The “genomic sequencing” for SARS-CoV-2 is complete fraud. The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation).
They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease. Simply based on that, the test is invalid.
A new medical test must be validated against a 'Gold Standard", that is, a test which is 100% accurate.
The Corman-Drosten team, used the SARS sequence from 2003 (which was never properly purified or isolated, the same procedure was done with this virus as well), they then used the PCR primer related to that sequence, amplified it using PCR, sequenced what they amplified (they did this multiple times) and used the sequences that were different from the SARS sequence to develop primers for the diagnostic test. However, since there were no purified samples or Isolates of any kind, this entire experiment is made up.
A PCR test is not a diagnostic test, as it does not test for the presence of a virus, it simply tests for genetic material/genetic debri and must be coupled with Clinical Representation of a specific set of symptoms.
It turns out, when you input the sequences that are being tested for, to show a positive case, the sequences show up 93 times in the human genome, and approx. 91 times from Bacteria/Fungi (Microbes). These supposed "New" sequences show up in nature and are not new at all.
Never mind, you cannot possibly say these sequences are coming from a "new virus" if you don't have the virus in the first place.
The team then sends this test to China, to test for this "Novel" virus that they created a test for, with none of the "Novel" virus at their disposal.
The Chinese find these sequences in their 'Atypical Pneumonia" patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms, (obviously being that these sequences show up in humans), and they create an entire "Genome" based off of 1 Clinical Sample.
In order to create a Genome correctly, you would need hundreds upon thousands of samples to develop an actual accurate "Viral Genome", they took 1 person that tested positive with a PCR test created without any virus.
They take a Clinical Sample from a PCR Positive person's lung fluid, with symptoms consistent to "Atypical Pneumonia". They take only the Short RNA strands from the clinical sample, and put them into a Computer Program, these Programs being: Megahit and Trinity.
These two programs assemble a bunch of Contigs (Possible Genome structures) made up of all the short RNA strands from the person, which number 56 Million.
The Trinity computer came up with 1,329,960 contigs ranging from 201-11,760 base pairs, the Megahit computer came up with 384,096 contigs ranging from 200-30,474 base pairs. In layman, the computer generated almost 2 Million possible Genome Structures.
The longest contig (30,474 base pairs) was chosen, simply because it was the longest one. Upon further investigation, this genome was only 80% similar to SARS-COV 1 bat-like sequence. They then add some Sars 1 Sequences to make it look more like a SARS virus.
80%, is less similar than what humans are to house cats. The claim was the Genome totaled to 29,903 bases long, which negates 571 bases from the contig, if those weren't valid how do we know this entire contig is valid?
The Contig chosen, was created out of 123,613 different pieces of short RNA from the clinical genetic sample.
They don't know where these sequences are coming from, they don't know if the genome is real, they don't know the amount of error in the process, they don't know how many "reads" were correct, this entire thing is theoretical and computer generated.
Then come thousands of papers and studies and reports all based on...Turtles All The Way Down.
Dr. Yeadon published a paper, the Corman-Drosten Review Report in 2020 listing the flaws in the PCR process. Marion Koopmans, was part of Eurosurveillance, and also an author of WHO paper of Jan. 17, 2020 authorizing the use of PCR tests worldwide. Christian Drosten was also one of the authors of the WHO paper. Total conflict of interests.
Yep. And Drosten goes way back on these pandemic frauds as he is the go-to guy for all things PCR fraud.
Olfert Landt is one of the regular co-authors of Drosten's studies including the Corona study.
He is also the owner of the Berlin biotech company TIB Molbiol Synthesis Laboratory GmbH, which produces corona PCR tests.
Drosten and Landt have a successful "business model"- they jointly develop the PCR tests used to create the facade of a pandemic.
They did this in 2002/2003 with SARS, 2011 for EHEC, 2012 for MERS, 2016 for the Zika virus, 2017 for yellow fever. Always the same pattern, which they used again for the coronavirus.
Landt also admitted this to the Berliner Zeitung: “The test, the design, the development came from the Charité. We just immediately converted that into a kit format. And if you don't have this virus, that was initially only in Wuhan, we can produce a synthetic gene to simulate the virus genome. We did that very quickly.”
Right at the beginning of the corona crisis, Landt and his Berlin biotech company were producing corona test kits for 1,500,000 corona tests per week and had already tripled their sales in February.
Among other things, Drosten received: • the "Prize for Clinical Infectious Diseases", sponsored by Aventis Deutschland Pharma GmbH and endowed with 5,000 euros, • the "Diagnostics Award of the European Society for Clinical Virology" from the US pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories, which is endowed with 2,500 euros and is associated with other interesting privileges for the awardee, and • via the Charité Berlin, whose institute director is Drosten, currently in December 2019 and in March 2020 around US$ 335,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Partial translation from link below:
In fact, even Landt cannot apply for patents on it. However, he is already in the starting blocks ahead of all competitors because he was often involved in the development of tests. Where not, there was an exchange of information beforehand.
Landt is repeatedly quoted like this:
“We were among the first to respond to the SARS pandemic in 2003, and later also to avian influenza and swine flu.”
In 2011 we worked with Roche on EHEC, in 2012 on MERS and in 2016 on the Zika virus. Tests were not always developed together, but there was always a division of labor: Drosten softens up the public, Landt has the right offers.
The outbreak of SARS proved to be a striking point in the cooperation because:
«2003 was the year of economic breakthrough for Landt and of media and scientific breakthrough for Drosten. At that time, Christian Drosten was still at the Bernhard Nocht Institute (as in the original, author's note) for tropical medicine (BNITM) in Hamburg and developed an RT-PCR system with TIB Molbiol and the Hamburg-based artus Biotech, which was bought by Qiagen in 2005. SARS-associated coronavirus kit. At that time, the Berliners around managing director Olfert Landt synthesized all of the primers and probes designed by the BNI," wrote the specialist magazine LaborJournal in 2020.
Corona Transition has asked the Berlin Charité for a statement on the allegations. Despite a reasonable amount of time, we have not received an answer to the following questions:
1. The SARS-CoV-2 test kits currently sold by TIB Molbiol are based on the development by Prof. Drosten at the Charité and the BNI. How was the Charité's intellectual property protected and which patents were registered for this?
