According to French dissident journalist Bercoff, the bill did not pass in France. It was rejected at the Senate level. https://www.sudradio.fr/emission/le-fait-du-jour-335

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I hope in my heart of hearts this is true. People need to look to their own country's legislative efforts in the last 4 years, globally. I will get that in every westernised country and a few key developing countries, that they too have similar bills in process, in development or already quietly passed.😐🤔🤨

It needs to occur for their final moves in this global, involuntary chess game we are playing, for our lives.🤐😤🤦‍♀️

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Agreed, so much lawfare activated on so many fronts. I do not believe there is a way to make our "leaders" accountable anymore. All they have to do is close our social media and bank accounts! We need to keep an ear to the ground, and build alternatives on all fronts. The system we are in cannot be redeemed, we are wasting our time hoping for it and thinking of a way through.

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That's not what I've heard.

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God I hope that’s right. One hates to think the French could be that corrupt or stupid.

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Much like what is going on in numerous western countries, we can hardly equate what the elitist / captured governments are doing with the people who are being imposed upon, ultimately at gunpoint (or threat thereof, the State being what it is)! I’m certain many Frenchfolk are also/still under the spell of psyops, but I am certain that many, many, would not want that and still it passed in the legislative chambers. And their legal system being what it is, they seem to have, at least on that topic or the way it was framed, a reliable « conservative » senate that blocked it.

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you mean like when they went collectively mad and rolled thousands of heads off the guillotine?

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Gee I can't emphasize it enough - it's people who take those poisons, people who take them willingly and proudly. Surely this is the actual problem. Not the fact that corporations can hide information, force it upon us and all the rest of it. Nobody wants to talk about chemtrails for example, nobody wants to talk about the autism problem through vaccines. In fact vaccines can only be spoken about in a favorable way or not at all. What does that tell you right off the bat? People. That is the problem. You and me and everyone we know. Because we are the ones that allow all of this. We allow censorship and from that they can then do anything to us. Because information is actually the real wealth and the people don't realize it yet. But when the people do, they will condemn ANY censorship and that includes blocking amongst our own. If we do it to each other, that means we approve of it and that's giving the green light to greater forces to do it to us. Can you see this? Hello, is anybody home?

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What you say is true but surely you don't deny the power of the mass brainwashing apparatus?

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Predictable programming of the frontal lobe. Check this out.

All influences from media, tv, alcohol, and then especially at 46 min mark.

The whole thing is excellent. Including caffeine - shows the MRI and blood flow differences to the brain. Wow.


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And even though coffee is an interesting example because most people drink it, don't miss the powerful example of group pressure and mind control.

Same link, this time go to 35:15: https://rumble.com/v4hpdmc-mind-control-9-et-tonight-ep.-96-3624.html

It's a group pressure situation. It's called The Push, by Darren Brown, a UK mind control expert. Theend scenario is an old man on top of a bldg. To relieve the group pressure, the "mark" is encouraged to murder the old man on the side of the bldg. (He's not really an old man, he's a stunt man, and he's harnessed in.) But here's the bottom line: 3 out of 4 people kill the old man on live video.

Now ask yourself: If 3 out of 4 people murder an old man, where do you think their limit is for mind control?


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Oh absolutely not. We've all been brainwashed mercilessly. We must realize that the programming is strong in all of us (some less than others) because it's been pervasive for generations. It goes deep even to the point where we think we need outside sources to save us when really we have it within ourselves but we don't know how to use it! I liken it to owning a car in the 1800's. If a car had landed in someone's backyard, it would look pretty snazzy but they wouldn't know what to do with it because they'd never seen anyone driving a car. Wouldn't know the first thing to do with it. Same with us, we don't know how to find the power within. But once we know we have it, we can then seek it and then we will find it! It starts with the few. And once a few get it and use it, the others will then catch on. And there's no stopping it then.

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Why has no one found this power within to date? And if no one has found it how do we know it exists?

The car you speak of is a physical object. I'm thinking if you dropped a technologically advanced physical object into the midst of a group of people, with enough time, the people would come to understand its use and how to use it.

If we were going to save ourselves would we not have already done so?

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unprecedented psyops. many of us just woke up to the extend of it since 2020. many, many others will need more and more years to wake up, yet...

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We don't have that luxury of time. I think nearly everyone can see how fast this is playing out and I think that is by design.

So where can we acquire an extremely accelerated education that shows us the truth?

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I like the Guardians and will take this opportunity to thank them for their help.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Awakening

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Syfy movies are fun fantasies for some.

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Ha,and a extremely accelerated education for others.

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Yes I agree completely it's a lot to expect people to be able to deal with that easily only if you grew up getting a really good critical mind education and only if you feel the support of people around you

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If those circumstances are necessary to acquire the wisdom we need the pool is very shallow. A small puddle.

Where can we transcend our circumstances and be shown the truth? On the internet? After years of reading books? Where can we turn?

