“…The US national debt has topped $34 trillion for the first time in history. It is now nearly double what it was just 3 decades ago and continues on an unsustainable path…”

Highly interesting. If you run a business, small or big, you simply cannot NOT pay taxes or other charges. Which means that you always end up with some profit. Your taxes and charges go to the national or local systems commonly called ABYSS (Another Bucket for Your Sweat and Smiles).

If you are not in debt to the ABYSS, just like many other citizens, why is ABYSS in debt? And not for a dime or two, but for 34 trillion $$. “National” debt means the debt contracted by the government. Not by the nation. In other words, money collected from you was spent by the government pretty much like a wild night in a cassino.

As the debt increasing task is extremely well carried out by the government, you may expect higher taxes, higher charges and lower net income - I don’t think you would want to do otherwise if somebody had given you a gift of $34 trillion.

Maybe some questions?

1. Who is the other party to the debt money? Where has the money gone?

2. Why is the debt continuously on the rise?

3. Does the continued rise of the debt mean that the management of the affairs of the state is inefficient or incompetent?

4. With the continued rise of the debt being regularly reported (every year, as a minimum), has anyone noticed the trend which is destructive to the economy and destabilizing the country’s international security? Who? When? What was done in the response to this analysis? If not - why?

5. Since the debt is not caused by citizens or any companies without the state’s capital commitment, why are those parties financially punished?

6. Are there any specific measures being considered aimed at lowering this debt? If not - why?

Oh, boy, that's just the first sentence of this great article... And it was supposed to be a quiet day :-)

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How much interest does the US pay on a 32 trillion dollar debt to the Global Cartel?

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1. Nobody (really) knows.

2. Probably nobody cares.

3. Far too much - because taxes are still here.

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