The Top 10 Cancer Cures No One is Talking About (2011)
By Danica Collins – 50 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
The Right to Choose Your Own Treatment
Everyone has a right to choose his or her own cancer treatment.
Everyone has a right to unrestricted access to the facts about every available cancer treatment, proven and experimental.
Everyone has a right to know about powerful natural cures, whether or not the establishment has dedicated research dollars to validate them.
Everyone has a right to the truth about mainstream treatments that don’t live up to their claims.
This book was written to honor your rights.
Unfortunately, it only took Trump 48 hours to be standing beside someone at a lectern talking about mRNA vaccines.
The widespread cancers caused by the Trump administration’s Operation Lockstep mRNA vaccines will now be cured by 47th’s AI generated mRNA vaccines.
The Kill Box is real.
I thought it fitting to do another post on cancer.
I’ve written a lot about cancer and will write a lot more, as my main focus is helping people see that there are plenty of options beyond the government-endorsed trio of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, that offer far better odds of recovery.
But there are two big challenges with all these options:
Deciding which ones to pursue.
Finding someone you can actually trust to guide you through the healing process.
There’s no easy answer to either of those. They both require courage, work and a trust in one’s own intuition.
Speaking for myself, if I were diagnosed with cancer, I’d sooner do nothing than subject myself to cutting, poisoning, or burning. I’ve always believed that doing nothing offers better odds, and this is the first book I’ve found that provides long-term research supporting that belief.
Now, if you combine that approach with some of the therapeutic modalities I’ve mentioned here and in other posts, the odds of recovery only get better—dramatically better.
This book is another valuable addition to our growing knowledge.
With thanks to Danica Collins.
The Top 10 Natural Cancer Cures No One Is Talking About: Danica Collins
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Deep Dive Conversation Library (Bonus for Paid Subscribers)
This deep dive is based on the book’s contents.
Discussion No.25:
30 important insights from “The Top 10 Cancer Cures No One is Talking About”
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Imagine a medieval castle under siege. The conventional approach to defeating this castle would be to launch a massive frontal assault with heavy artillery (like chemotherapy) - an approach that damages not just the castle walls but everything inside, including innocent civilians (healthy cells). This brutal approach might breach the walls but often at a devastating cost.
Now consider instead a group of skilled tacticians who understand the castle's vulnerabilities. They know the castle depends on supply lines (glucose), requires specific arrangements of guards (cellular voltage), and maintains secret passages (energy pathways). These tacticians employ multiple subtle strategies simultaneously: they redirect the water supply (oxygen manipulation), send in specialized infiltrators (natural compounds), strengthen the local townspeople's resistance (immune system enhancement), and cut off corrupt supply lines (anti-angiogenesis).
This multi-faceted, intelligent approach accomplishes the same goal - defeating the castle's defenses (cancer) - but does so with minimal collateral damage while actually strengthening the surrounding infrastructure (healthy tissue). Just as each castle might have different vulnerabilities, each person's cancer might respond better to certain approaches than others. The key lies in understanding these vulnerabilities and selecting the right combination of tactics rather than relying solely on brute force.
This mirrors how alternative cancer treatments work - through sophisticated, targeted approaches that understand and exploit cancer's weaknesses while supporting the body's natural defenses, rather than simply attacking with toxic substances that damage both healthy and cancerous cells alike.
12-point summary
Cancer Cell Biology Fundamentals: Cancer cells differ fundamentally from healthy cells in how they produce energy, relying on glucose fermentation rather than oxygen. This discovery by Otto Warburg opened the door for treatments targeting this metabolic difference.
Treatment Mechanisms: Most alternative treatments work by either enhancing oxygen delivery to cells, disrupting cancer cells' energy production, or boosting the immune system's natural cancer-fighting abilities. These approaches often prove less toxic than conventional treatments while showing higher success rates.
Scientific Evidence: Multiple studies, including the Australian research showing chemotherapy's 2% contribution to survival rates, suggest alternative treatments may be more effective than conventional approaches. Dr. Hardin Jones's 25-year study found untreated patients lived four times longer than those receiving conventional treatment.
Cellular Energy and Voltage: Many effective treatments, including Protocel and pawpaw, work by manipulating cellular voltage or ATP production. Cancer cells, operating at minimum voltage levels, prove particularly vulnerable to these approaches.
Natural Compounds: Plants and fungi contain powerful anticancer compounds, as demonstrated by curcumin's ability to affect over 100 cellular pathways and turkey tail mushrooms' capacity to target cancer stem cells. These natural substances often work through multiple mechanisms simultaneously.
Treatment Integration: Most alternative treatments can work synergistically, creating more comprehensive and effective protocols. The key lies in understanding how different approaches complement each other and timing their administration appropriately.
Nutritional Impact: The role of nutrition in cancer treatment proves significant, with over 35% of cancers relating to dietary factors. Protocols like the Budwig diet demonstrate how specific nutritional combinations can directly combat cancer.
Institutional Resistance: Despite documented success, alternative treatments face significant resistance from medical establishments, often due to economic factors. The inability to patent natural substances reduces financial incentives for research and development.
Safety Profiles: Alternative treatments typically demonstrate remarkably low toxicity compared to conventional approaches. Most side effects relate to healing reactions rather than toxic responses, making these treatments safer for long-term use.
Treatment Accessibility: Many effective treatments prove surprisingly affordable and accessible, with substances like curcumin and hydrogen peroxide costing mere dollars per dose compared to conventional treatments' $100,000 typical cost.
Belief Factor: The power of belief significantly influences treatment outcomes, making it crucial to match treatments to patients' beliefs and preferences. This explains why different approaches may work better for different individuals.
Historical Development: Most alternative treatments emerged from careful observation and decades of clinical experience, often facing significant opposition despite documented success. Many treatments, like Essiac tea and the Hoxsey therapy, evolved through generations of refinement and practical application.
Dr. Hardin B. Jones's 25-year study
The key findings from Dr. Hardin B. Jones's 25-year study on cancer patient survival rates:
Untreated cancer patients lived an average of 12.5 years after diagnosis, while those who received conventional treatments lived only 3 years on average
Untreated cancer patients lived approximately 4 times longer than treated patients
The research examined lifespans from initial diagnosis through death, analyzing data that contradicted established medical expectations
The findings indicated that patients who refused conventional treatments did not die sooner, but actually lived significantly longer
These results directly challenged the medical establishment's claim that early aggressive treatment with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy offered the best chance of survival
These findings were particularly significant because they came from a professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, lending credibility to the research and its controversial conclusions.
In 1925, Morris Fishbein, M.D., editor of the world-renowned Journal of the American Medical Association, published a book called The Medical Follies. On the final page of that book, Fishbein wrote:
"Never must the physician say, the disease is incurable. By that admission he denies God, our creator; he doubts Nature with her profuseness of hidden powers and mysteries."
It has been nearly a century since Fishbein issued his declaration, and yet it seems that some have yet to absorb the profound truth of his simple statement.
How often have we all been told that there is no cure for cancer?
The truth that Fishbein hinted at in his maxim is this: No doctor—whether in 1925 or now—can say definitively that a condition as multifaceted, variable, and complicated as cancer is incurable. That's because no doctor can single out one specific cause for this frightening and too often deadly disease. In reality, cancer has many causes. The alternate (and brighter) side of that coin, however, is that there are just as many potential cures for cancer as there are causes.
