I too find it hard to believe viruses and bacteria don’t exist even though some people claim viruses have never been “isolated”. Kary Mullis, Nobel prize winner and inventor of the PCR test claimed it was absurd to believe a PCR test could detect the HIV virus. I imagine had he lived he would say the same thing about COVID 19 virus. Something about sensitivity vs. specificity. The test was very sensitive at detecting “stuff” especially at high rates of cycle thresholds but further tests were needed to determine the exact specifics of what the “stuff” was. Luc Montagnier another Nobel Prize winner for allegedly discovering and mapping the HIV virus said part of the HIV virus looked like it had been inserted into the COVID 19 virus. He even said he was able to specify each of the cleavage furins where it had been spliced into. All the gain of function research would seem to imply a great deal of knowledge about viruses. Whether said viruses have anything to do with ill health is another subject. By the way I am not an expert on any of these things. I barely graduated high school.

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There are visual recordings of viruses infecting bacteria. Also, scientists can tag with fluorescent markers the differing proteins that show the trajectory of the virus as it infects. Giant viruses are easily seen under a scope. Most viruses are necessary for life. Marine viruses result in a huge contribution of oxygen to the atmosphere. They have various shapes; they are not just simply blobs. Many people get infected by pathogenic viruses and don't know it because their immune system eliminates the pathogen before symptoms develop. Kary Mullis came up with the PCR test, but it was another group of scientists that made it work. It is a sensitive test so is useless if used beyond the threshold values needed to determine infection. Infection is a thing, whether bacterial, viral, fungal. I think it is good to question contagion, but evidence for transmission is all around us. The timing, the specifics of symptoms, lab tests and as I mentioned earlier infection can be viewed, indicate contagion. German New Medicine attributes all illness to emotional disturbance, but despite emotional factors in dysregulation, there are physical factors involved also.

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> There are visual recordings of viruses infecting bacteria

So you're saying you saw a movie about something, and that's proof of/evidence for a scientific hypothesis?

> scientists can tag with fluorescent markers the differing proteins that show the trajectory of the virus as it infects.

So you're saying that a tagged glowy protein that moves through metabolic/biological cycles is the same as "infection" is the same as "disease"?

> Kary Mullis came up with the PCR test,

No he did not. You are either uninformed, or lying.

> mom with biology degree


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I'm also proudly on Team Virus! I'm a dengue fever survivor...😀

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Yes, your symptoms were not due to mass psychosis or simply toxins. People are entitled not to believe in viruses or anything for that matter. I find though the non-virus believers are bitchy commentators and engage in mean spirited verbal tactics instead of discussion. It's a shame because it is more difficult to take their comments seriously.

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Yes, I am in 95% agreement with most of them, but some are just plain silly. They say there is no human to human spread at all. Bull. Sexually transmitted diseases abound. Don't ask me how I know:).

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Bacteria exist, can be isolated, and moved to different organisms.

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I don't think anyone is claiming that bacteria don't exist.

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Question: Why are we so obsessed with viruses and bacteria and germs?

Why are we NOT obsessed with the food available in shops which is almost exclusively toxic or harmful?

Why are we NOT obsessed with loads of pesticides and other life-cides that are circulated all around?

What about producers who deliberately put harmful food products in the market? Why are they still at large?

Why are we NOT obsessed with destroying our youngest by means of technology, devastating food and dramatic lifestyle?

Where are true human educators?

PS. It’s 2025, the 21st century, supposedly the advanced age of our progress…

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Answer: money and control. Who controls the agencies and institutions that promote and finance what you have stated. Who controls the Fed, Wall Street and Big Pharma? Therein lies your answer. Always the same group of people

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The illuminated ones!:).

