I learned about the Statin dangers in my Functional Nutrition training,. I warned family and friends, but they didn’t believe me. I’ve also recently learned that it can cause liver damage.
I have Gastroparesis, which led to type 2 Diabetes, those two are seldom diet-compatible. Dr. handed me a Crestor script, threw 3 in the toilet and flushed them, reported side effects. Did the same with the next two he wrote. Told him not to waste my time writing them, I wasn't taking them. I already knew too much about them. But you can't convince my husband of the facts. 3 of those suckers, and his health has declined. Just because there is no reaction, doesn't mean they won't kill you. He doesn't see his hands tremble, which I see from Whelchol.
I’m so sorry. I threw away all my mother’s medications away, put her on digestive enzymes, vitamins and an Anti-inflammatory diet. She was in her 90s. She went from doctor to doctor taking anything and everything they prescribed because her father was an orthopedic surgeon (before he died from medical error). When I started to read her the side effects from each medication, she was so angry she said “they’re trying to kill me” I’m never going back to them. She never read the inserts.
My hub is 83, Ret. SCPO, so he is a Beta, order taker, I'm the Alpha, Rebel. I've had too many reactions to their meds. Just the ones on TV scare me to death.
I never take a med without reading online, vision can't handle the mini print.
I do the vit/min route too. Didn't get C'jabs, used the vit/min with Quinine Bark, never got it. Quinine stopped the leg cramps too.
I'm Hypothyroid too, so you have diet restrictions there too. I started at 8 mcg, now up to 1.50 mcg, but the blue dyes have changed, I broke out with 3 skin Dermititis. Refuse to take them. ENDO won't talk to me. Primary did, we settled on 100 mcg and 50 mcg. So far they are working, but he only wrote for 30 days, repeat T3/4 in 6 weeks. That is 2 weeks without it.
Have you tried the natural thyroid options? I take no meds, never had a flu shot, or the experimental bioweapon, had my last 3 children without an MD, last 2 born at home. I've been on a Wholistic path since my teens. I learned how to care for my body.
I'd like to learn more. It is not an option I've been offered. The doses just keep getting stronger. Nurse delivered #2, 3 and 4 were C sections. 2 flu shots were enough to tell me they were bad. 1 Smallpox vax, rest were natural immunity. I started later than you did. Earl Mendel was my start.
Do a search for natural thyroid medications. You should also stay away from gluten and dairy, which have molecular mimicry with the thyroid, and make sure you’re getting enough iodine in your diet.
An awful lot of big pharma drugs do liver damage. Or should I say a lot of awful big pharma drugs do liver damage. Both are true. That's the effect of neuro-toxicity for you, the poor liver has to try and deal with the toxins.
Vitamin c and lysine can reduce cholesterol. By repairing the tissues that precipitate the bodies natural cholesterol forming response. I suggest using both ascorbic acid form and liposomal form. Liposomal can be on empty stomach but ascorbic acid needs to be taken w food.
Yes! I also learned that! The brain needs fat to function well and every cell in the body has cholesterol, by design. Not sure if that is what the Bitchute is about. I will watch it later or tomorrow. **Excellent video!
I gave a community presentation on Alzheimer's a few years ago using Dr. Dale Bredesen's book and materials from my Functional Nutrition training to the seniors I taught chair yoga to. Alzheimer's is also called Diabetes Type 3!
In the 70's when I was growing up, low fat diets were pushed by the FDA, and diabetes and dementia increased because the population was consuming more carbs to feel satiated, and lots of refined carbs. Fat creates a feeling of satiety. Bad fats, like hydrogenated fats, harden brain cells!
Our mantra in Functional Nutrition is Fat/Fiber/Protein at every meal. NOT refined carbs.
My maternal aunt was put on cholesterol lowering meds and has Alzheimer's for which her family put her into a drug trial. I offered to help her and they declined. She is not getting better. It's infuriating!
My doctor tried to get me on them. Yes I have high cholesterol but I am also super fit and healthy. I also have an inherent distrust of big Pharma
Looks like their playbook has been around a while. Similar tactics used for the clot shot. Absolute vrs relative risk telling you you’re a murderer if you question them.
Recently a Dr suggested to my 25yo athlete son, with a score of 3 point something, that it's "a bit on the high side"...but he didn't push statins that hard...this time.
