This is one of the best summaries of how the world works that I have ever read. Thank you for the book review! They are all about full spectrum domination.
Clans like the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers also have massive interests in natural resources through mining companies like Rio Tinto and Anglo American. Ever wonder why lithium battery storage and EVs are being pushed so relentlessly? And the gigantic amounts of copper and steel required by wind turbine installations and connecting them and remote solar farms to the grid? Anyone connecting any dots here? Rio Tinto is a huge player in iron ore, copper, and lithium - all vital to the coming "energy transition" which ads from BHP and similar consortiums tell me is imminent. It's not about saving the "planet". It's about making tons of money.
Nothing I can add to this genius piece of work. Cudenec sure validated all of my amateur sleuthing. My only suggestion to y'all? Get rid of your smart phones, opt for a flip phone, crash the electric car industry, let those kill switch death traps rot on the lot, and never take a vaccine for the rest of your lives. It's about money & control. Deny them. Pay in cash.
So....... The rulers that be are trying to steal our individual freedoms and make us all mice in a maze that they can exert different controls, pressure, over to force us into a different direction. Thank you for exposing this travesty to freedom in a way that is clear and understandable, knowledge of a problem is the best way to start a solution. I hope we have enough smart people in the world to protect our freedoms and individuality.
Paula. Probably not. We are already in the matrix. This is well planned and a long term view and patience developed over several centuries has perfected it . In fact ever since Jefferson returned home from 5 years in France as US Ambassador. He was shocked at the degree US politicians had aggrandized themselves with public money. The
3rd President saw this but could not stop it. Today? Who do you see can unsink this ship of state? Arm up. This always eventually goes kinetic and is going to get ugly right in your neighborhood.
It's a Global Bloodline Mafia, who, by Fear of God, all answer to the Church Crown Corporation/the Vatican. A Licentious Catholic (Universal) Crytocracy might be a better way to describe it.
The Crypto-Jewish Ashkanasi Karzarian Mafia are just Mercenaries to the "Black Nobility"(smoke and mirrors) Global Bloodline Mafia, who answer to the Church Crown Corporation, aka the Vatican. Since the 1200's the Roman Catholic Church has layed Claim to all the Earth, all our Property, and all our Souls (Our Souls are lost at Sea, by Mercantile/Admiralty Law, the Holy Sea). The Church is forbidden to touch "Money"/Dept Backed Fiat Currency, so it employs all the worlds Government's, that they created, to put us to Work, to Create Money, so it can then be given back to the Church in the form of Ground Rent, and "Donations"/Bribes by Fear of God, and Hoarded in the Vatican Bank. This generation of wealth led to The Vatican Bank becoming the Mother of All Banks, so Rich it could Create, Own, and Control Anything and Everything. It Orchastrates All Wars, so as to make us all Victims, for it's Salvation Business Model, And, as a cover for all the Mafia's, as even the Mafia Boss's have to pay their Penance to the Church to be "Saved", and it's the Mafia's that Traffic Humans. The real Currency is Us, and the highest denomination is Chidren.
That's why the Swiss Guards guard the Vatican. The "Money" belongs to the Stakeholders of the Church Crown Corporation/the Vatican, who are the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission and alike, and they conspire as to how they can get the best return on their wealth. It's psychopathic Greed on drugs.
Suggest that the Swiss Bank Authority (NATO) operating out of Basel and Zurich and Geneva and Lugano and Bern Switzerland sit at the top of this pile of power. BIS, the Central Bank of all central banks controls the Central Bank Districts, 12 of which make up what used to be called the United States. (And 38 central bank regions that are Europe). State Governors are all COINTELPRO crisis actors after all. As are our entire Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches all crisis actors. ( Voting just gives us something to think about and argue over). Gives real meaning to borderless political power and control. All headed toward C40 cities or 15 min cities. Or Freedom Cities to use a Trump term. Or following the manufactured chaos, the implementation of (control) Kill Boxes, you know, the Great Reset 2030 agenda. Just a mere 5 years away. PS. All part and parcel of the driving force behind Digital Financial Transaction Control Grid and Social Credit Scores. It’s a matrix and we are all in it. How? Clot shots and boosters for the face diaper crowd and just breathing in the nano particles cloud seeding weather modification chem trails we see every day. This is not new. At least 1960’s. Military intelligence becoming the Global Information Grid involving Net Centric Warfare: “The Drone can always find you “. Track and trace surveillance is all happening while we entertain ourselves and stay addicted to tiny smart screens. Ignorance run amok. Just passed a teen driving alone wearing a mask and headphones! He’s dialed in, complying and will be the first to die! Sad.
I have been loving these recent deep dives into the control grid and how it was implemented. Money creation and energy use are so obviously tied together. There's other aspects including religious indoctrination, control of education and of course sexuality and the war between the sexes that are also ongoing in this drama. But the analogy of all of these plays on stage that look unique and possibly even competing is an apt one...