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I think pharma makes a fortune from vaccines to prevent viral infection. If there were no viruses then there would be no legitimate platform to give a shot. I believe viruses exist and have experienced many including measles and chickenpox. Measles protects against certain cancers in adulthood, it also confers immunity to the newborn. A vaccinated mother won't be able to protect the newborn from measles, and the child is too young to receive a shot. We have taken the protection of natural immunity from new life. The mortality for measles is very low in western countries when kids get the right nutrition. If we emphasize hygiene, and good food, few viruses would be a threat to life, unless they are made to be dangerous in a lab. Despite good food, I would feel unsafe in an environment with patients with Ebola.

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Our vision is super limited. We can see a minute part of this world, what we call visible light. Everything else is beyond our grasp, understanding, imagination or even awareness of existence. We don’t even know whether infrared exists or whether it is a glitch of our scientific instruments which all are designed and built based on hunches, fantasies and maths.

The complexity of mutual relations between various things escapes the brightest capacity of our minds. We live in the dark, at the mercy of happenings. And we are so afraid to admit it that we must invent theories and explanations. Have you noticed? Each new theory is pronounced as THE true truth... until another one appears and cancels what we thought a minute ago. To a logical mind, this means that all these theories are false. We cannot admit it, either.

We truly don’t know what is happening in our world. Occasionally, we may be right. For the time being. So what? Our conscious time here is about 30 years for the most fortunate of us...

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We can't see radio waves, but they are real, we experience them. We know little, but we know a ton compared to our ancestors. Science evolves through trial and error. It is not a black and white issue. It is far more nuanced.

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You mean our ancestors who built the pyramids, Gobeki Tepli, etc?

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They died young.

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One of my dogs got a dangerous disease [which she fortunately survived with good treatment]. I isolated her but I took her mother with whom she lives to see a friend who has a dog. Then the dog of the friend got the same dangerous disease [and also survived luckily]. This must have been transmitted by the mother as carrier although the mother was asymptomatic. Any other explanation relies on pure coincidence which I do not believe. I believe it is relevant that the mother had had the usual vaccinations which the vet told me specifically protected against this disease. The dogs who were ill were unvaccinated. In this case there was clearly transmission between individuals and it could not have depended on factors of the type you describe which pertain to a general population. OK, I see that germs may not be the answer but I am totally sure that transmission BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS isolated for the general population exists - by whatever mechanism. None of the causal explanations in your article would apply in the case of my dogs. Incidentally, during the Covid scam, alt thinkers would argue that asymptomatic transmission of a "virus" does not exist - but I saw with my own experience that it DOES exist and the mother was asymptomatic and was undoubtedly the carrier. I get pretty despondent when I hear this battle between germs and environment. I suspect both transmission between individuals and through general environment exist but if we deny either we are never going to get to the truth

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Mary Mallon known as Typhoid Mary was an asymptomatic carrier of the bacteria that causes typhoid fever. She infected over fifty people. Interesting story.

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I assume all these dogs were vaccinated with poison?

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can you be more specific? What is the "dangerous disease" the dogs got?

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I cannot remember the name

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I agree that there is some type of transmission, but we probably do not understand it. Those who say that asymptomatic transmission of a "virus" does not exist refer to airborne respiratory diseases transmitted through respiratory droplets. They claim that ordinary breathing would not expel enough viruses to infect someone.

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Well my asymptomatic dog certainly gave it to another dog and there was no exceptional contact

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Contagious happiness, contagious laughter, contagious respect, contagious love, contagious selfless help and support. Easily isolated and inspected. Easily spread. Total cost involved: zero in any currency.

We have so much work to do.

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Dan, you took the words right out of my mouth. Our materialist obsession with measurement and "proof" blinds us to non-material explanations for everything. Thanks for seeing the forest for the trees.

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It seems that fantasy stories about Watchmen, Guardian Angels and other allies may be the most censored stories ever. Reasonably thinking, without them whatever is happening here and now should not have ever happened.

Just imagine a country in which the government, supposedly caring of and protecting its people, is actually fighting its people on a daily basis, on multiple fronts, manipulating living resources to push and pull. Without all those guardian angels and we are still here?

And we still cherish love and friendship. Some of us do real selfless work, away from mundane desires. And despite disappointments and unfulfilled dreams, we still believe in love and seek the one with whom we will change the world, our own private world, the only world that exists. There must be some higher power above all of us and everything here, the power that is driven by the good. However we call it, it’s there...

