Wow! A brilliant exposition of the medical cartel. I have family members completely captured. Breaks my heart that they refuse to join the dots or examine evidence. This is demonic. The Bible calls it witchcraft.
Same here, I can relate to your feelings. I observed that those most highly educated are more captured than those with natural common sense. Education seems to wipe out common sense.
Then my friend it is not education but indoctrination, or any other variant of propaganda, gaslighting, astro-turfing and "nudging."
'Knowledge' precedes critical thinking. The 'authorities' appear hell bent on replacing knowledge with their supervised mono-diet of cultivated insanity.
Thankfully, it seems daily that more awaken to reject the spiritual, intellectual and emotional poison.
Ingenuous! "Knowledge," in most cases, is naught but primary or secondary conditioning, and it prevents critical thinking as well as the ability to use Free Will:
Most people never get to the point of being able to exercise Free Will, because they are too much attached to their conditioning. TV is a good "booster"! : )
A halfway acceptable diet has become nearly impossible to acquire recently:
The doctor has taken the place of the priest, the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation, the hope of physical immortality (through clones, genetic manipulation, etc.) is taking over the expectation of eternal life, vaccination has exactly the same initiatory function as baptism (and its refusal arouses the same fears), and there’s even a growing hope that a universal vaccine will save us tomorrow from all diseases, just as the Savior redeemed all the sins of the world.
An excellent expose of the hypocrisy that should be the Hippocratic oath …
Actually, after The Origin of Species (1859), Evolutionism (lowering human dignity to that of an animal), Positivism (trusting only empiricism and logic), and the eugenicist movement gained power. As a result, Scientism took over, and today's "priests" are the "scientists," although the very fundamental principles of science are a joke:
hippo-critter-cull! (entire pro-fashion started out iffy but at least "do no harm" aka "don't make folks worse" made it's "do whut thou wilt & collect yer paycheck") hippos are just larger dullards amongst us, submergin' themselfs when "critter-cized" an' comin' up fer air (or $$$) ta continue cullin' us hoo-man critters on a daily base-us...
One of the biggest "covid" blackpills for me was how many of the "Christians" of my acquaintance fell right in energetic, preening lockstep with the Cult of Fauci. Ones who would never consider putting non-organic or GMO food in their mouths couldn't line up fast or often enough to have poison GMOs injected in their Temple of the Holy Spirit. And how many turned on those of us who refused to get stabbed.
why are we surprised? satan and his devils are just doing their job of tormenting us , because we sow the seeds of our own pain... " as you sow , so shall you reap" that is the law of this domain , the only exit is to change to become and inbibe and seek the virtues and plead " guilty as charged , please have mercy on me a sinner . make amends , as best as you/we can
i read ... demons torture each other ....why do we do this ? are we in the process of becoming demons?, some are in the process of becoming " yea are made in the image and likeness of our heavenly Father of goodness truth and love , with my meager remaining limited free will choose goodness truth and love ,and willing to pay whatever price for ,so help me good God
Firstly, people must understand that a MEDICAL DOCTOR does NOT equal a HEALER.
Why? Because the two groups have a fundamentally different starting point. An MD is primarily concerned with your SYMPTOMS, healers are typically HOLISTICALLY oriented and thus focused on treating the UNDERLYING CAUSE, also known as ROOT CAUSE.
Secondly, there is a reason healers, i.e people WHO HEAL OTHERS have gotten such a "bad name." They are simply being ostracized. But whom? By the medical cartel.
Now, ask yourselves: Do I want temporary chemical relief or do I want to know WHAT CAUSES MY PAIN AND HAVE THAT CAUSE REMOVED FROM MY BODY? If your answer is the latter I recommend Barbara O´Neil and her daughter Emma.
Indeed. I used to say that the only "herd immunity" that exists is the one against common sense... Still, realizing that Free Will is accessible for everyone, albeit only a few use it and only a few times in life:
Dr. Alton Ochsner, who gave his own grandchildren polio vaccines in front of news cameras to prove the safety, after a female doctor had come out finding the ‘vaccines’ were dangerous, is the winner. The boy died within hours.
Yup, polio was caused by DDT, and the "vaccines" were already deadly, as all other "vaccines" have been, but the one for another nonexistent illness, convid, has taken the cake.