Cholesterol is good for you, I’ve had high cholesterol since the 1990s, and each time the doctor tried to give me a prescription I said no thank you. My husband took statins for a couple of decades which caused joint pain and eventually @ 69 yrs of age he developed petit mal seizures. I asked him to quit taking statins and he stopped. Years ago I watched YT videos r/t alternative medicine and holistic health. Dr Stephanie Seniff convinced me STATINS are NOT good for us.
Cholesterol forms because there is damage to lining of the inside of the blood way … simply taking vitamin c and lysine can repair the tissue and stop the natural cholesterol response. I suggest taking a combination of liposomal vit c and ascorbic acid forms … liposomal can be taken on empty stomach and ascorbic acid needs to be taken with food … look into Dr Pauling if you want to learn more about where this approach originated.
Thanks for all your great book summaries I find them a great resource to give to people as easy introductions, rather than say go read this book which rarely people do. Another great book on the topic is The Great Cholesterol Myth by Jonny Bowden
Thanks for posting this. I have a relative who got neuropathy from statins. My doctor tried hard to get me on them and I refused. I don’t even have high cholesterol.
My father in law suffered from transient global amnesia not once but twice and his doctor didn't correlate it. His son did and he warned him and he is still on statins because, well his doctor said... 🙄. Some people will never learn.
At this point the only pharma product that I can confirm works as promised are certain pain killers. But not without dangers. and since we are on the topic… if you want to deal with or prevent cholesterol clogging … take vitamin c and lysine … see dr Pauling
Kendrick’s book is great. I read it several years ago. I also highly recommend a book with the same title (The Great Cholesterol Con) by Anthony Calpo. He does a fantastic job of going through the various studies and telling you what the drug companies were hiding. The big takeaways for me were a couple of the things you mentioned:
1. No benefits for women at all. And yet my mom is taking statins prescribed by her doctor. I’ve discussed this with her many times and she still takes them because she puts her faith in doctors and the system, generally.
2. For men, the studies seem to show some minor benefits for heart disease, but all cause mortality goes up. My doctor tried to prescribe statins for me and we got into a bit of a debate. He told me I shouldn’t believe everything I read on the Internet. Thanks to Calpo’s book, I told him flatly that the studies showed that all cause mortality is increased on statins and that my goal was to live, not avoid dying from heart disease only to die of cancer. 🙄 Since then, I’ve avoided going to see doctors at all. This new push toward everyone getting yearly physicals seems designed to create baseline billing for the system while giving increased opportunities to push drugs for all sorts of conditions (statins, vaccines, etc.). Last time, the doctor was also pushing shingles vaccine. I said no.
I avoid doctors like the plague. They misdiagnosed me in early 2020. What caused my facial palsy etc. was sodium nitrite poisoning but they never asked about diet.
For 10 years I suffered (spinal and leg pain) spent a fortune on Physio, walked on crutches and almost had spine surgery. After Dr doubled doses of statin meds the pain became unbearable so I stopped taking it. Have been pain-free ever since.
Incredible information. Every day I learn something new about the benefits of cholesterol and the harms of statins. I wish doctors would do some extracurricular reading instead of relying on the big pharma trash salesmen. It amazes me how close minded most physicians are when you try to discuss these topics. In this day and age you have to be your own doctor and advocate.
Great book. I have it and have tried to persuade many people to read it. Interestingly a friend, who is paranoid about heart disease and cholesterol, tried the Zoe glucose monitor (available here in the UK) and realised that we were talking sense about his terrible white food based vegan diet.
How dare “we” question any Dr. who recommends a drug? Having worked as a nurse for 47 years I watched patients not ask a single question when given a prescription. As a smart man on Substack has said “we are obedience trained” from the time we’re born. And we (including myself) have been trained to respect authority and certainly a Dr. with his blue scrubs or white jacket has all the answers. No, they do not, they are human and make mistakes all the time. Therefore we should ask lots of questions and do our own research…..let’s not be afraid to ask questions.
Thank you Scott for your very important work on educating uneducated folk (me) on these complex geo/political topics. Would be a prayer answered if Trump team takes you on as adviser - your ability to articulate complex topics is a talent. Xx
I learned about the Statin dangers in my Functional Nutrition training,. I warned family and friends, but they didn’t believe me. I’ve also recently learned that it can cause liver damage.
Great post!
I have Gastroparesis, which led to type 2 Diabetes, those two are seldom diet-compatible. Dr. handed me a Crestor script, threw 3 in the toilet and flushed them, reported side effects. Did the same with the next two he wrote. Told him not to waste my time writing them, I wasn't taking them. I already knew too much about them. But you can't convince my husband of the facts. 3 of those suckers, and his health has declined. Just because there is no reaction, doesn't mean they won't kill you. He doesn't see his hands tremble, which I see from Whelchol.