Waiting for us to choose and align with what feels right... or with what we think will be profitable. We’ve got to make this choice every minute. Isn’t it great?

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YES. It sure is.

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Why is the isolation the only proof that something exists? Electricity cannot be isolated, but we know that electricity exists by its effects. On the other hand, an electron cannot be isolated and is just a conceptual model for a carrier of electricity,

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Even if a virus could not be seen and giant viruses are easily seen under a scope, and we lived during the black plague, we would come to the same conclusion as our ancestors, something is infecting people en masse and we have to quarantine those with symptoms or those who have been around the symptomatic.

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I find this subject fascinating , and I do think our bodies may have a biofield around it . There is something to women starting their menstruation at the same time, that I think can be applied in other areas. What other signals do our body’s produce? We are 80 percent water and water does make sound and communicates , so do our body’s communicate with one another ? I don’t have answers but I do have questions and I like Alex Zeck’s thoughts on the matter. I’m not convinced viruses don’t exist but I also think there may be a deeper understanding than we can comprehend or see

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It is difficult to prove that the timing of menstruation in groups occurs.

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Not if the women involved can verify it.

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McClintock's study could not be replicated though.

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I'm left with the same question. If viruses can't be isolated and studied, where is the proof they exist? And if they don't exist, what caused illness and contagion we call a viral infection? The tree with the answer exists. It's just no one has barked up it yet!

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There is a ton of science papers on the isolation of viruses. Worth reading some of them.

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I've gone blind reading science papers and never found what you stated. Independents proved otherwise and were not allowed in the so-called labs of published evidence. Isn't that what science is supposed to be? Evidence of proof can be/should be overturned when new science proves them wrong?

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Easy to find science papers on giant viruses, they really exist.

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Great. Can you link to them?

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Easy to find, just google. Why would I google them for you.

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What a stupendous article. About time. Like I have said in the past, what good is it to dissect something down to the last atom to come to an obvious truth without doing that? I believed in all that was said here forever, until I really looked at it. Researched it. Finally understood it.

My starting point has always been, who benefits from this story. Who are they connected to and how much money are they making on these provable lies? Has covid taught us nothing?

Climate change, outer space, oil shortages, racism, anti-semitism, FDA, CDC, WHO, UN, Me-Too movement, AMA, APA, rabies, flu, cancer, Wall Street, WW1, WW11, Korea, Vietnam, war on drugs and terror, 9/11, boogymen coming to get us, he's a dictator cause we aren't. Yeah, OK.

Nothing but lies. It's called propaganda. Edward Bernays. They are all lying to you. They are telling you what they want you to believe and you still believe them. They want you to believe them so badly that they are willing to kill you to prove their lies are facts. That was covid.

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Extract from: 10 Reasons I Will Never Get Another Vaccine. {D. Alec Zeck} Unbekomimg restacked.

There is no evidence that viruses exist or cause illness. Virology does not follow the scientific method (please see my previous post for more details). Virology operates on a series of unproven assumptions, not empirical scientific evidence. The foundational claim — that viruses cause disease — is based on highly manipulated lab experiments, not direct evidence from nature. What virologists call "virus isolation" is fraudulent. A virus is never actually extracted from the bodily fluids of a sick person, but is assumed to exist within the fluids. Virologists mix unpurified bodily fluids with toxic antibiotics, antimycotics, and starved foreign cell cultures, which destroys the cells — then they wrongly blame a "virus" assumed to be in the sample for the damage.

Control studies by Dr. Stefan Lanka and others falsify the assumption that viruses cause cell death by showing that cell death occurs even without a human sample that is assumed to contain viruses. Additionally, 224 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests submitted to health institutions worldwide have failed to produce a single record of a virus being isolated directly from human bodily fluids. The images presented as "viruses" are actually cellular debris or artifacts from electron microscopy preparation, misidentified due to flawed methodology. This is just a short list of the problems with virology. With that, since vaccines require the existence of viruses and viruses have never been shown to exist, there is literally zero reason to ever receive a vaccine.