According to research by Rubikon magazine, the Berlin biotech company TIB Molbiol, which specializes in PCR kits, and the Charité's chief virologist, Christian Drosten, have been running a “fear business” for years. Particularly piquant: Drosten develops processes at state research institutions without having them protected - these are then sold by TIB Molbiol for a lot of money in the form of PCR kits. As Corona Transition also found out, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant ROCHE also cooperates with TIB Molbiol and the Charité. And that’s been the case since 2003.
But you can never have 100% accuracy, hence there are always false positives, along with the fact that the CT cycles were far too high and basically useless.
Only one person could have destroyed, in it's tracks, this fake pandemic. And that person was Kary Mullis. How did that man die of pneumonia in August, two months prior to Event 2020? In Patagonia visiting the penguins? It appears to me that the mafia hitmen from BigPharma are competing with CIA hitmen all over the world to see who takes home the gold. Then again, the CIA and BigPharma are both sides of the same coin, or better put by James Galloway, both cheeks of the same ass.
This same strategy will be used for bird flu as they slaughter every source of nutrition in the Western world. I've been paying $8 for a dozen organic eggs. Now, there are none. Two weeks and counting, only shit vaccinated eggs available. I guess I'll see if Amos Miller is up and running. That's a 100 mile trek for eggs. Call me crazy but I'm willing to do that.
It appears only certain areas have high egg prices.. $9 to $11/ doz in SoCal but TN is $4? Now bird flu in nv cows... seems they are targeting the west... where a whole lot of food grows.
Who can forget the lateral flow test being stuck up someone's nose and the aptly named RAT, rapid antigen test, sold next to the checkout at the local supermarket? Covid was a testdemic, a casedemic, a frauddemic, a vaxdemic, and an all round con-demic:).
Virus dont even exist! Im putting mini flyers called Lucky Day from www.VirusTruth.NET
On cars, gas pump screens, leaving in baby isle at stires and now in egg cartons to reach as many locally as I can..and maybe save a few babies from cradle to grave poison shots.
Asymptomatic was of all the treachery that was perpetuated the word that just made my blood boil and to this day was the catalyst that made so many perfectly healthy people think they could be sick without being sick. It was like they were all under a spell and forgot they went to school as small children. The first time I heard the dog lover speak that word I knew the whole thing was 100% bulldinky and we were in for a long ride.
The PCR Fraudulence promoted as a sequence test had the following flaws:
1/ a case of Mistaken Identity marketed as symptomatic evidence;
2/. an incredibly short gene sequence common to anything living with “lungs”;
3/ People with money tied up in mRNA patents wanting their cash.
1/ Mistaken Identity:
A foresenic test to find a millionth particle of something - like evidence dinosaurs roamed here. If fact if PCR was done on dinosaur bones my money is on those lumbering reptiles the Zootonic cause in the first place (kidding)
The PCR was promoted as a Diagnostic tool and K Mullis went at lengths to say it was only ever a forensic tool. Doctors who do lab tests then compare them to the actual patient know what “diagnosis” actually means. Everyone else is simply guessing. We allowed the likes of Fauci to get away with guesses. We allowed Gates to test his shit on actual living people.
And then they ‘played us’ good and proper with the number of cycles they did to create ‘cases’. The Belgium wanker responsible for Pandemic Preparedness joked to a group of people he simply used the number of deaths from the previous Belgium year’s Pneumonia deaths to convince people ‘Convid’ was real and that ‘could’ (not were) the estimated Belgium deaths. Orchestrated.
2/ short sequence for the most common symptoms: whatever happened the Cold and the Flu and Pneumonia when Convid was meant to be prevalent?
The lab-dreamed short sequence was put onto the Lab Marketplace as though it was Gospel and anyone purchasing that computer code fell for the mistruth - but that is actually exactly what Virology im all forms is - a giant Con. The article got to the guts of this with locally sprayed toxins, EMFs and atmospheric contaminants but falls far short of having us realise the giant Lie we (those people in govts coerced or threatened and the gullible Public) fell for. Check out the published books ‘Virus Mania’ and ‘Farewell to Virology’ to find the horrible truth - Pasteur took us for a horrible consequential ride and Big Pharma has laughed all the to the Bank ever since; it’s the Terrain darling, the environment they keep us in. Labs and computers just a tool - Media and Scare Tactics = PsyWars on us with every vaccine ever produced.
(no references go look stuff up yourself).
3/ Follow the money: pre-war Bayer and R Koch Institute, GAVI and Carnegie and Rockefeller ever since they got their grubby hands on Education and western allopathic Medicine based of pill profits. Anyone willing to check out the Patents Office for who profits from what disease? Any University that was once for discourse on truth is now tethered by corporate sponsorship.
And still freedom organisations against Medical Science has a fundamental truth they are missing… viruses mever existed, don’t exist and never will; no-one has legitimately proved they exist and none ever will.
So what was the Convid Lie for if kot to prevent disease?: To inject Eugenics and its Philosophy people lie Rockefeller wanted - de-population and some word-wide toxins and genetic field tests. Oh my, I nearly forgot - patented nano particles to make people into property and therefore ultimately controllable - we just don’t know it yet because mot everyone has been injected yet. But don’t worry, hospitals and dentists now a use nano-particulate anaesthetics so it can’t be too far away before 5G is used to switch us all into the Matrix.
PCR "tests" also cause Parkinson's. I now this because my scientist husband, a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs who worked with the PCR Process (not a test!) knew all about it and knew it should never be used as a test. When he got serious kidney stones and was in hospital for 11 days where they would NOT let me see him whatsoever they gave him 2 PCR "tests". When they do that the instrument touches the blood brain barrier, which it should NEVER do and thus gave him Parkinson's. I"ve since read that PCR as a test, done the way they do it, causes Parkinson's. My husband is not in good shape now and this brilliant man I married now barely remembers the 50 yrs worth of science he worked so hard to learn. He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientst at her invitation and he worked in Public Health Dept. for many yrs advising public/doctors/govt how to manage disease. My heart breaks for him, he sees what is happening to his brain and there's nothing we can do for him. All I can do is make his days as happy as possible. Please spread this info if you feel so persuaded, i'd hate for anyone else to go through this but I'm sure there are others out there with the same problem, since I've read about it.