If you want to beat cancer, you need to find the specific cure or combination of cures best suited for the type of cancer you have. Your best cure needs to take into account your cancer's most likely etiology, or origin. Furthermore, a cure is most likely to succeed when it fits well within your framework of beliefs and preferences. After all, most people will not adhere well to a treatment that falls too far outside of their comfort zone, whether physically or psychologically.
Thus, in order to make the best decision about treatment options, you need access to thorough and accurate information about a whole array of treatment options – especially the ones your doctor is unlikely to mention, like the powerful natural cures in this book.
So, congratulations for taking an important first step toward seeking out more information about cancer and how others are winning the fight against it. Here you will find comprehensive introductions to 10 powerful natural treatments that have helped many thousands of cancer patients reclaim their health and their lives.
The Mission of this Book
This book is meant to honor your right to know about extremely effective alternative cancer treatments. The medical establishment tends to limit its informational offerings to three heavily prioritized options: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Not so this book.
Here you will find background material, medical studies, personal stories, and basic usage instructions for 10 powerful natural cancer cures that alternative health practitioners consistently hail as the best of the best. No single cure is held up above the rest. What works best for a certain individual may not work best for you. As we noted, what matters is that you have enough options to identify a treatment or a protocol that fits with your disease, your beliefs, your lifestyle, and your preferences.
The Grim Truth about Standard Cancer Treatments: Untreated Patients Live 4 Times Longer!
You may be shocked to hear that mainstream medicine's primary options for cancer treatment are simply not very effective. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are considered the only "proven treatments." Yet, the medical industry refuses to admit that the only thing "proven" about this sacred trio is that approximately 50% of those treated with these options will die.
Doctors explain away this grim statistic. They claim that if you refuse or delay a regime of expensive and toxic treatments, you are wasting precious time and self-sabotaging your one and only shot at recovery. They acknowledge that surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation alone or in combination are not a sure bet—yet at the same time they insist that these methods offer patients the best chance of beating their illness.
That claim, however, flies in the face of the facts. For example, doctors don't readily tell their patients about the research done by the late Dr. Hardin B. Jones, Ph.D., a professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Jones researched the lifespans of cancer patients from diagnosis through death, and he uncovered something shocking:
Untreated patients do not die sooner than patients receiving surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Against all expectations set up by the cancer industry, Jones found the exact opposite to be true. Those who refused conventional treatments actually lived longer on average than those who opted in.
Dr. Jones's 25-year study showed that the life expectancy for cancer patients who used no conventional treatments was on average 4 times longer. "People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years," said Jones, while "those who accepted...treatment lived an average of only 3 years."
The Cancer Profit Machine
Regardless of what many medical professionals will claim, little evidence exists supporting the benefits of standard treatments for treating the most life threatening cancers. Evidence does, however, show that conventional cancer treatments do one thing very effectively—they make astronomical sums of money for those who develop and promote them.
A standard course of traditional cancer treatment typically costs around $100,000. According to statistics from industry professionals themselves, 40% of the American population is expected to require treatment for some kind of cancer. That means the industry stands to make $12,000,000,000,000 (yes, that's trillion), and that astronomical amount will be generated just during the lifespan of the current population. The dollar figure swells to unimaginable proportions once you consider individuals being born tomorrow, the next day, and beyond. With such enormous financial stakes, it's hardly surprising that the establishment is so content to rely on chemotherapy and radiation.
The Hard Data: Chemotherapy is Grueling and Ineffective
Almost everyone has heard about the ravaging side effects of chemotherapy, a highly toxic treatment that many find debilitating and even intolerable. Chemotherapy's side effects are infamous: hair mouth sores...drastically lowered immunity...severe inflammation...vomiting and severe digestive upset...complete lack of energy...and more.
Most of us know at least one person firsthand who has endured the harrowing impact of chemo. Given the side effects, it's not surprising that many newly diagnosed cancer patients are afraid of chemotherapy, and eager to ask their doctors about other options.
Too many doctors, however, respond to patient concerns about chemo with a stern warning against even considering alternatives. Patients are told that skipping chemotherapy—the so-called "gold standard" of cancer treatment—is a veritable death wish. Yet, that onerous statement simply doesn't hold up against the facts.
In 2004, three oncologists from Australia authored a paper on the benefits conferred by chemotherapy treatment for adults with the most common kinds of cancer. The study's team of authors sported some highly impressive credentials.
The lead author, associate professor Graeme Morgan, was a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. Professor Robyn Ward, the second author, was a medical oncologist at the University of New South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital and member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal Department of Health and Aging (parallel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration). The third author, Dr. Michael Barton, was a radiation oncologist and member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation, a branch of the Liverpool Health Service in Sydney.
For the study, the researchers analyzed data extracted exclusively from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the highest standard of medical research). The study pool included all RCTs conducted in Australia and the U.S. that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies.
The data on survival rates came from the Australian cancer registries and the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry. Even though the authors deliberately over-estimated the benefits of chemotherapy whenever the data was uncertain, they ultimately concluded that chemotherapy contributes just over 2% to improved survival rates for cancer patients.
According to the authors, the similarity between the Australian and U.S. figures indicate that the recorded benefit for chemotherapy—2.5% or less—would be mirrored in other developed countries. And, for reasons explained at more length in the study itself, that number should be regarded as chemo's "upper limit of effectiveness."
Why Do Doctors Promote Chemo?
If oncologists themselves are aware of these low numbers, why are patients pressured to undergo chemotherapy as their first treatment option? Part of the answer lies in how the benefits of chemotherapy are most often presented.
Members of the medical profession routinely describe the effects of standard treatments in technically accurate yet confusing and misleading ways. The result is that the treatments end up sounding much more effective than they actually are.
Here's a breakdown of how this misleading presentation works: Oncologists often talk about chemotherapy in terms of something called "relative risk" rather than addressing survival rates directly. For instance, if chemotherapy treatment would cause a patient's risk (of death from cancer, in this case) to drop from 4% to 2%, that can be described as a decrease in relative risk of 50%. Sounds pretty good, right?
But another equally valid—and much clearer—way to express the benefits of the exact same treatment is to say that it will lead to a 2% reduction in absolute risk. That's a much less encouraging number.
The authors of the Australian study think misleading presentation of relative risk rather than absolute risk explains why the general public believes chemotherapy is so much more effective than it actually is.
Doctors themselves are not immune to this kind of statistical sleight of hand. Many researchers and clinicians are even blowing the whistle on misleading presentation of clinical research. One study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that when research results are expressed in terms of relative risk reduction, doctors are much more likely to believe the drugs are effective, and are thus highly inclined to prescribe those drugs. This is a tremendously important issue, since 80% of patients comply with whatever course of treatment their oncologist recommends.
The gap between public perception and chemotherapy's "actual mediocre track record" can be attributed to the fact that both the media and medical professionals typically use relative risk to describe the chemo's success rates.
Shedding Light on New Options
The time is past due to fully publicize the low efficacy of chemotherapy and fully illuminate the host of other options available to cancer patients. Unfortunately, that groundbreaking Australian study was more or less ignored by the media—even in its home country. Neither the cancer industry nor the press wants to tell the public the undeniable fact that chemotherapy falls woefully short of its status as the gold standard of cancer treatment.
Certainly this resistance is partially motivated by financial interests. Perhaps it's also motivated by a hesitance to tarnish public perception of the treatment that has for decades been the only beacon of hope for those newly diagnosed with cancer. But that beacon is nothing but a mirage. It must give way to new and far better options.
