The AMD Substack was absolutely terrific on dermatology. I tried to share it but a family member wanted to know AMD's background so he could "vet" him. I said "the links are all there hi look yourself". Needless to say family member is a moron.

Anyway....this is what really pisses me off.

"By 2013, 65 to 70 percent of oncologists' income was drug charges."

No one, absolutely no one talks about the conflict of interest there!!!

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Good golly Miss Molly! Vet indeed….they don’t even vet the vacs, and reams of research proving that procedure is dangerous!! Heaven help us ~~~I live in a senior comty where just the other day I stood across from the big pool and marveled at the groups of sun bathers sizzling under the sun, limbs splayed, faces exposed….likely finishing off their AZ sun tan before going home to show it off to Montana neighbors….Who cares! ~~~ And who, of those now walking around, with most of their visible skin tattooed to the max, will enjoy looking in the mirror, thirty years from now? Plan ahead darlings….few can live without a nose.

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My MIL had many many skin cancers removed from her face and always blamed it on the fact that she got a bad burn when she was a kid. Um NO NO NO she would NEVER go out in the sun and only wore long sleeve and a hat outside AND slathered sunscreen on herself IN THE HOUSE!

As for the "other" family member I mentioned I almost said to him "did you vet the ER cardiac surgeon that operated on your wife before they did the surgery"? The again he also wants me to take the flu vaxx as well as all the boosters .. never took a one!

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LOL. Good one! So true…..Did you vet the pilot? ~~~ I’m understanding it’s a conversational resistance so you will back off your pressure that they take more time to think, before their life turns into medical nightmare….. I know so many, so sad …. Things like two or three family members, a friend in a year, gone!? “Vet,” another word misunderstood for political argument….

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Forgot…. I know someone in business who has already had several procedures on his face for the concerns thereof. Comes to work wearing little face bandages….

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Please see my note on ivermectin above.

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Here is a free copy of Butchered by "Healthcare" for you to download. It has a scorching dermatology chapter that is quoted here. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z. Thanks for quoting me.

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When I was an adventurous traveler I noticed the indigenous people living near the equator and what they did and used to overcome the climate, took that in and ran with it. They should know, right? I knew the value of the sun, after all, I was in the lands of the Sun Gods. Now I live in a land where the sun is daily blocked, mothers lather their children head to toe with sun screen, that makes me cringe every time I see that. What I learned from the indigenous I took back home.

My son had the worst eczema ever seen. I didn't know at the time that all eczema comes from vaccines. Here we go to dermatologists. Three threw me out of the office refusing to see my son because I asked too many questions and their treatments made my son worse. Since my son had severe asthma (also from vaccines) I was told that eczema & asthma go together and he would eventually grow out of both. Then I went to my mother for advice. Shoulda gone there 1st.

My son peed in a cup for me and I saved it, applied it to his literally ripped skin from scratching, let it mildly scab over and applied his urine with a cotton ball to his wounds. Then I ground up oatmeal into a powder and he laid in an oatmeal bath till the water went cold. While his skin was soft I applied Vicks, yes it's amazing what Vicks heals, and he went to bed. No itching in the morn because his skin was supple. That forever ended any possibility of my going to a dermatologist.

Back to the indigenous. No cancer, no sunglasses and no eyeglasses, hum. Have you ever seen a tribesman wearing glasses? Or any sentient being not seeking shelter in afternoon sun?

After a world class sunburn in Acapulco in '75 I learned. Never happened again. The next 17 countries on or near the equator I took a hat, parasol, long sleeve cotton shirt, no sunglasses, no sunscreen and did the same for my kids. They drank water and juices, I drank the local firewater.

I keep my VitD level between 80-100. Now I do 20 minutes at 1pm and another 20 at 2pm. Brown as a walnut in a week, that is, when Bill Gates allows the sun to shine in the USA where I live.

Of all the lies AMA and Pharma tell, demonizing the sun has got to be right up there with the worst advice ever given guaranteeing them a massive flow of sick people and the big bucks treatments that follow. Gotta give it to 'em, the smartest, most villainous geniuses on the planet that people should never listen to.

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May 5
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My mother (b.1916) told me that she used to get debilitating ear aches. When she was 6 she overheard her mother talking to another who gave her advice on how to cure ear aches. Took 3-4 men to hold my mother down to put a few drops of male baby urine in her ear. She freaked out over that but never had an earache again. Fast forward 70 years to my son's eczema. Urine was her idea, Vicks was mine. Together they worked.

Fast forward another 30 years and I got a rash on my face. I'm very allergic to nature, can't sit on grass and every bug in town has my address. It was probably poison but as I said, I will never see a guessing dermatologist. I tried everything.

