I remember years ago when I switched my PhD pursuits from business to education I learned how even then autism went from one in thousands affected to at the time 1;2000. Projection was to get to 1:50. We're already there plus. Evil has met it's objective ahead of schedule in their attempts to destroy God's Creation, and sadly people just can't see with resultant action to boycott the companies who poison our food, and the likes of this. .how is we gonna stop them filling the air? We'll meanwhile the angels are rosin up dey bows

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Nature has provided a protective and 'pristine' environment for health and healing.

When this pristine and precious environment is destabilized, disability, disease, injury and almost anything imaginable is possible.

Toxicity is dose dependent. Vaccines are cytotoxic but they need to cause damage ( transfection/T cell attacks) to the protective barriers.The Bolus Theory explains how random havoc ensues, how gluten and other substances enter the bloodstream, how hormones become uber or over regulated, how clots form .... ...

It seems obvious 'poking holes' in barriers and thus allowing all manner of toxic substances across the gut / blood brain barriers is an essential to understanding autism and vaccine harm. . ... Ty for your articles, always interesting.

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Infants have underdeveloped immune systems for the first few months of life as they have not experienced the world outside of the womb very long. They rely heavily on protective mechanisms from the mother that came through the placental barrier and are also in breast milk. Their immune systems also use Natural Killer cells (NK cells) to detect infected cells and take them out cleanly in a noninflammatory way by apoptotic signaling. Unfortunately, when NK cells are exposed to aluminum hydroxide that is present in childhood shots, an inflammasome pathway in the NK cell is activated causing the NK cell to release powerful inflammatory cytokines instead of an apoptotic signal. This unexpected inflammation could be tied to autism in some children.

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It is not just a undeveloped immune system, it is also lack of Breast Feeding, where they get mom's Colestrum that imparts some immunity.

My latest granddaughter was a second C-section, swallowed Anatomic fluidat birth, whisked to NIC U. She was a floppy doll when I saw her last at 4.5 months. FFT Baby. Gained about a pound a month. None of the usual baby skills. The upper respitory issues were present too. Her 6-year-old sister has had those every few months.Sometimes more than one at a time. Not laid eyes on them since Thanksgiving 2024.

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Btw. The correlation is clear since 1996 when they introduced health issues have sky rocketed, thrown in food additives and chemicals, floride, etc. And we don't need a brought to you by Pfizer or some other self interest group...not interested in our health but opposite to say on one of their "fact checker" sites that there is no proof. Hmm let's mess with the natural order of things and how's that working out? Millions are suffering slow deaths that's what. Why else would they need to slip in things such as the Monsanto Protection act etc etc. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lymeautism-group-blasts-g_b_268580

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It's strange that autism never affects the older populations. It makes perfect sense that dosing young children with dozens of filthy (anti-healthy) vaccines would lead to disastrous results.

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In older populations it's called Alzheimers/Dementia. It's exactly the same using the same vehicles. Flu and Shingles vax that elders take with frequency.

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Well done. Needs repeating, regardless of social consequences, lost friends etc.

Subcutaneous injection of anything is drastic. Doing it to newborns and infants ought to be unthinkable, yet criticism of same is unthinkable. I suppose conscientious mothers have the worst reactions, because of how deeply the subject touches them. But too bad.

Of course, what better way to normalise autism than to have a stuttering, grinning faux-genius prancing about the Oval Office (without suit!)? You too can be autistic! You too can talk in rushed sound-blurts! Occupy the White House...or Mars...or Devon Island...doesn't matter. Just get with the autism!

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Try 18 jabs at once, to a normal child, instant severe non verbal Autisim. My friend writes

Justin’s Substack, had it happen to his grandson.

The other end is older children and jabs like Garadsil. Injuries and nearly dying or dying. Hub's 16 year old granddaughter nearly died, left with RA/FIBROMYALGIA. She is now 25, and refuses all jabs for her daughter.They eat totaly organic.

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Great article, good insights, excellent information and may I add, some do—some don’t get autism from the same shots! Our team dug deeper and found the same mutations existing in family members who also struggled with autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, ADHD, etc. They almost all had alleles in the methylation cycle and the P450 system, etc! This suggested a defect in several areas but especially in liver detoxification and the rapid accumulation of multiple toxins including everything from food additives to household products! It is complex, but most importantly if we can test for genetics at birth we can become proactive and preventative with Nutrigenomic lifestyles, cleaner environments and less dependence on drugs! They say the the biggest money maker for the medical industrial complex is a sick child and that’s an embarrassment for our country’s reputation

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Excellent. Until the word 'FREE' was part of the equation most kids caught the common kids diseases were home treated. I'm 76 grew up with no jabs, until the Free Smallpox. 2 of the worst Flus, gave me the Flu, two weeks of being sick. Not had any jabs since.

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Very relevant. As JBH knows (see a previous comment on his blog, https://jbhandley.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autism-get-red-pilled/comments#comment-77271287), I'd like to add a few thing:

Talking about the presence of Al adjuvants into the brain, as a cause of neurotoxicity is only one part of the problem.

Indeed, we now know that a peripheric inflammation is sufficient to induce long-term changes on microglial cells (Wendeln et al., 2018) AND that modifying peripheral macrophages is able to induce a change in microglial inflammatory reactivity, then modulating the microglia synaptogenesis signaling pathway (Chiot et al., 2020). This is the second side of Al adjuvant neurotoxicity.

Finally, the global exposure to Al adjuvants is increasing since several decades, but above all, the number of repetitions of injections (activation of immune system) is increasing. Remember the multiple hit theory).

Last thing: we need to add another idea, i.e. the role of Al adjuvant exposure on intestinal microbiota and gut-brain axis.

Many things to do!!

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Flouride was a byproduct of Aluminum and dumped in the water supply.

Welcome Alzheimers.

Also people cooked with Aluminum pots.

Read Death By Injection

Eustace Mullins

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