I already knew much of it, though RFK Jr connected many additional dots. For me it was incredibly validating, as my life had become a lonely place. Truth, it seems, can be very unpopular.

As an aside, I'm growing weary of the paranoia over "controlled opposition." It's become as fever pitched as the virus hysteria and other fear-based reactions. All that matters is that this book jogged many people out of their soul sleep ... got them to consider ceasing their material-world-worship of doctors, pharma, government, etc., and to ask better questions. Start seeking the Truth.

There is no superman or white knight coming to save us, including RFK Jr.

It's our job to wake up and seek Truth first.

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Well said.

"Controlled Opposition" has become the ultimate Thought Terminating Cliche that throws the baby out with the bathwater.

The entire body of someone's work can be thrown out because they have the wrong end of an issue. The prevailing assumption is still that people need to be infallible and if they err then unforgivable.

Not forgiving Fauci is one thing but taking that position against Kennedy is another.

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Once someone lies, they lose credibility, that's why !!!

For instance....any & all governments !!!

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Context is the key.

This is not a regular book. It was written under the name of a lawyer with huge experience and amazing successes. If a lawyer decides to put his name on the cover, it is meaningful. If the book disturbs the status quo, it is meaningful multiple times.

This one factor should be sufficient to make anyone read this book. Forget Substack articles. There is plenty of repetitions here, stirring waters without anything to follow up. But “The real…” is for real.

I thought, “Ok, a book is just a book. This one, will it remain a book, or is it a prelude to real actions to change the fate of people for better?” It is a must read. First, it has to change your belief system. The more important thing is that this book offers you a context for all things pharma. And this is a place where reading ends and your own personal life begins. Don’t miss it.

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Agree, it's not a normal book. A true paradigm shifter. Yes, it gave me "context" for Covid that I think might have been impossible for me to get otherwise.

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The first truly revolutionary book on the cult of medics was “COVID-19 and the Global Predators” (https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey).

To me, these two are complimentary, and one without the other means an incomplete view of what we are in (for).

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I'm glad you reminded me about that book. I bought it, but it got crowded out by others. I hadn't thought of it as complementary. I'll revisit.

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RFK proliferates the fundamental assertion that there was a pandemic in 2020. He is flat wrong and can't defend his position on this and consistently avoids the conversation.

To go with this he incessantly catapults the accompanying lie that there was some "lab leak"/bioweapon that caused this (non)pandemic and never provides evidence to back up this claim- hint: there is none.

Why do people let this go- cause he's "Bobby" from American royalty?

This is not some minor side issue this is the whole ballgame.

How does it not dawn on people that RFK, Kory, Malone, Kirsch, N Wolf, Cole and all the rest never, and have never, gone into any of the granular details as to the data from Spring 2020 in NYC and Northern Italy.

Let's put aside what that data reveals and/or suggests but that they simply haven't and won't dig into this data, let alone have discussions about it, is pretty relevant I would say.

They only speak in the most generalized (and reactionary) terms about the events of Spring 2020 in those two locales- and elsewhere- if they speak about it at all.

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He literally wrote a book on the lab leak/bioweapon called The Wuhan Cover-Up. It has many, many citations.

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Who cares if he wrote a book. He writes lots of stuff with no solid backing. There's no lab leak and no bioweapon. It's complete BS.

Did you want to cite specifics from the book?

Kennedy uses all sorts of conflations and assumptions and never provides evidence- never.

Can you cite for me just one instance where biological weaponry has been used to the detriment of even a meager number of the populace where it was used?

RFK can't and has not.

He was pinned to the ground on this re:N Italy for example and couldn't provide any evidence even as he was saying it happened AND even as he admitted to not knowing much about N Italy.

How does that work?

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No evidence? Everything he wrote in that book was documented. Each chapter, in addition, has a QR code you can scan to find updates or corrections. Kennedy is not like Peter Hotez in that regard.

