Well, that went to the top of the charts. I think Fucking with the Monster (Monster Fucking? Maybe not) is a great title for all us dissidents. It would be great conversation-opener at polite dinner parties. Oh, and what do you? Oh, I'm fucking with the monster. What about you?

Thank you, and thank you CJ. Much needed perspective on the amorphous blob eating humanity. I also think we are going to watch them (the ruling class) eat themselves. Bon appetit.

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Talk about a no win situation! Either we nourish the monster or enable it to reproduce!

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I read CJ’s article a few weeks ago- excellent job in defining and re-defining the problem of the invisible yet very pervasive problem. This information cannot be shared and expounded upon too much. The world of human (and nature btw) is in a take over by psychopaths with idiot (from the Greek self contained and absorbed) wisdom.

Thank you! Sending ❤️

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Just like cancer cells render themselves invisible to the immune system!

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Nice 👍

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" Just say what is true, with sincerity, without malice, without convoluted hopes of manipulating others. It’s a time for truth, which earns trust. Only that will blow the window wide open and finally demolish it forever."

the solution is simple!

darkness does not survive the light of truth.

muchas gracias

from the i ching:

When we are faced with an obstacle that is to be overcome, weakness and impatience can do nothing. Strong individuals stand up to their fate, for their inner security enables them to endure to the end. This strength shows itself in uncompromising truthfulness with themselves. It is only when we have the courage to face things, others and ourselves exactly as they are, without any sort of self deception or illusion, that the light will develop out of events by which the path to success may be recognised.

I Ching 5 Hsu / Waiting (Nourishment) p.25 Baynes/Wilhelm

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From one Thought Criminal to another, thank you for this. Your timing is impeccable. I love CJ Hopkins.

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Best piece written on this subject I have read. Thank-you Jeffrey and I agree with the solution about speaking the truth. Despite all the crazy videos, not once has anyone reacted with anything but silence when I comment on Covid-19. Although I find the silence disturbing, no one is arguing with my observations and conclusions.

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Townhalls - Bcrising.ca Information to activate where possible. Councils Mayors Fire dept. We are raising a grassroots conservative party in British Columbia Canada. We have gone from 2 seats to 62 candidates for election Oct 19 2024. This may be a start. Start Local be Vocal.

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Nineteen days and counting, no sunshine in my neck of the woods, in the month of May for God's sake. That already puts me in the doldrums. This article, albeit a great one, just added to my despair. The sun energizes me, lifts me up to superwoman, leap tall buildings in a single bound. Black foreboding clouds, endless, day after day, and now The Monster (no better way to call it) in my state of gloom, makes me more angry then I've been these last 4 years of hell. I've been fighting the good fight for 4 years. I think today I'll sit this one out.

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try making a cloud buster. Get 6, 6' metal pipes, tied together and stick them where there is running ground water. You can tape smaller 1 inch flexible tubes used for car exhaust, to the top to aim the pipes in different directions. https://subtle.energy/wilhelm-reichs-cloud-buster-and-climate-control/. I've been using an orgone blanket I bought here, https://www.theorgoneroom.com/. It really works to lift your energy as long as you use it in a place with little to no outside EMF's. I shut the circuits off to my bedroom when I use it and there is no RF coming in from anywhere.

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The monster is essentially a parasite. The monster is expecting a galactic and solar force to occur again, soon. The monster tends to act violently and more controlling when it senses the proximity of the next “great reset” when the entire earth tilts and the oceans baptize. The monster expects to survive. Remnants of the monster will again seed the narrative for the next epoch of the new normal. Let’s observe now.

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Biological parasites get a bad rap. They probably perform a valuable function. A bit like bacteria.

A parasite isn't likely to want to kill its host. That would be insane.

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I understand one topic exists about which CJ denies discussion, name-calling in the process of banning commenters. That is his right, but at this point in history, how can someone --anyone -- seriously claim that one topic as brought to us represents truthful history?

Everything should be on the table...Everything...especially something with an official story that has resulted in the displacement and suffering of millions, trillions (probably at this point) spent, assaults on free speech and the U.S.'s First Amendment, wrecked careers, physical assaults and arson, plus legislation that enables jail time for those who have dared to raise questions.

And someone -- anyone -- who would countenance the above as legitimate -- by default and cast out any who, in this day and age, rightly ask questions or suggests that just maybe we were lied to about that, too?? What are we to make of that?

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YES. "It’s a time for truth, which earns trust. Only that will blow the window wide open and finally demolish it forever. " IN TRUTH aka INFINITELOVEIAMYOUAREWEARE does not "need" to be "earned" .... AND, IT SIMPLY DOES EARN TRUST BY BE-IN' IT!!!! LOL! YIPPEE!!!! BOOM DIGGITY! I LOVE YOU!

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Thank you 🙏😊

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What evs

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