My co-author Robert Davidson wrote the rebuttal to the Mike Adams smear regarding this paper.


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Many activists are aware of the controlling attitude of Mike Adams. Thanks very much for the thorough and very interesting rebuttal.

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So Adams is for these kill shots?

Or he disputes the contents of the jab?

Either way I find him to be an apologist for the Germ Theory and Virology. SMH

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Read the rebuttal of Mike Adams which is downloadable from the link above. It is very detailed and explains exactly where Adams went astray. He had demanded a retraction of the study! The nerve of the man. His ego is insufferable, frankly.

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I didn’t. It’s 27 pages and way too much to read at the moment

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Dang, that's a load of nasty stuff. The most significant unnamed ingredient is Trust. Unquestioning trust underpins this entire bamboozlement.

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Genuine question. (I'm not trolling, and I am aware of the terrain theory.)

> If there was no virus, what made people sick if/when they were unvaxxed?

> What accounted for the distinctive pattern of symptoms above and beyond those associated with a typical respiratory illness?

-- Loss of taste/smell

-- Gut issues

-- Microclotting and problems with circulation ("COVID Toes")

-- Low blood oxygen levels without discomfort ("Happy Hypoxia")

Is there more information that you (or any of your readers) could share for me to review on this issue?

FYI, I just now started to review some of Mike Yeadon's posts on this issue and, if I understood him correctly, he said it was sufficient simply to disprove the existence of the virus, without explaining what might have caused the aforementioned pattern of symptoms:

> "While it’s undoubtedly satisfying to invalidate something AND to provide an alternative explanation for a phenomenon previously understood as caused in a particular way, it isn’t necessary." ~ Mike Yeadon

-- https://suavek1.substack.com/p/arguments-for-no-virus-part-1-dr

I agree it certainly isn't necessary, but I am definitely curious about any alternative explanations or theories, above and beyond the assertion of a simple nocebo effect . . . .

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Yes I struggle with this issue as well (germ vs terrain). Our school-age children did not receive the Covid jab yet they have Covid AB’s nearly off the charts (~2,500 and no recent infection). Shedding from jabbed classmates seems a reasonable explanation. But if there’s no virus, then no shedding. So what is the cause of their high levels that should have moderated by now? I would prefer to find a lab to measure actual spike levels but I understand this is not commercially available. One child had the onset of an auto-immune related condition so that is why I am considering such topics.

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My understanding is that shedding can include exosomes, so it might not actually have to be a virus, or viral particles or the spike that's being shed. (For a very technical analysis on this, see the merogenomics channel on YouTube.)

That said, it is clear that something is definitely being shed, so your question, MB, is a very important extension of this line of inquiry:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bb8062b655eb

Also, I have little doubt that shedding from the jab may well be possible, even if there's no confirmation of viral shedding.

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Thank you. I see you collected a number of compelling articles including those from AMD and Pierre Kory. You may also wish to include this one:


So if shedding is happening, the question is what can we do to alleviate its impact? I am aware of spike detox protocols (which I have done) but I am reviewing more closely before adding any supplements for my children (working with a naturopathic doctor on this).

Thank you for sharing the information. I appreciate reading a variety of perspectives so at least I’m informed should I need to take action. I don’t care if it’s germ or terrain theory that proves correct, I just want to protect my family. Thank you for your thoughts as we all muddle through these topics.

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Very much appreciate James' link. I'll be glad to add it into the library. It's one of a million I've been wanting to include.

I also appreciate your caution in planning a recovery strategy for your children. Glad you have the support of a naturopath to help with this process.

Agree with you !00% about the theoretical questions. In the end, we just need to find what works! 🙏

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So very sorry to hear about the issues your children are having, MB.

Here are some resources I've gathered for people recovering from long COVID and long vaxx, in case there might be something new here that might be of help:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/026b4e1bd888

Of course, the FLCCC resources are some of the best, and Dr. Korey now has his own clinic that focuses on the leading edge recovery protocols. Perhaps they might be able to provide the latest info on measuring spike protein levels and/or providing treatment for your kiddos?

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c9a29f3cee1d

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Thank you very much for taking the time to share such thoughtful insights and resources. Yes Pierre Kory’s clinic might be a good idea. With children, one really needs to weigh whether any intervention (even natural supplements) is the optimal approach vs no intervention. I thought skipping the jab would be sufficient for my kids to avoid the jab’s deleterious effects, but this does not seem to be the case.

Thank you again for your compassionate and thoughtful replies. I wish you and your family good health and happiness during these challenging times.

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Such a shame your children were impacted in this way! One of the therapies Kory is offering is completely noninvasive and comes highly recommended:

> https://drpierrekory.com/safe-and-sound-protocol

I don't know if it would be suitable for any of your children, but you can learn more about it here, if you are interested:

> https://bra.in/7pRnRx

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"Simple nocebo". Our mind can make us ill or well (placebo), how amazing is this and what other miracles can our mind/body do?

The biggest psyop ever with 24/7 worldwide doom and gloom fear propaganda had an impact on everyone. I had elbow and wrist pain from the stress of everyone around me going insane and trying to inject me with poison for 3 years.

To my knowledge none of those symptoms are unique to 2020.

Explain the annual list of causes of death the past 100 years and why the top 10 have changed?

Why were there no recorded heart attacks before 1905?