The itch was maddening, got worse by the day, skin fell off, painful redness, couldn't smile or my skin would crack and burn. I still have pictures. Spread to my fingers and arms for touching my face. Then Bingo, my sainted mother came to mind. Let's do the pee. I placed a little jar of pee on the kitchen window sill with cotton balls and dabbed it on my face and arms every couple hours. Almost immediately the pain and itch subsided and was gone by night. Redness gone the next day. Intermittent Vicks to heal the skin, then back to the urine therapy. I suffered for 17 days with this poison and nothing worked, just got worse. Used my own urine and I was cured. Vicks is a marvel. All cuts, puncture wounds, wounds that won't heal, burns, scrapes, sores, rough scaly skin, rashes I have healed, some virtually overnight with Vicks. Some don't like the smell, may be allergic to the menthol, so caution needs to prevail.

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Wow! Admire your courage and adventurous spirit. Lots of folks would be squeamish 😉

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Most don't know that urine is antiseptic. It's been purified by the kidneys. It's you on you. If it doesn't help you it sure won't hurt you so try it. Nothing to lose really.

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thank you , finally someone else talks about the wonder of our own urine -well known in our household - any bite sting etc pee on it I would say and still say it to the grandchildren who look at me strangely but it always worked. 14 yr old daughter with excema , we waited for the school holidays she collected her urine and would lay down for about 20mins each day reading or drawing and I would lay cloths dipped in urine on the backs of her legs which were quite raw and very uncomfortable for her , by the time she went back to school it was gone and not been seen since. I recently read that someone has cured their dandruff with urine. it is known as a valid medicine in India . perhaps unbekoming will write on it -

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I use essential oils, castor oil, DMSO, iodine on anything skin related.

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Proving, once again, that what most people believe about most important things is based on lies and propaganda and, hence, wrong.

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Fantastic article, UNBEKOMING! Thank you.

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An eye-opening piece for a very fair blue-eyed girl like me who has been told all my life to fear the sun.

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EMFs also explain why the nordics got skin cancer on parts of their body that where mostly always covered, right at the time that wireless radiation exploded in their countries (TV, FM)

Electrosmog doesn't let our skin breathe, and disrupts circadian health by interfering with the light from the Sun. Getting infrared / red at the Sunrise helps us build melanin, which then helps us absorb UV. Brown melanocytes are often our body saying it's hungry for UV, which fights cancer.


Do you know a holistic dermatologist? Would love to interview them.

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Hah! Dermatology ... one of my favorite topics. I've been using black salve for 2-3 decades for skin spots. (Wish Greg Caton were still alive ... you would have done a fantastic job with that interview!)

I also freeze my own suspect spots.

Funny story on that: I can't remember who gave me the idea, but I started using a product designed for electronics that freezes stuff. The way I learned *how* to use it was through all of the posted reviews on the product -- people online were essentially teaching each other how to use it. Finally, way down the list of review comments, someone wrote "Does anyone actually use this product for its intended <electronics> purpose?!" LMAO...

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Dr. Jack Kruse says that smokers who get plenty of sun don't have any higher risk of cancer than pale non-smokers.

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A young doc at UCLA - brain! - pure brain! spoke about a study - just as an aside - during one of my many science/physiology classes - that carcinogenic behaviors AND sunshine exasperate DNA damage. Smokers and drinkers tinker with a poor outcome. There is no getting around it.

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May 6Edited

My neighbor was getting Mohs surgeries about once every month. I sent him research information on ivermectin and he tried it. Applied topically. He later went to his dermatologist who asked him what he was treating his skin

cancer with? When told about the ivermectin the doctor replied “a lot of my patients are using that….” Since then the doctor gave him a clean bill of health.

I also had diagnosed precancerous lesions on my forearm. I bought some ivermectin and after two applications the persistent non-healing raised red bumps disappeared.

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Great article, I also found this resource a brilliant summary of sunlights roll in our health


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Haha. This is not at all clever. This article would appear to be distracting y’all from the actual truth.

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We are a huge Irish clan of Factor VIII hemophiliacs so half our males were wiped out by tainted blood during 1970-80s and entered the world of childhood cancer hospitals because nobody but pediatric oncologists would touch the kids lest AIDS leap from a healthy child by virtue of clotting deficiency but Ryan White story captures that fab chapter in public health.

Rather launch into a litany of war stories that conclude at the same point for me over the course of decades is that the fundamental education is so broken and focus entirely based on treatments for symptoms that they will more likely kill you with anything but cutting and sewing.. chasing profitable remedies for illness never glancing at the assault of toxins our bodies are exposed to nor volume of gmo novel proteins ingest w bouquet of pesticides and herbicides before adulteration into food products.

I came to comment and was accidentally engaged mostly wanted to say there's an office number on the site if you didn't call and if you did call again and say now you are being nudged in the comments can we just do this! <3

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Question. What type of bulb is recommended to replace fluorescent in a work setting?

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Use old school incandescent bulbs. Here in Commiefornia they are a little difficult to find. The appliance bulbs are still incandescent.

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I love when the TV docs spew those wonderful words of “advice” for people going to the beach:


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