Yes, that's the amazing thing, it was right in front of us all this time. They simply ran quality interference that made us doubt our own eyes and minds. Just like the Asch experiment.
Yes, that's the amazing thing, it was right in front of us all this time. They simply ran quality interference that made us doubt our own eyes and minds. Just like the Asch experiment.
Like. I have saved this entire article...thank you for saying this. Ive been a school teacher the past 20 years and I have been shocked at the ever increasing number of damaged kids...autistic, allergic, etc....I too didn't think the vaccines caused it at first..I looked at sonagrams, water, you name it. Nada. It all comes back to the vaccines. This is something you cannot unknow, and cannot unsee. Unfortunately, if it is not on the Nightly News, it is not real.
The United States doesn't have news at all, it has state propaganda, and please consider this, because it's true.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? 800,000 people were killed over that, if that was a "mistake", who was fired of demoted for that "error"?
The United States bombed Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis" if you remember, the death of Qaddafi left Libya in civil war with operating slavery markets.
Assad was "gassing his own people", but there were two people from the OPCW (Organization to Prevent the use of Chemical Weapons) that came forward and exposed that their higher ups falsified the evidence for the Douma chemical attack attacks - that never happened. They explain, in detail, how they know it was staged to appear to have happened, but nobody died from a chemical weapons attack. They can prove this.
We are now told that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "completely unprovoked and unjustified". Did you know the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014? We know this with absolute certainty because Victoria Nuland had a conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out the next "leader" (US puppet) of Ukraine at least 2 weeks and 4 days before Viktor Yanukovych was forced from power. Here's the transcript, read it carefully:
The transcript is what is important, ignore the commentary.
Everything I just said is correct, and by all means question me if you don't believe me. For the things you were unaware of it's not your fault, you just don't realize how much propaganda there is, and it's EVERYWHERE. It's not just in news, it's in "entertainment" as well.
Why am *I* the one telling you, why don't you hear this in our news? It's because we have no news to speak of. The US doesn't have a news media at all except in small islands, on the Internet.
Those are just a few major examples I gave. There's endless examples.
Yes, that's the amazing thing, it was right in front of us all this time. They simply ran quality interference that made us doubt our own eyes and minds. Just like the Asch experiment.
Like. I have saved this entire article...thank you for saying this. Ive been a school teacher the past 20 years and I have been shocked at the ever increasing number of damaged kids...autistic, allergic, etc....I too didn't think the vaccines caused it at first..I looked at sonagrams, water, you name it. Nada. It all comes back to the vaccines. This is something you cannot unknow, and cannot unsee. Unfortunately, if it is not on the Nightly News, it is not real.
The United States doesn't have news at all, it has state propaganda, and please consider this, because it's true.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? 800,000 people were killed over that, if that was a "mistake", who was fired of demoted for that "error"?
The United States bombed Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis" if you remember, the death of Qaddafi left Libya in civil war with operating slavery markets.
Assad was "gassing his own people", but there were two people from the OPCW (Organization to Prevent the use of Chemical Weapons) that came forward and exposed that their higher ups falsified the evidence for the Douma chemical attack attacks - that never happened. They explain, in detail, how they know it was staged to appear to have happened, but nobody died from a chemical weapons attack. They can prove this.
We are now told that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "completely unprovoked and unjustified". Did you know the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014? We know this with absolute certainty because Victoria Nuland had a conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out the next "leader" (US puppet) of Ukraine at least 2 weeks and 4 days before Viktor Yanukovych was forced from power. Here's the transcript, read it carefully:
The transcript is what is important, ignore the commentary.
Everything I just said is correct, and by all means question me if you don't believe me. For the things you were unaware of it's not your fault, you just don't realize how much propaganda there is, and it's EVERYWHERE. It's not just in news, it's in "entertainment" as well.
Why am *I* the one telling you, why don't you hear this in our news? It's because we have no news to speak of. The US doesn't have a news media at all except in small islands, on the Internet.
Those are just a few major examples I gave. There's endless examples.