If you eat a lot of garlic

People stay outta your face

That lowers stress

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Wow Garlic - my Grammy had me eat raw garlic whenever a cold was sniffling. Garlic honey lemon little warm brandy diluted wth love & water if I had a fever. To this date I take a shot of garlic daily. Woodstock generation Granny thinking of the good ole days when Grammy knew how to fend off the demons. That’s what she called the flu + cancer + “doctors wth white coats & dirty finger nails”

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How do you prepare your garlic shot?

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I remember reading about this in the 80's when I used to get Better Homes & Garden. They always had a portion of the magazine devoted to medical issues, treatments etc. That magazine came one day with a front page article about childhood diabetes which immediately alerted me about my son's change just 2 days after the hepatitis vaccine. He had every symptom. That very day he went crashing into a glass coffee table after alighting from the couch. Took him to the ER to get sewn up and his BS level was over 600. Those were the days some truth was told in media.

I started taking garlic tablets in the 90's, but never heard of aged garlic oil. Twenty years later my homeopath told me I had a sensitivity to garlic. To me sensitivity meant a step away from allergic. I said to him, "you gotta be kidding me, I'm married to an Italian, garlic is a food group for him". Anyway, I paid little attention to his advice about limiting my garlic intake and garlic has served me well since then. I still use about 20 cloves of garlic in my baked Ziti and trust me, you can smell it a block away. Is there anything better to get your salivary glands motoring like a dog drooling, than the smell of sauteed garlic on the stove? Not in my house.

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Almost 20 hours of training in human nutrition? My granddaughter graduated from med school this year. She had zero hours of training in nutrition, but she had endless hours devoted to pharmaceuticals….

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There you go, what does that tell you. Mask the symptoms, never cure the problem.

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Bioactive Compounds and Biological Functions of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)



https://www.academia.edu/31188418 Importance_of_Garlic_Allium_Sativum_An_Exhaustive_Review

(Putting bulbs in a bag with some salt will last longer)

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With enough research it starts to look like all benefits to health are from Mother Nature and humans aren't as smart as we imagine ourselves. :~)

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You do me a great service with the book summaries. Thank you!!

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Where to buy aged garlic tincture. Any good sources? Thanks.

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I use Kyolic an aged garlic extract which is sold under many brand names.

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I always swallow a raw clove ( maybe chop it up a little first) when I feel a cold coming on. It definitely lessens the symptoms and duration!

So for overall general health is it advised to chop up a clove a day and drink it down?

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Paul Bergner, an ND/herbalist, also wrote a book with a similar title. Sister books on ginger and echinacea (or maybe goldenseal).

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sadly I cant eat it. Migraine trigger!

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Time to buy some garlic!

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Does he go into the different ways of taking garlic? I've been putting chopped garlic in my morning thermos of fresh ginger and lemon but I'm not sure how effective that is?

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According to Dr. Garrett Smith sulfur slows down detox pathways, thereby alleviating symptoms. (Toxins are just stowed in the liver instead of being processed. It is the toxins circulating in your system that cause a wide range of symptoms in different people.) So garlic can temporarily make you feel better, but you eventually need to allow the liver to process its toxic burden.

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