I don't think the Rockefeller family total control of US politics, the CIA, and the Pentagon throughout the 20th century and beyond can be whitewashed away. Possibly a Rothschild in Paris or a black noble in his opulent Venetain palace filled with priceless old masters can pick up the phone and tell Langley or the US defence secretary what to do " Hey, I want you guys to bomb Syria tomorrow ". But it's more likely these directives emanate from an expansive Rockefeller NY estate, or maybe a DuPont mansion in Delaware:).
The one thing nobody can predict is what will happen when the depopulation agenda kicks into turbo mode and several billion people are gone? Unfortunately we will find out soon..
I rekon the population has been reduced by 1 billion as of January 2023. Add the boosters and the new & improved mRNA child vaccines, flu & bird flu vaccines and that figure will jump. But they'll hide it amongst immigration figures. 10 million coming in, 10 million dropping dead, population remains the same. No excess death. Smart.
"The banking interests fund scientific research just enough to identify threatening technologies, which are then either classified or shut down." More the likelihood the threats are in the last resort, just like in geopolitics, eliminated with extreme prejudice.
This is beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend. With so much agency capture, how can we tell what is real or not? Some people tell me climate change is not real, but I tell them the facts and they just look at me as though I’m brainwashed! For society to work there must a framework or narrative we all believe, like religion, for example. But there needs to be a minimum of trust for this to work. But the pandemic has swept away all trust in government and our own doctors. What is real depends on which side of the fence you are standing!
Covid & climate change are siamese twins. Both sides of the same coin. If one falls flat the other will take over. This article shows in spades how finance and energy work hand in glove. The so-called facts you allude to on climate change is the narrative they want you to believe just like covid is a virus never proven to exist. My analogy:
Like 9/11. If Building #7 was a controlled demo, and it was, then they were all controlled demolition. If covid was fake, and it was, so is climate change.
This is one of the best summaries of how the world works that I have ever read. Thank you for the book review! They are all about full spectrum domination.
Outstanding! Your best interview yet!
Clans like the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers also have massive interests in natural resources through mining companies like Rio Tinto and Anglo American. Ever wonder why lithium battery storage and EVs are being pushed so relentlessly? And the gigantic amounts of copper and steel required by wind turbine installations and connecting them and remote solar farms to the grid? Anyone connecting any dots here? Rio Tinto is a huge player in iron ore, copper, and lithium - all vital to the coming "energy transition" which ads from BHP and similar consortiums tell me is imminent. It's not about saving the "planet". It's about making tons of money.
Nothing I can add to this genius piece of work. Cudenec sure validated all of my amateur sleuthing. My only suggestion to y'all? Get rid of your smart phones, opt for a flip phone, crash the electric car industry, let those kill switch death traps rot on the lot, and never take a vaccine for the rest of your lives. It's about money & control. Deny them. Pay in cash.
So....... The rulers that be are trying to steal our individual freedoms and make us all mice in a maze that they can exert different controls, pressure, over to force us into a different direction. Thank you for exposing this travesty to freedom in a way that is clear and understandable, knowledge of a problem is the best way to start a solution. I hope we have enough smart people in the world to protect our freedoms and individuality.
Paula. Probably not. We are already in the matrix. This is well planned and a long term view and patience developed over several centuries has perfected it . In fact ever since Jefferson returned home from 5 years in France as US Ambassador. He was shocked at the degree US politicians had aggrandized themselves with public money. The
3rd President saw this but could not stop it. Today? Who do you see can unsink this ship of state? Arm up. This always eventually goes kinetic and is going to get ugly right in your neighborhood.
It's a Global Bloodline Mafia, who, by Fear of God, all answer to the Church Crown Corporation/the Vatican. A Licentious Catholic (Universal) Crytocracy might be a better way to describe it.
Khazarian Banking Mafia! Money and gold.
The Crypto-Jewish Ashkanasi Karzarian Mafia are just Mercenaries to the "Black Nobility"(smoke and mirrors) Global Bloodline Mafia, who answer to the Church Crown Corporation, aka the Vatican. Since the 1200's the Roman Catholic Church has layed Claim to all the Earth, all our Property, and all our Souls (Our Souls are lost at Sea, by Mercantile/Admiralty Law, the Holy Sea). The Church is forbidden to touch "Money"/Dept Backed Fiat Currency, so it employs all the worlds Government's, that they created, to put us to Work, to Create Money, so it can then be given back to the Church in the form of Ground Rent, and "Donations"/Bribes by Fear of God, and Hoarded in the Vatican Bank. This generation of wealth led to The Vatican Bank becoming the Mother of All Banks, so Rich it could Create, Own, and Control Anything and Everything. It Orchastrates All Wars, so as to make us all Victims, for it's Salvation Business Model, And, as a cover for all the Mafia's, as even the Mafia Boss's have to pay their Penance to the Church to be "Saved", and it's the Mafia's that Traffic Humans. The real Currency is Us, and the highest denomination is Chidren.