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You're not responding to anything I said. Anyone can document things they said and those documents hold no concrete evidence. The world is full of this kind of thing and on the points I have been very specifc about RFK has never provided a single shred of evidence, has been refuted multiple times by various individuals and NEVER provides evidence.

How about you provide just one item from any of RFK's book or statements that provides CONCRETE evidence for there being a pandemic in 2020 caused by a unique viral pathogen that caused mass death in NYC and/or N Italy.

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Read the book, check his citations. We've all got too much going in our lives to waste time discussing things like this when you have yet to read the book or research his citations as many others here have already done.

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Exactly how I feel right now. I’m not interested in debating someone whose mind is made up and closed. And some of what we considered facts when Kennedy’s book was put have changed in the light of new information. For example, I no longer think the pandemic was an on purpose depopulation event. It seems more likely that it was pulled off by what Bret Weinstein has called Goliath, a capitalist cartel of Big Pharma, government bureaucrats, and other elites who were dying to push this gene therapy on us, a technology that promised to make them fantastically rich. I don’t think we know the entire truth yet, but we’re getting closer all the time.

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I've heard and read everything the guy has said on this five times over.

I'm sure our host here can confirm that for you.

Why is everyone AVOIDING putting just ONE piece of hard evidence that corrborates RFk's claim that a lab leak of a GoF virus caused a mass death event in NYC or N Italy in 2020.

Why is this so hard for everyone? Reason- Kennedy has never done this.

Poor excuses is all you get. Pretty revealing.

Living proof here that the cult of Kennedy is no different than the cult of Fauci. Same dynamic.

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Allen, since you're the one making the charge against Kennedy, I think the rules of logic mean that you have provide an example. I don't have one b/c I find Kennedy's book to be nearly flawless. My only complaint was that it had insuffient margins for making notes.

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You need to take Logic 101. The person making the positive claim is responsible for providing evidence for the claim. Kennedy can't and has never.

If he had done so it would be all over the web and you would be able to pull it up in a matter of seconds from a variety of sources. Problem is it doesn't exist. You are in denial likely he is some hero of yours and you have blinders.

You are simply bailing out as you can't cite the support for the claim.

There was no pandemic. There is and was no lab leak or bioweapon. These are falsehoods meant to keep you from understanding what happened in 2020 and asking all the wrong questions.

Those who proliferate these lies do a great disservice to everyone. RFK sits at the top of that heap.

Read these for starters:








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Ok, you go first. Give me an example including page and paragraph. I have a copy of the book here and I will check it out. I'd appreciate your doing that, because as far as I've been aware, no one has yet found any sort of flaw such as you describe in his book. Mostly, they just smear his character. As for the N.Y.C. "mass death" that's been laid to rest by a number of writers. Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute has written about it very convincingly. He says there was no mass death in NYC. What happened was the hospitals were emptied out for the most part, nurses sent home, and those who were working had time to video dances for TikTok. Yes, bodies piled up in freezers b/c funeral homes and cemeteries were closed due to lockdown. Most of the covid dead were killed either b/c they were vented or given dangerous drugs like Remdesivir, so it wasn't covid that killed them, it was death by medical malpractice. This NYC mass death thing is like trying to kill a vampire; it just keeps coming back. People just out and out believe it. But the NYC mess was the result of the lockdowns, not b/c of covid. Here's Jeffrey Tucker's piece on the freezer "canard": https://brownstone.org/articles/the-freezer-truck-canard/

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There's no such thing as Covid.

The NYC Spring 2020 spike was mass murder in hospitals (hardly a "mess) via midazolam, propofol, fentanyl, experimental use of remdesivir, isolation of elderly and fragile and a mass propaganda using crisis actors and doctors/nurses and data fraud.

Pretty weird you kinda see it that way yet defend RFK- that's not his position.

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They are all serving their parts in the agenda.....propagate FEAR PORN !!!!

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Robert Kennedy Jr is a dichotomy, isn't he?

He pens such a masterpiece, but then goes absolutely insane in his Israeli genocide support.