I’m so sorry. I threw away all my mother’s medications away, put her on digestive enzymes, vitamins and an Anti-inflammatory diet. She was in her 90s. She went from doctor to doctor taking anything and everything they prescribed because her father was an orthopedic surgeon (before he died from medical error). When I started to read her the side effects from each medication, she was so angry she said “they’re trying to kill me” I’m never going back to them. She never read the inserts.
My hub is 83, Ret. SCPO, so he is a Beta, order taker, I'm the Alpha, Rebel. I've had too many reactions to their meds. Just the ones on TV scare me to death.
I never take a med without reading online, vision can't handle the mini print.
I do the vit/min route too. Didn't get C'jabs, used the vit/min with Quinine Bark, never got it. Quinine stopped the leg cramps too.
I'm Hypothyroid too, so you have diet restrictions there too. I started at 8 mcg, now up to 1.50 mcg, but the blue dyes have changed, I broke out with 3 skin Dermititis. Refuse to take them. ENDO won't talk to me. Primary did, we settled on 100 mcg and 50 mcg. So far they are working, but he only wrote for 30 days, repeat T3/4 in 6 weeks. That is 2 weeks without it.
Have you tried the natural thyroid options? I take no meds, never had a flu shot, or the experimental bioweapon, had my last 3 children without an MD, last 2 born at home. I've been on a Wholistic path since my teens. I learned how to care for my body.
I'd like to learn more. It is not an option I've been offered. The doses just keep getting stronger. Nurse delivered #2, 3 and 4 were C sections. 2 flu shots were enough to tell me they were bad. 1 Smallpox vax, rest were natural immunity. I started later than you did. Earl Mendel was my start.
Do a search for natural thyroid medications. You should also stay away from gluten and dairy, which have molecular mimicry with the thyroid, and make sure you’re getting enough iodine in your diet.
An awful lot of big pharma drugs do liver damage. Or should I say a lot of awful big pharma drugs do liver damage. Both are true. That's the effect of neuro-toxicity for you, the poor liver has to try and deal with the toxins.
Vitamin c and lysine can reduce cholesterol. By repairing the tissues that precipitate the bodies natural cholesterol forming response. I suggest using both ascorbic acid form and liposomal form. Liposomal can be on empty stomach but ascorbic acid needs to be taken w food.
Yes! I also learned that! The brain needs fat to function well and every cell in the body has cholesterol, by design. Not sure if that is what the Bitchute is about. I will watch it later or tomorrow. **Excellent video!
I gave a community presentation on Alzheimer's a few years ago using Dr. Dale Bredesen's book and materials from my Functional Nutrition training to the seniors I taught chair yoga to. Alzheimer's is also called Diabetes Type 3!
In the 70's when I was growing up, low fat diets were pushed by the FDA, and diabetes and dementia increased because the population was consuming more carbs to feel satiated, and lots of refined carbs. Fat creates a feeling of satiety. Bad fats, like hydrogenated fats, harden brain cells!
Our mantra in Functional Nutrition is Fat/Fiber/Protein at every meal. NOT refined carbs.
All is not lost, apparently.
My maternal aunt was put on cholesterol lowering meds and has Alzheimer's for which her family put her into a drug trial. I offered to help her and they declined. She is not getting better. It's infuriating!
Thank you.
My doctor tried to get me on them. Yes I have high cholesterol but I am also super fit and healthy. I also have an inherent distrust of big Pharma
Looks like their playbook has been around a while. Similar tactics used for the clot shot. Absolute vrs relative risk telling you you’re a murderer if you question them.
Recently a Dr suggested to my 25yo athlete son, with a score of 3 point something, that it's "a bit on the high side"...but he didn't push statins that hard...this time.
Cholesterol is good for you, I’ve had high cholesterol since the 1990s, and each time the doctor tried to give me a prescription I said no thank you. My husband took statins for a couple of decades which caused joint pain and eventually @ 69 yrs of age he developed petit mal seizures. I asked him to quit taking statins and he stopped. Years ago I watched YT videos r/t alternative medicine and holistic health. Dr Stephanie Seniff convinced me STATINS are NOT good for us.
Cholesterol forms because there is damage to lining of the inside of the blood way … simply taking vitamin c and lysine can repair the tissue and stop the natural cholesterol response. I suggest taking a combination of liposomal vit c and ascorbic acid forms … liposomal can be taken on empty stomach and ascorbic acid needs to be taken with food … look into Dr Pauling if you want to learn more about where this approach originated.