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How about here,you have no idea who and what God is.Like most of the human race you believe what the establishment has taught us.You are the blue pilled believer,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/God

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I believe in the living God. Jesus Christ. That's all you really know about me.

The rest of what you say about me is silly gossip like the kind old women spout about their neighbors who keep their own council.

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Hell is other people. Other people complying stupidly with obvious lies.

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I think hell is debt-based money. Change that and hell becomes paradise.

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the poisonings and the psyops have changed their brain chemistry such that vaccines are hailed as miracles of modern medicine, magic elixirs that have saved millions of lives. They take the poisons because their brains are damaged and they have been very effectively bamboozled. And to complicate matters further: it is impossible for most of them to believe that people in authority, people in power, people whom they trust would be trying to cause them harm. Most people cannot, will not, believe that.

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Look for the chance to watch the movie PROTOCOL 7. It's the true story of Merck's MMR vaccine. Measles, Mumps, Rubella. How they falsified data. This movie is very good. Look up showtimes online near you.


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Well said. Many will read your accurate assessment and many won’t comment but the message has landed.

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If we rely only on our own strength we will always be overcome by the strength of others. There is always someone or a group of someones that is greater in strength.

For instance the strength of censorship. We are censored at this very moment. AI already controls the flow of all information. Information is already minutely curated for every bent of mind. How will that stranglehold be broken?

We must look to ourselves because you are right. The problem begins at "home". Though the next problem we encounter after looking at ourselves and our complicity in the mess we find ourselves in is the terrifying realization that the strength we possess is inadequate to overcoming the strength of the opponent we battle. We realize we are weak. Much like David was weak in comparison to Goliath.

"My grace is sufficient for thee; for MY STRENGTH is made perfect in weakness."

I ponder this statement from God to Paul. It's wisdom increases in reflection.

If the vox populi were going to win over its rulers would that not have already occurred? There have been innumerable attempts made, yet all have failed. Why?

Is a godless world a world we want? If the answer is yes, it seems we are well on our way to achieving just that.

God Bless.

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I welcome your thoughts. You say we have done everything - REALLY? What have we done that you perceive? I think we've done nothing. And nothing tells them that they can continue to do anything to them. That's what weakness comes from. Imagine if you and the people you know, and other people too, a lot of people, pledged to stop paying interest to the banks for loans they still have with them. Now THAT is doing something! Imagine if the people decided to go on a work strike until the chemtrails stopped. Now THAT would be doing something. Of course we are weak if we do nothing. That only tells Goliath to crush us. We also do not know our strength because we haven't exercised it. It's not just David vs Goliath here, it is billions of Davids vs a few Goliaths. Ai is programmed by the Goliaths. Ai can work for us when the system works for us. We don't need gods and we don't need "leaders", we just need software to enable us to know what a vast majority of people think. This is an incredible world and we must clutch it by the horns to direct it towards the benefit of all. Gods and government are only for adults with arrested development. Who knows maybe those will take themselves out, it looks like that is happening because there is no place for ignorance anymore -ignorance is just too dangerous and jeopardizes not just humans but all life on earth. All our stories are of fear. The bible is meant to keep the mind weak and childish, underpowered. It was designed that way. A godless world but a compassionate and loving world is more than possible. There will be two timelines unfolding simultaneously - each person is here to choose. A golden age is unfolding, and each of us can choose to bring it about.

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Do you understand how many times historically people have announced a Golden Age is imminent to see it turn to dust?

If everyone stopped paying interest on loans people would be evicted and homeless in huge numbers. Then what? Where would they go to the bathroom? Eat? Bathe? That has been tried. The French did it which launched the French Revolution which birthed the Illuminati and ended in the Reign of Terror where people where chopping each other's heads off in the streets until they literally ran with blood.

We are weak. If you want to foment a revolution, then do it. If you imagine there isn't a plan, advanced weapons to instantly take out millions of Davids in their tracks, you haven't paid attention. Just look up Crimson Mist that occurred fifty years ago. Just look at Lahaina, HI or Paradise, CA and tell me the weapons the people have are any match for the weapons the governments has.

You don't need to denigrate God or the people who follow Him. You need His help.

What about this world as it actually is, not in your imagination, but really is, is worth your life? Child sex trafficking? Plastic pollution? Poisonous materials of every kind including the air you breath, the water you drink the food you eat, the car you drive, the bullets in a gun that will be necessary to even attempt to overthrow those in power?

If all our stories are of fear then why do you want to make more fear-filled stories?

There is a better story, but it's not yours alone. It's God's plan for us all. Just ask and see for yourself. We all have free will.

