness" narrows our vision and is indeed designed to do just that, and is part of the spell of the language that was injected deliberately. Not to say the reference to oneness is totally invalid, rather, it is not as valid as we make out and actually keeps us from discerning nuances, which the controllers love to instill as it makes their life easier (which is to control)
Indeed, all this is becoming more and more complicated. Ok, getting back from philosophy to here and now. Thank you for this insight.
Insightful comment about the perceptual/linguistic associations involved.
Wait, there is more :-)
Since “unvaccinated” is technically and scientifically impossible, there are no “unvaccinated” people. Which is synonymous to “those who were not vaccinated do not exist”. This attitude will subconsciously dehumanize a selected group of people. In consequence, those who have most vested interests, healthcare personnel, may feel justified to not provide health care or provide insufficient or wrong health care to the “unvaccinated” - which has even been officially publicly announced and emphasized throughout the pandemicgate.
It’s like “unvaccinated” being equal to unvalidated, or illegal, or invalidated, or one whose existence is no longer valid.
What one makes out of all this depends on the pre-programming of the mind of the particular person. In extreme case, like the famous Arnold’s rejection of the humanity of the unvaccinated, you won’t have a chance to explain, argue, request or even pray for mercy.
Language matters. All vaccine recipients are the ones needing a descriptor.
Great comment as usual Dan. That word as a spell, is an important point well made.
This is a very important article of yours, and it touches upon many crucial aspects. Thank you for your excellent summary all in one place.
Perhaps a better adjective would be “unadulterated”.
adulterated: “weakened or lessened in purity by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element” (Webster)
“In purity” being the key word. In industry standards, adulteration is done by adding substances of almost identical physical characteristics (to make detection impossible) - like adding another hand or ear?
adulterate: “to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element… especially: to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients”
“To prepare for sale”… Who would like to buy human beings with reduced physical characteristics? Have any alien races put ads recently?
With respect, no. Mega doses and IVs should probably be reserved for situations where severe interventions are being thrown about for severely ill people by conventional medics. Non pharmaceutically damaged children have immune systems.
One of my children has not only never had a vaccine, he’s never even had a prescribed or OTC pharmaceutical of any kind. Not once. Not much as a cough drop. Like the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t exist.
term baby, excellent birth weight, mum ate and moved right during gestation, 100% drug free delivery, term breastfed, blw on whole nutrient dense foods, never in a daycare setting.
11yo and strong as an ox, not a single condition or label, any and all sickness (4 or 5 times in his whole life) over in 24-36 hours with fluids, undisturbed fevers and bed rest.
You just need to leave them alone, shun pharmaceuticals and toxic people, live as nature intended, feed and love them right. That’s literally it.
This is great information! I will be forwarding it to as many new parents as possible. I gained quite a bit of knowledge raising our daughter who’s is now 19 and completely unvaccinated but I wish I had had this guide. She would get sick, sore throats high fevers, one ear ache but what she doesn’t have is anxiety, seizure disorder, asthma, allergies of any kind, not even acne. She did get the mumps! Our wonderful alternative doctor gave us treatments that we bought from Natural Grocers and she was fully recovered within a week. Her boyfriend who now has been red pilled was jealous of her lifetime immunity.
Excellent article. Thanks! You have a typo in the third sentence.
Vax injured in '68, antibiotic injured as an adult with many other medical horror stories. Just released first Substack explaining "coincidist", my new term for folks who blame medical harm on coincidence. Could be a pharma shill, could be your mom...
sp vax in 72, me ! but at least i had the measles and so on as a child.
No measles for me but chicken pox, yes. I moved from Canada to US and they caught me up all at once into my right bicep. The big round BCG patch injection thingy for tuberculosis was the one that got me, oozing pus then turning to a rash that spread over my body and which still bothers me 55 years later. I had seizures, intracranial pressure and I vomited bile for three days. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that I was autistic before anyone knew what autism was, reading at a doctoral level in 4th grade but acting like a 4 year old.
how are you doing now, other than the rash?
Well, that's a long story. I'm the poster-boy for iatrogenic harm. I had a HORRIFIC adverse reaction to Cipro and Levaquin back in 2007 and have been permanently disabled ever since. I deal with head to toe pain and suffering every day and would rather wake up dead tomorrow. Here's an investigative journalism segment I was featured in a while back, when TV stations still reported on harm by BIG PHARMA. Can you imagine a segment like this on the injections?
i'm so sorry. i'd like to say that i hope you get better. a miracle maybe. i'm hoping for one. actually i'm doing a lot of heart and soul healing for all my many issues, mental, emotional, physical. https://michaelmirdad.com/free-downloads/soul-level-healing-process/
spiritually/emotionally this has helped a lot. physically , i could be worse.
i've long given up on medicine myself. but for the occasional painkiller.
so, i do hope we both get better.
thanks for the link. i've been suicidal a lot myself. xox
I have found this activism to be incredibly rewarding. My life is more meaningful than ever before, I'm just approaching my expiration date and ready to go. I am actually doing more healing than falling apart ever since I got "floxed", although that can't be the pattern indefinitely. I am excited to be able to focus mentally at a level I haven't in years. I may actually make a difference here. Would be kewl if this word takes off...
I share my experiences of using Homeopathy with my unvaccinated child (almost 18 now) in my Substack abikahealth.substack.com
The pinned post and the one titled Aconite show the most dramatic effects I've seen.
Excellent compendium. We need to start talking about remedies and how to get right off all things government and corporate.
So this is such an important topic, I'm glad you posted. I know of many examples where parents don't vaccinate and simply don't know the basics about illness and treatment. That is almost as irresponsible as blindly vaccinating.
