When my husband was ill with esophageal cancer, and couldn't eat; he became very low in sodium, and would occasionally go into dementia, and talk nonsense.

Then, we gave him salt tablets in water; and within 15 minutes or so;

he would come totally back to normal brain function - every time.

Salt is ESSENTIAL to brain and cell function.

I eat LOTS of salt on my food- and I LOVE IT!

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The same thing happened to me a couple months ago. I had to be admitted to the hospital because I was completely out of my mind. Turns out I had a highly resistant bacteria in my urine an

d was going septic. The labs came back and showed that sodium was really low.The nurses told me that a sodium level that low will definitely put you in a altered mentall status state. My problem is that my sodium levels tend to run low, regardless of how much salt I put on my food (I LOVE salt). I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get and keep my sodium level up to an acceptable healthy range.

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Try CELTIC SALT, and also put a large crystal or so under the tongue while drinking clean water!

It will change your life...

It's best to be done on the regular, and incorporate the salt into cooking, fruit consumption. Will help balance your body...

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you probably need a homeopathic salt medicine to teach your cells to absorb the minerals. You can try Lac dolphinum or Winchelsea sea salt. Start with 6C diluted in water. Helios has both these remedies.

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You might want to consider using this high salt electrolyte powder, called LMNT. it’s really good and is very popular in the carnivore eating community as well. There are flavored and unflavored. I like the flavored. You can buy a sample pack.

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Yes LL I’ve been buying them now for a year

Can be a bit pricey but I use half a packet a day.

Like the plain but did buy a box of watermelon and citrus.

Yes the sample packet can be purchased to try them out.

They are wonderful!

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This is excellent and comprehensive. I wrote about this https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/252-when-heroes-are-needed-courageous?utm_source=publication-search. Dr. David Brownstein is another excellent source that I referenced in my article. He says there is a general sodium deficiency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wBXAfuYBkY

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Dr. David Brownstein is also credited for a protocol he promotes which uses a diluted Hydrogen Peroxide into a nebulizer to kill a respiratory virus or infection in the nasopharyngeal area effectively preventing the spread through the body. This would’ve been a game changer for me if I had known this method when I was very sick with Delta toxin.

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Dr Thomas Levy had a free e-book on the nebulizer protocol as well. I did a nebulizer and the food grade hydrogen peroxide back in 2021

Watched all Dr Brownsteins videos as well

Helpful stuff

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I have used H2O2 and normal saline in a nebulizer and it really works. I also became aware of this treatment after a severe case of Covid (Delta). As soon as I feel like I am coming down with sinus, throat, respiratory issues- out comes the nebulizer and it stops it in its tracks.

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The hits just keep on coming, dag. My son, who contracted Type1 diabetes immediately after the Hepatitis vaccine at 12, recently told me his doctor demanded he lower his salt intake. I went ballistic on him. "He didn't tell you what low salt will do to your insulin level and electrolyte balance?" "You lift weights, work out and sweat like a rain storm doing nothing, how much salt are you peeing out?, you need MORE salt, not less". BTW, I just sent him this article.

Only problem I have with this article is that DiNicolantonio claims we evolved from the sea, ahh come on now, I was just getting used to Darwin telling me I evolved from King Kong. OK, not going there.

How do I love thee, let me count the ways. Think of the love medicine has sent our way. Off the top, scams that come to mind, statins, cholesterol, vaccines, Pasteurian germ theory, Fluoride, chemtrails, mammography, antibiotics, Tylenol, chemo, saturated fats, better to eat seed oils, medical research racket, cancer cures, face masks, anyone read the food pyramid lately? Fruit Loops took over bacon & eggs for the Gold. Can't you just feel the love? Feel free to add to my list .

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Aug 19Liked by Unbekoming

Got any good links to mammography? I heard Jason Christoff saying about it but couldn’t find anything

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No dear, I'm sorry, I don't. The information, after decades, is all out there to see. When mammography became in vogue I read about it and spoke to family & friends who submitted to it. My conclusion at the time was how can injecting radiation into soft tissue PREVENT cancer and not be the CAUSE of it. Turns out I was right, breast cancer skyrocketed BECAUSE of mammography which they finally partially admitted to. The amount of exams and age limits, when to have one, has dramatically changed, so they know, but still advocate for it. I have never had one and I dropped pap smears 35 years ago. Search mammography on Bitchute. Google will lie thru their teeth. When I tell people I use Bitchute they laugh at me but it was the only place I found the truth about covid and doctors galore that were/are massively denigrated and censored by all other sites.

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That reflux means you have too much acid in your stomach. And the truth is that you don’t have enough. They put you on antacids and PPI’s and the condition gets worse!! Love your list…

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Saturated fats are AOK if not in excess.

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Well, I guess I'll see about that. I bang out 6-8 lbs of organic butter and tallow a month. Col Sanders gots nuttin on my fried chicken. Then there's Bechamel, hollandaise, butter cakes, cookies, french fries, steaks and roasted chickens, get the picture, all butter & tallow. For me, it's a food group. I keep it simple, no seed oils ever.

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I remember first reading about The Salt Fix in Weston A Price - what struck me was how similar our body's salt and mineral composition is to the oceans. I look forward to reading the interview - salt is the last domino to fall, and is more of a sacred cow than even cholesterol.