Fortunately, better options are already available. This book is not designed to persuade you on the merits of any particular treatment. Instead, it's meant to help you find the right treatment for yourself. Natural alternatives to chemotherapy and other conventional treatments can be extremely powerful, so long as you match the right cure to the right person.
The Right Cure for You
For some, the idea of drinking freshly juiced wheatgrass every day is horribly unpalatable, to say the least. If you're one of those people, wheatgrass is probably not the best treatment for you, regardless of how powerful it may be. Perhaps qigong, an ancient hands-free healing technique from China, would be a more realistic option and thus a better fit for you.
Nutrition and Selecting the Top 10 Cures
Of the 10 cures included in this book, all but one (qigong) have a nutritional basis. That's no coincidence: according to the National Cancer Institute, more than 35% of all cancers are related to nutrition. So, no matter what cure you select (and even if you choose a means of treatment outside this book), remember to heed the advice of natural and conventional healers alike, and pay careful attention to what you eat. Good, clean energy in the form of nutritious food is a crucial component to healing from cancer.
Another selection criteria for the cures in this book was that they be backed by a strong anecdotal history of success, a significant research base, or both. We sought to balance our selection in order to introduce readers to a variety of cures to meet a wide variety of needs. Of course, selection was ultimately difficult because there are far more than just 10 powerful natural cures. So we decided to include a handful of additional treatments that merit mention—the runners up, if you will—in a short appendix.
Body, Mind, Spirit: The Placebo Effect and Healing
If only one line from this book stays with you, we hope it might be this:
"The strength of your belief in your body's ability to heal itself will be your most powerful tool in your journey away from cancer."
This is much more than some clichéd idea about wishful thinking. Consider one of the most fascinating stories about the power of belief as shared by Dr. Bernie Siegal in his column for the Huffington Post in 2010.
Years ago psychologist Bruno Klopfer was involved with a cancer patient involved in a study to determine the effectiveness of Krebiozen. His patient responded dramatically until the initial report came out saying it didn't seem effective. Then Klopfer told him the problem was that he hadn't received the super refined Krebiozen and it was coming next week. He purposely told him that to build up the intensity of the situation. A week later he told him it came and gave him an injection of a placebo and his cancer melted away. He remained well until six months later when the final report was published declaring the drug was of no use in the treatment of cancer. He died within the week.
This story isn't intended to imply that cancer is in your mind— it's not. Nor is it intended to imply that you can be expected to cure cancer using only faith. The patient in the story above wasn't killed by the report declaring the drug's inefficacy, or by his resulting crisis of faith. He was killed by his disease—highly advanced cancer.
Nonetheless, we cannot simply ignore that the same cancer that swiftly killed this man had months earlier "melted away" after he was injected with a placebo (which was actually plain water) that he believed had the power to cure him. Belief is intangible. It can't be scientifically quantified or corroborated. But that doesn't mean it doesn't play a very real and important role in your recovery.
We hope that this book, with its practical information and inspiring real-life stories, will help you or your loved one to preserve an unfaltering belief in healing. May the power of belief contribute to healing everywhere.
–Danica Collins
50 Questions & Answers
1. What is Otto Warburg's fundamental discovery about cancer cells and oxygen?
Warburg made a groundbreaking discovery in 1931 when he identified that cancer cells behave fundamentally differently from healthy cells in how they process oxygen. He demonstrated that while normal cells require oxygen for energy production through respiration, cancer cells can thrive without oxygen by fermenting glucose instead. This discovery earned him a Nobel Prize and established one of the foundational principles of cancer cell biology.
The significance of Warburg's discovery lies in understanding that cancer cells must find alternative energy sources to survive, since they cannot effectively use oxygen like normal cells. This reversion to a more primitive form of energy production through glucose fermentation became known as the "Warburg Effect" and helps explain why cancer cells consume so much sugar compared to healthy cells.
2. How do cancer cells produce energy differently from healthy cells?
Cancer cells rely primarily on fermentation of glucose for their energy needs, a process that can occur without oxygen present. This anaerobic process is much less efficient than the normal aerobic respiration used by healthy cells, which is why cancer cells require much larger amounts of glucose to maintain their rapid growth and multiplication. This difference in energy production represents a fundamental shift in cellular metabolism.
This altered energy production method makes cancer cells vulnerable to treatments that either limit glucose availability or force cells to use oxygen-dependent energy pathways. Many alternative cancer treatments work by exploiting this metabolic weakness, either by starving cancer cells of glucose or by flooding the cellular environment with oxygen, which cancer cells cannot effectively process.
3. What role does ATP play in cancer cell metabolism?
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) serves as the primary energy currency for all cells, but cancer cells have a particularly critical dependence on ATP production through glucose fermentation. Cancer cells require constant ATP production to maintain their rapid growth and division, making them extremely sensitive to any disruption in ATP generation. This dependence creates a vulnerability that certain alternative treatments can exploit.
The relationship between ATP and cancer cells becomes particularly important when considering treatments like pawpaw extract, which works by interfering with ATP production in cancer cells. By moderating ATP distribution and preventing cancer cells from producing sufficient energy, these treatments can effectively starve cancer cells while leaving healthy cells, which have more flexible energy production methods, unaffected.
4. Why is cellular voltage important in cancer treatment?
Cellular voltage, or the electrical potential of cells, plays a crucial role in how cells process energy-producing substances like blood sugar and oxygen. Cancer cells operate on a minimum voltage level, making them particularly vulnerable to treatments that affect cellular electrical potential. When cellular voltage is reduced even slightly, cancer cells lose their ability to maintain their structure and function, while healthy cells can continue operating normally.
This understanding of cellular voltage has led to the development of several alternative treatments, including Protocel and pawpaw extract, which work by slightly lowering cellular voltage. When voltage drops below the threshold that cancer cells need to survive, they begin to break down and die through a process called lysing, while normal cells remain unaffected because they can function at these lower voltage levels.
5. How do stem cells contribute to cancer development and spread?
Cancer stem cells act as the originators and driving force behind tumor growth and cancer spread. These cells possess the unique ability to self-renew and generate new cancer cells, making them particularly dangerous in the development and progression of cancer. Unlike regular cancer cells, these stem cells are often resistant to conventional treatments, allowing them to survive and regenerate tumors even after apparent remission.
Recent research, particularly with turkey tail mushrooms, has shown promising results in targeting these cancer stem cells directly. The polysaccharopeptides (PSPs) found in turkey tail mushrooms can specifically target and eliminate cancer stem cells, potentially preventing both initial tumor formation and cancer recurrence. This ability to attack cancer at its source represents a significant advancement in alternative cancer treatment approaches.
6. What makes curcumin effective against cancer?
Curcumin's effectiveness stems from its remarkable ability to affect more than 100 separate pathways inside each cell it enters. This compound works through multiple mechanisms simultaneously, including reducing inflammation, inhibiting tumor growth, destroying mutated cells, and preventing the development of blood vessels necessary for tumor growth. Its power lies in its capacity to modulate genetic expression and cellular activity at fundamental levels.
The compound also demonstrates potent antioxidant properties and contains high levels of phytochemicals that prevent harmful chemicals from breaching cell walls. Research has shown that curcumin can cause up to a 98% reversal of growth in human breast cancer cells and has been particularly effective in treating cases where conventional methods have failed. Its ability to cross cell membranes and affect multiple cellular processes makes it a uniquely powerful anticancer agent.
