Food water and shelter(private property).

By creating dominant government joint control via corporations this is under way.

Talk to ranchers. Talk to the stewards of the land living in harmony as their livings depend on that. E Nickson has boots on the ground researched this. The destruction of logging. The destruction of the small farm.

Regulations imposed and the goons enforce. Powerless ness describes the sadness the evolved when bank rupted and the land is lost. Family trees uprooted.

This multi pronged assault of human rights leads back to a one world government run by psychopaths. We need to get educated and stop this petty arguing while this gets worse by the day. A fight for our very humanity in underway and the majority continue to comply with this mind controlled agenda. I’d go so far as say it is unstoppable because our human goodness does allow humans to see the obvious. Denial. They wouldn’t do that! It seems all so normal until it isn’t and it’s too late.

Kill box compliance or die, too late.

Tick, tick, the clock never stops and we the humans that can see the obvious are being sucked along with programmed compliance.

Who is the enemy?

. . .

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GMO was originally called Genetically MUTATED Organism. Once you Genetically MUTATE an organism it never stops MUTATING. It's not modifying, that implies it's controlled, which it is not. It is MUTATING uncontrollably. Round-ups active chemical is Glysophate which was originally developed as a Antibiotic. High rates of Glyphosate are diminishing the Flora and Funa in the soil that are critical to the health of the soil.

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Glyphosate is classed as antibiotic that was not its development aim.. In my decades of tracking biotech from its original GE patent for bacteria to clean oil spills I have never seen the term Genetically Mutated Organism anywhere.. please link reference ty.

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Being a old farmer I have always been protective of my most important asset The health of the soil and it's ecosystems. Glyphosate was first patented in 47 as a antibiotic. The chemical does not kill the plant. It sterilisers then the plant is killed by diseases. The proof is in spraying a plant and then putting plastic around it to protect the plant from disease entering and the plant doesn't die. I see what you mean about the use of the Word MUTATED. I looked through the mainstream information system and could not find it. I strongly believe thats what it was originally named but it was changed to modified. I didn't want to grow something that was MUTATING. And easier to SELL modifying than mutating. Unfortunately my father burned all my books in the early eighties. The uptake of important minerals for plants is also inhibited by Glyphosate which is not widely promoted. Thanks for the challenge sorry I couldn't reference.

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Fun history trivia ty .. old enough to remember Erewhon as hippie farmers in white panel trucks w sacks of oats that smelled like weed.. Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and family filled w cancers made food and water purity an obsession decades before organic labels & one old farmer told me to look for hands that love the soil and that tells you the love in your food!!

It's criminal what petrochemicals the corp mafia poison us with.. good news is growing local organic regenerative.. if you aren't listed w zip code search map at Organic Consumers jump on.. always remind folks every dollar is a vote so vote for what grows goodness & health!! :~)


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Made me laugh your sacks of oats. I love getting my hands dirty and working with the Earth. Very sad what has happened to farming. Thanks for the tip on the organics. I live in West Australia. It's a little different out here.

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Good on you mate.. fab WA vibes.. dear old friend schooled me in Larrikin spirit & surf lifesaving teams rumored to be Perth area favorite! <3

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Are mRNA vaccines genetic modification? If so are GMO humans now "owned" under patent law? Just a thought.

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Good Day Unbekoming and commentariat,

Almost all alfalfa today is GM alfalfa. The engineering happened a while ago. The goal was to make Alfalfa produce more calcium. However the ration of Calcium to other minerals such as magnesium was not maintained.

Today a small dairy goat farm that feeds alfalfa is also having to supplement magnesium. I suspect other minerals are no longer in the proper rations that nature intended with the evolution of alfalfa over the millennia. I don't have the heart to suggest that alfalfa may be the root cause of some of the mineral dietary issues. Why? Because these days it is nearly impossible to purchase truly organic and non GM alfalfa, or to be able to pay for it.

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All the wheat we eat these days is Rockefeller wheat. Dwarf hybrid wheat developed by Norman Borlaug in the 50s in Mexico at the Rockefeller-funded Cooperative Wheat Research Production Program. Drive past a wheat field today and the plants are barely higher than my ankle!

Talk about monopoly. Petroleum, food, medicine - Rockefeller rules the roost.

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Thanks! Audio would be nice ...

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