It says it right in your header: Do Not Comply

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Do not take ANY “vaccine”. Your body does not need them (or want them).

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One small comment, Astra is not an mRA vaccine. It is a viral vector vaccine that is basically an weakened virus. That is ancient technology even predating protein vaccines. The only new here is that they don't use a weakened version of COVID, but weakened adenovirus and glue the spike protein on it. OK, so not entirely ancient, as it si a new twist, but also not terribly new in how it interacts with the cells. It basically just infects some cells and makes sterile (as it is weakened) copies of itself. It hence does not suffer from the same side effects as Pfizer/Moderna for that reason. It does have its own side effects though.

In fact, it got a bad name due to the blood cloths, but depending on age and sex, it actually may not be worse than the mRNA. It is mostly female and mostly younger individuals. It also got a bad name as it was less effective, but that turned out to be a matter of dosing the shots 12 weeks apart. UK data showed when doing that it was equal to Pfizer. Last, mRNA vaccines have lower efficacy after a few months when antibodies naturally wane. Normally the cellular defenses would compensate only allowing for a small drop in efficacy but the mRNA vaccines show a greater drop. There are several studies indicating why this could be - no CD8 T cells in some people and a less optimal ratio of T vs B cells. The Johnson vaccine - also a viral vector - starts out lower, but shows very little sign of weakening. Most data show that Astra is like J&J, except it is two shots and slightly better. (And you can just as easily take to J&J if you really want.)

I've personally went for the J&J as Astra is not available in my country. As a male I don't have to fear the clots so much, but the mRNA has a very high risk for heart issues in (younger) males.

Novavax looks good in trials - good cellular and indeed no spike. But it also is a risk, as there may be unknown other issues. In general it does not matter as none of the vaccines protect you from getting and spreading it. Various countries seem to be slow in realizing this, and are still rolling out silly policies that differentiate between vaxed and unvaxed, even though both spread it almost equal. COVID is endemic, no more pandemic. It is not going away and it is waiting - just like with flu - until everybody has been exposed to it. Vaccines soften the blow, but just as everybody gets flu every X years, we all will get COVID in the next few years. No escape.

So if you are concerned - like I was too - about mRNA but do intend to take 'a' shot, I'd just take J&J/Astra and be done with it. They work well in limiting hospitalization and you get the government of your back. (Especially in Australia ... man am I glad not to live there!!!)

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AZ and Pfizer do the same thing in different ways. They uses different genetic material and different delivery systems that both lead to your cells producing spike. Spike, especially freely circulating spike, is the problem. The difference in serious adverse reactions between the two is essentially a distinction without a difference. Splitting hairs.

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I also spoke to a Dr. the other day, and he told me to hold out for Novavax if I can. He said if he was choosing, he'd go with that over any of the current ones.

I also asked his opinion of the current ones and told him if I were to take one, I was leaning towards AZ. He bought up an interesting point, he said that he was talking about the same thing with a colleague of his (I think he was only referring to AU numbers, though - I didn't ask, so I am not sure if he meant just in AU or worldwide), and both he and his colleague said AZ seems to have less side affects, but is that because a lot less people have taken it compared to Pfizer. What do you guys think about that?

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Oh, and I forgot to mention, I also spoke about aspirating the needle with him and asked if I can request that in my local clinic (He said I can, but he's not sure what their response would be. I didn't see him in person as I had an online consultation about other issues with him as he's a specialist in specific field, but anyway, I thought I'd ask him about vaccine while I was talking to him), and he said he doesn't think side affects are due to that, as in, if you do get them, he doesn't think it would be due to the needle not being aspirated.

What is everyone's take on that?

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Hi there,

AZ leads to cells producing spike? Can you show some evidence of that? In AZ the protein is not freely circulating, it is bound to adenovirus.

In Novavax they inject the spike protein, without it being bound - so even more "freely circulating protein". How is Novavax different then? The studies that show less side effects for Novavax are promising, but there are no studies on the long-term effects yet. Similarly, blood clotting due to AZ came to attention later after long-term evaluation was possible.

Best wishes

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Hi Boby,

What is your take on the current vaccines? Would you say AZ is the better one between the current choices. I have no idea whether or not to wait (if I wait, I lose my job), or if I should take something like AZ right now and get it out of the way.