7. How does Protocel work to combat cancer cells?
Protocel functions by slightly lowering the voltage (or capacitance) of every cell in the body, exploiting the fact that cancer cells operate on a minimum voltage level. When this voltage is reduced by 10-15%, cancer cells lose their cellular integrity and break down into harmless proteins that the body can easily eliminate. Meanwhile, healthy cells, which operate at a much higher voltage level, remain completely unaffected by this slight reduction.
The formula, developed through decades of research by Jim Sheridan, contains a specific combination of chemicals that work synergistically to create this voltage-lowering effect. Unlike conventional treatments, Protocel is completely non-toxic and has been shown through National Cancer Institute testing to kill virtually 100% of cancer cells within 48 hours in laboratory studies, making it a remarkably effective alternative treatment option.
8. Why is pawpaw extract particularly effective against drug-resistant cancer?
Pawpaw extract contains unique compounds called acetogenins that can overcome multiple drug resistance (MDR) in cancer cells. These acetogenins have a special affinity for drug-resistant cells and can effectively starve them by blocking their ability to produce ATP, the cellular energy source. This makes pawpaw extract particularly valuable for treating cancers that have become resistant to conventional chemotherapy.
The effectiveness of pawpaw comes from its ability to moderate ATP distribution while simultaneously preventing cancer cells from migrating and metastasizing. Dr. McLaughlin's research, supported by a $5 million grant from the National Cancer Institute, demonstrated that pawpaw's acetogenins are particularly effective against tumors that have previously resisted other anticancer agents, showing success even in cases where conventional treatments have failed.
9. What makes hydrogen peroxide a potential cancer treatment?
Hydrogen peroxide works as a cancer treatment by flooding the body with oxygen, creating an environment where cancer cells cannot survive. Since cancer cells are anaerobic and cannot thrive in oxygen-rich environments, the additional oxygen molecules released by hydrogen peroxide effectively target and kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. This approach aligns with Otto Warburg's Nobel Prize-winning discovery about cancer cells' inability to properly utilize oxygen.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that the speed and extent of cancer metastasis is directly linked to the amount of oxygen present in cells surrounding cancerous tissue. When 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide is properly administered, it saturates the cellular environment with oxygen, not only killing existing cancer cells but also preventing their spread. This treatment has shown particular effectiveness in treating various types of cancer, with documented success rates in both laboratory and clinical settings.
10. How does Essiac tea fight cancer through multiple mechanisms?
Essiac tea combines four powerful herbs that work synergistically to combat cancer through various pathways. The primary herb, burdock root, contains arctigenin, a compound proven to have marked anti-tumor activity, while sheep sorrel acts as the main agent for stopping metastasized cancer and reducing tumors. Together with slippery elm bark and turkey rhubarb root, these herbs create a powerful combination that strengthens the immune system and attacks cancer cells directly.
The tea works by simultaneously purifying the blood, carrying away destroyed tissue from malignant growths, and strengthening the body's natural defense mechanisms. Research at the Brusch Medical Center and other institutions has shown that Essiac tea can cause significant recession of tumor mass and improve overall patient health. The formula's effectiveness comes from its ability to work on multiple levels, both supporting the body's natural healing processes and directly combating cancer cells.
11. What is the evidence supporting the effectiveness of alternative cancer treatments?
Alternative cancer treatments have demonstrated effectiveness through both clinical research and documented patient outcomes. The National Cancer Institute testing of Protocel showed it killing virtually 100% of cancer cells within 48 hours in laboratory studies. Dr. McLaughlin's extensive research on pawpaw, funded by a $5 million grant, demonstrated remarkable success against drug-resistant cancers. The Brusch Medical Center's supervised studies of Essiac tea showed definitive tumor recession and improved patient health.
Patient survival rates provide particularly compelling evidence. Dr. Hardin B. Jones's 25-year study revealed that cancer patients who chose alternative treatments lived an average of 12.5 years compared to 3 years for those choosing conventional treatments. The Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center has documented a 95% success rate treating over 135,000 patients with 180 different diseases, while Dr. Budwig reported a 90% success rate even with advanced cancer cases previously deemed untreatable by conventional medicine.
12. How do success rates compare between alternative and conventional treatments?
A landmark study published in Clinical Oncology examined data from randomized controlled trials of conventional chemotherapy treatments. Even when deliberately overestimating chemotherapy's benefits, researchers concluded it contributed only about 2% to improved survival rates. This stands in stark contrast to documented success rates of alternative treatments, such as Dr. Budwig's 90% recovery rate with her protocol or the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center's 95% success rate.
Dr. Hardin Jones's research provides the most direct comparison, showing untreated patients living four times longer than those receiving conventional treatments. His 25-year study demonstrated that patients refusing traditional treatments lived an average of 12.5 years, while those accepting conventional treatments survived only 3 years on average. These findings suggest that alternative treatments not only match but often significantly exceed the effectiveness of conventional approaches.
13. What clinical trials have been conducted on these alternatives?
Multiple institutions have conducted rigorous trials on alternative cancer treatments. The National Cancer Institute performed in vitro testing on Protocel, finding it eliminated virtually all cancer cells within 48 hours. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center conducted groundbreaking research on curcumin's anticancer activities through epigenetic modulation. At Queensland University of Technology, researchers demonstrated turkey tail mushroom compounds could prevent prostate cancer development with 100% effectiveness in laboratory studies.
The Brusch Medical Center conducted supervised clinical trials of Essiac tea with terminal cancer patients, documenting significant tumor recession. Japanese researchers have performed over 300 clinical trials on turkey tail mushrooms since the 1970s, leading to its approval as the first mushroom-derived anti-tumor drug. Dr. McLaughlin's pawpaw research, supported by a $5 million National Cancer Institute grant, included extensive clinical studies demonstrating effectiveness against drug-resistant cancers.
14. Why are some studies on alternative treatments considered controversial?
Alternative treatment studies often face controversy due to their challenge to established medical paradigms and profit structures. Traditional research models, designed around pharmaceutical treatments, may not adequately capture the holistic and synergistic nature of natural treatments. For example, studies attempting to isolate single compounds from complex natural substances like Essiac tea or turkey tail mushrooms may miss the benefits of the complete, integrated treatment.
The financial implications also create controversy, as these treatments often use non-patentable natural substances. A standard course of conventional cancer treatment typically costs around $100,000, while many alternative treatments cost mere dollars per dose. This dramatic cost difference creates institutional resistance to research that might validate cheaper alternatives, leading to studies being dismissed or undervalued despite positive results.
15. How has patient testimony supported alternative treatment efficacy?
Patient testimonies have provided compelling evidence for alternative treatment effectiveness, particularly in cases deemed hopeless by conventional medicine. Notable examples include Elonna's complete recovery from stage 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme using Cancell (Protocel), and Paul Stamets' mother's recovery from stage IV breast cancer using turkey tail mushrooms. These cases are particularly significant because they involve advanced cancers that conventional treatments had failed to address.
Documentation of patient experiences reveals consistent patterns of success across different alternative treatments. The Bio-Medical Center has collected thousands of testimonials from Hoxsey therapy patients, while Dr. Budwig's protocol has generated numerous documented cases of recovery from terminal cancer. These testimonies often include medical verification through follow-up scans and tests, providing tangible evidence of treatment effectiveness beyond anecdotal support.
