At the beginning of this plandemic I was skeptical of Cowan & Kaufman. Not anymore. I dug into what they said and could find no fault with their analysis. Given what we now know, I attribute all young age deaths as products of vaccines. It's the common thread. Someone, many, have said, all disease comes from vaccines and I believe that, since Eustace Mullins has said there has never been a reported case of cancer in the unvaccinated.

What upset me deeply in this cogent article was the reference to Ft Riley. I Met my 1st husband in 1966, engaged in '68 when he was drafted and sent to Ft Bragg. After basic he was sent to Ft Benjamin Harrison in Indiana, and finished his last year at Ft Riley. I visited him at all 3 forts. I counted us very fortunate that he was not sent to Vietnam. We married in 1971 and 10 years later he died at 35, dropped to the ground and died. Never once in our lifetime together was he ever sick or had a doctor visit.

I know, could have been many things that I'll never know, but given the time, we had good food, very few contaminants, he was young & viral, very active, played sports, Minnesota Fats had nothing on him when it came to a pool table, and was an amateur race car driver. Inexplicable deaths disturb me greatly. Given this data about Ft Riley, how soldiers have always been used as pin cushions for experimental drugs, I can only draw upon my common thread theory for answers.

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I agree viruses are a myth, but you should definitely NOT attribute all young age deaths to vaccines in 2020, when there were 529k more death than in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. All adult age groups were affected across the board, and deaths increased the most for younger adults age 35-44--according to the official US mortality data. I just wrote a reference book on that data, you can see quite a bit of content for free here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Thank you for the link, I will definitely read your work. I guess one can spin around in circles all day examining all the little details and come up with a scenario that fits our sentiments or fears. In honesty, that is not what I've done. Covid never scared me for a second. Convulsions, Migraines, Anal Leakage, Paralysis???? I might have paid attention, but cold symptoms, never.

I think 9/11. Guaranteed 3000 were trying to help on the ground, building fell in 5 seconds, how far can you run in that time. Plus 70,000 lung cancers and mesotheliomas in the following year, yet the official death count was 3000. Still is.

IMO, covid was the mother lode of all false flags. Long time since I read stats of 700 million by Ed Dowd, must be well over 1 billion dead from the jab by now. Call me non-sensical buy anyone who took the jab in 2021, and died within the next 2 years, I don't care how old they were, they got poisoned to death.

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If they shed then the Virus was man made, Unique, for now.


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Jul 13Liked by Unbekoming

Good day Unbekoming and Commentariat,

Thanks for shinning the light on the ?Spanish Flu?

> First, there is a lot less fear of what your neighbor or friend or crowds are going to do to you because you realize there's no virus to pass between people. You start living life a lot less fearful, which then improves your health and everybody gets better from that.

REPLY: At the beginning of C-19 I was closely following Jonathan Jay Couey's analysis of the ?pandemic?

As a result I came across this article [ Link- https://www.quantamagazine.org/cells-talk-in-a-language-that-looks-like-viruses-20180502/ ]. I read within the context of Dr. Lynn Margulis work with James Lovelock and Gaia. Most importantly bacteria which Terraformed Earth and made it habitable for the rest of life.

The lock downs and masks seemed to be to be an attempt to scuttle peoples natural communication at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. Called in a derogatory term "shedding" is a form of communication that has been going on between all life for perhaps 3+ billion years. A communication so accurate and complete nothing humans have come up with come close to matching it.

Without deeply understanding the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis (which I have spent years reading and re-reading her books) it is impossible to grasp the beauty of this means of communication. It is also very stupid to interfere with it sense humans are almost completely clueless regarding the full spectrum of its functions.

> Firstenberg’s seminal work suggests a wide range of illnesses and metabolic disorders can be attributed to exposures to pulsed and alternating electromagnetic fields in the environment which interfere with electric currents used by our biological systems.


Decades before Arthur Firstenberg book, there was the book The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life a 1985 book by Becker and Gary Selden.

Dr. Becker did pioneering research on Electromagnetism and the body and was blowing the whistle then on Power Lines. Long before 5g towers. We didn't listen then (Overton Windows) and the communication and electric industry is not listening now to Arthur Firstenberg work.

You also mention the toxic effects of "thousands of tons of explosives used to send millions of pounds of toxic liquids and poisonous gasses into the air across an entire continent would create an environment that would create mass casualties?"

With that in mind I point to Tyron Hayes (UC Berkely researcher and Professor) who did difficult work on Atrazine and it's dramataic effect on male frogs. Changing their gender to female. In the late 1970s early 1980s an amazing women explained that due to pollution (especially pesticides, herbicides and endocrine disruptors of all kinds) gender dysphoria would become common.

Reading the work of Tyrone Hayes and meeting him confirmed her predictions for me. It was amazing to see the change in our society over time.