Statins are deadly.
Thanks for all your great book summaries I find them a great resource to give to people as easy introductions, rather than say go read this book which rarely people do. Another great book on the topic is The Great Cholesterol Myth by Jonny Bowden
Thanks Andrew, glad to hear they are being used.
Thanks for posting this. I have a relative who got neuropathy from statins. My doctor tried hard to get me on them and I refused. I don’t even have high cholesterol.
My father in law suffered from transient global amnesia not once but twice and his doctor didn't correlate it. His son did and he warned him and he is still on statins because, well his doctor said... 🙄. Some people will never learn.
It amazes me that after this whole covid vaccine ordeal anyone can still have faith in their doctor.
Hooray for all of you who have figured out the medical scam that statins are.
We just need people to figure out the medical scam of bog pharma period.
At this point the only pharma product that I can confirm works as promised are certain pain killers. But not without dangers. and since we are on the topic… if you want to deal with or prevent cholesterol clogging … take vitamin c and lysine … see dr Pauling
Kendrick’s book is great. I read it several years ago. I also highly recommend a book with the same title (The Great Cholesterol Con) by Anthony Calpo. He does a fantastic job of going through the various studies and telling you what the drug companies were hiding. The big takeaways for me were a couple of the things you mentioned:
1. No benefits for women at all. And yet my mom is taking statins prescribed by her doctor. I’ve discussed this with her many times and she still takes them because she puts her faith in doctors and the system, generally.
2. For men, the studies seem to show some minor benefits for heart disease, but all cause mortality goes up. My doctor tried to prescribe statins for me and we got into a bit of a debate. He told me I shouldn’t believe everything I read on the Internet. Thanks to Calpo’s book, I told him flatly that the studies showed that all cause mortality is increased on statins and that my goal was to live, not avoid dying from heart disease only to die of cancer. 🙄 Since then, I’ve avoided going to see doctors at all. This new push toward everyone getting yearly physicals seems designed to create baseline billing for the system while giving increased opportunities to push drugs for all sorts of conditions (statins, vaccines, etc.). Last time, the doctor was also pushing shingles vaccine. I said no.
Yes indeed...yearly physicals are simply yearly sales opportunities.
Thanks for the Calpo recommendation.
I avoid doctors like the plague. They misdiagnosed me in early 2020. What caused my facial palsy etc. was sodium nitrite poisoning but they never asked about diet.
I do as well. My grandmother always said “stay away from doctors “ smart lady.
Indeed she was. I am not that keen on the PhD type now, let alone the medical ones.
See Dr Pauling on using vitamin c and lysine. No risk and all benefit.
For 10 years I suffered (spinal and leg pain) spent a fortune on Physio, walked on crutches and almost had spine surgery. After Dr doubled doses of statin meds the pain became unbearable so I stopped taking it. Have been pain-free ever since.
Wow, that’s significant! Good job! If you really want to reverse or prevent cholesterol clogging… try vit c w lysine. See Dr Pauling.
Like so many other drugs on the market!
Incredible information. Every day I learn something new about the benefits of cholesterol and the harms of statins. I wish doctors would do some extracurricular reading instead of relying on the big pharma trash salesmen. It amazes me how close minded most physicians are when you try to discuss these topics. In this day and age you have to be your own doctor and advocate.
Hi Unbekcoming!
Thank you very much for your informative articles and excellent book summaries!
You are welcome Cory!
Great book. I have it and have tried to persuade many people to read it. Interestingly a friend, who is paranoid about heart disease and cholesterol, tried the Zoe glucose monitor (available here in the UK) and realised that we were talking sense about his terrible white food based vegan diet.
The Fraud is just epic. I have witnessed side effects that are horrendous. There are better and natural ways to treat
How dare “we” question any Dr. who recommends a drug? Having worked as a nurse for 47 years I watched patients not ask a single question when given a prescription. As a smart man on Substack has said “we are obedience trained” from the time we’re born. And we (including myself) have been trained to respect authority and certainly a Dr. with his blue scrubs or white jacket has all the answers. No, they do not, they are human and make mistakes all the time. Therefore we should ask lots of questions and do our own research…..let’s not be afraid to ask questions.
Thank you Scott for your very important work on educating uneducated folk (me) on these complex geo/political topics. Would be a prayer answered if Trump team takes you on as adviser - your ability to articulate complex topics is a talent. Xx