I've also done some reading, and it seems here in AU they are telling people to get the second dose 3 weeks after the first, but I did some reading as Peter mentioned to try and get the second one with at least 2 months in between, and yeah, it seems that it will have better efficacy down the line if you leave it longer (2+ months after the first dose).

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Except that in outcome they do differ for reasons we do not fully understand, especially in context of mRNA. One aspect is that Pfizer claimed that the spike protein would not travel, but a sort of freedom-of-information request in Japan revealed Pfizer knew that was not true. For the J&J and Astra vaccines this seems less of an issue. Perhaps it is just the doses, as viral vector produces less antibodies, but in terms of reported symptoms viral vector seems more safe for males. Also, and that is what I was mostly hinting at, they seem more effective. If you need to get a shot, take the one that doesn't seems to hard fail after antibodies waned.

Of course if Novavax is available, I'd certainly consider that. But that is two shots and not one like J&J although for Australia that probably doesn't matter as you don't have that option.

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So in your opinion, they're pretty similar? Not much difference between the two?

Also, do we actually get a choice here? For example, if you go in can you request which one to get out of the currently available ones? Anyone know, or do you have to book in advance when asking for a specific type?

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Correct, all 3 currently available (Pfizer, AZ and Moderna) get your cells to produce spike protein. So, no difference between any of them regarding this issue. Only the "way" they produce the spike differs. It's cell manufactured spike that you want to avoid.

But Novavax has the spike produced outside your body and then they inject the spike into your shoulder. Not ideal but a much simpler mechanism or action and much less spike in your body and much more likely to stay localised in your arm.

So, the position remains, if you have to get one of the 4 government blessed potions, the risks of N should be far far lower. There might be some delays in getting N finally here, but it should eventually arrive. The gov has bought 50m doses after all.


So telling an employer that you are waiting for a gov sanctioned jab, is not a stretch.

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Hi Unbekoming, thank you for the reply. So you think if I tell them I'd rather wait for Novavax, it might make a difference? I have a hard time remembering what I read, so if they ask for reasons, I'd struggle to be able to explain what I've read. Also, the other thing with that is, even if I do wait, not sure if Novavax won't have issues either :(. Also, when you say inject it into your shoulder, do you mean the top of your arm? I had a look at your link, and it does seem they are trying to bring it here. Thanks for that link.

I work in supermarket/retail, so I don't think they'll allow me to wait (I'm pretty sure they won't allow unvaxxed workers to stay at any point past the mandate date). I am assuming they'll tell me I either take one of the current ones or go. I've also got a lot of holiday time built up (I'm a hard worker, I've only taken about 12 weeks holiday in the past 7/8 years combined), so not sure if getting fired affects holiday pay out? Anyone know how that works? Do you lose any of that if you get fired?

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Hi Peter, thanks for that great reply. What country are you in? The mandate just came down here where I live in Australia, and I have no idea what to do. I wasn't planning on taking any of them as I've tried to not use anything pharmaceutical the past 13 or so years, so this isn't a change in the way I view things.

I've also had issues with heart palpitations, so that is also not wanting me to take any of these vaccines. If I did end up taking one, which one would you say to take? AstraZenica, or should I try and wait for Novavax here in Australia (hopefully it does come here and you can get both doses)?

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I'm from the EU but living in the US, and manage to travel in between because I have the right paperwork. I'd personally go for AstraZenica as it is viral vector. They more we lean these seem the better or better said less worse ones. The cellular defenses are better triggered by these than the mRNA vaccines, and they have less side effects - provided you are male. Do take them 12 weeks apart as that works better. The antibodies wane anyway, so the higher levels mRNA provides is not that relevant. Either way none of then protect against getting and spreading, so it is purely to get the vax-pass and a lower hospitalization risk.

The only real risk from viral vector is blood cloths, but that is more female. I'd take some low doses aspirin the week before and perhaps two weeks after if you are concerned.

A year from now we may know, more so if you can wait, you could consider. But if pressure is just too much, I'd go for J&J or as backup since that is not available where you live AstraZenica. Novavax *sounds* very attractive but is also an unknown. It may disappoint too ... Plus here in the US they keep postponing the request for emergency approval because of production and quality control problems. So it may take a while before it actually gets available down under.