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You berate me for using my imagination but believe in a phantom in the sky who never comes. We have to make the golden age, nobody else will. And sure just do nothing and see where that gets you. You just poopooh everything, I'm used to that, no wonder humans are in such a pickle. If people didn't pay the interest portion of their loans on the grounds that the interest is never entered into the economy (so it just doesn't exist to be paid) the people would be standing on strength. If you keep buckling you're going to get killed anyway. I see you're rather live on your knees. Ok it's a choice. Also it's time to say "down boy" to the cops because these people are really the ones that stop us from freedom and they are cutting their own throats. To respect police is to show one is in Stockholm Syndrome. We have the power, but many are too cowardly to exercise it.

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Maybe you're really young, but if not you seem really young. I'm not berating you I'm saying your ideas are nothing new and have been tried and have failed many times before you had them. I'm sorry if that annoys you.

I'm doing plenty on my end, but you don't ask what I'm doing only jump to conclusions with no information.

As usual, when someone says they are being berated which means "to reproach angrily and abusively" they are doing it to someone else.

I'm not living on my knees or waiting to be killed or any of the other lovely things you ascribe to me.

As I said, if you want to go and fight you can. So far all I can see you're doing is coming up with a few worn ideas and getting angry when someone points this out.

God Bless.

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I am not young at all. But now you've got me curious, what are you doing? I'd really like to know. I too am doing things. I think I'm doing what really needs to be done by everyone who sees the wickedness of the system. You see many abhor it but they still continue to go with it and do nothing to get off it. I have no bank accounts and if others did the same, they would be looking to join local alternative currencies. But having that safety net of the banks, they remain on the same groove.

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Very true Denise,should have shared this with you instead of him.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Awakening

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Excellent as always!

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Solace in reading as always. Watch now as the destruction of books not on their "approved" narrative ensues.

Down with the Commonwealth and King Chuckles III! Revolutions will emerge as we are humans, not mice or sheep.

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Very well done!!! 🙌

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Fabulous and useful summary. Thank you.

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If there's one good thing that's come out of all this, it's that so many eyes have been opened. As someone who woke up to the truth about vaccines 16 years ago, it's been a lonely path. Now I know there are so many of you out there, it's wonderful.

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Mar 10Edited

Wow, another very clever post. Planning to upgrade to paid tomorrow. I subscribe to Marc Girardot's substack and believe he is answering many questions. It's curious how quiet his peers have become regarding his Bolus Theory. Maybe he really is onto something ..... everyone knows what happens when you put oxygen on a fire. .... ( Pun intended for those who have read his work) Anyway, his research makes a lot of sense with regard to vaccine harm. And as Denis Rancourt suggested, it should be rigorously explored. I would recommend anyone to subscribe to his substack and read the articles for themselves.

....feels like .... the forever poisoning .....but in reality, the secrets are out, and it's starting to feel like the lights are flashing and the sirens blaring. This really is becoming a global emergency of unimaginable consequences.

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Stunning. Absolutely stunning.

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What more could I say? This and the related posts are at least a month's worth of digesting. And they get away with it, and they get away with it, and they get away with it... 🙄💩

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Another excellent piece from yourself. We need to print it out and shove it into every letterbox in sight.

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👏👏👏👏🙌 Best piece yet.🙏🙏🙏💯📣📣📣🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩

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Here's a GREAT Scooby Doo story fer ya! Justin Leslie-- former Pffizer employee who got hired by both PV & OMG Media after J-Oh (vs OhJ) left--shares with Brendan Murphy how JamesJamesOKeefeOkeefe (who is just as controllin' as the AA Milne James methinks) put the KIBBOSH on more 'n one story that would'a saved lives! The jab stories are the key ones here tho'

Leslie had recordins' from work at Pffizer that would'a blown the bull-oney "Directed Evolution" tale outta the bilge warter--he thinks Walker wuz a plant (bein' of the notta walrus school 've thinkin'). Makin' a doc-u-mentary 'bout it all...

So do check check check it out! an' mebbe DO interview this guy! He's a young'un (a little wet behind the ears) but his heart's in the right place an' this'd be up yer alley JJ!


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Isn't it interesting to note from how many angles the running matter has been prepared?

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Just "larned" 'bout the March 5th 2020 "pressty-toot" DOD meet up wherein they "introduced" the concept of the "walrus" (they had a copy of it too!) an' how they wuz spinnin' up the bat soup in their labs--my golly, this was a monkeyfest (hoot worthy if it hadn't had such dire con/sequences)-- I'm SURE if even the most trustin' Americans had heard this hose job from our tarnished "brass" we'd a seen it wuz a nothin' burger... mebbe that's how come we weren't privy to it! (the privy is whar it should'a stayed) -- here's my take on the thing (fer laffs cuz even in the midst of gettin' likes n' baloney tossed at us we gotta see the comedy in it all...)

https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/the-biolab-boogie-woogie (which includes the "jellyroll-"out!

keep on breakin' it down fer us JJ, keep on "perntin' out" the clowns an' fakirs / fakers!

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Cheery way to start my Sunday

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But thanks for a challenging set of links...

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