Mar 6, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Every time I am reintroduced to the story of Dr. Lawrie and Dr. Hill, my blood boils. It's so symptomatic of the Western decline. With the amount of lives it's cost, it should be known by everyone. All news agencies should have reported it. Our politicians should be holding people accountable. The medical industry should be reorganising to make sure such corruption can never happen again.

Instead... nothing. ALL our institutions are screwed. My eyes are now wide open, and I'll never be able to close them again. Suddenly the Matrix movie is now every day life - I have been forced out of the Matrix and 'real life' is rather dark compared to the delusion I'd been living for the prior part of my life.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022Author

Ditto to the blood boiling.

I always loved the Matrix movie, but now I know that I never understood it. Some deep part of me must have, otherwise why did I love it so much...but I now understand it as I have lived through that awakening...the painful unplugging...I am happy to say that the Kennedy book was the final "tool" that yanked the cord out from the back of my head.

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But notice he still dangles the carrot for the harmacutical industry and despite for example in his own book, The Real Anthony Fauci, has never brought out to the public just how effective the HBOT was for the respiratory tract distress. Who can trust such an aspirant to the White House?

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Thank you for sharing my Profiles in Courage entry on Dr. Lawrie! Her courageous conversation with Dr. Hill was my inspiration for launching that series, and I can’t wait to watch the new Oracle Films piece on her letter to Dr. Shill Hill.

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I watched that video last night, having read that part in The Real AF and wow!!! I am so glad she recorded the Zoom call. Watching Hill was incredible. He literally lost his spine. Worm man. Guilt oozed out of him. He could not look her in the eye through most of it. She politely raked him over the coals. My respects to her. I would be too angry to communicate so effectively. Watching him is a case study of what it means to live with someone’s boot on your neck; to submit to the subhuman status your “betters” have relegated you to. That’s what they want us all to do: to become Dr.Hills. “You will own nothing and you will be happy, slug.”

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I'm so glad she recorded it, and made the video about it. It's a very important historical piece of evidence. When I listen to that section in Kennedy's book, I couldn't believe that we had the transcript and couldn't believe that the fate of something so important came down to one person. Why am I surprised, most things come down to that. The video "letter" adds so much more depth and colour to the moment. How can you not love Tess!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

When I grow up, I want to be a tesslawrie.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

A searing indictment of a man who sold-out his chance to literally help change the world. This brought RFK Jr’s pages to life. Thanks for this astounding presentation. Dr. Lawrie and all involved.

Dr Kory fittingly took Hill to the woodshed with class and succinctness.

Did Dr Hill find a drug strong enough to bring him sleep on what must be innumerable thrashing nights haunted with guilt - or did a pillowcase stuffed with cash sufficiently assuage the conscience?

Yet even now more than year later, Tess and company, without expressing vindictiveness urge Hill to make things right and come clean about his unconscionable actions. He really could go from zero to (tarnished) hero. Humans love stories of righteous redemption.

Come on, Andy DO IT!

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Hill has managed to lay claim to being the Faust of our time.

I think that Tess's approach is the right one and the only one with some chance of working, and that is to invite him to come forward and redeem himself and his legacy. It just might work.

Indeed...come on Andy!!

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There be a circle befitting Hill in hell. Sin is done by both omission and commission. Hill in this matter managed to do both.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

It's pretty amazing how well you can sleep, while counting dead bodies like real humans count sheep, as long as you have tons of bribery money, your brand new reputation, and buddies in high places.

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It was interesting watching him squirm under her questioning and pressure. The shame of a shill immortalised. I think what we witnessed was a very rare recording of the death of a soul. He knew full well that he had been caught, on camera, with his Faustian bargain.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Hill is clearly corrupt, compromised, and complicit in mass murder. Reading that section in RFK's book made my blood pressure rise.

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Yes, agree...and ditto to the blood pressure.

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For more information on ivermectin see https://www.about-ivermectin.com/index.html. You will not find the website when you search in Google although it was published in February 2021.

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Thank you Bernhard. I have added that link into the Further Reading section at the bottom of the article.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Outstanding article Frank! Thank you! Cory in USA

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Thanks Cory 😊

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

The craziest thing about this is that after two years most of my friends and family would give me a blank stare if I mentioned the names Tess Lawrie, Pierre Kory, and Paul Marik.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022Author

I was saying something similar to friend recently, that if I asked 100 random people on the street if they had heard of McCullough or Malone that I wouldn't expect more than 1 or 2 to know about them. Maybe I'm being a bit too hard on the numbers but it sure does feel that way.

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Not in the least. It wasn't until Joe Rogan interviewed the both of them that a few more started to take note. Incidentally, the real reason that Trudeau came down on the truckers protest in Ottawa is suspected to be that Prof Byram Bridle, Dr Roger Hodkinson, and Dr Paul Alexander were making public speeches on big screen TV's on the main stage about the risks and the reactions from the vaccines, and how they were not fit for purpose. That wasn't on the MSM news of course.

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They were never questioning authority from the time of obtaining age of executive brain function. Perhaps the chemically tainted foods and perscribed drugs self lobotomization stripped over time any intellect capable of practicing discernment.

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I remember Dr. Hill interview and thought immediately, what a low life human, a piece of excrement. Dr. Fauci also was with the money gravy train and even recommended and went with national distribution for use of Gilead Sciences's Remdesivir despite the data that HE SIGNED OFF ON in the EBOLA trial pharmaceuticals study.

That corruption was involved is awaiting the analysis of Congressional and Senatorial and DNC and RNC campaign contributions. I suspect they were made just like the corruption found in Afghanistan, from the bottom up. In that similar way we would have our politicians and the Foundations on top watching those on the bottom who were working for Big Pharma making contributions. Would not be surprised if the money train of contributions was continually monitored closely by the likes of the main Pharma lobby group in D.C. and that information shared with both the DNC and RNC as well as DARPA and BARDA. Where's Wikileaks when you need it?

Free Julian Assange.

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