Lanka control experiments under Articles at www.VirusTruth.NET and short video of Lanka explaining virus are dead cell debris not contagious particles under the Simple tab..brilliant!! And dont give up on your husband! The body can heal, is he on rx meds? Great book Toxemia Explained by Dr. John Tilden md, rx drugs also cause parkinson type symptoms!!
Any virologist that calls themselves a virologist but doesn't believe in viruses is NOT a virologist. After all, if he thinks viruses don't exist, what is he studying???
Lanka no longer refers to himself as a virologist since his discovery. He explains this in many of his videos lectures. Most are in german with english subtitles and 3 hrs, but there is one short clip in English 10 min at www.VirusTruth.NET/Simple
Early on in the plandemic I recall seeing a 2018 video of the pcr test prior to the plandemic. He passed away there after and never saw it used incorrectly. He stated the pcr test was unbelievably finite and sensitive, so much so it would detect basically trace amounts of whatever you want to find giving you a false positive. He said it was basically for dna testing and not searching for viruses. This explains why he's dead and pharma used as a covid test to create a plandemic. Not to mention now all governments have your dna on file if you took the test.
Great article... Detailed analysis too... Thanks for this hard work, will add to my collection!! As mentioned above PCR determination of covid is super suspicious...
Ramped up to 40+ cycles, where you could find "just about anything in anyone" as inventor Kary Mullis said ...
"But if there was no new disease, as Rancourt and his team prove, and no novel virus, as demonstrated by the lack of a genuinely and properly isolated “virus,” it raises an obvious question: What exactly was the test detecting?" 🎯
"The fact that the test flagged healthy people suggests that the trigger is universal, embedded in everyone. Could fear itself create a chemical reaction that pings the PCR test? Or could it be detecting normal cellular debris caused by EMFs?"
Not sure if this helps or if my interpretation is on the mark, but... I'd say you're on the mark... For the following reasons...
The caveats in the CDC "diagnostic" panel relay that the PCR test sound very inconclusive... They admit it in the small print.
Therefore exactly what are they looking for... ??
"Important to note re PCR used for Covid CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel"
Page 38:
"Detection of viral RNA may NOT indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the CAUSATIVE agent for clinical symptoms"
"This test CANNOT rule out diseases caused by OTHER BACTERIAL or VIRAL pathogens.”
☝️Okay this link no longer works, maybe it copied wrong at the time...?? .. but it said (luckily I copied pasted when I saved the original reference) capitalised for highlighting purposes:
"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2".
"Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation".
"While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES".
"From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."
"Contrived" specimens?? 🤔
Also the non universality of different tests, found in paper below is probably even more sus as it makes determining "covid" very individualistic as there is no standardization and high variability in determining "covid"...
Let alone using PCR as a diagnostic tool, let alone not distinguishing between live virus versus exposure and non viable sequences. 👇
"Although PCR Ct (cycle threshold) values have been shown to be inversely associated with viral load and infectivity, there is NO international standardization across laboratories, rendering PROBLEMATIC the interpretation of RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening." (So why was it used for mass screening??)
*So if you were trying to worm your way out of a future court case, are these are the types of disclaimers you would write to clear your organisation or company of blame??
More info that the original CDC test may have been using pre-existing virus sequences*, rather than covid specific found in link below (same link as first referenced by providing it again) 👇
"Since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”*
Characterised stock (so pre existing samples in Genebank) of known titers, that mimics a clinical specimen???
A "CONTRIVED" specimen...??
This sounds incredibly sketchy as to what they were really looking for...
Pre existing, known gene sequences from other viruses??
Cross reactivity again, known existing viral particles, more on this in a second??
PS the sequence info came fully trusted from China 🙄 from ONE patient initially (China are owned by the WEF, but save that rant for another day)
Okay the next thing I'd add is HOW did they isolate for sequences so quickly?
Even though some of the above already mentioned they used contrived samples...
They used contrived samples for PCR yet it was claimed not only as "covid" was isolated by Jan 2020, but even more amazing what was isolated was also deemed CAUSITIVE... CAUSATION is a huuuuuuge stretch even with supposed isolation.
The reason I doubt this story (unless they'd prepared this earlier) is the following basic fact still applies, even in this day and age:
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible. For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents havent even been identified."
Biology (2nd Edition) 1989 Raven and Johnson page 576.
Okay, given they have TROUBLE IDENTIFYING CAUSITIVE viruses normally, there's HUNDREDS of potential viruses to choose from, all never before identified... Yet they identified covid and determined causation in a month??
Think about this...
How did they identify this one SO EARLY??? BY JANUARY 2020????
And determine what they found as the CAUSITIVE AGENT??
I can understand they may identify the sequences and virus a few years later, but within days???
Come on...
There's NO QUESTIONING up the chain as to the AUTHENTICITY of this Genebank delivered from CHINA, which was ISOLATED for Genebank SUPER EARLY in Jan 2020...
To deliver "known titers" of covid.. with which they'll TEST FOR RELIGIOUSLY using OVER AMPLIFIED PCR.
How were these tell tale titers so well known in January 2020?
Well don't worry Australia to the rescue of the covid narrative ...
The only reason to doubt the above research, which I would have swallowed hook line and sinker a few years ago, is two things:
1.) Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) was used, which means that the Melbourne researchers "must have had the information from Chinese authorities" on the selections of primers...
Really, they must have had the primers from the Chinese??
Neat trick to get the right primers to detect "covid" so early... What were these primers?
*Sorry such a long rant I'll have to post a second comment
(Part 2) The sequences are listed in the research notes, but yet again, thanks CHINA for supplying these sequences which we won't check or verify.
2.) ... Which really leads on from point 1.)....
They detected and determined "covid" in Australia on Jan 24, 2020??!!!!
Seriously ONE SICK GUY, a SAMPLE from him yielded the elusive covid...
Fortuitously all happened at Monash University ...
