Not a lot of people mention John Dee — glad to see you call him out. Here’s an excerpt from my book that I wrote on him: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-man-behind-the-british-empire

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Richard Poe should do a follow up book called 'How the British committed genocide in Gaza and blamed it on the Zionists'.

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KYL - Know Your Latin

imperium in imperio

def: a state within a state, inclusive of deep states or other forces which operate with sovereign-like impunity within a polity.

The Anglo-Zionist cabal would seem to qualify highly. 😀

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Ever since Eustace Mullins said the Queen rules the world, my antennae was awakened. Having watched the Ukraine situation since it's inception in 2014, actually before that, I can see how GB fits perfectly into the Crowns' modus, never ending, never capitulating. It is said that Putin is a member of Schwab's WEF newcomers. Maybe so, not surprising since I am not that smart, but I don't see it.

As the situation continues to unfold with the West continuing to promote and finance this slaughter of the entire Ukrainian progeny against a superior power, one of the 3 spheres, it behooves me why the West cannot see the forest for the trees. As I always believed, it is England and their proxy Israel pulling the nose of the US for this continued slaughter in addition to the unspeakable horror that is Gaza and Syria.

As an aside, when reported who is financing all this carnage, I pay attention and England is softly mentioned at the very end of others, like Brussels, Germany, France, America. It's an afterthought, never front and center. If you didn't hone in, you would never notice Englands financing or involvement. I am particularly interested in what Trump thinks he can do about this. The answer is plain as the nose on your face, but will he do it? My guess is no.

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There definitely seems to exist an invisible empire that more or less controls the world.

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