Hold up a fn damn minute. Your telling me these cunts recall Lucas PawPaw Ointment for possible contamination and a low threat for anyone getting a possible rash and they have data back there hidden from public view so parents can’t make informed fn decisions. Oh my. This is targeted malice / malfeasance in public office. I’ll contact u via email.
Hold up a fn damn minute. Your telling me these cunts recall Lucas PawPaw Ointment for possible contamination and a low threat for anyone getting a possible rash and they have data back there hidden from public view so parents can’t make informed fn decisions. Oh my. This is targeted malice / malfeasance in public office. I’ll contact u via email.
Hold up a fn damn minute. Your telling me these cunts recall Lucas PawPaw Ointment for possible contamination and a low threat for anyone getting a possible rash and they have data back there hidden from public view so parents can’t make informed fn decisions. Oh my. This is targeted malice / malfeasance in public office. I’ll contact u via email.
Yes, that is well put. Pretending to care about a rash, while turning a blind eye to decades of slaughter.