Where "Moderna's vaccine production factory will be based at Melbourne's Monash University under a 10-year deal inked with both state and federal governments."... according to government talking points in the media.
So sus that THIS IS THE PLACE to isolate covid in January 2020 isn't it?
Oh and they took a photo... Of a coronavirus... Hmmmm ...
Could be ANY coronavirus to be honest, one of the known human coronaviruses, or any of the many wild coronaviruses that do not cause human illness...
And of course around 40% of viruses that cause colds have never been identified... Never ... So how did they get this one so fast??
... So hmmmm are we just tripping on a common sequence? Or even more crazy the PCRs are all proprietary in nature, so no disclosure, or commonality between various tests is a potential issue too.
As Dr JJ Couey at the National Citizens Enquiry in Canada. The PCR could not be tuned to look for covid so much as to look for ANY background coronavirus...
"The PCR can't differentiate between any of these coronaviruses" (meaning"covid" or any other coronavirus")
So, out of all the viruses in the air, in the patient, floating about in the lab, how did they single this virus out???? ...
And determine causation??
Approx 99% of ALL viruses on earth have never been identified...
So how do they know they haven't "isolated" a never identified before virus that is harmless??
I suspect they don't... and covid exists only as a predetermined sequence uploaded to genebank, which would be detectable by PCR due to some commonality with other known viruses...
There was potentially no virus...
Even if there was, coronaviruses don't "pandemic" even within the rules of virology, coronaviruses are replication incompetent very quickly... They burn hot locally and burn out locally, they don't travel worldwide.*
*I tend to think VIROLOGY sounds like FRAUD these days, Jamie Andrews has been doing a great job exposing a lot of the fraud, but I've written this within the world of "viruses" as even by their own rules this is SUS.
If there are no viruses, as isolation process looks like pure fraud, the PCR test itself is detecting common organic sequences with positives and false positives depending on the wind one might suspect??
Why did they pour all their resources into this, that means big $$$$ spent.??..
For a suspected virus no more lethal than the seasonal flu??
What was so special about this in Jan 2020????
And given a cubic metre of air contains something like 40,000,000 different viruses**...
How can they identify covid, soooooo quick??!
and then have PCR at the ready to "detect" it???
Congratulations if you stuck with me to the end here and thank you.
Dr JJ Couey at the National Citizens Enquiry in Canada. The PCR could not be tuned to look for covid so much as to look for ANY background coronavirus... At 32:45 timecode:
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024 Dr. Jay Couey explains how synthetic clones are the only way the virology can be done and all the ways the measures are used to perpetuate the mythology that RNA molecules can pandemic and PCR can track it.
Great to see the foundation of media pandemic exposed.. what everyone seems to miss is that selling those swabs as medical remnants for sequencing DNA to feed AI for Human Genome Project that is another giant boondoggle of false claims & purported understanding.. best way to have the schemes unraveled with examples classroom style Dr. Jay Couey does it best!
Need to expose lie germs causing disease to stop the fear of "catching " a bug..there is nothing to Catch....we only build illness via toxin exposures, vax, rx drugs, alcohol, fake food etc.. Www.VirusTruth.NET
While I agree the virology models are unrelated to reality the idea it's all toxic exposure & nothing transmissible exists doesn't ring true as a Boomer who got measles & chicken pox after moms dragged us to sick kids houses for play dates.
A prior 'placed' digital infection was used to test the blood and saliva. Swabs possibly designed to create false positives can be mass produced which are designed to trigger an instant false positive via novel chemical markers inside of our saliva.
Different source but my favorite biology teacher in decades tracking Biotech Mafia and their "sound science" principles that sound like science but are twisted models.
Is anyone suing the test manufacturers for fruad? The author reminds me of mask studies where the data proves they are useless nonsense and then they recommend anyway...
They chose RNA sequences that get expressed during acute stress responses, so somebody normally stressed-out either by the thought of catching covid or by having a real heart attack both test positive for "the virus".
Eh, too much credit to CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys in constructing consensus sequences from thousands of PCR that are virtual shadows of sequences found in the wild.. in gmo seed creation they use the modified events that don't dies.. it's the most advanced form of primitive science.
PCR as deployed for public swab tests never published primers for all we know they looked for most conserved proteins on hot background that has never been characterized as if global biome was blank slate then Covid appeared.
Creating synthetic clones transfecting them into cell culture is the method for all virology aka Gain of Function.. it's all myths wrapped in models... again Jay has the best breakdown w their clone papers debunked and models explained.
Side note Dr Couey has theorized the side effects for virus that were seeded are the adverse events expected with transfecting humans w mRNA in any form.
(2024-01-28) Potential Benefits of GOF Research II (Study Hall) -- (28 Jan 2024) -- Brief
Sincere gratitude for your amazing work on soooo many important, empowering subjects. PCR is a goodie, for sure. I've added this post and a quote from your commentary to a curation of more than 40 references:
Farcical, Fraudulent Use of PCR Testing for Diagnosis, Case Counts & Projections
Isn’t there information out there that suggests PCR tests actually contain things to MAKE people sick? I had read that a while back and can’t remember where.
I have been saying this from the very beginning. Bogus testing was the cornerstone of the Plandemic.
That is why Dr. Mullis why killed before the plandemic.
You said it; I didn't!!!
The “genomic sequencing” for SARS-CoV-2 is complete fraud. The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation).
They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease. Simply based on that, the test is invalid.
A new medical test must be validated against a 'Gold Standard", that is, a test which is 100% accurate.
The Corman-Drosten team, used the SARS sequence from 2003 (which was never properly purified or isolated, the same procedure was done with this virus as well), they then used the PCR primer related to that sequence, amplified it using PCR, sequenced what they amplified (they did this multiple times) and used the sequences that were different from the SARS sequence to develop primers for the diagnostic test. However, since there were no purified samples or Isolates of any kind, this entire experiment is made up.
A PCR test is not a diagnostic test, as it does not test for the presence of a virus, it simply tests for genetic material/genetic debri and must be coupled with Clinical Representation of a specific set of symptoms.
It turns out, when you input the sequences that are being tested for, to show a positive case, the sequences show up 93 times in the human genome, and approx. 91 times from Bacteria/Fungi (Microbes). These supposed "New" sequences show up in nature and are not new at all.