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An excellent sea salt covered by a layer of protective volcanic ash near Redmond, Utah, is called

Redmond REAL SALT. It is an excellent, clean sea salt!

Apparently, they are now finding micro plastics in most sea salt; but this salt is protected by volcanic ash and is free of plastics. I also use a high-quality, non-GMO Electrolyte Power; Raspberry & Lemon Flavor produced by Dr. Berg (Dr. Eric Berg), it's really good, too!

So glad people are learning the truth about salt and how essential it is for good health! I love salt & eat lots of it!

I've also never taken a flu nor a Covid shot. Am 69 yrs old. Haven't had the flue since I was a child; I've never had Covid - and I do hard physical work cleaning houses and do tons of gardening ~ 😁

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Thanks for the tips Virginia and your comments

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Is that Dr Berg the Scientologist weirdo? Saw a video of a guy claiming to be his son, was a bit of an eye opener. (I agree with everything else you say btw)

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No. I’m talking about Dr. Eric Berg, DC.

He has lots of great videos on You Tube.

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I just heard that Borax is a form of salt that is banned in many countries because someone decided to put it into pill form and it cures arthritis. Is there any truth to this? Is it mentioned in this book?


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Boron is toxic and should not be consumed.

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Ok ann. What are you doing here? I will listen to Ann from nowhereville. Thanks for your input, Kar-Ann.

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Go back to sleep. You have been warned.

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Oooo thanks, ann. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. I’m doing research. Did you read the link from the doctor about Boron? Maybe read and decide for yourself.

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Borax, a naturally occurring compound rich in boron, has become popular for its numerous health benefits and reported success in addressing chronic illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases, hormone imbalances, and chronic pain. Its active ingredient, sodium borate, is an anti-inflammatory agent that effectively treats diseases like arthritis, gout, and swollen gums, as well as bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and other ailments.

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Aug 17Liked by Unbekoming

This reminds me in Hong Kong the convenience stores and kiosks sell a nice bottled salted lemon drink. Just the thing for the hot humid summers there. Ancient Oriental wisdom strikes again:).

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Aug 18Liked by Unbekoming

Is there no end to all this demonic deception??

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Nope, I believe they're just getting started. It worked for a solid century. Why stop now?

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Unfortunately you are absolutely right!

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Aug 17Liked by Unbekoming

I wasn't intaking enough salt in northern Thailand during the hot season one time. My heart was beating at 80 as it tried to cool the blood down. I stood up too fast, went dizzy, blacked out, and collapsed onto the floor. It only lasted for a second or two but at the time I blamed it on overall dehydration, not lack of salt. I was heading for the communal fridge of the guesthouse outside my room to get some chilled watermelon, lol.

Get hold of some sea salt or pink Himalayan salt or both and use generously is my tip! 😄

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processed salt contains anti caking agents which can be aluminium based? If so, it may be better to use the natural salts

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Aug 17Liked by Unbekoming

Excellent :) Thank you.. Thank god i am a salt lover :)

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Aug 17Liked by Unbekoming

What is the purest and best salt type / brand you would recommend ?

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Celtic and Redman are the best brands

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Thank you

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I read The Salt Fix a few years ago and was quite impressed with it. He had a table comparing the mineral content of different salts and where they were sourced. I now use Redmond Real Salt exclusively. On Amazon if you can't get it locally.

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Thank you

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AMAZON? This is like a poor Palestinian in the USA to rely on AIPAC. Amazon put some GR8 stores like Frys & Radio Shack out of business.

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Natalie: research CELTIC SALT...

This is the best due to the fact-it has the largest spread of necessary minerals,

Himalayan Salt comes in second, however one must research purity...

I believe I read somewhere

"Redmond" or a brand name similar has been suggested from some reputable V-deo Y-Tube Doctors: Mandell and Berg respectively.

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Thank you

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To avoid toxic minerals, it is best to use pure white refined salt. Jacobson's tests for toxins. It is pricy though. I hear Costco has good refined salt, but I don't shop there.

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Borax, a naturally occurring compound rich in boron, has become popular for its numerous health benefits and reported success in addressing chronic illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases, hormone imbalances, and chronic pain. Its active ingredient, sodium borate, is an anti-inflammatory agent that effectively treats diseases like arthritis, gout, and swollen gums, as well as bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and other ailments.

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Reviews on amazon for Jacobson’s salt aren’t too good, I would pass on that one.

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Thank you

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How about dogs? Mine are always licking my legs no matter what the temperature is, wonder if they need a little more salt?

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Adding a pinch of celtic salt in the morning to my glass of water is a new thing I started this year. I quit sugar and my body doesn't crave it any longer either. I am more flexible now, having done a summer of hot yoga classes, than I have been in a couple of decades.

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Salt is an absolute necessity for life, especially if you're toiling outside and sweating as that is how most salt is excreted from the body. The lies we've all been taught about consuming salt have caused profound health impacts, definitely reasons why wars were fought over salt back in the day, without it your soldiers would be weak and eventually die. Funny about Koreans eating the most salt, my wife is from Korea and is always on my case about the amount of salt I use, despite my attempts to educate her as to why I use so much salt.

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