Thank you for this brilliant article and book chapter. I remember nearly 30 years ago a friend did a PhD in… sociology (?) where he was painting doctors as the new priests (after, in Quebec, the Roman Catholic Church was kicked out of the majority of Quebeckers’ lives) and he compared vaccination to baptism - the ritual consecrating the newborn into the Church Of Modern Medicine. At about the same time, in Quebec, the book The Medical Mafia came out, written by a doctor who started looking under the rocks of the foundation of her established practice. As I knew her, I remember she was reading that book, as well as Illich etc. As a beneficiary to public “health care” in my home province, I have not renewed my Medicare access card. I am done with that medical system. Mind you I’ve been responsible for my own health for decades, paying all my “alternative” practitioners and products. I also practiced herbal medicine for 20 years and have recently taken deep-dives into MMS and DMSO. I am sooooo enlivened by health autonomy (of course I also have a very healthy lifestyle), it is an amazing sense of empowerment. As soon as I’ve secured a local osteopath or chiropractor whom I trust, I will make a card to place in my wallet for emergencies, should I not be able to respond, to NOT take me to a hospital. I know that the current medical system is valuable in emergency medicine, but at this point I just will not set foot into that system again. Yes, I may end up dying from a broken bone piercing through an artery… So be it! Reminder: we will all die someday - living in terror of that fact is not good for one’s health! Let us live fully while we live (autonomous and drug-free) and let us die gracefully when we die, no matter the cause.
Look for Onward podcast (in Substack) with Brett Hawes (all his podcasts are great, in my opinion). He has a podcast dedicated to MMS/chlorine dioxide. From there, in the show notes, you’ll easily find links to hefty rabbit holes and also where to buy in the USA and Canada.
The author of The Medical Mafia also wrote a series of booklets covering all major topics now coming to the fore: judicial, financial, education, religious… same deal (mafia), different flavours.
The devil doesn't care what religion you believe in. He just doesn't want you to know the ultimate truth, and he will use religion, medicine, and a multitude of other things to keep you from the truth.
That truth is that Jesus Christ is Lord and He came into the world to save sinful humankind, He was crucified, and He was buried, and He was raised to life. It is through His merciful and gracious sacrifice that humanity can be saved from the judgment that will come and that we all deserve. His requirement to be reunited with God and partake in redemption is to repent of sin and believe in Him. This is the beginning of a new life....real Life.
Amen! Jesus came to give us LIFE, while the Enemy seeks to destroy us. He is a liar from the beginning and hates humanity. I pray that people will wake up before it is too late
This was a phenomenal piece! I love the ending... just stop participating. So many people are waking up and trying alternative treatments that work and are healthy!
I’ve listened to only the first few minutes but was so struck by Dr Robert Mendelsohn’s statement “They have the compulsion to succeed, but not the will or the integrity to rebel.”
I’ve watched this play out for many years and this sentence perfectly summarizes why we are in this mess.
"Medical politics is the art of sheer power." As much hope as I feel in seeing Bobby Kennedy nominated for the head of HHS (and how much fear, dread and angst too many of my friends feel), the reality will be that ALL the stops will be pulled to stop his confirmation. We're likely to see come to bear against him the full fury of those whose profits are threatened. My biggest fear is that Trump will cut him loose and end up appointing yet another industry insider. His recent Surgeon General pick suggests he's already feeling the heat for bucking the status quo far too hard against Big Pharma, the tail that wags the dog.
I'm glad your here, but speaking from personal experience, we really can't use anyone on the field who hasn't seriously worked through and resolved all their "hopes and fears" issues.
If Trump does cut Bobby loose, I'd expect that we'll likely see some token victories - eliminating tartrazine (by replacing with something nearly as toxic), and perhaps a push to eliminate public water fluoridation (since continuing the practice is likely to lead to public liability) - whatever they perceive to be the low hanging fruit: high visibility issues that can be addressed quickly and with minimal cost. My hope is that Bobby gets confirmed. I just know that he is potentially far too disruptive to the medical status quo.
..."Doctors are only human"...and that is why they are no better than any other human when it comes to medicine. The local witchdoctor or voodoo priestess can provide any cure your doctor can.