Last, if you can trust him or her, talk to your doctor who knows your medical background. I'm no doctor and hence don't know about palpitations. You could at least ask them if one of the shot types is more risky with palpitations, and see if teh answer you get is useful for your consideration.

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Hey Armin, thank you for the reply. I stepped away for a few days as it was too stressful for me. Every day I wake up, I feel like crap when I remember the choice I have to make by the end of the year. So you don't have to have it due to the papers you have? As in, can you travel to US and EU without taking any of them?

I'll have a think about everything you've said. Sounds like if I do end up having to take one, AstraZenica is the one to go with out of the current choices. I'm in my early 40s and male.

As for taking them 12 weeks apart. I don't think we get that choice here. The mandate says you have to have the first shot by the end of the year and the second one a month later (that's for keeping our jobs). I don't know if that rule still applies if you quit your job and then if you can decide how far to go between doses. Does anyone in Australia know if you can wait 3 months between if you weren't working?

I've been against taking most things pharmaceutical for the past 13 or so years, so it's not some new thing for me that I don't want something like this. I never got any resolutions from doctors when I used to go (I've only gone twice in 10 years to a GP). I've switched my diet and constantly tried to improve over the past 10 years. I'm not on a ketogenic diet the past few and haven't had a cold of flu since. I've cut out sugar, grains, most cards etc. and a lot of my issues that I've had for years seem to have resolved themselves.

The heart palpitations, not sure who I'd talk to about since I don't have a regular doctor anymore. I just know on this current diet they seem to be OK (hardly ever get them unless I cheat food wise), but when/if I cheat on what I eat, they seem to come back. Just worried these vaccinations could cause issues with that, and also other issues too.

Good point on the Novavax, I guess that would also be too new to know how that is even if I were to wait for it. I read it was supposed to be available by the end of the year here (that was months ago), but I guess what you're saying (delays, manufacturing issues, approval) is what is holding it up.

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I can indeed travel between US and EU without any need for shots. But of course both the EU and US are basically a set of countries/states with wildly different rules. Many people don't realize but various US states are 100% back to 2019 normal. No mandates, no masks, no nothing. If you'd travel with a time machine from 2019 to 2021 and don't watch the news (or enter a Federal building) you'd literally have no idea COVID exists. Just to indicate how absurd the hype is. COVID is also just a small % of the hospitalizations even though if you read the media you think they are all overflowing. They are not. I'd had to take my son to the ER for an Halloween accident with a pumpkin (long story :-) he is fine) and it was deserted.

But I meant mostly that I could take any vaccine I wanted, and was free to observe media and health advise from both sides of the Atlantic. I did take my family to the EU for a few weeks, when things got too absurd in the US state I lived in. My dual-paperwork mostly allowed me to not fall into information bubbles like many of my neighbors and coworkers did. That also allowed me to not get too stressed out about the vaccines. The issue is mostly that they force you to take it. If you do have to, it is likely to just be fine though.

I heard Novavax is asking for approval in Australia, so you might get lucky. But also don't stress too much. It is mostly about the principle at your age group. For e.g. my kids it would be far worse. Some data shows a 2 in 1000 chance for myocarditis for young males. If they push that on my kids, I'm moving.

I personally took the J&J as it was just one shot and then I got the paperwork. In terms of jobs, on the EU side The Netherlands cannot ask you for paperwork on the job by law, but on the US side they forbid me in the building which longer term effectively means being fired. But I could just hop a state and then give them the finger if they start to get too weird. One political party here wants hysteria, the other not, so we have choice. My impression on your side is that both sides are hysterical and even worse than both the US and EU. Probably because you managed to postpone the wave so long, and have not experienced it yet,

In the end though Australia will get the wave like everybody else as none of the vaccines protect you from getting and spreading it. They do cut hospitalization and death from just above to now just below flu levels. But either way Australia will find out if you are not old, immune compromised or obese you will normally survive. Reality many people in the EU are very old as it is a graying continent, and many people in the US are very obese - the stereotypes are all true. The average (!) age of death in most EU countries and US states was around 78-80 years old. That number they hide as much as possible and they highlight the rare younger cases.

