This is one of the most thorough articles that I have read on this sad and infuriating assault on children and society.

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I've gathered it's been going on in fact, for decades, ever since America very foolishly granted political asylum to "The Frankfurt School" back in 1933 / 34...

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OK, that's sad. But understood.

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All part and parcel of the gay agenda’s normalization of gay marriage, family, etc. start with the adults and then make your way to the children.

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💣 "The Staggering Reach of Billionaire Transgender Activists" - https://www.frc.org/blog/2021/04/staggering-reach-billionaire-transgender-activists

💣 "To Counter the Transgender Lie, We Must Speak Truth" - https://www.frc.org/blog/2021/05/counter-transgender-lie-we-must-speak-truth

💣 "Big Money is Driving the Transgender Trend" - https://www.frc.org/blog/2021/04/big-money-driving-transgender-trend

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Very interesting! https://liborsoural.substack.com/p/ballroom-culture

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You missed it new woke Canadian Supreme Court Justice rules …descriptive word “woman “ is incorrect in this new UN approved trans et al world. It’s “ a body with a vagina “.


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Where there are more than one person, there must be conventions and rituals to make coexistence possible. “Sex” is a non-disputable category which may be analyzed and classified by objective means. “Gender” is (probably) the way a particular person perceives own social roles and how this particular person would like to have them respected or used - assuming that it comes from within and not as a response to the dominant media call.

Mixing the two causes the whole problem.

Nobody can guess my relationship to myself (what came to be called “identification”). This is solely subjective, and partly contributes to our uniqueness. It is personal and should not be a matter of public interactions or discussions, kind of “my own sacred inner ground”.

As it is subjective, it is unverifiable and may change over time or under different conditions, right at this moment, because (example) right now I have found out something new about my relationship with the existence of which I was not aware 3 seconds ago. Subjective (volatile) aspects should not be used in the public realm because it makes social coexistence impossible.

As a community, we need fixed reference points because the life of the community is a planned, long-term process. We may be wrong in our assumptions used for this planning, still, we need to use them - and we always do, even nomadic tribes have untouchable rituals.

Forcing a personal, subjective view on the whole community is madness. Instead of doing what you have to do or what is your destiny, you assign a lot of energy to maneuver around others trying to find a safe approach and then trying to feel out and keep a safe interaction ground. Madness or a pastime for very rich and immortal people. Or a great way to disrupt the society - which we already can see in progress.

In all of the above, I do not refer to what a particular person experiences - I mean the overall mechanism of imposing a false representation onto a structured and pretty much efficient way the community exists.

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Whenever I have my beliefs challenged, or my conception that we’re being governed by complete psychopaths, I remember that there’s been a concerted effort for decades by the cabal to manipulate, undermine and subvert the concept of reality itself, and no larger group of victims than confused children are being sacrificed on the alter of modernity in the pursuit of cultural and societal destruction.

The day we bring back the death penalty for those medical and political leaders proven guilty of pushing the mutilation of, or mutilating vulnerable children (and adults), the ones on the autism spectrum, those who feel isolated and bullied, or those questioning their sexuality as teenagers, is the day we start rebuilding some semblance or normalcy. Let’s hope the recent WPATH revelations are the start of something.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to research this topic and lay it out in terms that are slightly understandable (for a topic that is very hard to understand and makes no sense whatsoever). As a single mom of two wonderfully innocent children, I really am trying to learn about this assault on humanity and civilization. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to protect my children's precious minds and souls from this monstrous distortion of reality. They have one childhood, and they are entitled to every glorious moment of it. ✌

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Who is mostly the target of this garbage? It’s mostly to a white audience. This is just another front of the total assault on white people and white culture in general and more specifically Christian whites and culture.

While there are white foot soldiers in the army it’s not whites who are in charge, they are not the generals and they are not coordinating the attacks.

The Kalergi plan is real. It is being executed, as are white people and white culture. Meanwhile most white people are too distracted by sportball, useless politics and buying shit they don’t need with money they don’t have to even notice. There are people noticing, hopefully the noticing will continue, it must.

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I happened to hear a little of A Judith Butler interview this morning on the New Epithet) Yorker radio hour on NPR. All about pronouns, getting them right, and about the curious (to me) interactions where people (especially old people they joined, which I guess means people who don't know better?) ask a theoretical person their pronouns, which are possibly frequently changing. She was saying it was about recognition, which I found very interesting, and an accurate sentiment to what I've personally seen. Along the lines of: I am a woman, and a woman is what I am (whatever occurs to me for it to be). At least that's what I heard from my kid who went trans. And relationally it was about a found and also self created "truth" which is to be accepted as true immediately and without question by others, lest they be transphobic. It is considered a very polite good behavior to engage in the deferential ritual of asking about pronouns and being guided in how to speak and perceive. So, even if you're not the one having this identity epiphany, you have to ritually pretend as though true that you believe it as told to you and also see it.

