Exactly.....how to educate the masses....it poses a real challenge. I'm horrified to think I may have damaged my kids in any way with any shots they had as children, but I take some small comfort in knowing we live in Europe where the number of shots was nowhere near the amount in the US....so so many and for what? ....what an absolute t…
Exactly.....how to educate the masses....it poses a real challenge. I'm horrified to think I may have damaged my kids in any way with any shots they had as children, but I take some small comfort in knowing we live in Europe where the number of shots was nowhere near the amount in the US....so so many and for what? ....what an absolute travesty. It's heartbreaking to watch the video of Aarons's Mom. It could have also been us living with this nightmare.
I'm an engineer in the early 1990's, I went into the infrastructure end of building the Internet. You can talk to anybody, anywhere in the world now, for a trivial amount of money. You can talk to a Russian, a Ukrainian, Libyan, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, whatever.
You want to know if our government is lying about a war? TRIVIAL to find out.
20 years ago, I felt a responsibility to try to educate people. Today, no. We just had the most obvious false pandemic ever. We had our media lie repeatedly about it, stir up panic and having MORONS scream and run around in panic. There's some people, that no matter what the TV says, how stupid it is, they'll believe it. This is about 70% of the population.
Don't waste your time on them. You can't change their minds, because they have no minds.
I can give you countless examples of this. 300,000 Americans SUPPOSEDLY died in 2020 due to "the pandemic". This is out of a population of 330,000,000 Americans. You can shift causes of death, but it's really hard to lie outright about how many died. It's pretty easy to find out that we didn't have a pandemic in 2020, simply because we didn't have a change in mortality rates.
Now I'm an engineer in Silicon Valley. I can get the original data (and have), draw it up, do some statistics on it, and show it to a colleague who is as competent as I am. You know how pointless to do with NINE of the 10 people? They won't even look at it. "If it was true, I would have heard about it" - yeah, you are, from ME.
I understand your perspective, as I also believe in personal responsibility. Perhaps, we cannot wake up the masses, but if I can reach a few, they could then also reach a few. Also, what if those masses include most of your family, and a lot of your old, and close friends....I have tried, and to me that matters a lot....I realise that most people are responsible for themselves....they are adults.; we do however, have to stand up for children. I'm also as frustrated as you that so many seem to be oblivious as to what is going on. I am glad to be a part of this Substack community so I feel less alone. Thank you for your comment. Eileen
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. That's what I learned.
I expected to be massive pushback once it was discovered that Iraq didn't have a weapons of mass destruction program, that the Anthrax attacks came from our own government (either rogue individual, or more likely intelligence false flag operation) - but no.
I woke up when I found out that Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, that she lied about the incubators, and our intelligence agencies HAD TO KNOW who she was. She lied in front of Congress. She was instrumental in the first Iraq war - Desert Storm.
Did you know that the FBI was involved in the bombing of the WTC in 1993? They had a mole in the group doing it, Emad Salem, he tried to warn the FBI. He didn't trust the FBI, so he recorded all his conversations with them. After the bombing, the DOJ indicted him, and as a result, he started releasing tapes of his conversations with the FBI:
The bombing could have been prevented, and it wasn't.
This is 30 years ago, and how many people know now?
3 decades I spent trying to wake people up. They're cattle. You can't wake them up. They simply don't care. You'd THINK people would care our own government made certain the WTC was bombed in 1993. They don't.
You are most generous in your estimation of the proportion of people that are too programmed and conditioned to listen. I personally put the percentage of NPCs as 99%, upwardly adjusted from 95 previously.
The human population has been bred like goyim cattle.
Jewish people are put in the forefront, but it’s not them, it’s just sociopaths. Jewish people cannot be attacked, because of “the holocaust”. You need a wider view. They are a shield, those are what we see, that’s all.
Exactly.....how to educate the masses....it poses a real challenge. I'm horrified to think I may have damaged my kids in any way with any shots they had as children, but I take some small comfort in knowing we live in Europe where the number of shots was nowhere near the amount in the US....so so many and for what? ....what an absolute travesty. It's heartbreaking to watch the video of Aarons's Mom. It could have also been us living with this nightmare.
No, it's not our problem to educate the masses.
I'm an engineer in the early 1990's, I went into the infrastructure end of building the Internet. You can talk to anybody, anywhere in the world now, for a trivial amount of money. You can talk to a Russian, a Ukrainian, Libyan, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, whatever.
You want to know if our government is lying about a war? TRIVIAL to find out.
20 years ago, I felt a responsibility to try to educate people. Today, no. We just had the most obvious false pandemic ever. We had our media lie repeatedly about it, stir up panic and having MORONS scream and run around in panic. There's some people, that no matter what the TV says, how stupid it is, they'll believe it. This is about 70% of the population.
Don't waste your time on them. You can't change their minds, because they have no minds.
I can give you countless examples of this. 300,000 Americans SUPPOSEDLY died in 2020 due to "the pandemic". This is out of a population of 330,000,000 Americans. You can shift causes of death, but it's really hard to lie outright about how many died. It's pretty easy to find out that we didn't have a pandemic in 2020, simply because we didn't have a change in mortality rates.
Now I'm an engineer in Silicon Valley. I can get the original data (and have), draw it up, do some statistics on it, and show it to a colleague who is as competent as I am. You know how pointless to do with NINE of the 10 people? They won't even look at it. "If it was true, I would have heard about it" - yeah, you are, from ME.
I understand your perspective, as I also believe in personal responsibility. Perhaps, we cannot wake up the masses, but if I can reach a few, they could then also reach a few. Also, what if those masses include most of your family, and a lot of your old, and close friends....I have tried, and to me that matters a lot....I realise that most people are responsible for themselves....they are adults.; we do however, have to stand up for children. I'm also as frustrated as you that so many seem to be oblivious as to what is going on. I am glad to be a part of this Substack community so I feel less alone. Thank you for your comment. Eileen
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. That's what I learned.
I expected to be massive pushback once it was discovered that Iraq didn't have a weapons of mass destruction program, that the Anthrax attacks came from our own government (either rogue individual, or more likely intelligence false flag operation) - but no.
I woke up when I found out that Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, that she lied about the incubators, and our intelligence agencies HAD TO KNOW who she was. She lied in front of Congress. She was instrumental in the first Iraq war - Desert Storm.
Did you know that the FBI was involved in the bombing of the WTC in 1993? They had a mole in the group doing it, Emad Salem, he tried to warn the FBI. He didn't trust the FBI, so he recorded all his conversations with them. After the bombing, the DOJ indicted him, and as a result, he started releasing tapes of his conversations with the FBI:
The bombing could have been prevented, and it wasn't.
This is 30 years ago, and how many people know now?
3 decades I spent trying to wake people up. They're cattle. You can't wake them up. They simply don't care. You'd THINK people would care our own government made certain the WTC was bombed in 1993. They don't.
You are most generous in your estimation of the proportion of people that are too programmed and conditioned to listen. I personally put the percentage of NPCs as 99%, upwardly adjusted from 95 previously.
The human population has been bred like goyim cattle.
Jewish people are put in the forefront, but it’s not them, it’s just sociopaths. Jewish people cannot be attacked, because of “the holocaust”. You need a wider view. They are a shield, those are what we see, that’s all.