Finally, too bad you cannot choose the 12 weeks gap. In the UK they standard do that and in the Netherlands you can basically do whatever you want. In the US I cannot get Astra, but could basically also do whatever I want. You just don't get your vax passport until you got both (except J&J).

I wish you luck though. But either way don't let them stress you out!

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Thanks, Peter. You really are making me feel a lot better. Even though I can't talk to you in person, it's still helpful.

So you've personally taken the J&J and that is only one shot? Is there any talk of them asking for more than one shot for you to travel, or can you travel with just the one dosage?

One point I don't like is, just say I took Astra, I don't like the idea of them later on pushing for boosters all the time. I'd be really mad if were to take it and then was told I'd have to start taking in regularly. Has there been any talk about long-term usage of it, and if that could be more detrimental to people's health if they are told to take boosters after the two doses?

I knew some of the states in the US weren't pushing the vaccine at all, but didn't know that is was basically business as usual in those states. I hear Texas and Florida are good states in the US? Any others that are similar? What state are you in if you don't mind me asking?

I think you've described the situation perfectly here in Australia. I'm in Western Australia and it has the lowest infection rates by far, but they want to open up the borders, and I think they've overreacted badly here. Out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago they dropped job mandates for pretty much nearly every job. I was happy to practice social distancing and even do lockdowns if need be with regular testing, but they skipped all that and instead went with the strictest mandate in all of Australia. Pretty crazy as I was watching the stuff going on in Melbourne and Sydney, and I thought I'm glad I'm in WA, but then out of nowhere, they drop the strictest mandate in the country. Back when coronavirus started, I was more for letting it go through so people got natural immunity (that is what I preferred for myself), but it looks like they are trying to just stop it all together.

Also, when the mandate first dropped, Perth (the capital city of WA), there was a protest, but it wasn't very big. From what I read, only 200 or so people turned up. I think 88% of the country have now already taken one dose. Doesn't look like many are opposed to it. I'm in a country town, and I don't even know anyone that isn't taking it. I'm on holiday from work, so I don't know what is going on there or what will happen when I go back. I feel pretty isolated as I would have liked to have talked to someone in person that is at least thinking of not taking it. I also don't know how to deal with people at work as I'm sure they're going to pressure me if/when they find out I may not take it just yet.

Also, a lot of people here seem to think that if they take it, it'll stop them from giving it to elderly family members and they are calling people who don't take it selfish and that they are potentially harming others. What do I say to those people? As far as I know, like you mentioned, it's still spreadable between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

What I am curious about, though, I assume that the only difference is an unvaccinated person could get sicker than a vaccinated person, right? An unvaccinated person doesn't spread a worse version to vaccinated people? That's what most people here were thinking/saying before I left for my time off.

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BTW Peter = Armin. Different machine, different pseudonym :-)

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I wasn't totally sure, but thought it might be you between the two usernames ;). Thanks a lot for replying, really appreciate it.

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Great article, thank you. Interested to hear your take on Dr Fleming's warning about Novavax and prion disease. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/atty-dr-fleming-covid-criminals-will-be-held-accountable-amp-warning-against-novavax_9uXJA2rHe2WNkaa.html

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Yes, I did see that. he does a good job of explaining how its made, and there are certainly things about that that concern me, and yes the prion issue could also be a concern, but overall I thought it was speculating on what might happen while explaining a mechanism of action that sounds far safer to me than this current crop of jabs. Ideally nobody would be forced to experiment with any of this stuff, but I think, for now at least, the odds are very good that it will have a much lower side effect profile and a reasonable "ticket" back into this horrid system them have built.

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Nov 6, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I hope you are correct but on several occasions online I have been swamped with Novavax shills who are far more aggressive and uninformed than the usual shills from Big Pharma. After one run-in with these people, I found a link I had clicked on that they sent had installed a fake Chrome extension onto my laptop that ate all the CPU ("Man in the Browser attack").

I am quite concerned that Novavax is a nefarious trick to mop up the remaining "hesitant". If I hadn't encountered what I did, I would perhaps have got the Novavax when it came out as a last resort if required, but I cannot unsee what I have experienced. I'll take my chances in the camps.