16. What is the proper dosage protocol for curcumin?
For anticancer effects, therapeutic doses typically reach up to 3 grams of curcumin, taken 3-4 times daily. The key challenge lies in absorption, requiring specific preparation methods for maximum effectiveness. Health practitioners recommend using products containing 100% certified organic ingredients with at least 95% curcuminoids, free from fillers and additives. Products like Curcumin 95 provide an 18:1 extract, meaning one capsule equals the curcumin content of 18 standard turmeric capsules.
To enhance absorption, experts recommend emulsifying curcumin into liquids. Dr. Mercola suggests combining a tablespoon of curcumin with 1-2 egg yolks and melted coconut oil, blending to create a microemulsion. Alternatively, adding curcumin to boiling water creates a 12% solution that should be consumed within 4 hours. These preparation methods help overcome curcumin's naturally low bioavailability.
17. How should Protocel be administered for maximum effectiveness?
Protocel administration requires careful attention to timing and consistency. Doses must be spaced evenly over 24-hour intervals, never exceeding 6 hours between doses. The liquid must be shaken before each use to ensure proper mixing of the components. Patients should maintain adequate hydration, drinking at least a half-gallon of water daily along with other liquids to support the body's natural detoxification processes.
Selection of the appropriate Protocel formula is crucial, as different variations target specific cancer types. The liquid should be taken according to a precise schedule to maintain consistent levels in the body. While Protocel is non-toxic, proper dosing is essential for effectiveness. Users should start with the recommended dose and adjust based on their specific condition and response, always maintaining the critical timing between doses.
18. What is the recommended pawpaw treatment schedule?
Standard pawpaw treatment typically begins with two capsules taken with food three times daily, each capsule containing 8mg of Asimina triloba as the active ingredient. For cancer treatment, some practitioners recommend gradually increasing the dosage to up to 16 capsules per day, though this must be done very carefully to avoid nausea. Taking pawpaw with food is crucial, as empty stomach consumption can cause digestive discomfort.
The protocol should avoid simultaneous use of Co-Q10 or thyroid products, as these can decrease effectiveness by increasing mitochondrial ATP energy production. Practitioners like Kimberly Balas note that pawpaw can work synergistically with other cancer treatments like Essiac tea and flax seed oil, which help clear out cancer cells killed by pawpaw extract. Users should also minimize sugar and high glycemic carbohydrate consumption during treatment.
19. How should hydrogen peroxide therapy be implemented?
Hydrogen peroxide therapy requires using only 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (FGHP), which must be carefully diluted before consumption. The recommended approach follows a 23-day treatment regimen with gradually increasing doses. For serious conditions like cancer, practitioners suggest taking 25 drops three times daily for 1-3 weeks initially, then reducing to 25 drops twice daily for up to 6 months, before moving to a maintenance schedule of 5-15 drops based on individual response.
Administration timing is crucial - doses should be taken on an empty stomach, either one hour before meals or at least three hours after eating. This prevents reaction with food and bacteria in the stomach that could cause excessive foaming or nausea. The solution should be diluted in water or other approved liquids, and some users find adding it to milk, aloe vera, or watermelon juice helps offset the bleach-like taste.
20. What is the proper way to prepare and use Essiac tea?
Essiac tea preparation requires precise measurements and timing using specific herbs: 52 parts burdock root, 16 parts sheep sorrel, 1 part turkey rhubarb, and 4 parts slippery elm. The herbs must be combined and boiled in distilled water for 10 minutes, then steeped for 12 hours. After a second boiling, the tea must be carefully strained and stored in amber glass bottles in the refrigerator to maintain potency.
For preventive use, practitioners recommend taking two ounces each morning or evening on an empty stomach. Cancer patients often increase this to two ounces twice daily - in the morning five minutes before eating and in the evening at least two hours after eating. The tea should never be microwaved and can be taken either cold or gently warmed. Stomach cancer patients must dilute the tea with an equal amount of sodium-free distilled water.
21. How should cruciferous vegetables be prepared to maintain their benefits?
The preparation of cruciferous vegetables significantly impacts their cancer-fighting properties. Steam cooking for two to four minutes preserves myrosinase, the critical enzyme that enables the formation of sulforaphane, the key anti-cancer compound. Boiling or microwaving these vegetables destroys myrosinase, dramatically reducing their therapeutic potential. The vegetables should remain crisp and maintain their vibrant color after cooking, indicating the preservation of beneficial compounds.
When selecting cruciferous vegetables, look for firm specimens with deep, rich colors like purple, dark green, or bluish hues, which indicate high concentrations of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Fresh and frozen varieties both retain their nutritional benefits, though fresh vegetables should be used within a few days of purchase. The vegetables can be incorporated into various dishes, but overcooking must be avoided as it produces sulfurous odors and depletes nutritional value.
22. What is the correct ratio for the Budwig protocol?
The Budwig protocol requires precise ratios of flaxseed oil to cottage cheese to achieve its therapeutic effects. The basic ratio ranges from 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per 1/4 cup of organic low-fat cottage cheese, up to 3-4 tablespoons of oil per 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, depending on the severity of illness. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed using an electric blender to ensure the oil becomes properly bonded with the sulfur-rich proteins in the cottage cheese.
This precise combination creates a chemical reaction that makes the oils water-soluble, allowing for easy cellular absorption. The mixture must be consumed daily for maximum effectiveness, and while other ingredients like fruit and honey can be added for taste, they don't interfere with the protocol's efficacy. For those who are lactose intolerant, alternative sulfurated protein products are available that can activate the essential fatty acids in the flaxseed oil.
23. How should Qigong be practiced for cancer treatment?
Qigong practice for cancer treatment involves both external Qi healing and self-practice techniques. The most accessible form for beginners is Chi Lel, which includes simple exercises like La Chi. This technique involves placing hands in front of the body with fingertips pointing toward each other, then slowly moving them apart while visualizing illness leaving the body, followed by bringing them together while directing healing energy to affected areas. This should be practiced in a quiet environment, free from external stimuli.
The practice requires achieving a relaxed mental state and allowing the body to move naturally in response to internal energy flows. Practitioners should focus on deep breathing and visualization while performing the movements. Regular practice sessions should be conducted daily, with some patients at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center practicing for over two hours each day. The approach can be tailored to individual capabilities and combined with other treatments for enhanced effectiveness.
24. What is the best way to consume turkey tail mushrooms?
Due to their tough and chewy texture, turkey tail mushrooms are most effectively consumed in processed forms rather than raw. The traditional method involves boiling the mushrooms for an extended period to create a therapeutic tea. For medicinal use, particularly in cancer treatment, health practitioners recommend taking the mushrooms in dried, powdered form at a dosage of 2-3 grams three times daily, either mixed into food or taken in capsule form.
The mushrooms maintain their potency for years when properly stored away from heat and light. Whether using them preventively or therapeutically, consistency in consumption is key to achieving maximum benefits. The specialized extracts used in NIH studies, which contain specific concentrations of beneficial compounds like PSK and PSP, should be taken at similar doses to the powdered form. This ensures optimal delivery of the immune-enhancing and anti-cancer properties.
25. How should wheatgrass be prepared and consumed?
Wheatgrass preparation requires careful attention to growing conditions and harvesting timing to maximize therapeutic benefits. The grass should be grown in soil (not hydroponically) and harvested just before the jointing stage when nutrients are most concentrated. Fresh juicing is crucial, as Ann Wigmore emphasized that juice should be consumed within 15 minutes of extraction to retain maximum potency, though some research suggests waiting four hours after cutting increases levels of abscisic acid.