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Dr Andrew Kaufman, M.D. - Koch's Postulates: Have They Been Proven for Viruses?


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Anaphylaxis explains both natural outbreaks of “contagious illness” in human history and chronic illness in modern western populations. Because normally people carry the plague bacteria and cholera bacteria in their intestines and it's no problem.(*But) When rats, lice and fleas were common, their bites carried proteins found in sewage. In effect bites were the equivalent of being "vaccinated"; and enough bites would cause an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera etc. (*Thus testing sewage for “viruses” is just part of the nefarious vaccination agenda.)

All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals; and more recently with recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be linked to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis. Once a person is anaphylactized to food, it does not matter whether that food is organic, sustainably farmed or not. That food is permanently poisonous to that person. If it’s not immediately recognized, as most food allergies are not immediately identifiable; the gastrointestinal system and the microbiome get damaged or even destroyed. Damaged microbiome leads to a host of chronic diseases such as metabolic and autoimmune conditions, cancer and neurodegenerative conditions.


The pharmaceutical industry ran out of returns on investment some time around 2014 because of patents expiring on traditional drugs. So they all started moving in to the biologics which is all these proteins. Now the biologics patents are expiring, although it’s not as dramatic as the drugs because it takes a longer time to develop a biosimilar. So those revinues are going away a little slower than the drug revinues. But they’re all freaking out about that. The only major source of funding that they’ve had since 2017 is federal government, through the military, such as DARPA and BARDA; giving them contracts to mostly make these poisoning systems (*vaccines). By 2020 more than 50% of R&D funding was coming from BARDA; through these contracts where you don’t have to comply with pharmaceutical law. Well can you imagine if a private business has a choice ~ I can get free money from the government and don’t have to comply; or I have to raise money from private investors and have all kinds of compliance including FCC and pharmaceutical law. The answer is very simple. So they are all dropping normal programs and running into these military programs, because the government is dangling dollars infront of them. They will do anything and they don’t care. And a lot of the time these components are coming directly from the DOD for these mRNA vaccines and they don’t even know what they’re mixing but they’re doing it anyway. (*Unknown vaccine components were shipped out in drums from China, during the “pandemic”, and repackaged into vials without any analysis ~ as revealed by Pfizer QC whistleblower Melissa McAttee).

The NIH and FDA are front organizations that have no safety or efficacy standards for vaccines; and do not support criminal prosecution of manufacturers. They pretend to regulate biological products to maintain public confidence. Congress and federal agencies have not defined “vaccine” in measurable terms in any statute or regulation. The FDA “regulates” EUA countermeasures by certifying the fraud of military-made poisoning systems. This is legal because Congress passed laws that allow countermeasures to be adulterated (full of poison and undisclosed ingredients), misbranded and deployed without clinical trials. BARDA is creating a parallel, unregulated, unaccountable, liability free “pharmaceutical industry”; and is using pharmacies, clinics, and care facilities ~ including staff pimping “clinical trials” to unsuspecting grocery shoppers.

At the turn of the 20th century there were a lot of these gentlemen scientists who had independent financial means. Richet worked on various poisons which he called “virus”. The whole mythology of a virus being a particle was not there. It was understood that virus was something you injected to poison. In addition to early attempts at vaccination, he presided over the French Eugenics Society. He thought that black people were inferior. At that time, this was a fashionable conservative position in high society. The concern of these rich people was how do we prevent these poor classes, who are dirty (with infectious diseases) and inferior (involved in crime), from overbreeding? The goal of his research was to prevent epidemics and limit the reproduction of these dirty classes. Obviously now this is extended to all of us. Seems that the globalists now view us in the same way that they were viewing poor working classes. They view all the world as overpopulated and this (*vaccines) is the mechanism by which they are systematically limiting the population.