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Poor choice of words on my part, Clay. You're absolutely right. There's nothing at all "simple" about the nocebo effect:

> https://bra.in/5jMe2e

I also agree with you 100% about the doom/gloom fear mongering and propaganda:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/428b5715363f

However, my understanding is that what was different beginning in 2020 was the constellation of symptoms, which some medical professionals did claim were unprecedented:

> https://markbishofsky.substack.com/p/is-covid-19-real

I hasten to add: I'm not a medical professional, so I can't comment on whether these symptoms were new or not. And, I'm definitely NOT here to argue the virus is real. I'm just trying to deepen my understanding of what happened when people got sick if there was no virus.

As for your last 2 questions, my guess that someone more knowledgeable than I could easily explain that all the dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and environmental pollution during the last 100 years could certainly account for most of the other changes to which you are referring.

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I hear you. Epidemiology cannot tell us causation or prove anything. This is why contagion experiments with scientific controlls are crucial, and why they have never been done successfully for any "virus". Drs Bailey and Kaufman would argue that the symptoms aren't unique, so experts testifying isn't sufficient. There needs to be repeatable experiments that are demonstrated over and over and prove beyond any doubt the hypothesis correct. Otherwise we will never know and just guessing.

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Good to know. Thank you, Clay, for your additional input. It helps to know where Bailey and Kaufman stand on this.

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Hello, you are very well spoken/written and you seem to operate in a very balanced way, I appreciate this as I struggle to do the same at times.

Have you considered the symptoms of radiation poisoning in your search?

During the 'event' the symptoms I heard about seemed to closely resemble those of radiation saturation on biology. ❤️

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Me too. I share your curiosity.

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The ‘flu.

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Yes, and did you know that influenza was originally named radiowave sickness?

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Metta, how about the towers they put up during "covid" while we were all in lockdown. One by one maybe turn on, dialed in, dialed up so illnesses were random depending where you were. As all the other events in history similar when the citizenry was blasted with invisible waves of pain. Maybe?

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Every one of the symptoms you list (and many more) can be found listed as radiowave sickness or radiation sickness from electro-magnetic frequencies.

Please read this post which explains what happened in 2020 in great detail.


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I still believe in viruses too. Just not in fake ones:).

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I believe there were toxins distributed in many locations, so people did have genuine symptoms, which was the body trying to detoxify. That plus the barrage of propaganda was all that was needed. Listen to Jason Christoff, an expert in mind control, we are so easily manipulated.

As a hypnotherapist i can vouch for how extraordinary the Monday / body connection is. The subconscious is a powerful thing. What an enormous learning curve we have been on!

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Face it...drugs and vaccines are filled with all kids of "proprietary" crap that not even the drug makers know what it all does together in the same mix. These are mostly retards with nothing else better to do other than injure and murder people for fun and profit.

It's a supremely deadly clown show all the way around.

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Perfectly stated:

"There's a rule to my mind, perhaps even a law: if everyone is talking about something, it's to prevent discussion of something else—something truer.

There are always two stories, but it’s the third story that matters. The first two are designed to keep you from the third.

Consider the Operation Lock Step narrative: The first story was the wet market with its bats and pangolins. The second story was/is the lab leak. Like two well-trained sheepdogs, these two narratives herded collective attention away from the third story: that there was no virus at all. The whole thing was a magical illusion."

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I saw that bad bat in "Contagion" (2011), go doody on a piglet. It was so scientific, and helped prepare me for "acceptance". /ha

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Thank you, very thorough and well done! ❤️

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Mike Adams the "Health Ranger"? I believe he is controlled opposition.

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I didn't check every single one of your references but wondered if you and the team are aware that similar undeclared substances were found by Italian scientists in 2018 when they were testing general childhood vaccines. They were arrested and their laboratory dismantled.

I wrote about them here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/in-2018-italian-scientists-were-silenced

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Yttrium! Yikes!

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Check out Sasha’s substack on the covid vax under the heading of “biologics” which are live/always changing etc etc. There will never be an ingredient list


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So if you are unlucky enough to have been injected with all these 55 undisclosed ingredients, what is the best method to chelate them from the body?

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You are going to need multiple avenues of detox. start here - https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/how-to-eliminate-aluminum-from-your

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I have learned so much from Dr Yoho, fabulous stuff!

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Thank you Frank for bringing this work to our attention in a digestible way. I've followed this nano-bot assembling stuff from the beginning. It seemed off the charts crazy, but by the same token plausible and consistent with the agenda. I'm thrilled that this work is being done and released for the publics examination, but sadly feel that nothing will be done about it. There's an agenda at play that I believe is out of our control and will march forward regardless. Absolutely none of these controllers are to be trusted, they all have the same agenda with different paths to appeal to each of us, however the "sheep" will all be lead through the same gate no matter the path. Even so, I have hope.

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It might be worth adding a note of clarification to #34 re: the Microsoft patent. This patent specifically describes a cryptocurrency system where human body activity data (such as physical movement or brain waves) could serve as an alternative to traditional computational "proof of work" in cryptocurrency mining.

Rather than energy-hungry computers being used to solve complex mathematical problems that validate cryptocurrency transactions and earn rewards (the current system of crypto mining),, the patent proposes a voluntary system where users could earn cryptocurrency by performing certain physical or mental activities that would be measured by sensors.

This system, designed for consensual use, is similar to fitness trackers, where individuals knowingly participate and provide their biological data, and is not necessarily related to vaccine tracking or involuntary biological monitoring. Like all technologies involving biometric data collection - such as fingerprint sensors on smartphones or heart rate monitors in smartwatches - appropriate ethical frameworks with teeth are essential to safeguard misapplication.

Excellent piece! Thank you.

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