For cancer treatment, practitioners recommend consuming 1 to 2 fluid ounces of fresh juice daily, which can be increased to four times daily for intensive treatment. The juice should be taken on an empty stomach for optimal absorption. While fresh juice is preferred, wheatgrass is also available in powder form (1 tablespoon 1-3 times daily) or tablets (7-8 500mg tablets daily) for situations where fresh preparation isn't possible. The juice can be mixed with other juices if the taste is too strong, but should never be combined with caffeine.
26. What led to the development of hydrogen peroxide therapy?
Hydrogen peroxide therapy's development traces back to Victorian-era India, where adding small amounts to drinking water successfully treated various diseases including cholera and malaria. The treatment gained scientific recognition in 1920 when Dr. T.H. Oliver used hydrogen peroxide injections to treat severe pneumonia cases, reducing mortality rates from 80% to 48%. This success prompted research at major medical institutions worldwide, including Baylor University, Yale, UCLA, Harvard, and various international institutions.
The therapy's development faced significant obstacles from pharmaceutical companies, particularly in colonial India where British drug companies fabricated stories about dangers to protect their monopoly. Despite these challenges, research continued through the 1940s and 1950s, with Dr. Reginald Holman conducting groundbreaking studies showing complete tumor elimination in rats within 15-60 days of treatment. Today, while widely used in Germany, Russia, and Cuba, the therapy remains controversial in the United States despite extensive documentation of its effectiveness.
27. How did Dr. Budwig discover her protocol?
Dr. Johanna Budwig's discovery emerged from her extensive research in lipid biochemistry and her understanding of cellular metabolism. Building on Otto Warburg's work about cancer cells' energy production, and Albert Szent-Györgyi's demonstrations about essential fatty acids combined with sulfur-rich proteins, Budwig investigated how to raise cellular energy levels naturally. Her breakthrough came in understanding that cancer cells revert to primitive energy production due to insufficient essential fatty acids and overconsumption of processed fats.
Through careful experimentation, she discovered that combining flaxseed oil (rich in essential fatty acids) with cottage cheese (high in sulfur-based proteins) created a unique chemical reaction making the oils water-soluble and easily absorbed by cells. This combination proved capable of restoring proper cellular energy production and reversing cancer growth. Her protocol emerged from understanding that cancer cells could be returned to normal function by providing the right combination of nutrients rather than destroying them through toxic treatments.
28. What is the origin story of Essiac tea?
Essiac tea's origins trace back to an Ojibwa healer in Northern Canada who shared his medicinal formula with a woman suffering from breast cancer in the early 1900s. The woman experienced complete recovery and remained cancer-free for 30 years until 1922, when she met nurse Rene Caisse. Upon learning of the woman's remarkable recovery, Caisse obtained the formula and dedicated the next 50 years of her life to treating cancer patients with the tea, which she named "Essiac" (her name spelled backwards).
Caisse refined and developed the formula while treating hundreds of cancer patients free of charge at her clinic. Her work attracted attention from medical researchers, leading to studies at the Brusch Medical Center and other institutions that confirmed the tea's effectiveness in reducing tumor mass and improving patient health. Despite facing constant opposition from medical authorities, Caisse persisted in her work, protected largely by overwhelming public support and well-documented success stories from her patients.
29. How was the anticancer potential of turkey tail mushrooms discovered?
The discovery of turkey tail mushrooms' anticancer properties emerged from both traditional Asian medicine and modern scientific research. Japanese scientists began studying the mushrooms intensively in the mid-1970s, conducting over 300 clinical trials that revealed their substantial anti-viral and immune-enhancing properties. This research culminated in 1977 when the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare approved PSK, derived from turkey tail mushrooms, as the first mushroom-based anti-tumor drug.
The mushrooms' potential gained wider recognition through Paul Stamets' research and personal experience with his mother's stage IV breast cancer recovery. Recent NIH-funded studies at institutions including Bastyr University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Washington have further validated the mushrooms' effectiveness. The research has revealed that turkey tail mushrooms work through multiple mechanisms, including immune system enhancement and direct targeting of cancer stem cells, making them particularly valuable in cancer treatment.
30. How did Jim Sheridan develop Protocel?
Jim Sheridan's development of Protocel began in 1936 with what he described as divinely inspired dreams about a chemical formula. While studying chemistry in college, a series of events, including the appearance of a rainbow in a beaker and research on the Debye-Hückel Theory, culminated in a pivotal dream that convinced him he was meant to discover a cancer cure. This led to decades of dedicated research, initially conducted in his basement laboratory and later at the Detroit Cancer Institute.
By 1983, Sheridan had refined his formula to cure cancer in approximately 80% of his rodent subjects. Despite facing resistance from drug companies and regulatory agencies, Sheridan persisted in improving his formula. His work gained crucial support from metallurgist Ed Sopcak, who helped produce and distribute the formula to 20,000 cancer patients free of charge between 1984-1992. The treatment's effectiveness was ultimately validated by National Cancer Institute testing, which found it killed virtually 100% of cancer cells within 48 hours in laboratory studies.
31. What are the safety considerations for these alternative treatments?
Safety considerations vary among alternative treatments, but most share remarkably low toxicity profiles compared to conventional therapies. For instance, Protocel demonstrates toxicity levels lower than a daily aspirin, while curcumin and turkey tail mushrooms show no significant adverse effects even at high doses. However, proper preparation and dosing remain crucial. Hydrogen peroxide therapy, while safe when properly diluted, requires careful handling of the 35% food-grade solution to avoid skin contact or improper concentration.
Certain treatments require specific precautions for particular groups. Pawpaw should not be taken by pregnant women as it can affect fetal development. The Budwig protocol needs precise mixing ratios to be effective and safe. Wheatgrass and other concentrated plant medicines might cause initial detoxification reactions that, while not dangerous, should be understood and anticipated. The key to safety lies in following established protocols, starting with recommended doses, and understanding that even natural treatments require respect and careful administration.
32. Can these treatments be combined with conventional therapy?
Many alternative treatments can work synergistically with conventional therapies, though timing and combination choices require careful consideration. For example, turkey tail mushrooms often enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy while reducing its side effects. The Budwig protocol can support overall health during conventional treatments. However, some combinations require specific timing or spacing - pawpaw treatment should avoid concurrent use of Co-Q10 supplements, which could reduce its effectiveness.
Understanding the mechanisms of each treatment helps determine appropriate combinations. Antioxidant-based treatments like curcumin might need scheduling around radiation therapy to avoid interference. Qigong and other energy-based practices can safely complement any treatment protocol. The key lies in working with knowledgeable practitioners who understand both alternative and conventional approaches, allowing for the development of integrated treatment plans that maximize benefits while avoiding potentially counterproductive interactions.
33. What are the potential side effects of alternative treatments?
Most alternative treatments produce minimal side effects, particularly compared to conventional therapies. When side effects do occur, they often manifest as healing reactions rather than toxic responses. For instance, treatments like hydrogen peroxide therapy and wheatgrass juice might initially trigger what practitioners call a "healing crisis" - temporary symptoms such as fatigue, mild nausea, or flu-like symptoms that indicate the body is actively detoxifying and rebalancing.