Although the antibody dependent enhancement issue of the other vaxxes remains unclear, original antigenic sin (OAS aka pathogenic priming) appears to be firmly in play (see https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/more-on-original-antigenic-sin-and ).

Until Novavax can demonstrate that they have resolved the ADE and OAS problems, then there is no point in taking it. Why would I risk my immune system over a virus that poses no threat to me in the first place?

I also take issue with this constant referral to Novavax as being a "traditional vaccine". Whilst it is true that protein-based influenza vaccines have also used their moth cell factory method, it is not correct to call this traditional - this is not CoronaVac.

According to Wikipedia (yes, I know...) Novavax call this a "recombinant nanoparticle vaccine...The spike proteins are then harvested and assembled onto a synthetic lipid nanoparticle about 50 nanometers across, each displaying up to 14 spike proteins." If this is true, then there is nothing "traditional" about this at all. The lipid nanoparticle opens the door for crossing of the blood-brain barrier and prion diseases, as with the mRNA vaxxes.

I am also extremely concerned that I cannot find any information about whether the Novavax spike is "live" or inactivated. We know the damage that the highly cytotoxic spike protein does to endothelial cells. I don't want to be told "good news, there is zero chance Novavax will kill you, but there is a 20% chance we will have to amputate your arm". I like my arm. I use it all the time.

Anyway, just my thoughts. I 100% agree with using Novavax as an excuse to delay - it's a sound strategy - but just remember this company has never made a product for the public in 34 years of existence. A pretty disastrous record.

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Love this comment, baboon. I heard Dr Ryan Cole talking to Steve Kirsch on Friday, also mentioned OAS is still an issue with Novavax. I guess I'll be seeing you in the camps. :-)

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Hey Teresa, thank you. Have you got a link to that discussion with Dr. Cole and Steve? It's not on his rumble yet and I would really like to hear that - https://rumble.com/user/stkirsch

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that ADE is no longer an issue with the Western vaxxes, but it might be with the Chinese one. Dr. Vernon Coleman is a genius and he has never mentioned ADE - he called OAS/pathogenic priming last year and it seems he will be right as he usually is.

If you haven't heard of him, he's on BrandNewTube and is also a pretty famous author in the UK. He is a retired physician and - like many of these people - was a highly respected doctor and even government adviser until he "went off the rails", if you know what I mean. :)

All the best people are going to be in the camps. We'll have a blast. ;)

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I think this is it here, on their home page: https://www.vacsafety.org/. Yes I'm aware of Dr Coleman, beautiful man who obviously cares a great deal. He also writes for this fantastic little newspaper in the UK: https://thelightpaper.co.uk/

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That's very kind, thank you for the links.

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Hi Baboon, thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. Darn, that is not something I wanted to hear/read about in regard to Novavax as I was holding out hope for that.

What do you suggest those of us in Australia and/or other countries do that need to work to make money? I really do not want to take any of them, but what do we do if we're forced to for food, housing etc.? I know some people can make money by working from home or by other means, but then you've got people that simply can't (I'd fall into this latter category for now, but I am still trying to come up with ways of doing so), what do we do? What would you do in a similar situation?

It's easy seeing some people here on substack say not to take it (I have a feeling a lot of those people saying that have more options that some of us that don't in certain countries), but it seems to me they are in countries with a little more options. At least in the US and some EU countries it's not mandatory in some jobs and states. Here is seems to be becoming mandatory in most jobs right now. I'm really, really leaning towards quitting my job on 20+ years because I don't want to take it, but what do I do in 6 months time if I can't make any money :(. It's really messed up situation to be in.

As for the OAS thing, does that still apply if you were to get the virus, get natural immunity, and then take a vaccine at a later date? I'd much prefer to get the virus and develop natural immunity, but in my area/town, there's been none of it due to the strict border lockdowns.

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Hi John, I am really sorry to hear of your plight. I am in France. Macron is going to give a statement to the nation on Tuesday and I know that is only going to mean more totalitarianism. I dread to hear what he is going to say.

First thing - please don't take what I wrote regarding Novavax as gospel. I am deeply suspicious of this company because I cannot find ANYTHING about their vaxx. I am very certain that they are engaged in a misinformation campaign. I respect Steve Kirsch very much and highly doubt he would mislead anyone, but I would not be surprised if he had been mislead by Novavax shills. They seem to be experts at misdirection. There is something deeply wrong with this company at the present time.