I am very interested in the theological kind of deconstruction and unrooted mimetic aspect that Lindsay is pointing at. He has such an intellectually referenced story of how that works that it actually makes me want to slow down to try to be clear on what is drawn from where and made to mean what. It does give me pause, though, because I am not well versed on all of his influences, so it leaves me with many place holders of meaning that I have not explored well myself to see if I'd get the same out of them. I hesitate to address them, though, because of it.

What is interesting to me is the part played by a fairly universal urge by often young adults to understand who they are, what they are about, and for their close relationships to in some way recognize and respect them. There is a real allure to the prospect of revelation of a new truth to which you could commit yourself, and it will free you, solve your problems, put you on a high moral path, dissolve the hypocrisy and injustice of ideals which no one is good at realizing. When I was a kid I left the church because I had a hard time understanding how there could be these high ideals, but people would just keep on behaving badly, insincerely, falling short (in my estimation at that time) How nice to have an accepted way to draw the line for others and have the moral high ground to give them a ritual test of the new social norm. It's like saying hello. If they say it back, they are good and nice and polite and recognize you. If they don't say hello, they are rude or ignorant, etc. It is a way to make things concrete, black and white, and to hold people accountable. The pronoun doesn't really mean anything. It is a social test approved for determining morality and justifies action like canceling behaviors.

As a parent who wishes to have a relationship with a trans kid, my question is how to get past the symbolic place-holders like pronouns, body focus, and to be able to engage around the heart of the matter. How to be able to have an interaction about recognition, acceptance, affirming the beloved child, for example, or, how to address relational and interior wounds that, I think, so easily fuel a desire to be able to resolve them through a trans queer experience.

I really think that if there is a work, a wound, a calling inside of a person, it is going to show up everywhere. Everywhere. My grandmother always said, if you have a problem, just open the Bible anywhere. Go knocking and doors start opening. Be a young person with whatever needs and urges and problems and natural processes you have, and things that look like pathways start to show up everywhere.

Well, then the question is, why not use some of that language, pronouns, knowing that it means something other than what it is on the surface? I've heard therapists talk about building the relationship before raising the idea of why things are in the form that they are. I guess one quick answer I have is: just the pronoun ritual test itself is untenable because it legitimates a flip judgment and many negative actions should someone fail it, even if the one who fails the ritual test is a lifelong family member or friend. I don't know how to get around that. You can't throw away your family over a pronoun. It's preposterous.

I want to keep thinking around this, and keep revisiting Lindsay and others....

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I can’t begin to understand what you’re going through with your kid, but I am dealing with a teen who is suffering from another common mental issue affecting girls, so I sort of understand.

All I can say is that Judith Butler’s entire Queer Theory schtick was about subverting the norm in order to “free” society to have no standards, morals or normalcy by subverting the notion of biological sex and replacing it with bizarre neologisms and academic sophistry, designed to be spoken in the University classroom and nowhere else. It’s just philosophical bullshit in other words arising out of a critical theory classroom that wished to embrace perversion and a tearing down of all boundaries.

Unfortunately much like Pandora, those in power decided to open the box of this subversive nonsense and apply it to society at large, a society wholly unequipped in the age of woke to cope with the fact that none of it is intelligible, coherent, practical or scientific. Victims of this hysterical cult like your kid are suffering a combination of delusion, confusion and a desperate search for validation in a world that has embraced collectivism, nihilism and group identity as a substitute for achievement, progress, morality, perspective and individualism ... the only cure to which is the direct, honest and compassionate repudiation of the delusion and the cult. The woke left have no such compassion, for them the more individuals destroyed the more ammunition they have to claim “trans” people are victims ... the only thing they are victims of is the woke left’s insane, cult-like adherence to creating as many victims and victim groups as possible, and the youth are sadly the perfect demographic for this experiment.

There are no “trans” children, only those brainwashed and incentivised to become so. Good luck ... the trans cult weaponises words like “compassion” and “care” and “empathy” to further its destructive ambitions, bombarding family members and loved ones with the notion that the only appropriate response to a child identifying as trans is to support the delusion, but this has never been true nor in the child’s interest.

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Thanks for this. It was very helpful in understanding what's going on and how it's being accomplished.

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This is a very insightful Bill Maher clip on the topic: https://youtu.be/mMBzfUj5zsg?si=SsWNiJdVh0ARQo8Y

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This is one of the many ‘queer theory’ classes being offered at the prestigious University of Chicago:


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That ought to be "clown school" 🤔

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