Ray, I checked out your stack. Can't do it -- I felt like you were hitting me over the head with so much stuff if I click on one article, it just got crazy. Thought I'd drop this feedback since I would have liked to be part of your project. Best of luck. :-)
That's too bad. Sometimes, I have the feeling that humanity is sharply divided into those who love and welcome feedback, and those who just get pissed off by it. :-)
Clearly there exist a trivial collection of men and women in medicine and surgery who are ethical, patient centred and open to patient centric treatment. A majority sadly appear seduced by noble cause corruption, richly motivated and paid to remain locked and enmeshed in 'the system' and penalised to not comply. The 'education' began with required jabs day one/week one medical school.
Surrendering mind and body to these acolytes appears little better than surrendering one's soul to the misdirection of Pharisees or anchoring solely to 'science', itself an eminently useful tool not without its established limitations. One might also add that there exist a nearly indefinite supple of very wealthy snake-oil salesmen and women. As with all else, caveat emptor.
Wow! A brilliant exposition of the medical cartel. I have family members completely captured. Breaks my heart that they refuse to join the dots or examine evidence. This is demonic. The Bible calls it witchcraft.
Same here, I can relate to your feelings. I observed that those most highly educated are more captured than those with natural common sense. Education seems to wipe out common sense.
"Education seems to wipe out common sense."
Then my friend it is not education but indoctrination, or any other variant of propaganda, gaslighting, astro-turfing and "nudging."
'Knowledge' precedes critical thinking. The 'authorities' appear hell bent on replacing knowledge with their supervised mono-diet of cultivated insanity.
Thankfully, it seems daily that more awaken to reject the spiritual, intellectual and emotional poison.
Ingenuous! "Knowledge," in most cases, is naught but primary or secondary conditioning, and it prevents critical thinking as well as the ability to use Free Will:
Most people never get to the point of being able to exercise Free Will, because they are too much attached to their conditioning. TV is a good "booster"! : )
A halfway acceptable diet has become nearly impossible to acquire recently:
"Waking up" comes with a string of decisions to be made:
Which a good reason to avoid tabloid-type references. :)
A favorite aphorism of mine is attributed to Voltaire, who is not my favorite, but this time he hits the nail on the head:
"Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.” (Voltaire)
The Rockefellerian compartmentalization of "Madicine" (sic!) indeed turns "doctors" into agents of Evil:
Compartmentalization, for that matter, seems to be the highest level of mass manipulation:
During The Great Plandemic of 2020, many sick-care "professionals" earned the title of "Hired Killers":
The locals have another name for the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Please, specify.
The doctor has taken the place of the priest, the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation, the hope of physical immortality (through clones, genetic manipulation, etc.) is taking over the expectation of eternal life, vaccination has exactly the same initiatory function as baptism (and its refusal arouses the same fears), and there’s even a growing hope that a universal vaccine will save us tomorrow from all diseases, just as the Savior redeemed all the sins of the world.
An excellent expose of the hypocrisy that should be the Hippocratic oath …
Indeed, it's weird that even "Christians" fell for the psyop of "saving lives," whereas for Christians, the highest value in life is one's salvation:
Actually, after The Origin of Species (1859), Evolutionism (lowering human dignity to that of an animal), Positivism (trusting only empiricism and logic), and the eugenicist movement gained power. As a result, Scientism took over, and today's "priests" are the "scientists," although the very fundamental principles of science are a joke:
For that matter, as far as I know, "doctors" don't have to take the hypocritical (sic!) oath anymore, and became agents of Evil.
hippo-critter-cull! (entire pro-fashion started out iffy but at least "do no harm" aka "don't make folks worse" made it's "do whut thou wilt & collect yer paycheck") hippos are just larger dullards amongst us, submergin' themselfs when "critter-cized" an' comin' up fer air (or $$$) ta continue cullin' us hoo-man critters on a daily base-us...
I like the way you are joining the dots and Scientists are the high priests…cos we have got to trust the science 😂
Oh, dear... I'm planning a major publication on that, but it's been taking time.