I have also shared with you data on the massive die-off of Pacific Kelp along the Pacific Coast of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. I hope one day you do a deep dive into the disaster.

I appreciate all you do ~wm

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Thank you wm, appreciate the link, books and names. Very helpful!

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I was wrong about parts of Oregon. Washington, British Columbia and Alaska were not part of the Kelp Die off. It is clear from the maps of the Kuroshio Current/North Pacific current that the brunt of the current meets the Northern California Coast.

An interesting coincidence happened. In March 2011 Fukashima Nuclear Power Plant disaster happened. about 3 years later 2014 and the Kelp along the California Pacific coast died off. The reports at the time talk about the Blob of warm water and infestation of urchin that killed the Kelp.

No one really knows how the blob formed. Nothing mentions Fukashima or radiation or the heat of the water released from the Fukashima Nuclear power disaster. THERE may not have been any effect. Still I find the timing interesting.

Working out the travel time of the current is nearly impossible. It is variable speed from cm per our to kilometers an hour near Japan. The explanation for the die off remains problematic for me.

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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

Brilliant article. I think it was the Rockefeller meningitis vaccine made in horses, given to troops in Fort Riley and also shipped to many countries wot done it. It may have been a species jump of the horse disease "Strangles". The pandemic started in the Madrid garrison only about a month after the injections at Fort Riley. It seems likely that it was the Rockefeller vaccine again.

Here is the video I made about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAfphDcZ66s

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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

I never know my paternal grandparents because they both died in 1918 in Visalia, California after immigrating from Italy to work in the Imperial Valley vineyards.

My father was 6 months old and raised as an orphan by the Salvos. At age 8, he became an indentured foster child to a widow with a farm that needed cheap labour.

Thank you for writing and researching this inhumanly ugly period of history. It helps to heal the repercussions of my unanswered questions of how this happened.


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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

I just read some of your blog posts…somewhere in my mental filing cabinet I have stored your info in case I ever find myself in the great state of Missouri. Fascinating read about your scar tissue work. Keep it up and God bless ya!

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thank you, nice article! those last paragraphs i loved the most. They are like ticking time-bombs in the thinking brain...

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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

Great article! It leaves me pondering 🤔.. Profound thought provoking information! Ty!

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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you.

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Since you integrate areas of skepticism about history and scientific claims this NIH contracted 1,000+ page review of Gain of Function Risks & Benefits is probably gold in your hands. What it demonstrates is that all virology & vaccine development relies on GoF to do ALL the research related to RNA viruses since these molecules are too fleeting and replication incompetent to swab a patient or bat's ass and grow any virus in a lab so they cobble together PCR consensus sequences to produce as DNA clones grown in E.coli then purified to RNA that is then substituted as a proxy for wild type virus in their petrie dish & animal models. These experiments have synthetic sequences & purity that can NEVER exist in the wild but used as a model for reality that is unteathered from any biology to support it.

My suggestion for the most fun way to slog through the document is search terms like "however" where every GoF result has caveats that petrie dish may NOT reflect real world results or human immune system response. Fun to note how Spike Protein is of special interest. All of the GoF is to predict which strain to use for flu vaccines and other "preventive" vaccines. Other fun search terms are "pre-pandemic" "vaccine" "stockpile" "stakeholders" "model" "spike"


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For supplementary material, Dr. Sam Bailey did a rundown on this rather recently. I would also add the usage and improper dosage of a new drug called aspirin may have been a contributing factor at that time.

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Jul 12Liked by Unbekoming

The aspirin story is overstated and not a material aspect of the overall story.

The aspirin conjecture was given widespread exposure by Karen Starko in this paper:


If you read Starko's paper in great detail you'll see it is riddled with holes and conjecture and conflations as well as multiple omissions.

To suggest that the use of salicylates (aspirin) "contributed" or could have contributed to the death tolls (falsely attributed) to the (mythical) Spanish Flu is fair to theorize about however, as it is with the EMF as cause for Spanish Flu theory, the evidence for aspirin being a major cause is weak and omits the fact that many, many countries did not partake of a mass aspirin campaign yet did have mass deaths that were (falsely) also attributed to the Spanish Flu.

The evidence for aspirin as a significant causal factor is not only weak but is pretty well repudiated by multiple other concrete realities. Starko herself when challenged on her paper scarcely and ham-handedly (sic) defended her hypothesis, pretty much just saying "Well it could have been a factor."

Starko's paper is pure sophistry and the classic case where one starts with a preconception and then inserts claims and conflations that purportedly fit the hypothesis. Not to mention the severe presuppositions about the nature of the "Spanish Flu" and viral causation that define Starko's paper.

While it's true that poison pills and poisonous injections will "contribute" to any illness those pale in comparison to the chemical and gas warfare that was ongoing from 1915-1918, the mass famine and the apocalyptic social destruction caused by WW1 including the aftermath.