I am still debating within myself the very existence of viruses, so it may end up just more deflection and distraction.

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It’s his Israeli position that bothers me most.

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It doesn't make sense unless he is paying back for their help. I would venture to say that like ALL the others, they have something on the man. Seriously. They are ALL owned by them.

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I had to put it down. It was too awful to keep going...peeked at chapters knew I was gonna be upset for days, but read enough to know ...and yes, Aids and COVID same operation. HCQ?IVM equals Bactrim.

I remember the aids quilts...I remember how much I disliked Fauci then, and now I hate him even more.

I gave my copy to someone,...and never got it back.

But your brain cracking open...yes. That is what it did.

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What were the AIDS quilts?

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There was a gigantic project for DC and then our towns did the same....everyone cut out a piece of fabric and embrodered the names of their loved ones who died of aids...and they were stitched together to make a big blanket - (we call them patchwork quilts) and they were spread out on the mall in DC (that one was huge) and then we displayed the ones in our town in front of our town halls.....Every square in the quilt had someone's name on it who died from Aids....It made an impression, but didn't change Fauci. But it got more funding for him...we didn't know how terribly peverted he was back then. We were just angry cause our friends and loved ones couldn't get Bactrim for the pneumonia that usually killed them.

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Thanks. The more I get to know about what happened back then the easier it is to see the sadism of these people. The withholding of Bactrim was such a brazen move, that taught them a lot, I think.

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yes, it taught them how to make people fearful, so they could get more money. It taight them to withold legal medicines, and how. It was the same Psy Op, as Sage says. Same OP..rinse and repeat...

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Including ebooks, I gave away over 100 copies. I'm just starting on The Wuhan Coverup.

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I pre-ordered the book, devoured it, passed it along to my daughter. Thoroughly researched and documented, a tour de force. My biggest shock was the truth about AIDS....oh my God, we are such sheep. To awaken is to become so angry, an anger that keeps smoldering.

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I read Robert Yoho's Butchered by Healthcare, Government, and Pharma first. I do suggest everyone spend the $5 on Kindle and read it. Then RFK Jr's FAUCI. Both were eye-openers. His democrat bias kind of ruined an excellent fact-filled book. He already had me hooked against vaccines, to begin with. Robert on doctors and meds. I react to a ton of them. Bad surgeries and misdiagnoses were the others. Gateway Pundit did the HIV education on Fauci's role in it. Already knew Gates was a horrid man.

Read a lot of Steve Kirsch's Subs on Covid. It all saved me from getting jabs. I took the Supplements with Quinine Bark. Was already taking many of them anyway, just upped the dosages. So no jabs, no Covid, or Flu. I already avoided those jabs as I reacted to them.

Each Sub-writer I read teaches me something new or adds to what I've learned. Robert encouraged me to write. I don't have their skills, I'm more of an endless info hunter. NEVER STOP LEARNING.

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Something about this book put me off and made me question his motives. From Chapter 5 HIV Heresies:

"From the outset, I want to make clear that I take no position on the relationship between HIV and AIDS."

"I restate that I take no side in this dispute."

"(For the record, I believe that HIV is a cause of AIDS, but Dr. Fauci’s acknowledgment of non-HIV AIDS shows that causation is more complex than the official theology.)"

So you write all this stuff about HIV not causing AIDS, but then still believe HIV is a cause of AIDS? I suspect he's controlled opposition.

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I loathe him (I cannot and won’t write his name) so much that I could barely get through it. I knew most of it anyway, having been a newly minted RN when the AIDS crisis broke. Covid put the final nail in the coffin for ever trusting these people ever again. Psychopathy needs a gene therapy!! Inject them all.

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Is this loathing something you feel able to share?

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Didn’t I just do that? Lol. Goodbye.

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Sorry I think I misconstrued. You are not talking about Jon I think.

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I recall I had already read Virus Mania by Engelbrecht and Kohnlein which has extensive chapters on AIDS, before I read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr so it was more a supplement to that.

