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"At one point, Weinstein ask Maready to leave his Smallpox illusions intact, and Forrest respectfully obliges."

Highly relatable.

I vaxxed my kids but spread them out. That's my confession. They're more or less fine thank god. This is almost too much to bear. Anecdote--my older sister, a doctor and a progressive and a vegetarian, at 64, now has a pacemaker from an inflamed heart situation. Vaccine? Covid? Thoughts? PS, if someone got chicken pox in their twenties, can they skip the shingles vaccine? Asking for a friend. 🙏🏼

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I had chicken pox in the 1950’s. I’m still not getting the shingles conjab.

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I hear ya. Thank you for all this work! Highly appreciated.

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Skip the shingles jab especially if you've had the chicken pox.

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Right now the shingles vaccine is the only one I recommend to my older adult patients, if they’ve had chickenpox and they have not had shingles. Also, I believe it was really studied as a vaccine only in older adults maybe age 50 or 60 and beyond. Finally, shingles seems to be the worse the older you are when you get it. I did study the prescribing information and the clinical trials of the shingles vaccine, and they did use placebos.

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Pass. Please give me pain killers and I'll be fine. Also keep anyone who has had a shingles shot the helll away from me, along with any recently vaxxed kids

By the way...did they ever study who gets shingles? I.e. did they have a light case as a kid...or were they covered on poxes? My betting is those of us who were covered with poxes in childhood...tend not to get shingles as an adult. But my suspicion is you get it from kids who got vaxxed or adults now who get the shingles vaccine. They shed.

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I would never get another vaccine let alone the shingles... it causes neuropathy....my father-in-law has been struggling terribly.....

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Good to know thank you 🙏🏼

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If the inflamed heart situation occurred after the covid jab I'd say there's a reasonable chance caused by the jab.

Pre-covid despite having woken up to a lot of other lies I had no doubts about vaccines and then at my first march against lockdowns I got talking to someone who told me about the incidence of illness going down before the vaccine. Later I got more information on how the illnesses themselves weren't distinct illnesses, notably smallpox, the first illness to be "vaccinated" against and that none of them conferred benefit, only risk.

I highly recommend Mike Stone's substack mikestone.substack.com and his website www.viroliegy.com and drsambailey.substack.com. There's quite a few others but one leads to the other. Actually, this presentation on smallpox by Katie Sugak is excellent. https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9

My recommendation is never have any alleged vaccine of any kind.

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It was after. Moreover, thank you for all that! Much appreciated.

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I know of only one person in my small group of friends that vaxxed.....sorry two out of six that appear unscathed.

One is having aggressive re occurence of cancer that was in remission...two have heart damage both have had implants in the past two months for their pacemakers...one still is having some kind of valve issue still...othe fourth one is having re occurrences of covid on a regular basis

They had the 2 shots plus booster...and one of them who was in great shape ate fish and veggies..regularly..also took the combined flu jab..the shingles shot and the oneumococcal pneumonia jab..and cant figure out why this heart/pacemaker thing happened to her.

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I really do not have vocabulary for the damage that has been/is being done. Yesterday at work, a 22 year old girl reached out for help. Her mother has dementia, sudden onset, her father had a stroke. There are 14 year old twin siblings who need to be cared for so she is taking that on and needs help. Tales such as this abound and it is beyond sad. I had some harsh words with “policy-makers” and a politician to no avail. I cannot act like this is normal, though.

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Oh my dear Lord...that is a horrific story...and you are not alone...I too cannot act anymore like this is normal...I am afraid one day I will just go outside in the middle of the street and start screaming.

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I hear you on that sentiment.

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I would really like to live in a world where science is not weaponized against everyone. I would like my children to grow up in such a world. I subscribed to your work, Unbekoming, because you are helping to assist in that endeavor.

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I have read that being exposed to children with chickenpox keeps shingles dormant. Hope that is helpful

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I bet you are right. But I haven't known of a kid with chicken pox for over 40 years

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I got it from a poxed youngster who coughed on me when I was 21. Winning! Thank you. 😊

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I had chicken pox in my 20s and it really sucked!! But either way, I would not get that vax or any other.

And there's some talk now that shingles isn't dormant chicken pox resurfacing. I know several people who never had the pox but got shingles anyway.

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