With that said, Pfizer said they would "win the Covid vaccination war" and there is every chance that search engines, Wikipedia and the MSM are making it as hard as possible to make any real information available to benefit Pfizer. It's almost impossible to know what is real anymore.

Regarding the "Man in the Browser" attack. This is an incredibly rare type of cyber-attack (rare in the old-normal sense). In my case, no anti-virus, anti-malware or any other kind of system could detect what they did. The only way I could get rid of it was to use Windows System Restore - twice. For any cyber-security experts reading this, it was a phantom Chrome Extension that revealed itself in the task manager as "New Tab".

Just to be sure that was what caused it, I subjected myself to clicking on the offending Novavax shill link again - same result. I'm an IT professional and wouldn't post any information like I have here unless I could replicate the results.

What was the purpose of this attack? I really don't know. All I can tell you is that I am not a scientist, not a virologist or immunologist but I am a very high IQ individual - and an incredibly concerned citizen. I have seen people write posts on twitter tagging household-name scientists and experts that include my handle on the list, because they believe I am some kind of expert or scientific genius! I literally have no profile picture and am called "baboon" FFS!

It makes me laugh but it's also tragic because I am literally a nobody (intentionally btw) that has merely demonstrated a high degree of knowledge of the science from their own research (nothing new there, I am an autodidact who makes money solely from things I have taught myself).

My first recommendation would just to be get out of your country. That is what I am looking at. This isn't really a long-term solution because this is global. Quite honestly we are all in the same boat ultimately.

You mentioned you can fix/build PCs - this was my father's business when he moved from the UK to France. If you can expand into software this may be a solution. Most people have no idea how to fix a computer, especially boomers. I'm living in rural France at present and I get harassed by people to fix their computers all the time. I get thousands of euros of this kind of business every year which I am actively trying to decline, because it's not worth my time (it's not worth my time sitting unpaid for an hour having coffee and biscuits after I have finished my work, the French are too nice). There is a huge market for business like this I can assure you.

"As for the OAS thing, does that still apply if you were to get the virus, get natural immunity, and then take a vaccine at a later date?"

As far as I have seen, the data shows overwhelmingly that if you have contracted Covid, you will suffer much worse reactions to the "vaccines" than someone who is Covid-naive. This also includes contracting the virus repeatedly after vaccination, which appears to be happening whether you had Covid naturally or didn't prior to vaccination.

You wouldn't get a measles shot if you had measles. It's very likely that once you have had Covid, you will be immune for life. vaccinating against a disease you are naturally immune to is insanity.

Here in France, they are saying you are only classed as being "immune" from Covid six months after you demonstrated antibodies. This is insane. Total pseudoscience.

Unless I can escape to somewhere that hasn't gone insane, my plan is to just ignore the system, rebel and try and survive any way I can. I will go to a camp or tell them to shoot me in the head before I kneel to this tyranny.

"I really do not want to take any of them, but what do we do if we're forced to for food, housing etc.?"

This will never end. They only win through compliance. Look at the Israelis- two shots and we are done. Whoops, sorry you need a booster or your "Green Pass" won't work...oops that's not working now you need four shots. Our safe and effective 95% relative risk reduction poison death shots don't work...let's give you shot number five, because all the other ones worked so well. SAFE! and EFFECTIVE!

How people fall for this garbage is quite honestly beyond me. The ride never ends. This is why we call it Clown World. Honk Honk!

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Hi Baboon, nice that you are in France. It's a place I've wanted to visit before.

Thanks for all your thoughts so far. I can't leave the country as I have elderly parents to look after.

"If you can expand into software this may be a solution. Most people have no idea how to fix a computer, especially boomers"

Can you elaborate on this? What should I be looking at doing software wise? I'm mainly a hardware guy when it comes to computers. Should I be learning some coding or something?

I will try and reply to other points of your post when I have time a little later.

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Please ask me more questions, I am happy to try and help you anyway I can.

