Thanks for being brave enough to publish this. The obsequious groveling to the Israeli state by otherwise sensible people, including those in the medical freedom or alternative medicine community is as repulsive as it is irrational.

The truth is the truth regardless of our feelings, political inclinations, heritage and so on. We shouldn’t fear it, lie about it, or avoid it, but rather, embrace it, learn from it, and do better.

There is nothing “Christian” or “conservative” or “freedom loving” about supporting mass murder, genocide, indiscriminate attacks against civilians and so on, all of which are going on daily, perpetrated by the Israelii state, and funded by American taxpayers.

This is a national disgrace, and an additional stain on our history.

Thanks for speaking up, and out.

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Given that the medical freedom movement is largely composed by right-leaning people, get ready for an influx of people who still haven't truly learned to question government lies and manipulation. Coincidentally, the Israel/Palestine issue was what sent me on the path of "questioning everything" back in 1995 when, as a right-wing believer in the Israel-US story, I set out to prove an Israel/Palestine-truther wrong. Learning that I was the one who was wrong is what set me on the path of not accepting official narratives about anything without trying my best to understand from as much of a neutral perspective as I could muster. I have to admit though: when it comes to war (the OG psyop) and medicine, I've learned enough to take a very cynical view of official narratives from the get-go. This is why I knew the coronavirus scare, and every official/media proclamation about it, was a scam right from the start.

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Well done mate.

This is the video for you. In my opinion it is the finest video I have ever seen on how war is made: https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/war-and-democide

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Thanks for the video recommendation, especially as it includes the word democide. That is what is missing from mass conversations these days. I had a T-shirt made with the word democide and the definition printed as clearly that is relevant to conversations we must have. I have one regarding vaccine passports and what that means as well. Democide is what is missing in “MAHA”. Of course food, quality water and air quality must be addressed, as well as toxins in our living environments (I used to shut buildings down on university campuses as part of my job when they were ‘sick buildings’) but until we address poisoning via vaccinations, we will only be talking in circles. I have a ton of credible books on the subject and learned everything I was taught about how awesome the vaccination program is was an utter fallacy. I have two daughters with rheumatoid arthritis post-vaccination. I’m frankly sick of the gaslighting by what passes as the medical establishment. I no longer trust the medical establishment. The new regime is not talking about repealing the 1986 Act, removing all liability protection and extended the PREP Act until 2029. Democide is a critical word for conversations we must have.

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I have been writing about covid democide for years. I even made a primer about what we are witnessing and experiencing: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/covid-democide-a-primer

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Well, a huge THANK YOU for that. People look at me as though I fell out of a tree when I bring it up so I greatly appreciate candid writing. I will definitely check it out. I have a t-shirt that reads Ban Assault Vaccines, too. That’s what they are. I am perfectly fine being labeled an “anti-vaxxer” given what I have witnessed over the last 5 years. Because I am one.

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You're welcome. Thanks for reading. My work does not make me popular, but is well-received by those who are ready. I have become even more candid over time which is not easy to do. All the best.

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“Popularity” is for adolescents. Truth is for adults so you are on a good path, I’d say. Best regards to you as well.

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I just added yet another book to my collection from CHD. It is entitled The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine: Facing Facts Could Save Your Life. I have no doubt that it is a good book for this time in particular. Thanks for calling a spade a spade. I have great respect for that.

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I, too, have had many humbling moments, discovering that what I formerly believed was wrong. Good for you for having an open mind and taking time to unlearn and relearn. I have come to admire those who are willing to let go of lies and dare to pursue truth. In my case, it required a whole lot of reading and a lot of listening to other points of view. I only knew the coronavirus psyop was a scam because I heard James Bullard with the fed talk about daily testing and immunity badges to reopen the economy back in early April 2020. A level of cynicism as pertains to official narratives can literally save one’s life these days.

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"The Nakba happened in...."

The Nakba was when 6 Arab countries tried to strangle Israel in its crib and conduct a second Holocaust after the first one.

They lost the war.

And called it a Nakba.

If you start a war of genocide and lose, why am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

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The holocaust never happened, another jewish hoax.

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And that is why Israel exists. Because there are freaks like yourself who deny atrocities done to the Jews (while fantasizing about committing them yourselves) and we would be fools to entrust our lives to such as you.

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I’m not brainwashed and I look at the facts. There are no actual facts supporting the 6,000,000 claim. None. You sound jewish btw.

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I am Jewish. And I am proudly Jewish. And if you have a problem with that, GFY.

The evidence has been well established, but I'm sure you have been persuaded elsewise by Neo Nazi websites and the like. It is not my job to debrainwash you.