Never mind, you cannot possibly say these sequences are coming from a "new virus" if you don't have the virus in the first place.
The team then sends this test to China, to test for this "Novel" virus that they created a test for, with none of the "Novel" virus at their disposal.
The Chinese find these sequences in their 'Atypical Pneumonia" patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms, (obviously being that these sequences show up in humans), and they create an entire "Genome" based off of 1 Clinical Sample.
In order to create a Genome correctly, you would need hundreds upon thousands of samples to develop an actual accurate "Viral Genome", they took 1 person that tested positive with a PCR test created without any virus.
They take a Clinical Sample from a PCR Positive person's lung fluid, with symptoms consistent to "Atypical Pneumonia". They take only the Short RNA strands from the clinical sample, and put them into a Computer Program, these Programs being: Megahit and Trinity.
These two programs assemble a bunch of Contigs (Possible Genome structures) made up of all the short RNA strands from the person, which number 56 Million.
The Trinity computer came up with 1,329,960 contigs ranging from 201-11,760 base pairs, the Megahit computer came up with 384,096 contigs ranging from 200-30,474 base pairs. In layman, the computer generated almost 2 Million possible Genome Structures.
The longest contig (30,474 base pairs) was chosen, simply because it was the longest one. Upon further investigation, this genome was only 80% similar to SARS-COV 1 bat-like sequence. They then add some Sars 1 Sequences to make it look more like a SARS virus.
80%, is less similar than what humans are to house cats. The claim was the Genome totaled to 29,903 bases long, which negates 571 bases from the contig, if those weren't valid how do we know this entire contig is valid?
The Contig chosen, was created out of 123,613 different pieces of short RNA from the clinical genetic sample.
They don't know where these sequences are coming from, they don't know if the genome is real, they don't know the amount of error in the process, they don't know how many "reads" were correct, this entire thing is theoretical and computer generated.
Then come thousands of papers and studies and reports all based on...Turtles All The Way Down.
Dr. Yeadon published a paper, the Corman-Drosten Review Report in 2020 listing the flaws in the PCR process. Marion Koopmans, was part of Eurosurveillance, and also an author of WHO paper of Jan. 17, 2020 authorizing the use of PCR tests worldwide. Christian Drosten was also one of the authors of the WHO paper. Total conflict of interests.
Yep. And Drosten goes way back on these pandemic frauds as he is the go-to guy for all things PCR fraud.
Olfert Landt is one of the regular co-authors of Drosten's studies including the Corona study.
He is also the owner of the Berlin biotech company TIB Molbiol Synthesis Laboratory GmbH, which produces corona PCR tests.
Drosten and Landt have a successful "business model"- they jointly develop the PCR tests used to create the facade of a pandemic.
They did this in 2002/2003 with SARS, 2011 for EHEC, 2012 for MERS, 2016 for the Zika virus, 2017 for yellow fever. Always the same pattern, which they used again for the coronavirus.
Article here:
Landt also admitted this to the Berliner Zeitung: “The test, the design, the development came from the Charité. We just immediately converted that into a kit format. And if you don't have this virus, that was initially only in Wuhan, we can produce a synthetic gene to simulate the virus genome. We did that very quickly.”
Right at the beginning of the corona crisis, Landt and his Berlin biotech company were producing corona test kits for 1,500,000 corona tests per week and had already tripled their sales in February.
Among other things, Drosten received: • the "Prize for Clinical Infectious Diseases", sponsored by Aventis Deutschland Pharma GmbH and endowed with 5,000 euros, • the "Diagnostics Award of the European Society for Clinical Virology" from the US pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories, which is endowed with 2,500 euros and is associated with other interesting privileges for the awardee, and • via the Charité Berlin, whose institute director is Drosten, currently in December 2019 and in March 2020 around US$ 335,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Partial translation from link below:
In fact, even Landt cannot apply for patents on it. However, he is already in the starting blocks ahead of all competitors because he was often involved in the development of tests. Where not, there was an exchange of information beforehand.
Landt is repeatedly quoted like this:
“We were among the first to respond to the SARS pandemic in 2003, and later also to avian influenza and swine flu.”
In 2011 we worked with Roche on EHEC, in 2012 on MERS and in 2016 on the Zika virus. Tests were not always developed together, but there was always a division of labor: Drosten softens up the public, Landt has the right offers.
The outbreak of SARS proved to be a striking point in the cooperation because:
«2003 was the year of economic breakthrough for Landt and of media and scientific breakthrough for Drosten. At that time, Christian Drosten was still at the Bernhard Nocht Institute (as in the original, author's note) for tropical medicine (BNITM) in Hamburg and developed an RT-PCR system with TIB Molbiol and the Hamburg-based artus Biotech, which was bought by Qiagen in 2005. SARS-associated coronavirus kit. At that time, the Berliners around managing director Olfert Landt synthesized all of the primers and probes designed by the BNI," wrote the specialist magazine LaborJournal in 2020.
Corona Transition has asked the Berlin Charité for a statement on the allegations. Despite a reasonable amount of time, we have not received an answer to the following questions:
1. The SARS-CoV-2 test kits currently sold by TIB Molbiol are based on the development by Prof. Drosten at the Charité and the BNI. How was the Charité's intellectual property protected and which patents were registered for this?
According to research by Rubikon magazine, the Berlin biotech company TIB Molbiol, which specializes in PCR kits, and the Charité's chief virologist, Christian Drosten, have been running a “fear business” for years. Particularly piquant: Drosten develops processes at state research institutions without having them protected - these are then sold by TIB Molbiol for a lot of money in the form of PCR kits. As Corona Transition also found out, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant ROCHE also cooperates with TIB Molbiol and the Charité. And that’s been the case since 2003.
Thank you for the info.
First 2 links: "page not found."
Looks like Rubikon is getting an overhaul.
I've got hard copies- not sure if they have an archive.
But you can never have 100% accuracy, hence there are always false positives, along with the fact that the CT cycles were far too high and basically useless.
It's false falses. It's all invalid. The CT cycles are irrelevant as there is nothing being diagnosed nor can it be.