The side effects typically resolve on their own and can be managed through proper dosing and gradual implementation. Pawpaw extract might cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach, but this can be avoided by taking it with food. The Budwig protocol rarely causes side effects when properly prepared. Cruciferous vegetables might cause digestive adjustment in some individuals. Understanding these potential responses helps users distinguish between normal adjustment periods and actual adverse reactions, allowing for appropriate protocol modifications if needed.
34. How do these treatments interact with each other?
Alternative treatments often demonstrate complementary effects when properly combined. For example, the immune-enhancing properties of turkey tail mushrooms can work alongside the cellular energy modifications of Protocel or pawpaw. The Budwig protocol's ability to improve cellular oxygenation can enhance the effectiveness of other treatments. However, understanding timing and potential synergies is crucial for optimal results.
Some treatments work particularly well together - Essiac tea's detoxifying properties can help clear cellular debris produced by other treatments, while wheatgrass juice's nutritional support can strengthen the body's response to any protocol. The key lies in understanding each treatment's mechanism of action and planning combinations that support rather than interfere with each other. This might involve spacing doses throughout the day or focusing on treatments with different but complementary effects on cancer cells.
35. What precautions should be taken when using these treatments?
Primary precautions include proper sourcing of materials - using only food-grade hydrogen peroxide, certified organic curcumin, and correctly identified mushroom species. Storage requirements must be followed; for instance, Essiac tea requires refrigeration in amber glass bottles, while turkey tail mushrooms need protection from heat and light. Timing of doses often proves crucial - Protocel requires strict adherence to dosing schedules, while many treatments need administration on an empty stomach.
Monitoring and adjustment form another critical aspect of precautionary measures. Users should start with recommended doses and adjust based on their response. Some treatments, like pawpaw extract, require gradual dose increases to avoid digestive discomfort. Understanding potential healing reactions helps users distinguish between normal adjustment periods and adverse effects requiring protocol modification. Regular consultation with experienced practitioners can help ensure safe and effective implementation of these treatments.
36. Why has the medical establishment resisted these treatments?
The resistance to alternative cancer treatments stems from multiple factors, with economic considerations playing a significant role. A standard course of conventional cancer treatment typically costs around $100,000, while many alternative treatments cost mere dollars per dose. This dramatic cost difference creates substantial financial incentives to maintain the status quo. Additionally, since many alternative treatments use natural, non-patentable substances, pharmaceutical companies have little motivation to fund research or development.
Institutional momentum also contributes to resistance. Medical education typically focuses on pharmaceutical and surgical interventions, creating a knowledge gap regarding alternative approaches. The medical establishment's preference for single-compound drugs that can be studied in isolation often conflicts with the holistic, multi-mechanism nature of many alternative treatments. This leads to dismissal of treatments that don't fit neatly into conventional research paradigms, despite their documented effectiveness in real-world applications.
37. How have patent issues affected alternative treatment availability?
Patent issues significantly impact alternative treatment availability because natural substances cannot be patented in their original form. This creates a paradoxical situation where highly effective treatments like hydrogen peroxide therapy or turkey tail mushrooms remain underutilized precisely because they're too inexpensive and accessible to generate significant profits. Without patent protection, companies have little financial incentive to fund research or promotion of these treatments, regardless of their effectiveness.
The patent system's influence extends beyond mere availability. When companies attempt to patent modified versions of natural treatments, as happened with curcumin and other substances, it can lead to legal battles that further complicate access and research. The focus shifts from developing and improving treatments to creating patentable variations, often at the expense of the original, more effective natural protocols. This system effectively prioritizes profitability over therapeutic value, limiting public access to potentially life-saving treatments.
38. What role has the FDA played in alternative cancer treatments?
The FDA's approach to alternative cancer treatments has often been restrictive and antagonistic. For instance, they banned Sheridan's Protocel (then called Cancell) from interstate commerce from 1992 to 1999, despite its documented effectiveness and non-toxic nature. Similar restrictions have affected other treatments, forcing many practitioners to operate outside the United States or modify their approaches to comply with FDA regulations that may not appropriately address natural treatment protocols.
The agency's focus on pharmaceutical models of testing and approval often proves incompatible with holistic treatments that work through multiple mechanisms. This has led to situations where treatments widely used and validated in other countries, such as hydrogen peroxide therapy (common in Germany and Russia) or turkey tail extracts (approved in Japan), remain unauthorized in the United States. The FDA's position has effectively limited American patients' access to potentially beneficial treatments while simultaneously reducing opportunities for proper research and documentation of these approaches.
39. How has the profit motive influenced cancer treatment options?
The profit motive has profoundly shaped cancer treatment availability and research priorities. With conventional cancer treatments generating approximately $12 trillion over the current population's lifespan, there exists strong financial incentive to maintain existing treatment paradigms. This economic reality affects research funding, medical education, and treatment recommendations, often directing attention away from inexpensive natural alternatives regardless of their effectiveness.
The influence extends to research design and interpretation. Studies often focus on isolating patentable compounds from natural substances rather than investigating the complete, integrated treatments that prove most effective. When research does demonstrate the effectiveness of alternative treatments, as with the Australian study showing chemotherapy's mere 2% contribution to survival rates, these findings frequently receive minimal attention or active suppression. This creates a self-perpetuating system where profitable treatments dominate while potentially more effective alternatives remain marginalized.
40. What challenges do alternative treatment practitioners face?
Alternative treatment practitioners face multiple challenges, including legal threats and professional ostracism. Many practitioners have faced harassment, license revocation threats, and even legal action for offering alternative treatments. Rene Caisse, for example, continued providing Essiac tea only through overwhelming public support that protected her from imprisonment. Modern practitioners often must carefully word their treatment descriptions and claims to avoid regulatory issues, even when substantial evidence supports their approaches.
Educational and practical challenges also abound. Practitioners must independently research and verify treatment protocols since most medical schools exclude alternative approaches from their curricula. They often face difficulty accessing research funding or publishing findings in mainstream medical journals. Additionally, insurance typically doesn't cover alternative treatments, creating financial barriers for both practitioners and patients. These challenges create a situation where practitioners must balance their commitment to effective treatments with the practical and legal constraints of the current medical system.
41. What challenges do alternative treatment practitioners face?
Alternative treatment practitioners face multifaceted educational, legal, and institutional obstacles in their work. For example, when doctors at the Northwestern University Medical School worked with Rene Caisse to study Essiac tea, they faced significant professional pressure despite documenting clear positive results. Similarly, Jim Sheridan spent decades fighting to get the National Cancer Institute to properly test Protocel, only to have positive results dismissed through technical arguments about testing protocols.
The systematic nature of these challenges creates a self-reinforcing cycle. Medical schools exclude alternative treatments from their curricula, leading to new generations of doctors unfamiliar with these options. When practitioners do achieve remarkable results, like Dr. Johanna Budwig's 90% success rate with advanced cancer cases, their work often gets marginalized rather than investigated. Insurance companies typically refuse coverage for alternative treatments, creating financial barriers that further limit both research and patient access.
42. How does the Hoxsey therapy work against cancer?
Hoxsey therapy combines an herbal topical salve, powder, and internal tonic to fight cancer through multiple mechanisms. Originally developed for treating horses with cancerous lesions in the mid-1800s, the treatment evolved through three generations of the Hoxsey family before Harry Hoxsey brought it to wider public attention. The therapy proves particularly effective against external tumors, though it has demonstrated success with various cancer types through its comprehensive approach to treatment.