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Hi John, no, you don't need to know coding, you are likely savvy enough already. I have no formal training in fixing computers but somehow I get roped into fixing them. :)

One example: an English professional writer who lives in France had a major problem with her printer. I unplugged it and turned it on again and she was back in business. She paid me 50 euros for two minutes "work".

Software is normally due to viruses, malware or just incompetence. Installing Linux seems to be a theme. The only problem I haven't been able to fix is one lady who had a ridiculously OTT printer that had a paper jam. I am not a hardware guy so suggested she contact one.

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I guess I will have to read that article Teresa posting, but I really was hoping Novavax would be a safer choice and if so, I hope it's available here in Australia for both doses.

Thanks for posting this article btw. I'm new to this site. Is there anywhere that you guys recommend I go to talk about vaccines (even if it's within this site or elsewhere).

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Nov 6, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

"Is there anywhere that you guys recommend I go to talk about vaccines (even if it's within this site or elsewhere)."

Hi John, I have to say, I have been lurking Substack and finally joined the other day. I am really liking this site and the community so far.

Quite honestly, every other site I have been on is an echo chamber. I only got suspended from Twitter once so far, surprisingly, and it has been a phenomenal resource for asking some world-class scientists some questions, but you are preaching to the choir and not changing anyone's mind.

Daily Sceptic is another one - a pretty good site although worryingly increasingly mainstream. The commenters there are definitely on the money, but it's again an echo chamber, you won't learn much new stuff and you won't be changing anyone's mind.

From what I can see so far from Substack, you get access to very bright people, very bright commenters and we can respectfully discuss, debate, disagree and provide evidence in a long-form format with sources and no censorship. Basically the opposite of Twitter.

Please take a look at the list of people I'm following on here - each community of subscribers is different for each author so it's less likely you will fall into an echo chamber.

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Thank you kitty! Time will tell. Unfortunately, if the outcome is bad it will be too late for most of us.

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Hi Teresa, did you end up taking one of the current ones yet? I'm not sure what to do. I've been stressed to the max trying to decide what to do as I wouldn't be able to keep by current job (supermarket/retailer worker for 20+ years). I've had time off work, and it's the worst time off I've ever had due to being stressed on what to do.

Is there anywhere for those of us who have concerns that can talk about the current and future vaccines?

I'm in WA, and the mandates have just happened just over a week ago for us, so it's still trying to get used to it and decide what to do.

For those of you over East, what is is like in regard to restrictions if you haven't had the vaccine? What are you and aren't allowed to do?

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Hi John, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time over there in WA. Here in Sydney the unvaxxed are still in lockdown, we were supposed to be free Dec 1 but there are already whispers that this is not going to happen. I will not be taking any of the current ones, and I would only take Novavax or the Australian Covax if the only other choice would be for my family to starve. I can point you to some places for information but all they will do is cement in your mind not to take them, and I'm not sure that will do you any good in the long run if you don't have a choice. Are you able to think outside the box for alternative earnings? I may be losing my job at the end of this year but I'm lucky that I can work with a laptop just about anywhere. Not so easy when you're in retail.

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Hi Teresa, thanks for the reply. It's great to talk to anyone at this point as I don't have anyone local that I know of that isn't getting it to talk to in person. I should have been keeping up with more of what is going on, but I guess you don't really start looking into things properly until it can/starts affecting you.. What line of work are you in if you don't mind me asking?

Yeah, I am not sure on what I could do to earn money in the long-run (is it usually only work from home jobs if you're not vaccinated? For example, in Sydney, are you allowed to do manual labour jobs such as mowing lawns if you work for yourself?). I will be OK for a little while, but not sure what to do for money in the long-term. I don't really have any real skills apart from my hobby of putting together computers (I don't know if I could do something like this from home as I'm not sure I'd have enough customers due to being in a small town).

Also, since you're in lockdown there in Sydney for unvaccinated, what are you allowed to do? Are you allowed to go to the store for food? What places are you allowed to go? We haven't had a lockdown in my town in country WA (I'm not even sure how many cases we've had here - I've heard a few only, so no lockdown in my town). Has restrictions been lifted for vaccinated in Sydney?

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This was our family’s strategy until I read about nanoparticles in adjudavants and also the partnership Nov has in the US with NIH.

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All of the Covid vaccines are poison. Mark my words. Don't trust Novavax either....

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