Totally agree.
Only one person could have destroyed, in it's tracks, this fake pandemic. And that person was Kary Mullis. How did that man die of pneumonia in August, two months prior to Event 2020? In Patagonia visiting the penguins? It appears to me that the mafia hitmen from BigPharma are competing with CIA hitmen all over the world to see who takes home the gold. Then again, the CIA and BigPharma are both sides of the same coin, or better put by James Galloway, both cheeks of the same ass.
This same strategy will be used for bird flu as they slaughter every source of nutrition in the Western world. I've been paying $8 for a dozen organic eggs. Now, there are none. Two weeks and counting, only shit vaccinated eggs available. I guess I'll see if Amos Miller is up and running. That's a 100 mile trek for eggs. Call me crazy but I'm willing to do that.
It appears only certain areas have high egg prices.. $9 to $11/ doz in SoCal but TN is $4? Now bird flu in nv cows... seems they are targeting the west... where a whole lot of food grows.
I'm in the midwest. $6/doz
Deja vu Rummyflu & best bird flu recap 2005 F. William Engdahl -
Spring is the time to get your own little backyard chicks...
Www.VirusTruth.NET im putting mini flyers from this site on cars and now in egg cartons!!
Post widely!!
Who can forget the lateral flow test being stuck up someone's nose and the aptly named RAT, rapid antigen test, sold next to the checkout at the local supermarket? Covid was a testdemic, a casedemic, a frauddemic, a vaxdemic, and an all round con-demic:).
Virus dont even exist! Im putting mini flyers called Lucky Day from www.VirusTruth.NET
On cars, gas pump screens, leaving in baby isle at stires and now in egg cartons to reach as many locally as I can..and maybe save a few babies from cradle to grave poison shots.
Asymptomatic was of all the treachery that was perpetuated the word that just made my blood boil and to this day was the catalyst that made so many perfectly healthy people think they could be sick without being sick. It was like they were all under a spell and forgot they went to school as small children. The first time I heard the dog lover speak that word I knew the whole thing was 100% bulldinky and we were in for a long ride.
Only route out is help more find their way to www.VirusTruth.NET
easy to print mini flyers 10 per sheet for cars, gas pumps, baby isle, slip into covid test or mask boxes, flu medicine etc...get creative...
The PCR Fraudulence promoted as a sequence test had the following flaws:
1/ a case of Mistaken Identity marketed as symptomatic evidence;
2/. an incredibly short gene sequence common to anything living with “lungs”;
3/ People with money tied up in mRNA patents wanting their cash.
1/ Mistaken Identity:
A foresenic test to find a millionth particle of something - like evidence dinosaurs roamed here. If fact if PCR was done on dinosaur bones my money is on those lumbering reptiles the Zootonic cause in the first place (kidding)
The PCR was promoted as a Diagnostic tool and K Mullis went at lengths to say it was only ever a forensic tool. Doctors who do lab tests then compare them to the actual patient know what “diagnosis” actually means. Everyone else is simply guessing. We allowed the likes of Fauci to get away with guesses. We allowed Gates to test his shit on actual living people.
And then they ‘played us’ good and proper with the number of cycles they did to create ‘cases’. The Belgium wanker responsible for Pandemic Preparedness joked to a group of people he simply used the number of deaths from the previous Belgium year’s Pneumonia deaths to convince people ‘Convid’ was real and that ‘could’ (not were) the estimated Belgium deaths. Orchestrated.
2/ short sequence for the most common symptoms: whatever happened the Cold and the Flu and Pneumonia when Convid was meant to be prevalent?
The lab-dreamed short sequence was put onto the Lab Marketplace as though it was Gospel and anyone purchasing that computer code fell for the mistruth - but that is actually exactly what Virology im all forms is - a giant Con. The article got to the guts of this with locally sprayed toxins, EMFs and atmospheric contaminants but falls far short of having us realise the giant Lie we (those people in govts coerced or threatened and the gullible Public) fell for. Check out the published books ‘Virus Mania’ and ‘Farewell to Virology’ to find the horrible truth - Pasteur took us for a horrible consequential ride and Big Pharma has laughed all the to the Bank ever since; it’s the Terrain darling, the environment they keep us in. Labs and computers just a tool - Media and Scare Tactics = PsyWars on us with every vaccine ever produced.
(no references go look stuff up yourself).
3/ Follow the money: pre-war Bayer and R Koch Institute, GAVI and Carnegie and Rockefeller ever since they got their grubby hands on Education and western allopathic Medicine based of pill profits. Anyone willing to check out the Patents Office for who profits from what disease? Any University that was once for discourse on truth is now tethered by corporate sponsorship.
And still freedom organisations against Medical Science has a fundamental truth they are missing… viruses mever existed, don’t exist and never will; no-one has legitimately proved they exist and none ever will.
So what was the Convid Lie for if kot to prevent disease?: To inject Eugenics and its Philosophy people lie Rockefeller wanted - de-population and some word-wide toxins and genetic field tests. Oh my, I nearly forgot - patented nano particles to make people into property and therefore ultimately controllable - we just don’t know it yet because mot everyone has been injected yet. But don’t worry, hospitals and dentists now a use nano-particulate anaesthetics so it can’t be too far away before 5G is used to switch us all into the Matrix.
Thanks for reading
PCR "tests" also cause Parkinson's. I now this because my scientist husband, a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs who worked with the PCR Process (not a test!) knew all about it and knew it should never be used as a test. When he got serious kidney stones and was in hospital for 11 days where they would NOT let me see him whatsoever they gave him 2 PCR "tests". When they do that the instrument touches the blood brain barrier, which it should NEVER do and thus gave him Parkinson's. I"ve since read that PCR as a test, done the way they do it, causes Parkinson's. My husband is not in good shape now and this brilliant man I married now barely remembers the 50 yrs worth of science he worked so hard to learn. He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientst at her invitation and he worked in Public Health Dept. for many yrs advising public/doctors/govt how to manage disease. My heart breaks for him, he sees what is happening to his brain and there's nothing we can do for him. All I can do is make his days as happy as possible. Please spread this info if you feel so persuaded, i'd hate for anyone else to go through this but I'm sure there are others out there with the same problem, since I've read about it.