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I look at Spanish flu as a multi-factorial event with some factors having a greater impact on the outcome than others. I definitely don’t lead with aspirin, but I do think it could have contributed to disease in some places to make this “Spanish flu” problem seem even worse.

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There are so many aspects to the story it's impossible to encapsulate everything in an article- I'm the author of the piece.

In doing the research I went through (among many other items) original source documents that had to be translated and European retrospectives and analyses that were written by various European academics.

Many things stood out with one of them being that almost without exception they were unable to find much direct mention of the Spanish Flu in the archival material that they went through. This included French, Spanish, German authors who had gone through records in libraries, the press and government and military records.

Even as they would admit to this in their papers they would make assumptions based on their belief, and literally that was what it was a conditioned belief, that what caused these deaths was this thing called the Spanish Flu.

It would take too much time to cite specific examples here- I'm considering a follow-up where I may get into some other aspects of this.

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I think a lot of these stories are completely rewritten for contemporary audiences.

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And this story emerged in sync with the nascent Pharma/Chemical Industry and that's no accident.

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Same old story, Power is absolute, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The methodology to obtain and keep it varies, the result is always the same, the body count goes up.

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My grandmother was a nurse in WW1 and talked a lot about what she saw and how nursing was done in those days. She talked about what happened to men with mustard gas, gangrenous wounds and how amazing it was that men who laid for a day or so in the field and got maggots in their wounds would heal, but men who were brought in immediately would suffer infection and sometimes die from it. They didn't have antibiotics then. She didn't mention anything about a Spanish Flu. I don't remember hearing about it in history classes of high school either. I read about it in 2007 when the Swine Flu was being put out again.

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Another aspect of this was the use of aspirin for this flu. Aspirin was a relatively new drug being distributed world wide. Dosing was not yet standardized and patients were dosed based on an assumption that more is better, so overdoses occurred sometimes leading to death.

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I used to agree with the aspirin idea, which on it face makes good sense, but after seeing how the US democide of 2020 is being covered up with the idea that toxic treatment protocols are responsible for a half-million excess deaths in the US in 2020, I have a different perspective on it.

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Back in the day there was a product called Aspergum. It looked sort of like Chiclets and tasted like orange baby aspirin. If you're a kid and you chew too many of these, it makes your ears ring.

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Spanish flu sounds like a democide that was remarkably similar to the one the US just had in 2020-2022--the one no one is talking about. The NYC mass casualty event of Spring 2020 marked the start, where there were 50k extra deaths over 8 weeks in 25 contiguous counties in the NYC metro area, with an apparent epicenter near NY Harbor. Maybe they have a lot more subtle gases now, to avoid bodies in the street. There were over 500k total extra deaths in 2020 in the US alone, and 500k more in 2021. Percentage-wise, deaths increased more for younger adults, with the highest increase for ages 35-44. The NYC mass casualty event is the subject of Chapter 6 of my new reference book on US mortality, and you can read it for free here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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"This also doesn’t mean that you cannot concoct infectious agents in labs. Off course you can...

If something is meant to bounce from person to person across the world, it gets abused and beaten up along the way, by each person’s immune system. It gets weaker and weaker, until it cannot get off the mat."

And your evidence for this is? Because the issue the world needs to grapple with is not simply whether or not pandemics can be caused by "viruses" or other "infectious agents" but whether there are any disease-causing "viruses" at all (or any disease-causing microbes at all). If they hold a false belief in such things, they will still unnecessarily avoid sick people, etc.

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Great article with words and ideas that flow with logical ease. Thank you!

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I can't get on the No Viruses Exist bus, or the other one. How can you prove that something does not exist? Once a claim is made, the one making the claim has to show the basis for the claim. That hasn't been done yet. What modern 'virus' seems to be is a popular concept, like evil spirits, bad air or karma which also haven't been proved to exist. The terms have explanatory power when you don't know what is going on. That seems to be enough, if you don't want to look any further.

Terminology keeps the medical industry in business. "You have dysphagia. You have pruritis. You have acute renal failure. You have autoimmune disease". It doesn't seem likely that people will cotton on that a label doesn't find a cause or fix anything.

Virus, the old word, still means poison. They used to tell us in school that a virus was a non-living, nanometers sized, particle with the intelligence to invade the body cells and use them to manufacture more little viruses until they stopped. In 2020 this changed to an intelligent, live particle that was also polite and would leave you alone in certain venues, if you stopped up your facial air holes or if you were sitting down eating. Or it would kill you.

Why can't social science marketing have it all ways in one poisonous, non-living, intelligent, socialized particle, molecule, or entity that can be alive or dead at the same time sort of like nature's idea of the platypus? Does it matter what the name of it is?

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Negative Evil Vector

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I'm surprised that Aspirin overdose isn't mentioned.

Thanks as always, useful article to offer to true believers...

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Comments noted.

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