All governments and empires must constantly lie. They want us to believe we can only survive under the tyranny they hold us under. If they told the truth and were honest with the citizens, they would become useless and mostly invisible.
Truth already exists in everything and therefore we would not need government to expound upon that. They have to create fear and suffering so that you will believe they are the answer to mitigating that fear and suffering. When in fact, they only offer a never ending deluge of both.
For a site that basks in its own self-congratulatory pretense re free thought, open/uncensored critique, it saddens (but does not surprise) me to discover how quickly any comment re Jewish control of the world is deleted. This will be my second and final attempt at such comment, based upon the irrational lunacy of articles such as this proclaiming that "America" (USA) actually has any "empire" whatsoever, when the JEWISH FLAG is effectively the only one flying freely above our capitol, our courthouses, banks, universities, military bases, etc etc. Anyone with just a few more gray cells than an imbecile is already well aware of this FACT as documented by and hundreds of other sites. (Technically there is another level ABOVE the 'Jews" per se, consisting of godless/Satanist/occultist/Masonic/NWO "Illuminati" -- some of whom are Jewish in some degree, but not many -- but to in any manner refer to "America" or "Britain" or any other significant nation as anything but a Jewish outpost is deliberate deception/propaganda/misdirection from the get-go.) You should be ashamed to even print such SHIT let alone praise it as insightful and worthy of wider attention and sharing. Just another blathering, pretentious gatekeeper, since you DAMN WELL KNOW BETTER.
To be honest I don't know how Makow, E M Jones, Eustace Mullins, Kevin Barrett and 100's more lived this long. Facts show me that the Jewish Holocaust never happened. Jews, on the other hand, have caused more holocausts than any known tribe of people. To see the 1/4 million innocents genocided by Israel in one year alone in Gaza, while silence envelopes the world, should show to all, gray cells or not, that they control everything. Crystal clear.
Dean Henderson's 2010 book covers much similar ground: " Big Oil and their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & their Global Intelligence, Narcotics, and Terror Network ". Self-published:).
I'm in the middle of that book right now, long overdue, I meant to order it a decade ago. Right out of the gate, holy moly, what research. Nary a page goes by that I don't learn what really happened. Shocking. Exposes lies like no other. Great work.
The Plan To Destroy America, In Favor Of A One World Government
For the past decades, America has been suffering under the death grip of traitors who have been strategically destroying the United States from the inside out. One Deep State criminal after the other was positioned to be president: the Bushes, Clintons, Obama - all of these were servants of the wicked elites who have a diabolical agenda for world domination.
They needed to first eliminate the patriot movement in America, and according to former British intelligence officer Alex Thompson, thousands of patriots and freedom fighters were murdered during the sixties and seventies, after the murder of John F. Kennedy. The agenda to destroy America was in full swing, and seemed unstoppable.
Many globalist organizations were formed to further the agenda of a one world government, under the total control of unelected financial elites who would enslave every soul on the face of the Earth: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the Bank for International Settlements, the City of London, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and many others. -
A guy called Richard Francis Desocio has published 2 books on the influence of the Rockefellers in America. The American Empire is basically the Rockefeller Imperium.
2013: " Rockefellerocracy: Kennedy Assassinations, Watergate, and Monopoly of the 'Philanthropic' Foundations " Love the word " Rockefellerocracy ":).
2017: " Clash of Dynasties: Why Gov. Nelson Rockefeller Killed JFK, RFK, and ordered the Watergate Break-in to end the Presidential Hopes of Ted Kennedy " Phew:).
All governments and empires must constantly lie. They want us to believe we can only survive under the tyranny they hold us under. If they told the truth and were honest with the citizens, they would become useless and mostly invisible.
Truth already exists in everything and therefore we would not need government to expound upon that. They have to create fear and suffering so that you will believe they are the answer to mitigating that fear and suffering. When in fact, they only offer a never ending deluge of both.
For a site that basks in its own self-congratulatory pretense re free thought, open/uncensored critique, it saddens (but does not surprise) me to discover how quickly any comment re Jewish control of the world is deleted. This will be my second and final attempt at such comment, based upon the irrational lunacy of articles such as this proclaiming that "America" (USA) actually has any "empire" whatsoever, when the JEWISH FLAG is effectively the only one flying freely above our capitol, our courthouses, banks, universities, military bases, etc etc. Anyone with just a few more gray cells than an imbecile is already well aware of this FACT as documented by and hundreds of other sites. (Technically there is another level ABOVE the 'Jews" per se, consisting of godless/Satanist/occultist/Masonic/NWO "Illuminati" -- some of whom are Jewish in some degree, but not many -- but to in any manner refer to "America" or "Britain" or any other significant nation as anything but a Jewish outpost is deliberate deception/propaganda/misdirection from the get-go.) You should be ashamed to even print such SHIT let alone praise it as insightful and worthy of wider attention and sharing. Just another blathering, pretentious gatekeeper, since you DAMN WELL KNOW BETTER.
'DAMN WELL KNOW BETTER' - he does, and so does anyone who can read between the lines.
To be honest I don't know how Makow, E M Jones, Eustace Mullins, Kevin Barrett and 100's more lived this long. Facts show me that the Jewish Holocaust never happened. Jews, on the other hand, have caused more holocausts than any known tribe of people. To see the 1/4 million innocents genocided by Israel in one year alone in Gaza, while silence envelopes the world, should show to all, gray cells or not, that they control everything. Crystal clear.
Dean Henderson's 2010 book covers much similar ground: " Big Oil and their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & their Global Intelligence, Narcotics, and Terror Network ". Self-published:).
Podcast interview with Dean Henderson
I'm in the middle of that book right now, long overdue, I meant to order it a decade ago. Right out of the gate, holy moly, what research. Nary a page goes by that I don't learn what really happened. Shocking. Exposes lies like no other. Great work.
The Plan To Destroy America, In Favor Of A One World Government
For the past decades, America has been suffering under the death grip of traitors who have been strategically destroying the United States from the inside out. One Deep State criminal after the other was positioned to be president: the Bushes, Clintons, Obama - all of these were servants of the wicked elites who have a diabolical agenda for world domination.
They needed to first eliminate the patriot movement in America, and according to former British intelligence officer Alex Thompson, thousands of patriots and freedom fighters were murdered during the sixties and seventies, after the murder of John F. Kennedy. The agenda to destroy America was in full swing, and seemed unstoppable.
Many globalist organizations were formed to further the agenda of a one world government, under the total control of unelected financial elites who would enslave every soul on the face of the Earth: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the Bank for International Settlements, the City of London, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and many others. -
A guy called Richard Francis Desocio has published 2 books on the influence of the Rockefellers in America. The American Empire is basically the Rockefeller Imperium.
2013: " Rockefellerocracy: Kennedy Assassinations, Watergate, and Monopoly of the 'Philanthropic' Foundations " Love the word " Rockefellerocracy ":).
2017: " Clash of Dynasties: Why Gov. Nelson Rockefeller Killed JFK, RFK, and ordered the Watergate Break-in to end the Presidential Hopes of Ted Kennedy " Phew:).
I haven't read these yet but am listening to a long podcast interview with the author:
Would tend to agree the JFK hit was a joint CIA-Rockefeller production.