Has your husband found virologist Stefan Lanka???
Lanka control experiments under Articles at www.VirusTruth.NET and short video of Lanka explaining virus are dead cell debris not contagious particles under the Simple tab..brilliant!! And dont give up on your husband! The body can heal, is he on rx meds? Great book Toxemia Explained by Dr. John Tilden md, rx drugs also cause parkinson type symptoms!!
Any virologist that calls themselves a virologist but doesn't believe in viruses is NOT a virologist. After all, if he thinks viruses don't exist, what is he studying???
Lanka no longer refers to himself as a virologist since his discovery. He explains this in many of his videos lectures. Most are in german with english subtitles and 3 hrs, but there is one short clip in English 10 min at www.VirusTruth.NET/Simple
My heart breaks for the both of you. God be with you both. So so sorry.
Thank you, I very much appreciate your response. I just found out my beloved kitty is probably dying, too. I've been praying a lot.
Early on in the plandemic I recall seeing a 2018 video of the pcr test prior to the plandemic. He passed away there after and never saw it used incorrectly. He stated the pcr test was unbelievably finite and sensitive, so much so it would detect basically trace amounts of whatever you want to find giving you a false positive. He said it was basically for dna testing and not searching for viruses. This explains why he's dead and pharma used as a covid test to create a plandemic. Not to mention now all governments have your dna on file if you took the test.
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024 Jay Couey breaks it down beautifully.
Great article... Detailed analysis too... Thanks for this hard work, will add to my collection!! As mentioned above PCR determination of covid is super suspicious...
Ramped up to 40+ cycles, where you could find "just about anything in anyone" as inventor Kary Mullis said ...
"But if there was no new disease, as Rancourt and his team prove, and no novel virus, as demonstrated by the lack of a genuinely and properly isolated “virus,” it raises an obvious question: What exactly was the test detecting?" 🎯
"The fact that the test flagged healthy people suggests that the trigger is universal, embedded in everyone. Could fear itself create a chemical reaction that pings the PCR test? Or could it be detecting normal cellular debris caused by EMFs?"
Not sure if this helps or if my interpretation is on the mark, but... I'd say you're on the mark... For the following reasons...
The caveats in the CDC "diagnostic" panel relay that the PCR test sound very inconclusive... They admit it in the small print.
Therefore exactly what are they looking for... ??
"Important to note re PCR used for Covid CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel"
Page 38:
"Detection of viral RNA may NOT indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the CAUSATIVE agent for clinical symptoms"
"This test CANNOT rule out diseases caused by OTHER BACTERIAL or VIRAL pathogens.”
Starting at that reference, what vague thing were they testing for ??
☝️Okay this link no longer works, maybe it copied wrong at the time...?? .. but it said (luckily I copied pasted when I saved the original reference) capitalised for highlighting purposes:
"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2".
"Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation".
"While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES".
"From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."
"Contrived" specimens?? 🤔
Also the non universality of different tests, found in paper below is probably even more sus as it makes determining "covid" very individualistic as there is no standardization and high variability in determining "covid"...
Let alone using PCR as a diagnostic tool, let alone not distinguishing between live virus versus exposure and non viable sequences. 👇
"Although PCR Ct (cycle threshold) values have been shown to be inversely associated with viral load and infectivity, there is NO international standardization across laboratories, rendering PROBLEMATIC the interpretation of RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening." (So why was it used for mass screening??)
*So if you were trying to worm your way out of a future court case, are these are the types of disclaimers you would write to clear your organisation or company of blame??
More info that the original CDC test may have been using pre-existing virus sequences*, rather than covid specific found in link below (same link as first referenced by providing it again) 👇
Page 40
"Since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”*
Characterised stock (so pre existing samples in Genebank) of known titers, that mimics a clinical specimen???
A "CONTRIVED" specimen...??
This sounds incredibly sketchy as to what they were really looking for...
Pre existing, known gene sequences from other viruses??
Cross reactivity again, known existing viral particles, more on this in a second??
PS the sequence info came fully trusted from China 🙄 from ONE patient initially (China are owned by the WEF, but save that rant for another day)
Okay the next thing I'd add is HOW did they isolate for sequences so quickly?
Even though some of the above already mentioned they used contrived samples...
They used contrived samples for PCR yet it was claimed not only as "covid" was isolated by Jan 2020, but even more amazing what was isolated was also deemed CAUSITIVE... CAUSATION is a huuuuuuge stretch even with supposed isolation.
The reason I doubt this story (unless they'd prepared this earlier) is the following basic fact still applies, even in this day and age:
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible. For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents havent even been identified."
Biology (2nd Edition) 1989 Raven and Johnson page 576.
Okay, given they have TROUBLE IDENTIFYING CAUSITIVE viruses normally, there's HUNDREDS of potential viruses to choose from, all never before identified... Yet they identified covid and determined causation in a month??
Think about this...
How did they identify this one SO EARLY??? BY JANUARY 2020????
And determine what they found as the CAUSITIVE AGENT??
I can understand they may identify the sequences and virus a few years later, but within days???
Come on...
There's NO QUESTIONING up the chain as to the AUTHENTICITY of this Genebank delivered from CHINA, which was ISOLATED for Genebank SUPER EARLY in Jan 2020...
To deliver "known titers" of covid.. with which they'll TEST FOR RELIGIOUSLY using OVER AMPLIFIED PCR.
How were these tell tale titers so well known in January 2020?
Well don't worry Australia to the rescue of the covid narrative ...
Apparently Covid was isolated via research here:
The only reason to doubt the above research, which I would have swallowed hook line and sinker a few years ago, is two things:
1.) Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) was used, which means that the Melbourne researchers "must have had the information from Chinese authorities" on the selections of primers...
Really, they must have had the primers from the Chinese??
Neat trick to get the right primers to detect "covid" so early... What were these primers?
*Sorry such a long rant I'll have to post a second comment
(Part 2) The sequences are listed in the research notes, but yet again, thanks CHINA for supplying these sequences which we won't check or verify.
2.) ... Which really leads on from point 1.)....