My job is to protect myself, my children, and my family like people like you that casually try to use our religion as an insult.

So again. GFY.

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It can not be easy for Jewish people these days, it must feel like constant attack. I wish we would all stop this non sense, live and let live. These conflicts were created by people of no specific nationality and with far more money and power than any of us will ever have. These have always been bankers wars and bankers conflicts or attainments, not for the regular human beings like us. Best your way ❤️

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The noticing will continue until the count becomes 110. Your lot overplayed your hand again in an act of total jewishness.

Speaking of the holohoax, I heard the worst torture device at Auschwitz was the one where nazis glued a shekel to the bottom of a swimming pool. Something like 3,000,000 jews died there because they dove down to grab it but would not let go. Is that true?

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“My job is to protect myself, my children.” Funny that’s mine too. Probably also a Palestinian’s job. Isn’t odd that if I still believed in what the Sulzbergers have to say my kid would probably have scarring on her myocardium right now? I find that interesting. With friends like these. But I know none of this happens without the acolytes, witnesses to their journey. I vote for burning the lodges down first.

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If Palestinians want to protect their children, the best thing they can do is not murder a bunch of Israeli children and then hide behind their own children to make fodder for propaganda videos.

The best move would have been to accept a deal and a two state solution.

But instead, they are using their children as pawns in a game to try to get the entire territory and destroy the Jews.

Children should not be pawns.

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and neither did the internet. so you don't exist either.

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Okay, nice one Rhona Dork.

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If your context (and Pape’s) of this story started in 1948, then you have some homework to do.

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It remains astonishing to me just how many Australians blindly believe the MSM, even those who saw through Covid … the pro-Israel lobby in this county is extraordinary, people who I thought were at least marginally awake are absolutely clueless regarding the Palestinian history and blindly believe all of the “October 7th” narratives as if they were written by god himself … I have listened to Ilan Pape for years and have never found him to be untruthful in the slightest

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There is no such thing as palastine. It was a British colonial name given. They are Arabs.

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Check the etymology of ‘Palestine’ and you will see the name is more than 2,000 years old.

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true. there is no "P" in their alphabet -- that the funniest part of their plight. They are also the most pampered victims in history, with their own UN agency just for them.

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Yep. Many people who saw through psyop-jab fell to psyop-holy war. Psyop Anzac (related to psyop-holy war) will be a hard nut to crack. People should ask themselves why it is that the banks, corporations, politicians, and brass are so desperate to maintain the illusion of what it is that Australians were doing there during WWI.

Not many people saw this article I wrote, and even fewer probably understood what I was trying to say. The photos of Gaza should say enough, but they were not enough to punch through the illusion unless people already understood: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/through-the-lens-of-history-australian

This article took me about three months to write and the documents I found regarding what happened to the inhabitants between 1918-1948 are incredible.

By WWII the area had been converted into an R&R for Australian soldiers on leave. They even had surf carnivals on the beach. There are photos in an archive in the US. Those things just don't 'happen.'

But people prefer their fantasies, 'gotcha' comments, and 'good guys and bad guys.' Or that history started on a certain date from a certain perspective. I guess it makes them feel better and more secure - kind of like children. They're not actually interested in learning about what happened. They want heroes and villians.

I had one older man scream in my face and bring out the tropes when I showed him photos and documents from that time. He was so angry at what I was telling and showing him that he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. The MSM brainwashing is too deep - for many people, they adopt the media and narrative as 'self' and when that is challenged they are off to the races.

Edit: for those curious, here are the photos in the US library of Congress. It is the Matson 'Comforts Fund' collection. The archives are difficult to search through but you can toggle the photos: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/matpc/item/2019712200/resource/

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That’s a terrific report and a lot of info I didn’t know about. As I suspected when I posted, this article shows the extent to which brainwashing, cherry-picking, semantics, cheap appeals to biblical sophistry and outright Zionist supremacy has shaped so many, let’s call them, “Israel enthusiasts”.

I was one too for many years, having grown up with the usual western education fodder of Israel being the “plucky democratic modern friendly ally” friends of christendom against the hordes of “despotic, backward, aggressive Muslim” neighbours … until I actually looked into it.

Like so many, the reality is that we were duped, this notion that somehow some centuries old promise to Abraham or whomever by the Old Testament god somehow can logically or contractually hold sway over a modern “state” in geopolitical terms or dictate the dispossession for hundreds of thousands of people (arabs and Christian’s alike) who lived in the region is absolutely insane, but such are the times we live in.