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I still need to read that one. It's been staring at me for the last two years.

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I too resolved to dipping in. I had already been alerted to the problem by John Rappoport author of AIDS Inc in the 80’s.

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Jon should be more well know than he is in my opinion. Not sure why he isn't.

I don't think he got a mention in the book when it came to AIDS even though he was one of the very early reporters.

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I subscribed to his blog during lockdown and then dropped the link. Jon was very much in the camp the virus doesn’t exist. I think this was a step too far for most people. Although gaining traction now with commentators spreading the word how scientists “isolate” viral material. Virology looking less like good science and more soup kitchen.

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Like you, I was already familiar with most of the IVM/HCQ stories but there were still valuable nuggets I did not know, like how Fauci got Remdesivir "approved" from a sofa in the Oval Office.

I had always been somewhat sceptical about the official AIDS line, that it was over-hyped, but this book seriously exposed the width and depth of the operation, especially the criminality in Africa and the Uganda "trial". I was gobsmacked to learn that Fauci managed to bring in George W Bush to smother the scandal of that trial.

But probably the biggest eye-opener for me was close to the end, reading the extent of corruption in the military "vaccine" program, especially the Anthrax vaccine which is fundamentaly a fraud, and the huge, eye-watering sums of money involved and how the people who award the contracts, benefit directly. The scale and scope of the corruption make you wonder if reform is ever possible, and that any serious accounting will almost certainly never happen.

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Just ordered RFK's book. But already read 'Official Stories' after recommended here and after comprehending the debunking of WTC official story, initially AE911Truth, then Dr Judy Wood, then 911 justice movement (relatively new). Already knew cholesterol con, from Dr Kendrick directly. Never trusted Pharma, beyond paracetamol. Nor doctors, since one told me they didn't know what caused high BP and recommended giving up on a book that claimed it did. I ditched the doctor — haven't been back in decade since — continued reading researching and gratefully found myself, in 2020, in prime position to keep most of my (adult) children from toxic jabs. Only wish I'd understood vaccine truth years ago. What an eye-opening time to be alive - https://writethevision.substack.com/p/not-safe-not-effective-not-necessary

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I suspect the book will impact young people like our children in a very different way because they did not live through the AIDS scare which was a blockbuster in the once in a decade health scare nonsense we grew up with.

I find it hard to predict what it is that will red pill someone. Although I grew up skeptical of western health proclamations the first real red pill came from an essay on mercury in vaccines from russell blaylock which was reposted on vaccine choice canada (formerly named VRAN at the time). He referenced the simpsonwood transcripts and i thought his claims were so unbelievable i downloaded the transcript and read the whole thing.

What i found was even worse than he wrote about and from that point on i adjusted all my prior assumptions about government regulation and industry.

The second red pill came gradually in 2022 when the evidence of intentional malfeasance became overwhelming. I have now further modified my assumptions about government and the manipulators who i originally thought were driven by corporate profit. Sadly i have come to believe life is more complicated than that.

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Thanks for a great comment.

Yes, understanding Simpsonwood can do that to you.

And I, like you have dropped the profit motive as a primary driver of what we are witnessing.

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So the primary drivers are what? Are we governed by serial killers?

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It would be more accurate to think of the governing class as sociopaths.

The book 180 Degrees does a great job of fleshing out that subject.

There is a long-term project for the creation of a global governance structure and those involved in bringing it about are, by necessity required to be sociopathic.

The profit motive is secondary to this higher order motive. So, when a cartel like Big Pharma comes along and makes their money, it's better I think to think of them as the hired help, the sub-contractors, think electricians and plumbers, hired to build the house. The house will get built and plenty of workers driven by profit motive will be engaged to build it...but the purpose of the house was something else besides profit.

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Excellent book and much needed. I bought it a while back, hardcover and digital. I went to Amazon this morning hoping to submit a 5 star review but the system didn't have an option available for me to do that. Instead, I'll just buy another copy.

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Yep. I gave them out as gifts.

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