They detected and determined "covid" in Australia on Jan 24, 2020??!!!!
Seriously ONE SICK GUY, a SAMPLE from him yielded the elusive covid...
Fortuitously all happened at Monash University ...
Where "Moderna's vaccine production factory will be based at Melbourne's Monash University under a 10-year deal inked with both state and federal governments."... according to government talking points in the media.
So sus that THIS IS THE PLACE to isolate covid in January 2020 isn't it?
Oh and they took a photo... Of a coronavirus... Hmmmm ...
Could be ANY coronavirus to be honest, one of the known human coronaviruses, or any of the many wild coronaviruses that do not cause human illness...
And of course around 40% of viruses that cause colds have never been identified... Never ... So how did they get this one so fast??
... So hmmmm are we just tripping on a common sequence? Or even more crazy the PCRs are all proprietary in nature, so no disclosure, or commonality between various tests is a potential issue too.
As Dr JJ Couey at the National Citizens Enquiry in Canada. The PCR could not be tuned to look for covid so much as to look for ANY background coronavirus...
"The PCR can't differentiate between any of these coronaviruses" (meaning"covid" or any other coronavirus")
So, out of all the viruses in the air, in the patient, floating about in the lab, how did they single this virus out???? ...
And determine causation??
Approx 99% of ALL viruses on earth have never been identified...
So how do they know they haven't "isolated" a never identified before virus that is harmless??
I suspect they don't... and covid exists only as a predetermined sequence uploaded to genebank, which would be detectable by PCR due to some commonality with other known viruses...
There was potentially no virus...
Even if there was, coronaviruses don't "pandemic" even within the rules of virology, coronaviruses are replication incompetent very quickly... They burn hot locally and burn out locally, they don't travel worldwide.*
*I tend to think VIROLOGY sounds like FRAUD these days, Jamie Andrews has been doing a great job exposing a lot of the fraud, but I've written this within the world of "viruses" as even by their own rules this is SUS.
If there are no viruses, as isolation process looks like pure fraud, the PCR test itself is detecting common organic sequences with positives and false positives depending on the wind one might suspect??
Why did they pour all their resources into this, that means big $$$$ spent.??..
For a suspected virus no more lethal than the seasonal flu??
What was so special about this in Jan 2020????
And given a cubic metre of air contains something like 40,000,000 different viruses**...
How can they identify covid, soooooo quick??!
and then have PCR at the ready to "detect" it???
Congratulations if you stuck with me to the end here and thank you.
Some sources (if interested)
*Biology (2nd Edition) 1989 Raven and Johnson page 576.
Dr JJ Couey at the National Citizens Enquiry in Canada. The PCR could not be tuned to look for covid so much as to look for ANY background coronavirus... At 32:45 timecode:
"The PCR can't differentiate between any of these coronaviruses" (meaning covid or any another coronavirus)
Fun illustrated review of the pandemic fraud..
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024 Dr. Jay Couey explains how synthetic clones are the only way the virology can be done and all the ways the measures are used to perpetuate the mythology that RNA molecules can pandemic and PCR can track it.
Great to see the foundation of media pandemic exposed.. what everyone seems to miss is that selling those swabs as medical remnants for sequencing DNA to feed AI for Human Genome Project that is another giant boondoggle of false claims & purported understanding.. best way to have the schemes unraveled with examples classroom style Dr. Jay Couey does it best!
2025 Team Worst Case Scenario in Plain Sight
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024
(2024-01-28) Potential Benefits of GOF Research II (Study Hall) -- (28 Jan 2024) -- Brief
Need to expose lie germs causing disease to stop the fear of "catching " a bug..there is nothing to Catch....we only build illness via toxin exposures, vax, rx drugs, alcohol, fake food etc.. Www.VirusTruth.NET
While I agree the virology models are unrelated to reality the idea it's all toxic exposure & nothing transmissible exists doesn't ring true as a Boomer who got measles & chicken pox after moms dragged us to sick kids houses for play dates.
A prior 'placed' digital infection was used to test the blood and saliva. Swabs possibly designed to create false positives can be mass produced which are designed to trigger an instant false positive via novel chemical markers inside of our saliva.
Is an audio version possible?
Different source but my favorite biology teacher in decades tracking Biotech Mafia and their "sound science" principles that sound like science but are twisted models.
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024
Is anyone suing the test manufacturers for fruad? The author reminds me of mask studies where the data proves they are useless nonsense and then they recommend anyway...
Mebe they nabbed everyone who ate french fries -
"Differential transcriptomic alterations in nasal versus lung tissue of acrolein-exposed rats"
Front Toxicol. 2023 Nov 27;5:1280230
All the ways they lied about PCR June 26 - 2024
They chose RNA sequences that get expressed during acute stress responses, so somebody normally stressed-out either by the thought of catching covid or by having a real heart attack both test positive for "the virus".
Eh, too much credit to CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys in constructing consensus sequences from thousands of PCR that are virtual shadows of sequences found in the wild.. in gmo seed creation they use the modified events that don't dies.. it's the most advanced form of primitive science.
PCR as deployed for public swab tests never published primers for all we know they looked for most conserved proteins on hot background that has never been characterized as if global biome was blank slate then Covid appeared.
Creating synthetic clones transfecting them into cell culture is the method for all virology aka Gain of Function.. it's all myths wrapped in models... again Jay has the best breakdown w their clone papers debunked and models explained.
Side note Dr Couey has theorized the side effects for virus that were seeded are the adverse events expected with transfecting humans w mRNA in any form.
(2024-01-28) Potential Benefits of GOF Research II (Study Hall) -- (28 Jan 2024) -- Brief
Sincere gratitude for your amazing work on soooo many important, empowering subjects. PCR is a goodie, for sure. I've added this post and a quote from your commentary to a curation of more than 40 references:
Farcical, Fraudulent Use of PCR Testing for Diagnosis, Case Counts & Projections
Along similar lines:
Covid Vaccine Safety — Data on Covid injection safety was censored, biased, manipulated, and corrupted.
Isn’t there information out there that suggests PCR tests actually contain things to MAKE people sick? I had read that a while back and can’t remember where.