The treatment's effectiveness stems from its multi-faceted approach to cancer treatment. Rather than targeting a single aspect of cancer development, the Hoxsey protocol works to support the body's natural healing mechanisms while directly addressing tumor growth. This holistic approach, refined through decades of clinical experience, continues today at the Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana, where Mildred Nelson and her family maintain Harry Hoxsey's legacy by treating patients with the original formulation.
43. What is the mechanism behind DMSO/Colloidal Silver treatment?
DMSO/Colloidal Silver treatment works through a unique synergy between two powerful compounds. DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) acts as a remarkable carrier substance, capable of penetrating cellular barriers that normally block other treatments. This substance moves so rapidly through cell membranes that scientists nicknamed it "water's alter ego." When combined with colloidal silver, which effectively kills microbes, the treatment can reach and eliminate cancer-causing microbes within cells themselves.
The treatment's effectiveness comes from DMSO's ability to fundamentally alter water molecule structure within cells, increasing cellular permeability and accelerating healing processes. When paired with colloidal silver's antimicrobial properties, this combination can penetrate cancer cells and convert them back to normal functioning. The treatment represents a sophisticated approach to addressing cancer at its cellular level, developed through careful research by the Independent Cancer Research Foundation.
44. How does the Gerson Method approach cancer treatment?
The Gerson Method, pioneered by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1940s, approaches cancer treatment through comprehensive nutritional therapy. The protocol centers on two main principles: cleansing the body and flooding it with nutrients. Fresh vegetable juices form a cornerstone of the treatment, providing concentrated nutritional support. The method also incorporates coffee enemas, not for colon cleansing but specifically to stimulate liver bile ducts and enhance detoxification processes.
This nutritional approach challenged contemporary medical understanding, which rejected any connection between nutrition and cancer. Despite facing strong opposition from the American Medical Association, Dr. Gerson's approach demonstrated remarkable success in treating various cancers. His daughter, Charlotte Gerson, continues his work through the Gerson Institute in San Diego, maintaining the protocol's emphasis on natural healing processes supported by proper nutrition.
45. What is the theory behind Laetrile (B17) treatment?
Laetrile treatment emerged from research into populations with extremely low cancer rates, particularly the Hunza people of the Himalayas. Drs. Ernst T. Krebs Sr. and Jr. discovered in 1952 that these populations consumed diets extremely rich in vitamin B17, about 200 times more than average American diets. The Hunza people derived most of their B17 from dried apricot seeds, which formed a significant part of their daily caloric intake.
The treatment works like a precision targeting system against cancer cells. When Laetrile (purified B17) contacts cancer cells, it triggers a specific reaction that destroys them while leaving healthy cells unaffected. This selective action makes Laetrile particularly valuable as a cancer treatment. Despite successful early trials and approval for human use in 1974, institutional resistance led to its limited availability in the United States, though it remains accessible through facilities in Mexico and some alternative clinics.
46. How do Rife frequencies supposedly combat cancer?
Royal R. Rife's frequency treatment, developed in the 1920s, represented a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment. Rife invented a device that emitted specific audio frequencies capable of destroying microorganisms associated with cancer. His theory centered on pleomorphic microorganisms, which he believed existed in all bodies but only triggered cancer development when cellular metabolism became unbalanced. The frequencies could selectively target and eliminate these harmful microorganisms.
The treatment gained significant scientific support during its early development, but faced opposition as it conflicted with emerging antibiotic theory and pharmaceutical interests. While the original Rife machines are no longer available, their theoretical foundation - that specific frequencies can affect cellular function and destroy cancer-causing organisms - continues to influence alternative cancer treatment approaches. The challenge today lies in identifying modern devices that effectively replicate Rife's original frequency patterns.
47. How has love been documented as a healing modality?
The healing power of love has been documented through both scientific research and clinical observation. Dr. Bernie Siegal's case study of Bruno Klopfer's cancer patient dramatically demonstrates this effect - when the patient believed he received a powerful new treatment (actually just water), his cancer went into remission. This placebo effect, powered by belief and the doctor's expressions of love and care, produced measurable physical changes in the patient's condition.
Contemporary healers like Braco have demonstrated love's healing potential on a larger scale. His sessions, which involve simply gazing at groups with loving intention, have resulted in documented cases of tumor reduction and cancer recovery. For example, Machelle Kearney's brain tumor shrunk by 80% within a week of a gazing session. These results suggest that love operates as a genuine healing force, capable of triggering profound physiological changes through mechanisms that modern science is only beginning to understand.
48. Why are combination approaches often more effective?
Combination approaches to cancer treatment often prove more effective because they address multiple aspects of cancer development and progression simultaneously. For example, while Protocel might target cancer cells' energy production, turkey tail mushrooms can enhance immune system function, and the Budwig protocol can improve cellular oxygenation. Together, these treatments create a comprehensive assault on cancer while supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms.
This multi-faceted approach also helps prevent cancer cells from developing resistance to treatment. Unlike single-agent therapies that cancer cells might eventually adapt to, combination treatments attack through various mechanisms, making adaptation more difficult. Additionally, different treatments often work synergistically - for instance, Essiac tea's detoxifying properties can enhance the effectiveness of other treatments by helping the body clear dead cancer cells and toxins more efficiently.
49. How do dietary factors influence treatment effectiveness?
Dietary factors play a crucial role in treatment effectiveness, with the National Cancer Institute noting that over 35% of all cancers relate to nutrition. Proper nutrition supports treatment efficacy in multiple ways - providing necessary nutrients for immune function, reducing inflammation, and creating an internal environment hostile to cancer growth. For instance, the remarkable success of the Hunza people in avoiding cancer correlates directly with their nutrient-dense, B17-rich diet.
The impact of diet extends beyond basic nutrition. Many treatments, like the Budwig protocol, work specifically through dietary mechanisms to alter cellular function. Additionally, certain foods can interfere with treatment effectiveness - for example, high sugar consumption can feed cancer cells and reduce the effectiveness of treatments targeting cellular metabolism. Understanding these interactions helps optimize treatment outcomes through proper dietary support and avoiding counterproductive food choices.
50. What role does belief play in treatment success?
Belief profoundly influences treatment outcomes, as demonstrated through numerous documented cases where patient conviction contributed significantly to healing. The power of belief operates both through direct physiological effects, as seen in placebo responses, and through indirect effects on treatment adherence and lifestyle choices. Dr. Bruno Klopfer's case study, where a patient's cancer responded dramatically to a water injection he believed was medicine, illustrates belief's potential to trigger real physical changes.
The strength of belief in the body's ability to heal itself often proves crucial to treatment success. This explains why treatments must align with a patient's belief system and preferences to be maximally effective. For instance, someone who believes strongly in energy healing might achieve better results with Qigong than with other equally valid approaches. This understanding has led many practitioners to emphasize the importance of patient education and engagement in their treatment protocols, recognizing that informed belief enhances therapeutic outcomes.
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Good instincts? He was such a horrible manager during Convid. Dr. Atlas in his book described the Trump Whitehouse as Total Ametur HOUR, feared Birx/Fauci. When Atlas brought in Jay Bhattacharya, Ladapo, others they tried to get Trump to rethink the policy he was taking. Could not convince him. The guy that did listen was Governor DeSantis. The country should of been run like Florida. The primary was such a SHAM, covid was barely brought up & it was the biggest fraud ever to take place in the world.