In the meanwhile, it's a good question, "Which science?" :)
One of the biggest "covid" blackpills for me was how many of the "Christians" of my acquaintance fell right in energetic, preening lockstep with the Cult of Fauci. Ones who would never consider putting non-organic or GMO food in their mouths couldn't line up fast or often enough to have poison GMOs injected in their Temple of the Holy Spirit. And how many turned on those of us who refused to get stabbed.
why are we surprised? satan and his devils are just doing their job of tormenting us , because we sow the seeds of our own pain... " as you sow , so shall you reap" that is the law of this domain , the only exit is to change to become and inbibe and seek the virtues and plead " guilty as charged , please have mercy on me a sinner . make amends , as best as you/we can
Well, Satan has been tempting humans to put the wrong thing in their bodies since The Beginning. Nothing new here.
Humans are also doing an excellent job at hurting and torturing each other...
i read ... demons torture each other ....why do we do this ? are we in the process of becoming demons?, some are in the process of becoming " yea are made in the image and likeness of our heavenly Father of goodness truth and love , with my meager remaining limited free will choose goodness truth and love ,and willing to pay whatever price for ,so help me good God
Humans are best at torturing each other... Divine help might work, but not much else. :)
Firstly, people must understand that a MEDICAL DOCTOR does NOT equal a HEALER.
Why? Because the two groups have a fundamentally different starting point. An MD is primarily concerned with your SYMPTOMS, healers are typically HOLISTICALLY oriented and thus focused on treating the UNDERLYING CAUSE, also known as ROOT CAUSE.
Secondly, there is a reason healers, i.e people WHO HEAL OTHERS have gotten such a "bad name." They are simply being ostracized. But whom? By the medical cartel.
Now, ask yourselves: Do I want temporary chemical relief or do I want to know WHAT CAUSES MY PAIN AND HAVE THAT CAUSE REMOVED FROM MY BODY? If your answer is the latter I recommend Barbara O´Neil and her daughter Emma.
That is beyond true. Doctors are never taught anything about healing and health. That's what makes them mostly useless except in an emergency perhaps.
Exactly. That why I asked if healing is a myth altogether:
Indeed. I used to say that the only "herd immunity" that exists is the one against common sense... Still, realizing that Free Will is accessible for everyone, albeit only a few use it and only a few times in life:
Is "healing" only a myth?
Of course, the current levels of diagnosing is a travesty:
Dr. Alton Ochsner, who gave his own grandchildren polio vaccines in front of news cameras to prove the safety, after a female doctor had come out finding the ‘vaccines’ were dangerous, is the winner. The boy died within hours.
Yup, polio was caused by DDT, and the "vaccines" were already deadly, as all other "vaccines" have been, but the one for another nonexistent illness, convid, has taken the cake.
Thank you for this brilliant article and book chapter. I remember nearly 30 years ago a friend did a PhD in… sociology (?) where he was painting doctors as the new priests (after, in Quebec, the Roman Catholic Church was kicked out of the majority of Quebeckers’ lives) and he compared vaccination to baptism - the ritual consecrating the newborn into the Church Of Modern Medicine. At about the same time, in Quebec, the book The Medical Mafia came out, written by a doctor who started looking under the rocks of the foundation of her established practice. As I knew her, I remember she was reading that book, as well as Illich etc. As a beneficiary to public “health care” in my home province, I have not renewed my Medicare access card. I am done with that medical system. Mind you I’ve been responsible for my own health for decades, paying all my “alternative” practitioners and products. I also practiced herbal medicine for 20 years and have recently taken deep-dives into MMS and DMSO. I am sooooo enlivened by health autonomy (of course I also have a very healthy lifestyle), it is an amazing sense of empowerment. As soon as I’ve secured a local osteopath or chiropractor whom I trust, I will make a card to place in my wallet for emergencies, should I not be able to respond, to NOT take me to a hospital. I know that the current medical system is valuable in emergency medicine, but at this point I just will not set foot into that system again. Yes, I may end up dying from a broken bone piercing through an artery… So be it! Reminder: we will all die someday - living in terror of that fact is not good for one’s health! Let us live fully while we live (autonomous and drug-free) and let us die gracefully when we die, no matter the cause.
Amen. Could you provide a link to MMS site—where to buy.
Look for Onward podcast (in Substack) with Brett Hawes (all his podcasts are great, in my opinion). He has a podcast dedicated to MMS/chlorine dioxide. From there, in the show notes, you’ll easily find links to hefty rabbit holes and also where to buy in the USA and Canada.
You are acting independently, which is a lot more than most people can claim!