One of the least known things is wound treatment. This is pretty important for avoiding tetanus and I have read several stories of "unvaccinated" kids getting tetanus -- who are paraded by the media -- where the parents simply didn't treat the wound.
There are also other modalities for treatment. We used Chinese Pediatric Message with a small set of Chinese herbs (working with a practitioner) extremely successfully for both our kids. Never needed any antipyretic drugs.
The other thing parents need to realize, is sometimes it's really going to suck when your kids are sick and in pain. Ear aches will cause a lot of loss of sleep, and fever will be hard to watch. I believe this is one of the reasons most parents reach for the bottle of tylenol. It's unnerving, it's hard to watch, and it's sleep depriving.
But the kids end up far healthier as a result.
I also think that "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" is one of the other must-have references for any parent raising kids unvaccinated.
Here is a very old, but excellent reference about Tetanus, by one of the most knowledgeable vaccine researchers I know.
So really what they do in the hospitals is contrary to what they should be doing. We know that, though don't we? That's why we must avoid being in a hospital.
As in many cases yes, but as I noted, I see a lot of parents that are ignorant about wound management and don't even consider that it is something important. Many of them will run straight to the hospital which in the case of wounds is OK because the hospital will often clean the wound (or make you do it yourself) but they will also administer the Tetanus shot at the same time -- which of course does nothing for that wound.
Your comment is sound except where did you see children coming down with tetanus? Are you talking about the US? There were 28 cases in the US in 2022 and in 2019 and 2020 - none. So I don't know where you are getting your data. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1122819/tetanus-cases-us-by-year/
I didn't intend to imply the numbers were large. What I am saying is these cases get reported to the press and they are paraded about as stupid anti-vax parents not knowing how to care for their children.
If the tetanus was as a result of poor wound management, they were ignorant parents, but sadly they are being portrayed as standard bearers for those that don't vaccinate.
Thank you for highlighting this resource. Been looking for a guide to homeopathic treatments for common childhood illnesses. Thank you for taking the time to dig deep into important topics like this.
You should do some research on Childbirth as well. Not sure who the best sources of info are on that.
Yes so many things about childbirth are wrong, besides jabbing the newborn with vaccines. Mother delivering on her back is utterly sadistic as this doesn't take advantage of gravity which pressures the pelvis to soften, something that only happens during childbirth, allowing the head of the baby to glide through much easier. Everything about modern childbirth, in hospital is sadistic and gets the baby started into trauma. Circumcision is another gruesome practice that we really need to make obsolete.
Vit C IV is nonsense. Just like dirty vaccines, VitC IV is also guaranteed to be contaminated with aeroallergens AT THE LEAST. It will cause asthma. INJECTIONS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. PERIOD.
VitC IV may be the "lesser evil" to treat acute illness like sepsis (another vaccine injury), as Paul Marik does. Never use VitC IV for other purposes.
I think you're onto something. In no or very rare case should injections into the blood stream be applied. It's just so sadistic. Constantly taking vitamin C throughout the day will keep the body reserves high enough.
John and all,
The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years, FULL OF TENSION AND THOROUGH DISGUST over 17 million deaths globally…
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?
Get to work Americans… https://newswithviews.com/how-the-republican-party-became-the-rino-party/
God bless those willing to use their talents and blessings UNITED, repeat UNITED with strategic planning Leaders!
I think elections are so old hat. We don't need anyone to "represent" us, that is a vestige of an idea that is now 3 centuries old, prior to the advent of the car, electricity, algorithms, robots and weather modification weapons, etc. It's totally irrelevant and that is why we see so many perturbations. It just doesn't work anymore, the entire business plan is absurd.
Mistake…should just be addressed all, not John and all!
work harder? nursing a child thorough measles ectr, not as hard as autoimmunity/autism.
but of course nutrition/how to nurse is important. no fever reducers ectr is important.
The chief difficulty with attempting to derive causation from correlation is reliable comparative data.
The data that's on my mind at the moment is the incidence of autoimmune diseases before the advent of mass inoculation.
Zinc and vitamin C can trigger allergic reactions in some people. It's not consistent, but it happens. I've experienced such reactions myself. Why would someone who'd successfully limited the seriousness of common cold and flu symptoms with zinc and C for years, suddenly have allergic reactions severe enough to require steroidal treatment to avoid anaphylaxis?
It's a rhetorical question, asked with full awareness of the fact that the medical and research community plays with the human immune system in a fashion that often seems similar to a toddler playing with a loaded firearm. There are far too many unknowns for the breezy, dismissive assurances being made, assurances that appeal to emotion but are nearly always devoid of verifiable fact.
Another question I've pondered for years has been the motivation for embracing the usually-unnecessary "quick fix" of pharmaceuticals that are inevitably accompanied by damaging side effects. One answer to that multivariate issue is "time." Gotta get back to work , or school or whatever savage competition one must engage in to obtain enough of what are always finite resources, to survive. The irony is that very little of that competition is actually existential, by which I mean that it isn't the same as crops rotting in a field leading to starvation.
Supply chain economics are interlinked, practically speaking, particularly when viewed from the perspective of industrial-level complexity. When a tractor requires a repair part to function, the significance of this becomes apparent. Technological complexity has reduced individualized caloric expenditure requirements by transferring them to extractive energy sources, but there has been a trade-off required that is usually overlooked. The Marxists think that they understand the nature of that trade-off, but their assertions are unconvincing.
Digression aside, it would seem that hubris reigns uber alles, leading one to speculate that the legend of Icarus wasn't a cautionary tale, so much as a prophetic certainty.
You forget to mention homeopathy. There is something called homeoprophylaxis. Dr. Isaac Golden did his Phd research on its effectiveness. https://www.littlemountainhomeopathy.com/homeopathic-immunizations-a-proven-alternative-to-vaccinations