Several of us have found in the past year that the Christian-Zionist psyop is orders of magnitude worse than covid, has been around for a century and has had a LOT of impact on the way the entire western world views not only Israel-Palestine but the Arabic world as a whole … here in Australia in particular we seem to be a nation of so-called Christians (including family members) who seem to be almost gleefully celebrating the coordinated ethnic cleansing of men, women and children in industrial quantities by Israel, and simply cannot condone any dissent … to quote one person “well, they’re all Marxist terrorists so they must pay the price” followed by the usual debunked inane claims about Oct 7th … we’re surrounded by broken people way more upset about some graffiti on a synagogue than they are about slaughter.

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I concur with all you said.

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Thanks for writing. I’ll share.

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This all started with the planned false claim of 6 million. A total lie as easily provable as the fake Moon Landing. Laws are in place in most countries to imprison and financially destroy anyone who even asks questions about WW11. The laws of physics and all common mathematical sense has been abolished. Can't go there. Who owns that great lie? England.

Britain had as much right to give Palestine to the jews as we would have the right to give Korea to Ireland. One can follow the trek of the jewish bankers, where they landed, what wars they provoked, what mayhem they laid in the dust. That's easy. I have chosen to follow the Arab history in depth since 1917. If ever a people were shit on and forgave their trespassers, it was the Arabs. One commenter here stated 6 Arab countries attacked Israel. Why was that? Perhaps he should ask why jews were thrown out of countries 191 times.

I see the US and Israel as the only 2 countries in the world who eternally attack, unprovoked, other countries and I consider good leaders as those who do not and provide for their own population. In every case, the latter are labeled dictators, monsters, terrorists by the jew owned MSM. Case in point, Saddam Hussein, Khadafi, Bashir al Assad, Adolph Hitler, Putin. All provided peace, stability, quality of life in their countries and played nice with their neighbors. It is THEY who were attacked, not the other way around. Defending your homeland and people does not a dictator make.

Anyone who knows no real history, invokes the 6 million without question to shut down any substantive dialogue is a tacit accomplice to genocide, slaughter and destruction of our world. IMO, all chaos in the world can be laid at the feet of England, the US and Israel, end of story. It is they who demand your life, your home, your children and your land.

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Because Israel is actually Britain, US and Vatican created. It has nothing to do with Jews other than they told all Jews to move there so they can be used as the people to blame. The state of Israel is not created by Israelites but filled up with Israelis - people don't see the two different words being used to identify the people's. Bankers wars using Jews as a front.

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This will tell you what's ethnic cleansing and what's not:


Israel is a tiny sliver of land and population surrounded by a massively larger Arab area and a massively larger population bent to destroy it ever since it came into existence in 1948 and really before that.

Ilan Pappe has had a long reputation as a Jew-hating Jew. Along with such luminaries as Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky.

Ethnic cleansing of "Palestine"? Cry me a river.

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How could they be bent 🤔 on destroying Israel before it was even created?

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So you mean "killing Jews" not killing Israel.

The Israel of today is a military state, not the people called Israel from the Bible.

Judeans are Jews. Jacob is Israel and Israel is Jacob and Israel are jacobs people.

Not a military political state created by war atrocities, which Israel of today is and their people are called Israelis not Israelites.


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And what state today is not a military state?

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I think quite a few.

The state of Israel was created to be a military base by world powers, the exact same powers that are killing creation each and every day today.

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Ripple is correct.👍🏻

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Thomas Suarez' book " State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel " is informative on the topic.

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First, war primarily hurts and kills the everyday people just trying to enjoy living . The men who make war sit and eat fine foods comfortably somewhere safe. 2nd, as a few comments have said, the history of Israel started 4000 years ago not 1948, when God selected a man, Abraham, to start the Jewish race. Their territory, as mapped out by God in the Bible far exceeds today's boundaries. The Bible more than 2000 years ago said that even though they had been driven from their land twice they would someday get it back. That occurred in circa 1948. The 3rd thing to note is that none of us should get too pompous as we live on land that we drove the first nations off. Our land treaties were signed by Indian chiefs we have bribed and inebriated prior to their signing, and then ignored much of what we agreed to, sadly.

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My lineage came here for religious reasons, and to escape the crown and the darkness of the old world, only for me to awaken in the 21st century still inside the sociopaths’ hexagram. There is a fundamental imbalance in the sons of Isaac, a rabid desire to subjugate and conquer, with only tepid resistance and remorse from any of us. I really really really don’t like us. From the dumb cruel men that tried to make me like them in my youth, to the creeps that shape the bigger stories, I have examined the white man’s soul and found it lacking. Our heart chakras are crusted over and sealed shut. Almost like our God is actually Saturn and always has been. I vote for a major regime change. More women, more from the East.