Please, notice that the "madical" (sic!) mafia is only one of the many globalist branches. The reigning power is "science":
The author of The Medical Mafia also wrote a series of booklets covering all major topics now coming to the fore: judicial, financial, education, religious… same deal (mafia), different flavours.
It must be observed that the "madical" (sic!) mafia is only a globalist branch for population control and mass extermination...
The devil doesn't care what religion you believe in. He just doesn't want you to know the ultimate truth, and he will use religion, medicine, and a multitude of other things to keep you from the truth.
That truth is that Jesus Christ is Lord and He came into the world to save sinful humankind, He was crucified, and He was buried, and He was raised to life. It is through His merciful and gracious sacrifice that humanity can be saved from the judgment that will come and that we all deserve. His requirement to be reunited with God and partake in redemption is to repent of sin and believe in Him. This is the beginning of a new life....real Life.
Amen! Jesus came to give us LIFE, while the Enemy seeks to destroy us. He is a liar from the beginning and hates humanity. I pray that people will wake up before it is too late
This was a phenomenal piece! I love the ending... just stop participating. So many people are waking up and trying alternative treatments that work and are healthy!
Thank you, a truly superb article
I’ve listened to only the first few minutes but was so struck by Dr Robert Mendelsohn’s statement “They have the compulsion to succeed, but not the will or the integrity to rebel.”
I’ve watched this play out for many years and this sentence perfectly summarizes why we are in this mess.
....and so it goes
"Medical politics is the art of sheer power." As much hope as I feel in seeing Bobby Kennedy nominated for the head of HHS (and how much fear, dread and angst too many of my friends feel), the reality will be that ALL the stops will be pulled to stop his confirmation. We're likely to see come to bear against him the full fury of those whose profits are threatened. My biggest fear is that Trump will cut him loose and end up appointing yet another industry insider. His recent Surgeon General pick suggests he's already feeling the heat for bucking the status quo far too hard against Big Pharma, the tail that wags the dog.
I'm glad your here, but speaking from personal experience, we really can't use anyone on the field who hasn't seriously worked through and resolved all their "hopes and fears" issues.
If Trump does cut Bobby loose, I'd expect that we'll likely see some token victories - eliminating tartrazine (by replacing with something nearly as toxic), and perhaps a push to eliminate public water fluoridation (since continuing the practice is likely to lead to public liability) - whatever they perceive to be the low hanging fruit: high visibility issues that can be addressed quickly and with minimal cost. My hope is that Bobby gets confirmed. I just know that he is potentially far too disruptive to the medical status quo.
..."Doctors are only human"...and that is why they are no better than any other human when it comes to medicine. The local witchdoctor or voodoo priestess can provide any cure your doctor can.
Besides, "everybody is a doctor":
Ray, I checked out your stack. Can't do it -- I felt like you were hitting me over the head with so much stuff if I click on one article, it just got crazy. Thought I'd drop this feedback since I would have liked to be part of your project. Best of luck. :-)
I agree. I provided this feedback to Ray a few weeks ago in a private message. It didn't go over too well :(
That's too bad. Sometimes, I have the feeling that humanity is sharply divided into those who love and welcome feedback, and those who just get pissed off by it. :-)
So should those on the medical Titanic Be pitied for insisting it is unsinkable?
Should we have compassion for those who insist upon sailing us into infested waters under deceitful sail?
Should we gather life jackets only for ourselves and our kin?
Or should we brave the belittlements and hostilities from the arrogant ship directors and try to save them as well?
These are the questions before us, fellow sailors.
For we are far from safety’s shore.
And the compass of our futures is in our hands.
Think. Decide. Inform. And jump!
BruceWales ©️11/23/24 8:40pm
Excellent questions. 🎯
Clearly there exist a trivial collection of men and women in medicine and surgery who are ethical, patient centred and open to patient centric treatment. A majority sadly appear seduced by noble cause corruption, richly motivated and paid to remain locked and enmeshed in 'the system' and penalised to not comply. The 'education' began with required jabs day one/week one medical school.
Surrendering mind and body to these acolytes appears little better than surrendering one's soul to the misdirection of Pharisees or anchoring solely to 'science', itself an eminently useful tool not without its established limitations. One might also add that there exist a nearly indefinite supple of very wealthy snake-oil salesmen and women. As with all else, caveat emptor.