The Rothschilds probably hold a first mortgage on the Vatican:).
We all do, it's our "Money", but Money is a Worthless as the People who Love it.
That's why Swiss bank vaults are full of gold bullion:). Much of which belongs to our Khazarian "friends".
That's why the Swiss Guards guard the Vatican. The "Money" belongs to the Stakeholders of the Church Crown Corporation/the Vatican, who are the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission and alike, and they conspire as to how they can get the best return on their wealth. It's psychopathic Greed on drugs.
Suggest that the Swiss Bank Authority (NATO) operating out of Basel and Zurich and Geneva and Lugano and Bern Switzerland sit at the top of this pile of power. BIS, the Central Bank of all central banks controls the Central Bank Districts, 12 of which make up what used to be called the United States. (And 38 central bank regions that are Europe). State Governors are all COINTELPRO crisis actors after all. As are our entire Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches all crisis actors. ( Voting just gives us something to think about and argue over). Gives real meaning to borderless political power and control. All headed toward C40 cities or 15 min cities. Or Freedom Cities to use a Trump term. Or following the manufactured chaos, the implementation of (control) Kill Boxes, you know, the Great Reset 2030 agenda. Just a mere 5 years away. PS. All part and parcel of the driving force behind Digital Financial Transaction Control Grid and Social Credit Scores. It’s a matrix and we are all in it. How? Clot shots and boosters for the face diaper crowd and just breathing in the nano particles cloud seeding weather modification chem trails we see every day. This is not new. At least 1960’s. Military intelligence becoming the Global Information Grid involving Net Centric Warfare: “The Drone can always find you “. Track and trace surveillance is all happening while we entertain ourselves and stay addicted to tiny smart screens. Ignorance run amok. Just passed a teen driving alone wearing a mask and headphones! He’s dialed in, complying and will be the first to die! Sad.
Super Bowl anybody….??
I have been loving these recent deep dives into the control grid and how it was implemented. Money creation and energy use are so obviously tied together. There's other aspects including religious indoctrination, control of education and of course sexuality and the war between the sexes that are also ongoing in this drama. But the analogy of all of these plays on stage that look unique and possibly even competing is an apt one...
thank you
It's real that their control will come to an end and sooner rather than later. So much so the blood line/s will be under threat.
What is the most incisive critique of this narrative?
Why would countries like China not call out this particular control structure as they are presumably not part of it?
I love your posts. You're just knocking it out of the ballpark with your choice of topics and deep research. Your curiosity knows no bounds.
I don't think the Rockefeller family total control of US politics, the CIA, and the Pentagon throughout the 20th century and beyond can be whitewashed away. Possibly a Rothschild in Paris or a black noble in his opulent Venetain palace filled with priceless old masters can pick up the phone and tell Langley or the US defence secretary what to do " Hey, I want you guys to bomb Syria tomorrow ". But it's more likely these directives emanate from an expansive Rockefeller NY estate, or maybe a DuPont mansion in Delaware:).
And as Frances Leader always points out: Whose money have the Rothschilds been tending to since the bank’s inception?
The one thing nobody can predict is what will happen when the depopulation agenda kicks into turbo mode and several billion people are gone? Unfortunately we will find out soon..
I rekon the population has been reduced by 1 billion as of January 2023. Add the boosters and the new & improved mRNA child vaccines, flu & bird flu vaccines and that figure will jump. But they'll hide it amongst immigration figures. 10 million coming in, 10 million dropping dead, population remains the same. No excess death. Smart.
"The banking interests fund scientific research just enough to identify threatening technologies, which are then either classified or shut down." More the likelihood the threats are in the last resort, just like in geopolitics, eliminated with extreme prejudice.
This is beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend. With so much agency capture, how can we tell what is real or not? Some people tell me climate change is not real, but I tell them the facts and they just look at me as though I’m brainwashed! For society to work there must a framework or narrative we all believe, like religion, for example. But there needs to be a minimum of trust for this to work. But the pandemic has swept away all trust in government and our own doctors. What is real depends on which side of the fence you are standing!
Covid & climate change are siamese twins. Both sides of the same coin. If one falls flat the other will take over. This article shows in spades how finance and energy work hand in glove. The so-called facts you allude to on climate change is the narrative they want you to believe just like covid is a virus never proven to exist. My analogy:
Like 9/11. If Building #7 was a controlled demo, and it was, then they were all controlled demolition. If covid was fake, and it was, so is climate change.