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VACCINES: {The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common? ~ Sasha Latypova (2024)}

Anaphylaxis caused by vaccines is eugenics by inoculation. Vaccines have always been biological weapons for depopulation. The idea of self-poisoning (vaccination) as prevention of deadly diseases has an enormously powerful grip on society. Let’s recall that until very recently most of us thought virology and vaccinology were real scientific disciplines, but they turned out to be a hoax and a systematic poisoning exercise. Vaccines have never been regulated as pharmaceutical products because it is not possible to regulate intentional poisons as pharmaceuticals. Big pharma is funded by the military e.g. Moderna is mostly a storefront for the US government/ DOD pushing injectable poison under the false pretense of “public health”. It is in financial trouble because when you murder your most loyal customers, they stop coming back.

Summary: Anaphylaxis is anything from mild allergy to shock and is induced by vaccine injected proteins. Injecting ANY foreign protein, including foodstuffs that are “generally considered safe” is not safe. Bypassing the digestive tract creates a state of anaphylaxis, i.e. the body’s immune system goes haywire gets sensitized to the substance and starts attacking itself. This explains both historical “epidemics”, such as cholera and plague; and the current epidemic of chronic illness, obesity, neurodegeneration, and food allergies.

Viruses are not natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and big pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact.

It is apparent from Richet’s 100 year old research {Charles Richet 1850 -1935 Nobel Prize in Medicine “Anaphylaxis”} the thing to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window ~ after 20 days and lasting months or years. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying some biological toxin (a low probability); or from what is now forced by government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in you or your child’s life “because science”.

The Biologics Control Act of 1902 was the Virus-Toxin Law. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew they were formulating biological poisons. In 1902, Congress set up a central data-collection system for births, deaths, diseases and causes of death. False attribution of disease and death by communicable pathogens is the way public health officers drive fear of epidemics and push vaccines to prevent disease. Falsification of disease data is currently carried out at the CDC.

Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the start, because, instead of producing immunity it produced violent reactions or death from tiny amounts of toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happens in a random % of any population. e.g. anaphylaxis rates in cattle injected with anthrax serum: 10% became violently ill and many died.

It is not possible to tell who will react anaphylactically because it is not known who may be sensitized to biological substances. The healthcare establishment denies this, proclaiming all vaccines are “very safe”. This is not true, as becomes apparent when you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things. For example, it is generally safe to ingest snake venom. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom into the blood stream is a very different story.

The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, anaphylaxis could result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”. This explains peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. Things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (claimed “generally safe” because it’s just food). Richet demonstrates that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and a variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion.

Most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, separated by at least 21 days; to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. (*Even promoting vaccines to cure diseases caused by vaccines!) In the case of mRNA vaccines, they know that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that is the goal of these military bioweapons, the shots continue to be pushed on the public.

Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research!

It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in disaster.

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It’s all Sepsis.

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My stepsis had sepsis:).

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Influenza is cased by EMF from the sunspot cycles.

One began in 2019 (Covid) peaked in 2023 (Bird Flu) ending for UN 2030.

An 11 year cycle. Ancients knew it.

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Read "The Invisible Rainbow". He talks all about it. RIP Arthur Firstenberg.

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Ok, then how do you explain lifelong immunity after measles, mumps and chicken pox?

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Same with mosquito viral diseases like dengue. Get it once, then immune.

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Maybe there is a change in toxic exposure and attitude which protects going forward. Seriously though, measles does confer long time immunity, far longer than shots. And it confers immunity to newborns, and protection against certain adult cancers.

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Huge unconvincing failure to provide a believable alternative explanation for chickenpox or measles parties contagion.

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Your response is an error in reasoning, it is fallacious; it's an argument from ignorance. Something is not true because someone can't prove its false. You need to supply the evidence supporting what you believe to be true.

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The fake PCR “test” cannot test for viral infection. As stated by Kary Banks Mullis who won the Nobel Prize for the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique: “no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the PCR-RT.” Fraudulent PCR tests created “cases” (false positives) which were hyped by government controlled media to create fear.

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