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Keep in mind that Abraham is also the father of Islam through his son Ishmael. His mother Hagar married him to an Arab wife.

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Here's information worth knowing from the one and only Russ Winter of Winter Watch:


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My son's grandparents were part of Al Nakaba.

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To refute the ideas in The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe, it’s necessary to address the premises, evidence, and interpretations presented in the book. The following are arguments commonly used by critics of Pappe's work:

1. Questioning Pappe’s Methodology:

Selective Use of Evidence: Critics argue that Pappe relies heavily on selective evidence, ignoring broader historical contexts and dismissing documents that contradict his thesis. His interpretation of events often prioritizes ideology over balanced analysis, leading to a biased portrayal.

Overreliance on Secondary Sources: Some accuse Pappe of using secondary sources without adequately verifying their accuracy, which undermines the reliability of his conclusions.

2. Disputing the Definition of Ethnic Cleansing:

Not Ethnic Cleansing, but Conflict: Critics argue that the events of 1948 occurred in the context of a violent civil war, followed by an interstate war, where expulsions were part of broader military strategies rather than a premeditated plan of ethnic cleansing. This perspective sees the displacement of Palestinians as a tragic but unintended consequence of war, not a deliberate policy.

Voluntary Exodus and Arab Leadership’s Role: Some historians assert that many Palestinians fled voluntarily or at the behest of Arab leaders, who urged evacuation to avoid casualties during the impending conflict with Jewish forces. This counters the claim that expulsions were systematically orchestrated by Zionist forces.

3. Revisiting Plan Dalet:

A Defensive Military Plan: Critics assert that Plan Dalet was primarily a defensive measure aimed at securing Jewish settlements and maintaining territorial continuity, rather than a blueprint for ethnic cleansing. They highlight that the plan included provisions to protect non-combatants and did not mandate expulsions.

Misinterpretation of Objectives: Pappe’s interpretation of Plan Dalet as an ethnic cleansing operation is contested, with critics emphasizing that its directives were shaped by the exigencies of war and the need to counter potential attacks from Arab forces.

4. Challenging the Portrayal of Massacres:

Deir Yassin as an Exception: While the Deir Yassin massacre is widely acknowledged, critics argue that Pappe overemphasizes its role and generalizes it as indicative of Zionist policy. They contend that such events were exceptions, condemned by key Zionist leaders, and not representative of broader military practices.

5. Historical Context and Arab Rejectionism:

Arab Rejection of Partition: Critics emphasize the Arab leadership's rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan, which proposed a two-state solution. This rejection, they argue, initiated the conflict and bears significant responsibility for the resulting displacement of populations.

Violence Against Jews: Pappe’s focus on Palestinian suffering often omits or downplays attacks on Jewish communities, which included massacres, blockades, and attempts to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state.

6. Long-Term Jewish Presence and Legitimacy:

Historical Ties to the Land: Critics highlight the long-standing historical connection of Jews to the land of Israel, predating the Zionist movement. They argue that Jewish immigration and settlement were legitimate responses to persecution and the aspiration for self-determination.

Legal Basis for Statehood: The establishment of Israel was legitimized by the UN Partition Plan, and its right to exist is internationally recognized. Critics of Pappe argue that his narrative delegitimizes Israel’s existence by framing its founding as inherently criminal.

7. Questioning Pappe’s Objectivity:

Admitted Bias: Pappe has openly admitted to prioritizing his political agenda over historical accuracy, stating that he views history as a tool for activism. Critics argue that this approach compromises his credibility as a historian and leads to a skewed presentation of events.

Marginal Position Among Historians: Pappe’s interpretations are often criticized as being on the fringes of mainstream historical scholarship, with many historians—both Israeli and international—disagreeing with his conclusions.

8. The Ongoing Refugee Issue:

Arab Nations’ Role: Critics argue that Arab nations bear responsibility for perpetuating the Palestinian refugee crisis by refusing to integrate refugees and using their plight as a political tool against Israel. This counters Pappe’s framing of the issue as solely Israel’s fault.

Comparison to Other Refugee Crises: The displacement of Palestinians is compared to other population exchanges and refugee crises that occurred during the mid-20th century, suggesting that such events were not unique or indicative of a singularly malicious intent.


Critics of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine argue that the book simplifies a complex conflict into a one-sided narrative that vilifies Israel while ignoring the broader historical, political, and military contexts. While acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians, they advocate for a more nuanced understanding that considers the actions, responsibilities, and motivations of all parties involved.

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You are correct.✅

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